Cold Hearted Vampire PG-13 Champagne Challenge 124

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Cold Hearted Vampire PG-13 Champagne Challenge 124

Post by cassysj »

I do not own any recognizable characters no copyright infringement is intended.

Josef Kostan was cold and it had nothing to do with the temperature. He looked down at the beautiful blonde in the freezer and he prayed that it would turn out differently this time. He wasn’t sure he could survive another accident. If it failed again, he’d have to destroy her. There was no way he was going to start a hospital wing for comatose vampires.

It was so different this time. He met Solita almost nine years ago. She had been his freshie for six years and his girlfriend the last three. Girlfriend was such an idiotic word. He certainly wasn‘t a “boyfriend“ at 400. He much preferred gentleman caller or suitor. Sarah, Simone, Solita. He wasn’t going to date any more “S” women.

He had accepted that fact that Sarah would never wake up, he didn’t like it but he accepted it. He tried turning Simone five years ago and she didn’t survive the transition. At least her end was quick and painless. Solita had been there through his mood swings and self-loathing. She brought him back to life and they had enjoyed each other’s company.

They never had any philosophical discussions about vampirism. She never asked to be turned. He shivered. Did he do the right thing? Would she wake up angry like Mick? Would she wake up at all?

He should have driven tonight but she was so excited with her new car. The road was slippery and before he could grab the wheel they crashed into a tree. He looked down at her broken and battered body, so much of her beautiful AB negative blood going to waste.

He pulled her from the wreckage and bit into her savagely. When he fed her she lapped up his blood like a thirsty puppy but then went limp. He knew that was normal but what was normal with his turnings anymore.

He called the Cleaners and they made sure a blonde “Jane Doe” would be found in the car, burned beyond recognition. The only family she had was an elderly mother who was going to receive a very large insurance policy courtesy of Kostan Industries.

He opened the ice cold freezer and checked on her. She was still “dead”. He climbed in next to her and closed the lid. His breath turned to smoke in front of him. That was one of the first lessons you had to teach a vampire, unnecessary breathing. It was your first line of defense against humans.

He wrapped his arms around her for a quick nap. They were locked in and she didn’t know the security code for the freezer.

A few minutes later her body started to shiver. He eyes opened and she panicked when she saw her surroundings. She started to bang on the freezer door and scream.

“Let me out!”

Josef spoke in his most authoritative tone. “Do you know who I am?”

Years of training made Solita respond. “Yes.”

“Who am I?”

“Josef Kostan, my vampire.”

Josef smiled. “Relationship status has just become more complicated.”

“Josef, I’m going to die in here.”

“Wrong tense Babe. What’s the last thing you remember?”

“We went to the beach and then I was driving you home. And then…..then” She started banging on the freezer again.

“Solita you are not getting out of here until you understand what happened.”

“I’m starving!”

Josef bit his wrist and brought it to her lips. She never smelled anything so delicious in her life. Her fangs dropped and she drank like she’d been at it for centuries.

“That’s my girl. Drink as much as you want.”

As much as Solita wanted was starting to weaken Josef. He told her to retract and when she didn’t he growled and pinned her down. He was glad he bought the super-deluxe freezer last year which was quite spacious for the two of them. Subconsciously he must have been expecting a vampire lady friend.

“What are you?” He yelled.

“I’m an accountant.”

“Solita, don’t be cute. What are you?”

He eyes closed. “I’m a vampire.”

“That’s good. Now, I’m going to get out of the freezer and get you more blood. You’re going to stay in here.”

“Josef I’m cold!”

“Solita, Obey.” He said it so softly it chilled her blood. She knew disobedience was not an option.

“Can I have a blanket?”

He chuckled. “Solita it’s psychological. Your body loves the cold. A blanket will make you uncomfortable.”

“Can I have one anyway?”

He was going to say no, but he was so relieved she woke up. “All right, I’m opening the freezer, if you try to jump out you will be handcuffed.”

She smiled “And not in the fun way?”

“Not for either of us. If you make me burn my hands cuffing you, there will be one very angry sire in the house.”

Every fiber of her being wanted to get out of here and hunt for food but the rational part of her mind told her to wait. After all these years she knew his serious tone.

He watched her and quickly opened the lid and relocked it.

She pounded on the door. “My blanket.”

He grabbed one from the linen closet and opened the freezer just enough to slip it in. She’d be tossing it off in a minute but right now he had to get her fresh blood. If he didn't know better he say his cold heart had started to beat the moment she woke up.
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Re: Cold Hearted Vampire PG-13 Champagne Challenge 124

Post by AussieJo »

Maybe she's a hybrid! :snicker:
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Re: Cold Hearted Vampire PG-13 Champagne Challenge 124

Post by allegrita »

Oh, Cassy! :hearts: I'm so glad to find out how Solita was turned! Somehow I thought you'd never tell us. This is great--it makes total sense, too... poor Simone... and poor Josef, no wonder he's swearing off trying to turn women whose names start with S!

I love Solita wanting a blanket. I think I'd want one too... after all, it's more the comfort factor than the insulation factor. Ooh, I'm just tickled--I'm so glad we found out how it happened. :rose:
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Re: Cold Hearted Vampire PG-13 Champagne Challenge 124

Post by francis »

I'm so happy for Solita and Josef, especially since his turnings don't quite catch sometimes.
She's still her old self, and that's comforting. The blanket thing was cute.
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Re: Cold Hearted Vampire PG-13 Champagne Challenge 124

Post by Luxe de Luxe »

I found this totally fascinating, cassy. I nearly laughed at the bit where he decided not to date any more S's. :snicker:
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Re: Cold Hearted Vampire PG-13 Champagne Challenge 124

Post by cassysj »

Aussie - Turnings are never easy for Josef.

Alle - I knew Solita's turning was spur of the moment, I think Josef would have to think long and hard before planning another turning. I totally agree about the blanket being comfort. I'm sure in the next few weeks Josef will tease her incessantly about being the only fledgling with a blankie. :snicker:

francis - I wanted Solita to be as normal as possible after the turning.

Luxe - Thanks for reading. Josef needs to avoid S's. :rolling:
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Re: Cold Hearted Vampire PG-13 Champagne Challenge 124

Post by jen »

Ok, now I have to catch up.

This is several years down the road and Josef tried to
Turn Simone and it didn't work out. So, Josef logically decided that hair color must be a factor so he is trying blondes.

The blanket touch was darling and knowing about the freezer as she obviously did (and no doubt had been around them before) her request was probably rooted in being cold before. Love that Josef is humoring her by tossing her one, all the while knowing that it is not going to satisfy her.

I hope there is more to this coming. Solita and Beth should meet (if they haven't already).


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Re: Cold Hearted Vampire PG-13 Champagne Challenge 124

Post by cassysj »

jen wrote:Ok, now I have to catch up.

This is several years down the road and Josef tried to
Turn Simone and it didn't work out. So, Josef logically decided that hair color must be a factor so he is trying blondes.

:rolling: :hug: Thanks for reading and commenting. You have me spitting hot chocolate at the blonde factor.

Solita is one of my freshie characters from my doll series and I've spilled her over into almost every series I've written.

Actually "Solita Doll" is the reason I started writing ML fanfic. I never saw a doll that looked more like a freshie. Here's my girl, imagine how hot she would look as a human. :snicker:


Beth and Solita have met in my world and they can both be intimidating women. It's their way or the highway. Josef and Mick will spend a lot of nights drinking wondering what they got themselves into. :laugh:
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Re: Cold Hearted Vampire PG-13 Champagne Challenge 124

Post by allegrita »

cassysj wrote:Josef and Mick will spend a lot of nights drinking wondering what they got themselves into. :laugh:
Ain't it the truth!! :rolling: :rolling: :rolling:
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Re: Cold Hearted Vampire PG-13 Champagne Challenge 124

Post by Lucy »

:clapping: favorite line...."And not in the fun way"..... :snicker:

Just leave it to Josef to be perplexed by Solita....... :laugh:

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Re: Cold Hearted Vampire PG-13 Champagne Challenge 124

Post by darkstarrising »

This is cute, but also sad. Josef's ability to sire the women he loved has made his nervous, but in Solita's case, he didn't really have a choice. Maybe now with Solita a successful turning, he can relax again, but somehow, I get the feeling that she's going to be a handful.

Loved the line about not dating anymore 'S' women. :snicker:
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Re: Cold Hearted Vampire PG-13 Champagne Challenge 124

Post by redwinter101 »

I loved this, Carol, it's a great mix of Josef's fear that, once again, someone he cares about has died because the turning has gone wrong and then Solita's disorientation at her new state:
cassysj wrote:“What are you?” He yelled.

“I’m an accountant.”
:rolling: :rolling:



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Re: Cold Hearted Vampire PG-13 Champagne Challenge 124

Post by choccyterri »

Hi Cassy! :hearts: I Loved this story honey..:)
Josef's interaction with his new fledgeling makes me laugh... :snicker: Someone who can handle him :teeth:
As I'm relatively new, forgive me, but I take it this comes from a bigger series of stories?? Where should I go to read them honey?
I so what to see what becomes of their relationship... :flowers: xx

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Re: Cold Hearted Vampire PG-13 Champagne Challenge 124

Post by cassysj »

Lucy - Josef and Solita have quite a history but she's still surprising. :hearts:

DSR - Josef would have to be gunshy after Sarah no matter what he said. Throw in another failed turning with Simone and I could only see him doing it when literally life or death or an almost sure thing like Mick's returning. Sarah and Simone always struck me and I love the name Solita.

Red - Thank you so much. :rose: Poor Solita, I imagine you'd be very confused if the last thing you remembered was driving and now you're in a freezer but numbers an accountant can always hold on to.

choccyterri - Thanks so much for reading.
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Re: Cold Hearted Vampire PG-13 Champagne Challenge 124

Post by PNWgal »

Just lovely, Carol. :smooch:

I can see where Josef would be nervous about another turning, seeing how two previous turns had not...well, turned out well. :teeth: I can imagine he'd be relieved when Solita finally came out fine on the other side.
cassysj wrote:“All right, I’m opening the freezer, if you try to jump out you will be handcuffed.”

She smiled “And not in the fun way?”
That got me to giggling. :laugh:

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