Jolly Old St. Nick By Ella713 Rated PG

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Re: Jolly Old St. Nick By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by jen »

Oh, dear.

Mick has now identified that a rogue vampire is at fault here. Dangerous.

Looking forward to seeing where this is headed.

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Re: Jolly Old St. Nick By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Steve took Amber out for coffee when her shift was over. She was a cute girl, but definitely too young for Steve to consider.
“Elijah Hemford” she said rolling her eyes and taking a sip of her latte. “He came here two years ago. Okay, the guy is insane! He would walk around and call all the girls whores just because they wore make up to class. Always quoting the bible and stuff like that. Leslie in administration said his family is Amish!” Amber said.
“Amish? Why would he come to Los Angeles?” Steve wondered out loud.
“Maybe he got tired of it, but really he should have started off with smaller city…like…..what’s that city where all the church people live? Not in California?” She said trying to think of city.
“Salt Lake City” Steve answered.
“Yeah! That’s it! He should have gone there. Anyway, he got real mad at Grace when she came to English class in that outfit! He was yelling and shaking like hyperventilating. Said she was a harlot and God would smite her” She said shaking her head.
“What did Grace say to him?” Steve asked.
“Well she knew it would set him off so she teased him and asked if he wanted to touch her. Stuff like that. She kept shaking her butt in front of him. That’s when he threatened to go to the Dean”
“Did he?”
“Not that I know of. But he was so shaken up by what Grace did, he didn’t show up for class for a whole week. Then he came back and he seemed different.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well……he didn’t yell at Grace anymore or any of the other girls. He was calm, like he was waiting for something” Amber tried to explain.

Steve told Beth everything that Amber had told him.
‘We need to let Carl know about this. Maybe he can run a background check on this Elijah guy” Beth was thinking about that week he was missing from class. She wondered what he had been doing. Suddenly Beth became very interested in Elijah Hemford. “Does he live on campus?” Beth asked.
“Yeah. Amber said he lives in Summit Hall”
“Let’s pay him a visit first” Beth said.
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Re: Jolly Old St. Nick By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by jen »

This guy does not sound like he is entirely stable. the religious folk that I know are very kind, caring people and limit their judgments to themselves rather than others. Not in our job description, anyway.

If he has been Turned and abandoned, all bets are off. He doesn't have a chance to fight the raging appetites that now control him.

True, Beth's a vampire now, but the younger a vampire is the more vulnerable they are and I'd feel better if she had Mick or Isabel with her. Even Brian or Gabe would provide needed backup.

Just sayin'

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Re: Jolly Old St. Nick By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Mick had tried calling Beth several times and it kept going to voicemail. That wasn’t like her. So he called her boss Gary at ActionNews and was told she was doing an investigation on the mall attacks. Great! He thought. Now I’ve got to worry about my wife too!

Beth and Steve knocked on the dorm room door. A young man opened the door.
“Hi, I’m…” she began to say.
“Shit! You the lady from the news!” he said in surprise.
“Yes. I’m Beth St. John. Are you Elijah Hemford?”
“Hell no! We kicked that freak out last week!”
“Do you know where he went?” Beth asked.
“No. And don’t care. Elijah was real bummer. All he did was preach and tell us that God would smite us! He didn’t like you either” he said to Beth
“Me? I never met him” she said in surprise
“Well, we were all watching you on the news and he said you wore whore clothes” he said laughing. Beth blinked.
“Whore clothes? Are you serious?”
“One button undone was whore clothing to Elijah”

He was hiding in the bathroom awaiting his chance. He watched them all go into that filthy store and buy the things that whores wear. God would smith them all.

Lenora paused in front of the lingerie store hesitant to go in. She had never been inside of a store like that, but lately she felt all of her 48 years. Her husband Roy had stopped desiring her after the birth of their third child. Her next door neighbor Helen said that she should try and spice things up in their relationship. She said the thing she had purchased had worked quite well for her and he husband. She looked at the display in the windows. It didn’t look two bad. Maybe she should just go in and look she thought to herself.
She walked into the store and looked all around.
“May I help you” a young woman asked her in hushed tones.
“Well…….uh…I’m not really sure..” she stammered. The sales lady nodded her head. She knew why the woman had come.
“Let me show you some things” she said and steered her to a part of the boutique where more modest items were displayed. The sales lady showed her various silk gowns in different colors and gave her helpful tips on candles and lighting and even how to wear her hair. By the time Lenora left with her purchases she was feeling excited about the upcoming evening.
She was walking out towards the back parking lot when she felt a breeze brush her face. Then she fell to the ground.
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Re: Jolly Old St. Nick By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by jen »

Oh, no.

This Elijah is one seriously messed up vampire. Before that, it sounds like he is one seriously messed up human.
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Re: Jolly Old St. Nick By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Carl got the call as soon as he had just made it back to the office.
“Are you kidding!” he yelled at dispatch. There was another body at Westfield Mall. Carl turned around got back into his car and drove off towards the mall. He pulled up and saw that Beth and Steve were already there.
“Beth! What did you find out?” he asked anxiously.
“We think the suspect is a young man named Elijah Hemford. He was a classmate of Grace Crawford’s. He’s a religious fanatic according to some of the students. He has issues with women wearing make up and revealing clothing” Beth explained.
“Whore clothing I think it was called” Steve said looking at Beth.
“Anyway” Beth said rolling her eyes at Steve “He’s missing. His roommates at Summit Hall kicked him out and he hasn’t been seen in over a week.”
Carl started talking to a police officer on the scene. He told him to put out an APB on Elijah Hemford.
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Re: Jolly Old St. Nick By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by francis »

This guy is really messed up. I hope they find him. To kill a 48 year old woman because she wants to be sexy for her husband is so atrocious!
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Re: Jolly Old St. Nick By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by jen »

Sorry, but I would just call Elijah a fanatic and a horribly dangerous one at that.

Nutcase: a couple of aces missing from the deck, all the lights on the string are definitely not lighting up, a few planks short of a cord...
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Re: Jolly Old St. Nick By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Marigold »

:hankie: Poor Lenora.
jen wrote:Nutcase: a couple of aces missing from the deck, all the lights on the string are definitely not lighting up, a few planks short of a cord...
A few sandwiches short of a picnic... (I heard this the other day and thought that it was kind of cute. :snicker: )
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Re: Jolly Old St. Nick By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by allegrita »

Aww... poor Lenora. You're good at painting people in a few words and making them very sympathetic. (And then killing them!) :eek2:

This is a very gripping story! :teeth:
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Re: Jolly Old St. Nick By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Mick lost the vamps trail and was beginning to become frustrated. He was going to head back to the mall when his phone rang.
“Mick, its Carl. I really need you help!” Carl said
“What’s going on?”
“There been another murder at Westfield Mall. The mayor is on my ass and they want this freak caught now! I’ve got every man in the force working on this case, but still nothing. Mick, you know I wouldn’t ask you unless it was desperate. If there is anything at all you can do, now is the time to do it!”
“Carl, you have my word. I will find this guy!” Mick said through clenched teeth. Mick hung up his phone and called Isabelle.
“Isabelle, its Mick. There’s been another killing at Westfield Mall. We need to find this vamp ASAP! I need you to gather all the cleaners!” Mick said
“As you wish” Isabelle said and hung up and walked into Brian’s office.
“Brian, you are needed” She said simply. Brian stood up and walked out the door with her.

Isabelle, Brian and the other cleaners met with Mick in the parking lot of the mall planning out a strategy.
“For some reason, the vamp is targeting the women in this particular mall.” Mick explained. “He’s newly made not more than a week. The fact that he’s rogue means that no one has taught him to live amongst humans. Their smell is unique. Generally newly turned vamps have almost no smell, but rogues leave behind a smell that is almost………”Mick tried to explain.
“Anger.” Isabelle said quietly “It will be a very strong animalistic smell. It will be unlike anything you have ever smelled before.”
Mick nodded.
“We will divide up into teams of two and walk around the mall. All the attacks have taken place on the ground floor or in the parking lot.”
They divided into teams and began to circle the mall.

Beth and Steve sat in the food court discussing what they should do next.
“Look its’ apparent that this guy really hates the lingerie store, I say we stake out the boutique for the rest of the day” Steve said. Beth could find nothing wrong with it, so they agreed to stay close by the boutique.

Elijah watched the woman. She was the whore from the local news that his roommates used salivate over! Oh! She would definitely be the one. The one to make an example of. Even though he himself was damned, he would still carry out the work of the Lord!

Beth’s nose wrinkled. Something smelled foul. Like rotten eggs or something. She looked around for the source but could see nothing.

Mick was just turning the corner when he caught Beth’s scent. He followed it and found her sitting on a bench on the lobby floor.
“Babe what are you doing here?” He said sitting down next to her.
“Mick. Uh…..well Steve and I are trying to get the jump on this mall killer” she said. Mick closed his eyes and shook his head. Of course Beth would be working on this story. Why hadn’t he thought of that?
“Babe, the killer is a vamp. A rogue vamp at that. Isabelle and I are tracking it right now.”
“Rogue? Are you sure?”
“Well then I may have some information for you. Steve and I spoke with some of the victim’s friends and they said that she had a problem with a classmate named Elijah Hemford. He grew up Amish and had serious issues with women he thought had loose morals. Myself included. All the women who were killed visited that lingerie store” She explained.
“He made a comment about me wearing whore clothing”
Mick smiled.
“Okay…. What I need you to do is go into the store and buy something then head for the parking lot” Mick said.

Elijah watched the man walk over to the whore. Most likely making arrangements of some kind for a sordid sexual escapade, because he saw her then walk into that store.

Beth walked into the lingerie store. The store was your basic Victoria Secret type store. They had some really tame items that were almost demure, but they really catered to a woman expressing her “wild side”. Beth looked at some of racier items and randomly chose a few. After she had been rung up she took her purchases and headed towards the parking lot. She listened all around her and didn’t hear anything although she could smell both Mick and Brian somewhere in the distance. Suddenly she was knocked to the ground hard. She felt someone on top of her.
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Re: Jolly Old St. Nick By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Marigold »

Using Beth as bait makes me nervous. :nails: :nosee:

Mick and Brian better come to her rescue... and soon!
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Re: Jolly Old St. Nick By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by jen »

I really hope Mick and Isabel are paying attention...
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Re: Jolly Old St. Nick By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Brian saw the vamp attack Beth and flew at rapid speed to her side. Elijah bent his head to Beth’s throat when he noticed a young man behind him. He jumped up to face him.
“Who are you?” Elijah asked. Brian looked at the rogue.
“Who did this to you?” he asked. Elijah looked confused.
“I don’t know. I woke up this way” he said.
“Why are you trying to kill this woman?”
“She’s a whore! And all whores will be smited in the name of the Lord!” he yelled turning quickly to finish what he had started, but saw that the woman was no longer there. And in her place a tall dark haired man barring his vampiric fangs. Brian quickly staked him from behind and Isabelle and the cleaners took him away.
“Is mom okay?” Brian asked and turned when he heard her voice
“I’m fine Brian. But next time you two need bait, you can find someone else” she said

“Babe are you alright?” Mick asked walking over to her.
“Yes. But I think from now one I’ll leave the rogues and serial killers to you”
“That’s a good plan” Mick whispered.

Carl always got the feeling that where Mick St. John was concerned, he was never getting the full information on any situation. He was very tempted to ask, but he felt like it was best if he was left out of it completely. But there was the evidence in front of him. Elijah Hemford died in a car accident while being chased by Mick. The killer had been killed. Things were back to normal, at least normal for Los Angeles. So why did he have this funny feeling something wasn’t right? He picked up the phone and rang Ben Talbot. He remembered Talbot talking about some file he received……………………….

The End
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Re: Jolly Old St. Nick By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by francis »

Phew. Great case, great solution. I suspect that Carl won't take the evasive answers anymore.
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