Savannah's New Life - A Jealousy Epilogue (G, One shot)

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Savannah's New Life - A Jealousy Epilogue (G, One shot)

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Just for fun. :laugh: Unbeta-ed. I just took AJ's plot bunny and ran with it.

AussieJo wondered what Savannah’s life was like now up in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. So I called her up and asked…

Savannah’s New Life – A Jealousy Epilogue

“Hello, Fire & Ice Bed & Breakfast, this is Savannah speaking. How can I help you?”

“Hey Savannah, this is MickLifeCrisis calling.”

“MLC! How good to hear from you! How are you doing?”

“I’m doing fine, thanks. I was calling to see how you were doing. One of the readers was asking about you.”

“Oh I’m doing great. Honestly! Things couldn’t be better.”

“Really?” I sounded skeptical.

“Well, I’ll admit it was really hard at first.”


“I brought a lot of emotional baggage with me, you know? Plus it’s so different from LA. But Jason was so wonderful! He…”

“Hold on a minute there… Your Keeper’s name is ‘Jason’?”

“Yeah, isn’t that a hoot?” She giggled. “Anyway, he had given up on ever finding a private freshie who would live up here and had become a bit of a recluse. But he is so easy to talk to and he helped me get my head on straight. He said I made him feel young again.”

“So how old is he?”

“Around 310. He was turned when he was 40 and he’s very distinguished looking,” she said. I swear she almost swooned.

“Say, is there something going on between you two that’s more than being a private freshie?”

“Well…let’s just say that we’ve gotten very…close.”


“Yes, close. And leave at it that for now.”

“Okay, we’ll leave it at that.” I cleared my throat. “So what about the weather? And the isolation?”

“Yeah, that was some of the hard part. I hated the cold. In LA I was freezing if the temperature dipped to 50 degrees and here it gets down to the single digits. But I got used to it and Jason got me this fabulous fur coat and taught me to ski…”

“A fur coat? Real fur? PETA would have a word or two to say about that if you were still in LA.”

“I know, but see they’re not up here! That’s what’s so cool. And besides almost everyone up here hunts.”

“I see. What about the isolation?”

“That couldn’t be more different than LA, believe me. And I have to admit, I miss not having some girlfriends up here.” Her voice was tinged with sadness.

“I imagine it puts a damper on ‘girls night out’, eh?”

“Yes, I miss those.” Then her voice brightened. “But it’s gorgeous up here. I had never left LA before this. All I knew was the city. If I spent any time outdoors it was at the beach or beside a pool. But up here we go outside all the time. Jason has taken me to Tahquamenon Falls and Pictured Rocks – they’re awesome – and Sault Ste. Marie. He has a boat and we go out on Lake Superior. And there are so many national forests up here. I’ve never seen so many trees!”

“And you like the trees, do you?”

“Oh, yes now I do. Sounds silly to say, doesn’t it?”

“A little. What about in the summer; aren’t there a lot of biting flies and nasty insects like that?”

“Wanna hear something amazing?” she asked conspiratorially. “Those biting flies don’t like vampire blood. Jason told me to drink a little bit of his blood, and they would all leave me alone. And you know what? It worked!”

“Wow, that is amazing. Too bad they can’t sell that commercially,” I said.

“Yeah, I know, right?” she giggled. “Oh, and did I tell you about Jason’s mansion?”

“No, you didn’t. He has a mansion?”

“Well, let’s just say a very, very large house. It’s not quite a mansion by Hollywood standards,” she laughed. “But it’s really rustic looking and has all these rooms. I told him he should turn it into a bed and breakfast and so that’s what we did! I help run it.”

“But, um, do you get any guests?”

“Sure we do and they love it. See, we’re just outside of Houghton, where Michigan Tech is. So we get parents of the college kids, and also a lot of Nordic skiers because there are tons of ski trails here. Plus, we’re vamp friendly. You’d be surprised at how many vampires come up here in winter. That’s how we came up with the name, ‘Fire & Ice’.”

“Very clever. Well, it sounds like you took lemons and made lemonade. Good for you.”

“Um, MLC?” she asked, suddenly timid.


“How is Kylie? Would you…would you tell her how sorry I am for all the pain I caused her and everything? Do you think she’ll ever forgive me?”

“She already has, Savannah. That’s her nature. She knows you didn’t mean for things to turn out the way they did. And she’s fine, by the way. Still working as a private for Josef.”

“Oh, that’s good to hear.” She sounded relieved. “How about Janelle and Lizette?”

“Janelle is thinking about retiring from the Moonlight Club soon. She’s been taking some business classes and wants to manage her own club in the future. And Lizette… well, Lizette is Lizette, if you know what I mean,” I laughed.

Savannah laughed too. “Yes, I know what you mean.”

“Well, I’ll let you get back to work. It was good talking to you and I’m glad things turned out well for you after all.”

“Thanks, and it was good talking to you, too. Oh, and MLC? Thank you for not killing me at the end of your story.”

“That was up to Josef, not me. And it was only because Kylie spoke up so earnestly on your behalf. You owe her a lot.”

“I know. Give her and the others my best, will you please?”

“I sure will. You take care now. Bye.”

“Good bye!”
Last edited by MickLifeCrisis on Mon Apr 30, 2012 12:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Savannah's New Life - A Jealousy Epilogue (G, One shot)

Post by AussieJo »

Awww MLC,thank you! :hug: And good on Savannah. You know I imagined Jason around 40 and his vampire age! You did a bit of research for this. Actually I did too after I found out where Savannah had been banished to. A very unLA place!
I loved the phone call, And she's started a vampire friendly B&B. It's amazing what love can do!
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Re: Savannah's New Life - A Jealousy Epilogue (G, One shot)

Post by allegrita »

This is very cool! :yahoo: I'm so glad you gave her a call and found out how she's doing. And I'm glad she's happy... I honestly don't think she's a bad person at all. She just had a very bad moment and it had really bad consequences.

I love the idea of a vampire-friendly B&B. Maybe Mick and Beth should go there on vacation someday. :hearts:
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Re: Savannah's New Life - A Jealousy Epilogue (G, One shot)

Post by jen »


This was wonderful!

Reformed scoundrels make the best characters!

Savannah managed to find a way to learn from her mistakes and take her initially less-than-desirable situation and, as you say, make lemonade.

Personally, I'd love to hear more from Savannah and Jason.

Just sayin' :whistle:

Thank you!


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Re: Savannah's New Life - A Jealousy Epilogue (G, One shot)

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Aw, thanks guys! I was just having a bit of fun. I read AussieJo's comment and the words just started pouring out. It happens like that sometimes.

And yes AJ, I did do some Googling for this, though I have been to the U.P. twice myself and have seen several of those places I mentioned. Good thing I did check because I thought Michigan Tech was in Marquette, not Houghton. :laugh: I haven't been as far north as Houghton.

Too bad I didn't know about the vampire blood when I went though. :snicker:

Thank you for reading and leaving comments! :flowers:
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Re: Savannah's New Life - A Jealousy Epilogue (G, One shot)

Post by cassysj »

I'm glad Savannah is going okay. Alle is right this would be a perfect place for Mick & Beth to go on vacation. I've been to U P Michigan and it is very different from LA to say the least.
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Re: Savannah's New Life - A Jealousy Epilogue (G, One shot)

Post by Marigold »

I love the phone-call format of this story. :rose:

It's great to hear that Savannah is doing well in Michigan. It sounds like it was good for her to get away from L.A., and from the freshie world. Jason must be thrilled to have Savannah with him. :hearts:

Thank you, MLC! :hug:
Fantastic banner by Kath40! Thank you!
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Re: Savannah's New Life - A Jealousy Epilogue (G, One shot)

Post by allegrita »

I will look for a vampire next time I go to a mosquito-y place. :snicker: That trick with the blood is a great one! And hey, if the blood has any BC-like side effects, that's a very nice bonus! :winky: :melts:

And now I'm off to find out what Savannah is up to. :hyper2:
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