Waiting It Out. Challenge #140 PG-13

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Waiting It Out. Challenge #140 PG-13

Post by choccyterri »

AN : :hug: Welcome to my first story at MLA. A response to the Moonlight Crossover Challenge. An idea with Walking Dead just had to come out, and I was wonderfully assisted and beta'd by lovely Allegrita. Thank you so much lovely. :flowers: :fingerscrossed: Calms the nerves and presses 'submit'

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.


Waiting It Out.
A Moonlight / Walking Dead Crossover.

So here I am. Another night on top of the Braly Building, corner of Fourth and Spring. Josef has me out looking out for them again. Downtown is my old stomping grounds, so he usually sends me here. ‘We have to know their movements, Mick. And would you forgive yourself if there was a human out there…lost?’ Heh. Kind of selfless when he wants to be, the old guy. Like we don’t both know the reason he’s got me out here is to look for fresh blood.

Man, it’s been such a long time. A long time without my old freezer. A long time without the fresh – well, kind of fresh – smell of the beach. We never go there now. They seem to move towards the ocean. Maybe it’s the movement that draws them. All these lifeless, soulless bodies. And when they get there? It’s where they stay. That terrible rocking from side to side until something else draws their attention. Scent, light, could be anything. I don’t wanna get into their heads.

I remember the first time Guillermo did an autopsy on one of ‘em. Josef and the Vampire Council had moved us all to a compound in the San Gabriels, overlooking La Cañada. High ground, out of the city. None of us knew what a great setup they had out here in case of, uh, evacuation. But Casa Vampiro (Josef’s name) is our home now. G has his own lab in the basement. (I know. Talk about a cliche.) He uses it now for donations. But before, just a couple of times, the Council wanted the ‘Walkers’ investigated. What had happened to the world? Why, all of a sudden, did the dead start walking? Killing? Ironic, I know. And it wasn’t a question that was easily answered. There was no live blood left in them. Just a thick, evil smelling liquid. The stench of it hung over the lab for a week, despite everything the Cleaners tried. Tests done, it was clear that it was something viral, but we didn’t have the equipment to develop a treatment or vaccine. Our only option was to save as many humans as we could. Offer them safe haven in exchange for, well, for services rendered.

I know I was lucky that the night it happened I was with Beth at her place. I hadn’t been asleep. I’d been watching her closed eyes as she dreamed. Her eyelids trembling as her mind ran through the events of the day. It’s not something I’ll ever get tired of doing. I’d heard a couple of noises outside, but I didn’t pay much attention until the thunk against the door woke her up. Eyes wide, she grabbed my arm and levered herself up onto her elbows. Watching me wordlessly as I slipped from her grasp and moved to the door. I squinted through the pebbled glass, catching a whiff of something on the air and seeing a man's shape. Someone that looked like Mr. Collins from Apartment 4 across the hall. Strange. Mr. Collins had died the week before. And there it was. That rocking motion as he stared into space through the window.

Like a fool I opened the door. I’ll never forget my first scent of them. Heh. You’d think a Vampire would smell bad, but hey. Personal hygiene is a must to us. This was somethin’ else. Earth meets death, meets decomposition. Never something I’d recommend. And he was coming toward me. Bloodshoot eyes, yellow irises, mouth gaping. Close the door, Mick. Close the door. Thankful for Vamp speed, I slammed it shut. And there was that thunk again, misshapen fingers against the window. This time along with a moaning, a snarling. I remember looking again through the panes of glass, bringing him into close focus. What the hell was going on? Stepping back as he pushed his face towards me... growling, inhaling, and then coughing as the smell invaded my senses.

By now Beth was out of bed. ‘Mick, who’s out there?’

I turned towards her, trying to think of how to say it. My fingertips resting against the wood of the frame as I looked into her open face, still half frowning through sleep. ‘Mr. Collins. I don’t know how, but it’s him.’

Beth’s furrows deepened as she tried to take it in. ‘But…’

‘I know. Stay away from the door.’ Already I’d moved back, away from the repetitive drumming against it. Grabbing Beth by the arm, I took her back into the bedroom, holding her up when she lost her footing at the speed I was going. Depositing her on the bed, I said, ‘I’m calling Josef. See if he’s heard anything.’ I moved to the window as I spoke, punching the speed-dial, then drawing back the curtain and looking down into the street below.

Josef picked up in an instant. ‘I swear, Mick, if you’re going to keep turning off your cell, I’m going to have a microchip fitted. Where the hell are you?’

‘I’m at Beth’s. Josef, there’s a dead man trying to break in.’

‘Is Beth with you? Is she okay?’

‘Yeah, she’s with me.’

‘Thank God. Look, whatever you do, don’t let any of them touch her. Just stay inside. The Cleaners are on their way. Tell Beth to pack light.’

That was all he’d tell me. I asked him what was going on, had he seen anything, but he said he’d explain everything when we got there.

And then we waited, throwing a few of Beth’s things into a bag and watching people run down the street outside, cars hurtling by at breakneck speed. Where were they going?

When the Cleaners came, they dispatched Mr. Collins, again. Something to do with severing the brainstem. I learned that pretty quick. And they bundled us into the back of their van.

A couple of hours later we were in the mountains. I could hear traffic all around us until we turned off Highway 2 onto a private road to what seemed to be the middle of nowhere. Shows what I know.

When we finally got in to see Josef, he told us what he knew. It was a pretty big shock. For a while, Beth was stunned. The thought of everyone she knew maybe not making it. Well, it took her some time to process it all. She stuck close by me those first few days, weeks even. So many Vampires. Unknown, predatory. Well, I was scared too. There was a lot of wrangling to be done at the start.

All Vampires had been asked to bring their ‘companions’ safely with them. Trying to keep the catering in house, so to speak. But we all knew there wouldn’t be enough for all of us. Rotations were set up. Feeding fresh was banned. Man, did that cause problems in the beginning. And then the patrols started. Looking for survivors. Tracking the Walkers’ movements… we needed to stay one step ahead. Survival of the fittest, according to the Council. And now… we’ve kind of settled into a routine with it all.

So, tonight that’s where you find me. Up on the roof again, taking my turn. I’ll watch them until dawn, look out for anyone who’s still out there. And in the morning, the Cleaners will pick me up and take me back to the compound. The one good thing about spending the night out here with them? I get to choose my feed when I get back. Pack F29R, also known as Beth Turner. But who’d have thought our Vampire senses would ever have been used for this? The undead watching the undead. All that time I hated what I’d become. This kind of puts it all into perspective, you know? It’s like Josef says. ‘Mick, we were here before they came, we’ll be here long after they’re gone.’

Only time will tell, I guess. But I hope so. I really do.

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Re: Waiting It Out. Challenge #140 PG-13

Post by librarian_7 »

:scary: :eek2:

And I LOVE this. Not a zombie fan, at all...but the idea of the humans surviving, because the vamps need them. That is so cool.
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Re: Waiting It Out. Challenge #140 PG-13

Post by francis »

Great story, so well written. I love the sense of quietness and that Mick doesn't panic but just does what needs to be done. The vampires saving humans to survive themselves. Love the last paragraph about perspective. Well, Mick, they just out-monstered you.
A very bleak look into the future. I hope the virus takes care of itself soon so they can return to the city and start fresh.
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Re: Waiting It Out. Challenge #140 PG-13

Post by allegrita »

This story is totally awesome. :yahoo: And what a great idea for a crossover! Your line about the undead watching the undead is brilliant, so very Mick... and leave it to him to use this horrible situation as a means for reexamining his own views of what it really is to be a monster.

I watched the first season of The Walking Dead, but that show was just too gruesome for me. What I love about this story is that the grue isn't shoved in our faces. This is my favorite kind of horror story: we know exactly what is happening, but you've left the details to our imaginations... :chair: which is tons scarier than graphic descriptions of what the zombies are actually doing. :puke:

Welcome to the gang of Moonlight fanfic writers, Terri! :ghug: :rose: You are a true storyteller, and I hope you will write lots more Moonlight tales to entertain us. :reading:
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Re: Waiting It Out. Challenge #140 PG-13

Post by PNWgal »

I have only one thing to say, terri.

Write more. As soon as possible.

This was SO good! :yahoo:
I get to choose my feed when I get back. Pack F29R, also known as Beth Turner.
THIS I love. It's like Mick's accepted the realities of their situation and he's accepted Beth for what she is right now - not just someone he loves, but someone that keeps him alive.
The undead watching the undead. All that time I hated what I’d become. This kind of puts it all into perspective, you know?
Truth, in three sentences. Things could have been worse for vampire.

:clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

Bravo, babe!

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Re: Waiting It Out. Challenge #140 PG-13

Post by librarian_7 »

I had to come back and leave another comment.

First off, I think you've caught Mick's way of speaking, very well. This sounds like Mick voiceover--straightforward, but with that little ironic edge to it. I can hear his voice saying this...and that's always tough to pull off.

Second, what P'gal said. Write more. Post it here.
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Re: Waiting It Out. Challenge #140 PG-13

Post by Lucy »

I hear Mick's voice so clearly.....
(I watched the first season on NETFLIX but lost track of the 2nd season...I understand the WALKING DEAD series)
Of course being at the top of the food chain, Josef is prepared for the unthinkable.
GREAT answer to the challenge!!!!! :twothumbs:
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Re: Waiting It Out. Challenge #140 PG-13

Post by choccyterri »

:ghug: Oh my goodness ladies. Reading your comments has made me smile all over the place. :hearts:

Lucy and Lucky, thank you so much for reading, and coming back! What I love about people's stories is that I can still hear the characters in my head. I am SO happy that you can hear Mick's voice. :flowers:

Francis, thank you honey. I have to say Walking Dead is one of the bleakest shows I've watched. There is no sugar coating. Just a way of dealing with the future. :hug:

Alle, I want to thank you for helping to give me the confidence to post. And for the help you gave me in tying it all together... you could see what I wanted, and helped to guide me to the right place. :heart:

PNWGal. :hug: Thank you SO much lovely. I will try to write some more. And while I might not be madly prolific. I know I'll have enjoyed it, and will have an honest reaction from very talented friends.

Aww, I'm so smiley now! :yahoo: thank you!!

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Re: Waiting It Out. Challenge #140 PG-13

Post by jen »

This is a dark future, but you have captured so much so very well.

Bleak and compelling, I hope you are considering a sequel.

Thank you!


:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers:
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Re: Waiting It Out. Challenge #140 PG-13

Post by darkstarrising »

Fabulous, fabulous story!!! :heart: I'll echo P'Gal - keep writing!!

I'm not familiar with 'Walking Dead', but your story is so clear that I could see and understand everything.

Talk about chilling....a species even vampires fear, for the walking dead diminish the very substance vampires need - human blood.

Mick here is in his element, but you still feel his fear. The gallows humor you've inserted is perfect.
I’ll never forget my first scent of them. Heh. You’d think a Vampire would smell bad, but hey. Personal hygiene is a must to us. This was somethin’ else. Earth meets death, meets decomposition. Never something I’d recommend.
Josef tries to reassure him, but still, everyone is in unknown territory and on edge.

This got my attention
The one good thing about spending the night out here with them? I get to choose my feed when I get back. Pack F29R, also known as Beth Turner.
With the limited supply of human blood, Beth is sustaining more than just Mick and that can't possibly be setting well with him.

Wonderful, wonderful answer to the challenge, terri!! :hug:
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Re: Waiting It Out. Challenge #140 PG-13

Post by choccyterri »

:ghug: Jen and DarkStar, thank you so much for your comments. I really enjoyed answering this challenge, and it really does open up a whole myriad of questions about how they'd live in this kind of universe. Oooh, there might be more to write yet. :chin:

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Re: Waiting It Out. Challenge #140 PG-13

Post by librarian_7 »

Do eet, do eet.... :cheer:

What? Just being encouraging....
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Re: Waiting It Out. Challenge #140 PG-13

Post by choccyterri »

:hug: I always respond well to encouragement Lucky. :giggle: Thank you. :heart:

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Re: Waiting It Out. Challenge #140 PG-13

Post by Marigold »

Wow! This is fantastic! :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

I love how matter-of-fact the story is. The vampires were as prepared as they could be for something like this, and now that it has happened, they do what needs to be done. I too hope that the vampires will be around long after the Walkers are gone. :fingerscrossed:

Thank you, Choccyterri! :rose: Congratulations on an excellent first story! :hearts:
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Re: Waiting It Out. Challenge #140 PG-13

Post by RosM »

:hearts: :thud: :thud: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Absolutely loved it. Fantastic idea for a story which, quite frankly needs to carry on!! Thank you, pretty please?
Brilliant writing too Terri :heart:
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