Lady in Red, PG, Champagne Challenge #153

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Lady in Red, PG, Champagne Challenge #153

Post by LaughtersMelody »

Title: Lady in Red
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I do not own Moonlight, nor am I making any money from this, though I'm certainly having fun playing with the characters. No infringement intended.
Warnings: Small references to the life of a courtesan, but nothing graphic.
Summary: Five times Coraline wore red.

A/N: Written for Champagne Challenge #153: Red and Green. The title is borrowed from the song of the same name. :blinksmile:

This fic actually has some close connections to my other fic, "One Acquainted with the Night." (They're both part of my mental canon for Coraline's past.) It's not absolutely necessary to read that one first, but this fic builds on some of the same events. If you'd like to read "One Acquainted with the Night," it can be found here.

As always, I thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who is the source of all inspiration.


Lady in Red


“Coraline, mon petit, hold still.”

Five-year-old Coraline obediently stopped moving, but she turned pleading eyes towards her mother.

“It is almost finished, I promise,” her mother assured, sounding amused.

Coraline hoped so. It felt as though the seamstress had begun hours ago. When her mother had told her she would be attending her first ball in a few weeks, she had imagined something so much more exciting.

She had not imagined standing for fitting after fitting as her dress was prepared. None of her brothers had needed to endure anything like this. It seemed terribly unfair.

“There,” the gray-haired seamstress announced at last, “it is done.” She gave the dress a gentle tug, ensuring that the pins she had placed would hold. “You may see it if you wish,” she told Coraline.

Coraline nodded eagerly and hopped down from the stool she had been standing on. She hurried over to the mirror which sat a few feet away, and her eyes widened as she took in her reflection.

The dress was silk, a deep, vivid red, with a ruffled skirt and a white lace collar. The sleeves were long and flared at her wrists, and a wide ribbon sash the same color as the dress was tied around her waist.

Coraline smiled and turned back and forth a bit, enjoying the way the dress swung around her legs, twisting with her movements. She felt so very grown up, like one of those beautiful women at the Court. (She wouldn't be allowed to stay at the ball very long, her Maman had said, but she didn't think she would mind that as much now, not if she got to look like this while she was there.)

“Are you sure about the color, m’lady?” she heard the seamstress ask her mother. “It is unusual for such a young girl to wear it.”

“I’m sure. It is perfect. Do you like it, Coraline?”

“Oh, Maman, I do,” she said, turning again. “I like it very much.”



She could feel him watching her. The thought brought a rush of heat to her cheeks, and she used her fan to quickly chase it away.

It would not do to seem too eager.

Nonetheless, Coraline could not deny the excited flutter in her stomach.

Christophe DeCuir was only a few years older than she was and in line to inherit his father’s title as a Baron. For the last few weeks, he had shown considerable interest in her, making a point to speak with her whenever possible.

Tonight, Coraline had hoped he might even ask her to dance.

She had chosen her gown with care for that very reason. It was her favorite of the robes à la française she owned, and though the cut of the collar was modest enough, it showed the pale skin of her décolleté off to its best advantage. The skirt itself hugged her waist tightly, the fabric gathering her hips, then flaring out at her sides over the pannier beneath. It was the color of red wine, bolder than what most of the women were wearing, but Coraline felt that would only be to her benefit; the other women’s gowns seemed so bland by comparison. Besides, she had a particular fondness for red, and she had been assured that it flattered her complexion.

Her strategy had worked, it seemed. Christophe had not yet asked her to dance, but he had been watching her on and off for the entire evening, as had half the men present. Several noble gentleman had come to offer her their regards, pressing kisses to the back of her hand as they murmured compliments.

“I did not expect such attention,” she admitted when yet another Marquis had come and gone.

“Yes,” her father agreed, sounding strangely thoughtful. “The entire Court seems very taken with you.”



The hunger burned.

Coraline closed her eyes and drew a deep breath. It would not be long, she reminded herself. In a few short minutes, her Sire had promised her that she would have her first taste of blood. If she were so inclined, she could have simply taken the Duke who still slept unawares in her bed, but he was a drunk and a fool - the hunger was not strong enough yet that she desired anything from him.

No, she wished for her first hunt to be meaningful. Memorable.

Perhaps that was why she had insisted that she be properly dressed for it. Her Sire seemed amused by this resolve, but he was apparently willing to indulge her because he waited while she retreated to her wardrobe and searched through the numerous gowns there.

Many of the gowns were lavish gifts from admirers, examples of fine embroidery and decadent lace, but it was a relatively simple gown that caught her attention. The dress had a square neckline and sleeves that ended at the elbow, the fabric gathered in an elegant drape.

And, it was red. Blood red.

Coraline reached for it.



Coraline quite liked New York.

There was always a great deal to see and do, and the city was filled with ambitious socialites and businessmen whose lives were nearly as colorful and varied as those of the French Court.

This particular evening, Coraline was the guest of a man named Paul Menard, a prominent banker and investor. He was not terribly handsome, and he was a bit bland for Coraline’s tastes - had he known whom he was actually dealing with, he would have fled in scandalized horror - but he was well connected, and that alone made him worth her time.

She had been careful to ensure his interest by wearing a crimson gown, the ample skirt supported by the hoop beneath, and her corset was snug so as to highlight the small size of her waist. (Tight-laced corsets were a great deal more manageable, Coraline reflected, when one did not need to worry about breathing.) She had even arrived at the dinner party early, knowing that Menard would enjoy showing her off to his other guests.

The introductions had grown tedious, however, and she had found an excuse to slip away from Menard’s side, wandering throughout the party itself. She made idle conversation, discussed the latest gossip, and charmed the few people she felt were interesting enough to warrant it.

She had just accepted an invitation to the opera from another gentleman - one of Menard’s rivals, in fact - when a noise at the entrance announced the late arrival of yet another guest.

Coraline turned to see who it was and paused.

The newcomer was tall and well-dressed, carrying himself with an air of confidence that seemed well beyond his years, though Coraline knew immediately that it wasn’t - the scent of decay was potent, even from across the room. Whoever this vampire was, he was older than she was by at least a century, if not more.

Intrigued, Coraline moved closer, and the other vampire turned to look straight at her, undoubtedly having caught her scent as well. Menard followed his gaze.

“Ah, Coraline, my dear,” Menard said, beckoning her forward, “I’d like you to meet Mr. Josef Cossentine.”

Coraline smiled in answer, and when she reached them, she offered her hand. Cossentine took it and pressed a lingering kiss to it, bowing as he did so. If Menard thought the gesture somewhat old fashioned, he was wise enough not to comment on it.

“It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Cossentine,” Coraline told him.

“I assure you,” he said, straightening at last, “the pleasure is mine.”



The mellow sounds of Hawaiian music were just beginning to filter through the house as Coraline applied the finishing touches to her makeup. She added a hint of extra blush and a bit more lipstick then set the cosmetics aside, standing to examine her reflection in the vanity’s mirror.

She was pleased with what she saw.

The dress she’d chosen showed off her bare shoulders in a way that was sure to draw attention, and the fabric clung to her figure, accenting every curve. Crystals had been sewn into the satin so that it sparkled when she moved, and the wide ribbon sash at her waist brought to mind another dress, one she’d worn so very long ago.

Running a careful hand down the skirt, Coraline smoothed away a few small wrinkles that had formed, then reached for her jewelry box. She clasped a diamond bracelet over her wrist, slid on a matching ring, and started for the back patio where her guests were waiting.

The moment she stepped outside, several heads turned in her direction, and Coraline smiled.

She had always looked good in red.



A/N: Thank you for reading, and of course, please let me know what you think! :blinksmile:

Last edited by LaughtersMelody on Wed Jul 29, 2020 6:45 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Lady in Red, PG, Champagne Challenge #153

Post by francis »

Coraline really looked great in that dress. :rose:
I liked the line about corsets and breathing. :laugh:
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Re: Lady in Red, PG, Champagne Challenge #153

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

I liked this glimpse of Coraline in red through the years. Easy to picture her, too. She knew how to wrap men around her finger since she was five years old! Nice job!
Many thanks to Twilightdew for my banner and avi.
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Re: Lady in Red, PG, Champagne Challenge #153

Post by allegrita »

This is a wonderful series of glimpses at Coraline's long life, and I'm not at all surprised she spent a great deal of it (both before and after being turned) wearing the deep reds that so compliment her coloring and personality. I really enjoyed this, Laughter! It's a great answer to the Challenge. I agree with francis--the line about corsets made me :laugh: But what struck me most about this story is the way Coraline's own happiness was never the goal--her family used her as a pawn in their games, and her Sire did more of the same. Even Coraline herself saw life as a series of arrangements, skirmishes, wins and losses, not as a search for personal happiness and fulfillment. Until that night in 1952, when her priorities got turned upside down. For the first time, she did what she wanted, simply because it was what she wanted. And the results were, not surprisingly, a bit catastrophic. :gasp: Poor Coraline, and poor Mick. :sigh:
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Re: Lady in Red, PG, Champagne Challenge #153

Post by Lucy »

they always say each of us has a 'power' color....Red must be hers......(and I'm green with envy that Mick noticed her)
Always wonderful to read your challenge answers.... :clapping:
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Re: Lady in Red, PG, Champagne Challenge #153

Post by cassysj »

I love this look through the ages of Coraline.
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