The Faceless Ones - Chapter 5 (PG13) Chall 140 8/14/14

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The Faceless Ones - Chapter 5 (PG13) Chall 140 8/14/14

Post by darkstarrising »

Hi, all. :wave:

With the start of the new season and SOTB still weeks away, the muse, not being a patient soul, decided to write her own story. ‘The Faceless Ones’ is a continuation of the first two stories in the Moonlight / H50 crossover series, in answer to Challenge 140. Like the first two, ‘The Long Journey Home’ and ‘Affairs of the Heart’, ‘The Faceless Ones’ is fairly short (9 chapters, all of which are written).

All 9 chapters will be posted before SOTB occurs. For those of you who watch H50, ‘The Faceless Ones’ takes place between episodes 4.20 (when Danny kids McGarrett about not knowing where Catherine is. His reply is ‘she’s visiting friends on the mainland’) and 4.21 where McGarrett and Catherine go to Afghanistan.

From the first four chapters, there are horrific murders in both LA and on Oahu that bear remarkable similarity. Mick has flown to Oahu, fearing that the murderer there is a vampire, while Beth remains in LA to help Carl with the LA murders. In LA, three out of town missing persons have been found dead. A fourth, Ruby, is unaccounted for and has just awakened to find herself being auctioned to people who drink blood. While efforts step up to find Ruby in LA, discoveries are made about who the people murdered on Oahu were and how they differed from the victims in LA.

A/N - Since the action in this story bounces back and forth between LA and Oahu, I nearly went insane trying to keep track of time of day or even what day it was, since there is a 3 hour time difference between the two locations. That's why you'll see Day 1, Day 2, etc., next to subheadings.

With that, I hope you enjoy.

As always, I don’t profit from these stories, but really do enjoy playing with the characters.

The Faceless Ones

Chapter 5

Still Day 3 - Oahu – McGarrett’s home - evening

When Mick arrived at McGarrett’s house, he found Catherine Rollins home alone. “I wanted to tell Steve what I found out at the clinic.”

“Steve’s on a beer and take-out run, but he should be back in a few minutes. Can I get you anything…” Catherine stopped, embarrassed. “Sorry, I wasn’t thinking.”

“That’s OK. Scotch would be great, but a beer will do.”

“You can drink?”

“Yeah, but that’s about it. Vamps can’t digest food.” Accepting the drink, Mick continued. “While we’re waiting for Steve to come back, can I ask you something?”

“After what we did to you earlier? Ask away.”

Has finding out what I am changed your opinion about me? Being a vampire, I mean.”

“No. I’ve seen many unusual things in my travels with the Navy. I’ve also learned not to judge. My turn. Why do you care so much about my opinion of you?”

Mick took a drink before answering. “Maybe I’m worried about damaging your relationship with Steve.”

“Personal or professional?”

“Either, both. When Danny found out about my kind, it wasn’t under the best of circumstances. He couldn’t accept what we do to survive and I don’t just mean the whole blood drinking thing. It hurt his friendship with Steve. I don’t want that to happen with you.”

“Thanks, but it would take a lot to drive Steve and myself apart. If Steve accepts who and what you are, that’s good enough for me.” Catherine hesitated a moment before asking. “So why did Danny freak when Kono wanted proof you were a blood demon?”

“During Danny’s rescue in LA, a lot went down that he couldn’t understand. He wanted answers about blood demons that Steve wouldn’t give, hoping to protect my secret. Danny hauled off and punched Steve, then went on an incredible tirade. The only way I could shut him up was to show him what he wanted to know.”


“You sure you want to know?”

When Catherine nodded, Mick slowly transformed, hoping not to frighten her. “This is what I am, Catherine. This is the face of the monster that Danny’s afraid of.”

To her credit, Catherine didn’t flinch or show fear, but her racing heart betrayed her. Reaching out, she touched his face. “You’re not a monster, Mick. A monster wouldn’t try to help people like you do.”

Mick reverted. “Trust me, I was one, years ago. What I do now, I do to make up for my past sins.”

Catherine mused. “Seems like you and Steve have more in common than I thought.” At Mick’s quizzical look, she continued. “Steve is a good man, but like you, he’s done things he’s not proud of and would rather forget. He’s also had things done to him that give him nightmares, but he won’t talk to me about them. Maybe he’s afraid I’ll think less of him, but I wish he’d open up a little more.” Catherine shook her head. “Sorry, I really shouldn’t have said anything.”

“Hey, it’s OK. Beth has the same complaint. Maybe Steve and I do have a lot in common, or maybe it’s just a guy thing. We make the women we love drag things out of us.”

That brought a smile to Catherine’s face. “It’s good to know I’m not alone. Speaking of Beth, you said you’d destroy any vampire who touched her. So why were you OK when Josef put his hands on her shoulders?”

“Josef loves Beth, but in a father / daughter kind of way. He knows what she’s done for me and that without her, I’d have probably ended it all a long time ago. That hands on shoulders thing? He’s placing his scent on her, letting any vamp who gets close to her know that Beth is under his protection.”

Catherine blushed scarlet. “O my god!! That means you can smell Steve….”

Mick just grinned. “Yeah...”

Just then, Steve returned with Danny in tow, the former wondering why Catherine was so flushed while the latter glanced at the glass in Mick’s hand. “I’ve never seen blood that color before.”

“It’s scotch, smartass. A little blood would spice it up, though.” Mick waved the glass at Danny. “You offering?”

Danny held up his hands as he backed away. “Hell no!”

Steve was actually pleased with the lighthearted banter between the two men. Danny may still have issues with Mick’s kind, but not with the PI himself.

Mick then told the others what he’d learned at the clinic about the missing workers from Onyx Specialty. “Max checked the clinic’s records and found that two of Onyx’s missing workers were patients at the clinic. Both are among our victims and had Type O blood, different from the LA victims.”

Danny was curious. “So, anything special about Type O blood, taste-wise, that is?”

“Only if you like box wine. Did your people find anything else, Steve?”

“Kono found out that the shipping container is owned by Onyx Specialty Products and that it hasn’t moved in three months, providing yet another link with our victims.”

Catherine continued. “And I’ve got another. Janus Fielding, the victim from the mainland, bought some real estate in downtown LA for Onyx a few years ago, but the business they established didn’t last long.”

Danny started to think out loud. “OK, so if Fielding is in bed with Onyx, why is he dead?”

Mick replied. “If he found out Onyx was mistreating their workers and tried to do something about it, he’d be a liability.”

“OK, that makes sense.”

Steve added to the list. “What I don’t get is how the clinic factors in. I can’t believe it’s a co-incidence that some of our murder victims were patients there. So what’s the connection?”

Mick replied. “Maybe a blood demon works there. I couldn’t get close enough to check earlier, so I’m going back there tonight. After that, I’m meeting with someone who might shed some light on what’s happening here. Someone you can’t know about.”

Mick excused himself to take a call, returning a few minutes later with more bad news. “That was Josef. I asked his people do some digging on Onyx Specialty. On the surface, it’s a legit company that’s been in business almost two centuries. Their products have changed over time, but Onyx currently makes plumbing supplies, like pipes and valves.”

Danny shrugged. “OK, so why the long face…”

“Ownership of Onyx Specialty has changed hands a few times, at least in name. The original owner was Dorothy Willingham, a name Josef recognizes as an alias for a very powerful vamp we knew as Dolores Maxford Whitaker, aka Lola.” Turning to Catherine, Mick asked. “Was the name of the business Onyx Specialty opened in LA Club Valis?”

“Yes, how did you know?”

Mick then recounted Lola’s story and her past business ventures in LA, including her short-lived venture at Club Valis. “Lola committed one of the most heinous crimes in our community – destroying her own kind for profit. We put an end to her business and to her, or so we thought. Josef is now worried that Lola somehow survived and that she’s behind these murders.”

Steve approached his friend. “And what do you think?”

“I’d swear I ended her, but if she’s as powerful as Josef says, then honestly? I don’t know.”


Day 4 - LA – an unknown location - afternoon

The tempting aroma of food coaxed Ruby out her slumber. She stretched, pulling the blanket up over her shoulders, grateful that she was at last waking from that horrible nightmare.

When she opened her eyes, she wasn’t in her apartment or a hotel room. Instead, she found herself in a small, nondescript room, one with a solid metal door and no windows. On a small table, various containers of take-out had been left for her.

It took a while for the fog to clear, but gradually, Ruby remembered the auction and that the man who ‘won’ her meant to keep her alive for several days. Wondering what she had to do for him to stay alive made her shiver.

Ruby found herself a little shaky when she tried to get out of the cot that passed for her bed. She remembered the blonde man, but glowing eyes and fangs were the stuff of fiction; clearly, she must have imagined them. Fingering a sore spot on her neck, though, she realized that fangs or not, that bastard bit her. There were two other sore spots, one on each arm. The one was from the needle that siphoned her blood away, but she couldn’t recall what the other was from.

Maybe they injected me some kind of sedative. That would explain why I can’t remember how I got here.

Ruby had no clue how long she’d been out. Without any windows, there was no way to tell if it was day or night and there was nothing in the room that even vaguely resembled a clock.

When the dizziness passed, she made her way to the table. She must have eaten before the auction, but whatever they were using to keep her sedated did a number on her memory as well. So why were they allowing her to wake up now?

After making quick work of the meal, Ruby felt better and started to think about a way of getting away from her captors. She scrutinized her surroundings, hoping to find something she could use to help her escape. The small attached bathroom yielded little as it, too, had no window.

Then Ruby did what most people rarely do; she looked up. Near the ceiling was a ventilation grate, one large enough for her to squeeze through if she could just get to it. The cot and the single chair in the room was too low to be of any use, but the sink in the bathroom was higher and located just beneath another grate. While she was formulating her escape plan, the door to her room opened.

A short, middle-aged Polynesian woman entered carrying a velvet gown of some kind. “Good, you have finished your meal. Cleanse yourself, then put this on. You will be needed in a few hours.”

“Needed for what?”

When the woman did not reply and started to leave, Ruby grabbed her shoulder, something she immediately regretted. The woman spun around, her face transformed into a monstrous mask.



Day 4 - Josef Kostan’s office – night

“Well, Mr. England?”

Ryder swallowed nervously; he never did his best work with Josef hovering over him. “I hacked into the LAPD servers and have access to Lt. Davis’ e-mails. Seems his tech people were working on a video for him.” Ryder opened the first file, then the second. “It looks as though this woman is what he’s interested in. Not very clear, though.”

“Bring up an image of the missing graduate student and compare it to the woman in the video.”

Ryder did as asked. “I dunno, boss. I could be her, but like I said, the quality of the video is pretty crappy.”

Josef leaned over Ryder’s shoulder as he watched the video. “Not crappy enough. Go back a few seconds, then play it again, frame by frame, and watch closely.”

Again Ryder did as asked, finally seeing what had gotten Josef’s attention. “Shit.”

“Crass, but succinct, Mr. England. Whatever it takes, do what you can to improve these videos. I want to know who the hell those two vamps are.”

“Yes, boss.” Ryder scuttled out of the office, knowing that if ever there was a time for him to work magic, now was it. Whoever those two guys were, they just pissed off the wrong vamp, one who would literally have their heads if he found them. As far as Ryder was concerned, better theirs than his.


Day 4 - LA – an unknown location - night

Seeing that woman transform convinced Ruby that she hadn’t imagined the fangs and glowing eyes before. But what exactly that meant, she wasn’t sure.

Vampires? C’mon, Ruby. Vampires exist only in fiction. Maybe these guys just think they’re vampires and have some kind of weird fetish club. If that’s the case, that old lady pulled one helluva magic trick.

Without more information about her captors and what they really wanted from her, Ruby decided to go along, hoping to buy herself time until she could escape. She’d freshened up, then put on the long velvet gown the woman left for her. The gown was floor length, yet left her arms bare. The plunging V neckline was flattering as was the dark blue color.

It wasn’t long before the two guys that grabbed her in the alley arrived to take her to ‘dinner’. Two-on-one were never good odds, so Ruby offered no resistance, something that seemed to puzzle her escorts. That blonde guy was another matter altogether; regardless of what he wanted, he’d have to fight her for it.

Ruby was delivered into a room that was furnished quite opulently, albeit from a bygone era. Oriental rugs covered the floor, while the walls were decorated in heavy tapestries. Crystal goblets and decanters of various spirits and were placed on a small polished wood table. Flickering candles provided the only light, but the number was such that the room was neither dim nor bright. The centerpiece of the room, a large, four-poster canopied bed, was what caught Ruby’s attention.

After her escorts left, Ruby walked around the room, her fingers brushing the tapestries and other decorations as she inspected them. Soon, the door to the room opened and the blonde haired man entered.

“Good evening.”

Ruby stared in disbelief. The man had neither glowing eyes nor fangs; in fact, she found him quite attractive for someone pushing 40. After a few seconds, Ruby found her voice and a bit of courage. “Good evening? Not for me it’s not.”

“I assure you, whether the evening is pleasant or not is entirely up to you. I prefer it be pleasant.” As he approached her, the man spoke softly in a most soothing tone. “May I ask your name?”

“Ruby. Ruby Radcliff.”

The man reached out and brought her fingers to his lips. Ruby shivered at his touch, but cold alone wasn’t the reason.

“Ruby. How appropriate. My name is Thomas.” Still holding her hand, Thomas led the young woman to the table and bade her sit in one of the adjacent chairs. “May I pour you some wine, or perhaps something stronger?”

Ruby’s eyes were locked with those of this mysterious man. Try and she might, she couldn’t break eye contact with someone she suddenly found fascinating. “Just wine, please.”

The wine was poured and both drank, with Ruby wondering why in hell she wasn’t afraid anymore.

Those eyes…they’re hypnotic. I can’t look away. I don’t want to look away.

A slight smile crossed Thomas’ face, seeing his allure was working. “I must admit, the owner of this establishment has quite the flair for the dramatic. It’s a refreshing change, really, just as you are.”

After Ruby finished her wine, Thomas took the glass from her, placing it on the table. Then he traced his finger along the sensitive part of her bare arm. “Do you find me attractive?”


“Good. I know this is new for you, but I promise, I’ll be gentle. I want you to enjoy our little encounter, the first of what I hope to be many.”

Ruby’s eyes shifted nervously to the bed. “Encounter? What do you think you’re going to do to me?”

“Not what you fear. A gentleman would never force himself on a lady and I assure you, if nothing else, I am a gentleman.”

Most of the time…

“Then what do you want?”

Thomas drew Ruby to her feet, then stood behind her. “All I ask of you is to relax. Listen to my voice and let me give you pleasure the way you’ve never experienced it before.”

His arms wrapped around her, Ruby shivered as Thomas whispered reassurances all the while placing cool, gentle kisses along her neck. The feeling was exquisite and any residual fear vanished. Despite herself, Ruby began to moan as the kisses became more intense. Just when she felt she couldn’t take any more, she felt a brief, intense pain, soon followed by the incredible pleasure Thomas promised.

Ruby felt her legs go weak beneath her, but before she fell, Thomas lifted her effortlessly, then laid her on the bed. The last thing she remembered was Thomas kissing her and wishing her sweet dreams.


Day 4 - Oahu – Kimiko’s compound - evening

While Mick was searching the clinic, Akemi called saying Kimiko had returned and requested his presence, if convenient. Mick wasn’t as savvy as Josef regarding diplomatic subtext, but he knew that ‘if convenient’ meant now. He also knew that keeping the island’s head vampire waiting was something he couldn’t afford to do.

On his way to Kimiko’s, Mick mentally reviewed what little he’d learned at the clinic. A faint trace of a blood demon was present, one he thought might be the same as on the bodies found in the shipping container. Key words were faint and might. Whatever blood demon had been in that clinic, he hadn’t been there recently.

Upon arriving at Kimiko’s, Mick was ushered into an unfamiliar room, one deeper in the compound and more private than the great room he’d previously seen. There, Kimiko was waiting for him with Akemi by her side. While Kimiko was several centuries old, her home’s decor reflected a pleasing blend of the modern and ancient. In this private chamber, the ancient dominated.

Kimiko rose and approached Mick. “Welcome, my son. It is good to see you again. But what of your mate? I had hoped to see her as well.”

Mick mentally reviewed the social pleasantries Josef had coached him on, hoping not to screw things up. “It’s good to see you as well, Kimiko. Beth is still adjusting, and I didn't want her to suffer in this heat.” Mick slowly withdrew a small lacquered box, which he offered to his hostess. “Beth sends you her greetings and wishes she could be here to offer you her gift in person.” As Kimiko opened the box, Mick explained. “The box was a treasured gift from her human mother, and the vial inside contains Beth’s blood, her vampire blood. She offers it to you as a sign that she is your daughter now.”

Kimiko was quite pleased. “Tell your mate that I will cherish both her and this gift as long as I live.”

Mick couldn’t help but notice Akemi’s surprise at this exchange, surprise that bore no jealousy or ill will.

Akemi hasn’t been in her job long. Maybe it’s like she said earlier, she’s still trying to learn the ropes.

When refreshment was offered and accepted, Mick explained the reason for his visit. “Beth is working with a detective in LA on three murders there. I’m trying to see if there is any link to similar ones here.”

“And what have you learned, my son?”

“That there are more differences between the two sets of murders than similarities. It looks as though all victims were drained and burned by blood demons, but not the same ones. The motives seem different as well.”

“What of the murders here? They are of greatest concern to me.”

“With one exception, the victims here were poor people who lived in despair and died in terror. They had no family and few friends here to miss them.”

“You say that those responsible for the murders here have different motives than on the mainland. What is your basis for this belief?”

Mick thought for a moment, sensing Kimiko knew more than she was letting on. “The victims in LA – we were able to sense their fear before they died…”


“Beth and I can both sense a person’s last few moments before death.”

“Most impressive. Continue, please.”

“I sensed terror on the victims here as well, but it was different.” Mick struggled for how to explain something he didn’t really understand himself. “It’s like they didn’t know they were going to die until it was too late.”

“And those on the mainland?”

“Their terror was prolonged.”

Kimiko nodded her understanding. “The one who terrorizes his victims kills for enjoyment. He has no honor nor place among us. How may my family assist you?”

“I’m not familiar with the blood demon’s scent on the victims here. Maybe one of your family could help identify it.”

Kimiko turned to her shisha. “My child, would you be willing to assist your brother?”

Akemi bowed her head. “I would be honored.”

“Good. Is there anything else, my son?”

“Yeah. A blood demon who has a history with the islands might be involved with the murders on the mainland. I was wondering what you could tell me about her.”

“I will share what I can. Who is this blood demon?”

“Her human name was Delores Maxford Whitaker, but she was listed as a factory owner here two centuries ago as Dorothy Willingham. Problem is, I thought I’d destroyed her a few years ago.”

Anger clouded Kimiko’s normally serene face. “Tondemonai awarena hito!! (unholy wretch). She brings dishonor on us all!!” After Kimiko regained her composure, she continued. “Forgive me, my son, but that blood demon shames me. Akemi, listen well and learn from what I am about to tell you.”

Akemi nodded, her eyes fixed on her mistress.

“Centuries ago, this evil blood demon came to the islands when few occidentals lived here. At first, she honored our rules, but soon she and her band of pirates began to torture and kill humans unnecessarily. For them, spilling human blood wasn’t about survival, it was for pleasure.”

Kimiko paused as she recalled painful events from long ago. “Her mistreatment of the natives threatened our peaceful co-existence with them. My predecessor, Natsumi, issued an edict banning this evil blood demon from the islands forever. Natsumi was a good and honorable woman but did not understand the depths of this wretch’s depravity. Soon, however, she learned just how evil one can be.”

“At the time, I had been sent to Kauai to tend to my mistress’s business there. A small number of blood demons wished to live further away from the growing foreign encroachment on Oahu. As her shisha, I was tasked with ensuring their safe arrival and overseeing the establishment of their colony. When I returned home, I found a number of my brethren had been slaughtered, as had my mistress. The evil blood demon had cut off Natsumi’s head and impaled it on a pole for all to see.”

Both Mick and Akemi listened, spellbound, neither wanting nor daring to interrupt Kimiko’s tale.

“I have known no greater grief and shame as I did that day. As her shisha, it was my duty to protect my mistress. I failed her, but swore vengeance upon those who committed so heinous a crime. Those of us who survived eventually drove this wretch and her followers from the islands, destroying those that did not escape.” Turning to Akemi, Kimiko gently asked. “Now do you understand the responsibility that I have placed on your shoulders, my daughter?”

Akemi answered solemnly. “I do, my mother. I will do my best not to fail you.”

Mick put on his best poker face; if Kimiko knew about Josef’s past relationship with Lola, she didn’t hold it against him. If she didn’t know, there was no way in hell Mick was going to enlighten her.

When Kimiko turned to Mick, her serene mask was back in place. “Few outside my family know of this, and I trust you will keep it that way.”

“I will, I promise.”

“You said you thought you had destroyed this monster. Tell me of the crime that warranted her destruction.”

Mick recounted how Lola kidnapped and drained her own kind to create a drug for human pleasure. “Preying on her own kind for profit condemned her. When the drug she created from vampire blood killed several humans, our community was threatened. Josef sent me to end the danger.”

Kimiko nodded approvingly. “If you did destroy this evil wretch, than I am indeed honored to call you my son. Whether or not she is responsible for these murders, if she survives, she is a danger to us all and must be dealt with.”


“What will you do now?”

“With Akemi’s help, once we identify the blood demon responsible for the murders here, I can return to the mainland.”

Kimiko smiled knowingly. “Your mate calls to you, does she not?”

Embarrassed, Mick looked down; he’d been separated briefly from his wife before, but that was when she was still human. Now, with Beth as his mate, the separation was becoming increasingly uncomfortable, both physically and emotionally. Without her, Mick felt an aching emptiness, an emptiness only she could fill.

“I did not mean to embarrass you, my son. To feel as you do, the bond of love between you and your mate must be quite strong.”

“It is. As soon as find out who’s responsible for the murders here, I’ll return to her.”

“What of the blood demon responsible for the murders here? Will you end his existence?”

“No. He has endangered your family and it is your right to judge and punish him.”

“Go then. Take Akemi and see what you can learn.”


Day 4 - Oahu – the ME’s office - late night

Mick stood silently as Akemi sensed one of the burnt corpses. Their time here would have to be brief, as Max had taken to sleeping on his couch again. With the ME already wary of Mick, it would be difficult to explain if he woke to find the PI and an unknown woman in the morgue.

Earlier, the two had visited the clinic so that both he and Akemi could sense the trace blood demon scent Mick had previously detected. They then drove to the morgue, but not before Mick noticed his companion’s reaction.

Akemi recognized the blood demon scent at the clinic and it’s saddened her.

When Akemi indicated she’d finished her examination, Mick slid the remains back into its compartment, then he and Akemi left. Once in the car, Mick asked his companion what she’d learned.

“You were correct, Mr. St. John. The blood demon scent on the victim’s body is the same as at the clinic.”

“Hey, call me Mick. You recognized the scent, right?”

Akemi seemed surprised. “Yes, but how could you know this?”

“First, tell me who this blood demon is.”

“His name is Kioshi. He has been a blood demon for nearly two centuries. Before he was turned, he was a healer among humans.”

“A doctor?”

“Not in the sense you mean, but one who was skilled at healing those of his village. Over the decades, his knowledge of healing has increased.”

“That explains why we found his scent at the clinic. What doesn’t make sense is why a healer would kill those people found in the shipping container.” Mick turned to his companion. “It also doesn’t explain why this upsets you.”

A tear trickled down Akemi’s face. “Kioshi is my son.”
Love – the universal language, the story of Moonlight
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Re: The Faceless Ones - Chapter 5 (PG13) Chall 140 8/14/14

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

And the plot thickens...

So, it IS Lola. That is not good. Nope, not at all. :mdrama: She must have convinced Kioshi to prey on his own kind for profit. Not good for Kioshi. And how sad that he is Akemi's brother. :bmoon: It will probably fall to her to end him, since she is the shisha.

Ah, Mick. Can't wait to get back home to Beth! I'm glad Josef coached him on the proper etiquette for dealing with Kikimo!

Well, at least Ruby isn't being tortured or terrorized - yet. Maybe Mick will save the day!

Always awesome to find a new chapter! :twothumbs:
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Re: The Faceless Ones - Chapter 5 (PG13) Chall 140 8/14/14

Post by darkstarrising »

MickLifeCrisis wrote:And the plot thickens...

So, it IS Lola. That is not good. Nope, not at all. :mdrama: She must have convinced Kioshi to prey on his own kind for profit. Not good for Kioshi. And how sad that he is Akemi's brother. :bmoon: It will probably fall to her to end him, since she is the shisha.

Ah, Mick. Can't wait to get back home to Beth! I'm glad Josef coached him on the proper etiquette for dealing with Kikimo!

Well, at least Ruby isn't being tortured or terrorized - yet. Maybe Mick will save the day!

Always awesome to find a new chapter! :twothumbs:
Thanks, MLC :hug: Ah, but things are not always as they seem, now, are they? Before the end of this story, there will be a few surprises, not all of them pleasant.
Love – the universal language, the story of Moonlight
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Re: The Faceless Ones - Chapter 5 (PG13) Chall 140 8/14/14

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

darkstarrising wrote: Before the end of this story, there will be a few surprises, not all of them pleasant.
:chair: :scary:
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Re: The Faceless Ones - Chapter 5 (PG13) Chall 140 8/14/14

Post by allegrita »

Ooh, we learned so much in this chapter! :teeth: Lola's got a history in the Islands. Why am I not surprised it's stained red with blood? :eyeroll: She doesn't have any qualms at all about incurring the wrath of the vampire population, does she?! :gasp: Poor Kimiko. What an awful burden for a shisha to have to bear. :Mickangel:

Going back to the beginning, I loved the conversation between Mick and Catherine. She has a real intuition about Mick and Steve. I'm glad Mick's appearance didn't frighten her. She's a good judge of character. :thumbs: And she's quick on the uptake, too. She figured out immediately what Mick could tell with that nose of his. :blushing: :laugh:

I cracked up at that "box wine" comment :rolling: And I like the connection to Club Valis! Great continuity with the show. :clapping:

I'm very curious about Ruby. Who is the blond vampire, and what are his motives? Will Ruby be able to use those ventilation grates, or will her hopes be dashed? All I know is, if she keeps losing blood at this rate, she won't have the strength to climb up and find out. :chair:

And what did Josef and Ryder see on the video?! :2eyes:

Mick did a good job of following the complicated protocols that are so important to Kimiko. That gift was perfect--it endeared Beth to Kimiko even more. I think she's got a definite soft spot for the St. Johns. :hearts: But Mick was smart not to spill the beans about how Josef was involved with Lola. If Kimiko knows, it's up to Josef to tell her; if she doesn't, well, Mick doesn't need to be the one to drop that bombshell!

And speaking of bombshells, Akemi’s son is involved in these terrible murders? How and why would someone who has lived for hundreds of years as a healer change so radically?? There's got to be more to this than we see. :chin:

Once again, you are creating new questions as fast as you answer the old ones! This is a really gripping story. I'm trying to savor it, and not read too quickly, but it's hard not to! :hyper:
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Re: The Faceless Ones - Chapter 5 (PG13) Chall 140 8/14/14

Post by darkstarrising »

allegrita wrote:Ooh, we learned so much in this chapter! :teeth: Lola's got a history in the Islands. Why am I not surprised it's stained red with blood? :eyeroll: She doesn't have any qualms at all about incurring the wrath of the vampire population, does she?! :gasp: Poor Kimiko. What an awful burden for a shisha to have to bear. :Mickangel:

Going back to the beginning, I loved the conversation between Mick and Catherine. She has a real intuition about Mick and Steve. I'm glad Mick's appearance didn't frighten her. She's a good judge of character. :thumbs: And she's quick on the uptake, too. She figured out immediately what Mick could tell with that nose of his. :blushing: :laugh:

I cracked up at that "box wine" comment :rolling: And I like the connection to Club Valis! Great continuity with the show. :clapping:

I'm very curious about Ruby. Who is the blond vampire, and what are his motives? Will Ruby be able to use those ventilation grates, or will her hopes be dashed? All I know is, if she keeps losing blood at this rate, she won't have the strength to climb up and find out. :chair:

And what did Josef and Ryder see on the video?! :2eyes:

Mick did a good job of following the complicated protocols that are so important to Kimiko. That gift was perfect--it endeared Beth to Kimiko even more. I think she's got a definite soft spot for the St. Johns. :hearts: But Mick was smart not to spill the beans about how Josef was involved with Lola. If Kimiko knows, it's up to Josef to tell her; if she doesn't, well, Mick doesn't need to be the one to drop that bombshell!

And speaking of bombshells, Akemi’s son is involved in these terrible murders? How and why would someone who has lived for hundreds of years as a healer change so radically?? There's got to be more to this than we see. :chin:

Once again, you are creating new questions as fast as you answer the old ones! This is a really gripping story. I'm trying to savor it, and not read too quickly, but it's hard not to! :hyper:
Thanks, alle, :hug: Glad you're enjoying it!! Josef's comment in BC about Lola's age (500 years) and her 'pirate army' inspired this part of the story. When Kimiko is recounting the history, Lola would already have been 300 years old and already confident and arrogant.

When I started writing this story, I had a totally different focus in mind, with Catherine being the central character. For reasons that would take too long to explain, the muse went off in a totally different direction. Still, Catherine is important to this story and her conversation with Mick shows how perceptive she is and just how much she loves Steve.

As for your remaining questions, all will be answered in the follow on chapters. :devil:
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