May The Best Man Win?

A place for Ella713's G to PG-13 stories
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May The Best Man Win?

Post by Ella713 »

Moonlight Fanfiction
By Ella713
Rated PG

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Mick investigates the death of boxing champ and finds corruption throughout.

Beverly Sharpe looked older than her 35 years but being married to Carlos "Razor" Sharpe did that to a woman. She sat across from Mick with tears in her eyes.
"Take your time Mrs Sharpe" Mick said gently.
"Well of course no one was giving me a straight answer. All they said was that Carlos had been knocked
out and was not responsive. By the time I got to the hospital, he was already dead. And they killed him!" She screamed.
"Who do you think killed your husband? The guy he was up against?"
"Lenny? Lenny Moss couldn't beat my husband with an army behind him. Everybody knew that! I'm talking about Bruce Capelli and the others on the Boxing Commission! They wanted Carlos to take a dive! Against Lenny Moss! Like Carlos would ever do that! And because he wouldn't they killed him. And I want you to find them Mr. St. John. I want those bastards in jail!" She cried out.

Mick could tell she was upset and wanted whoever was responsible to pay and Mick also knew that she wouldn't stop. That meant the Boxing Commission would silence her like they did her husband.

"Hey Josef, you went to that Sharpe vs. Moss fight last week right?" Mick asked.
"Yeah. Danny and I took a client and it was a waste of good money? He said
"What happened?"
"Carlos came out strong like he always does. Dominated from the moment the bell rang. Moss isn't a skilled fighter but the kid could take a punch and he took a hell of a beat down. Then out of the blue in the 4th round Lenny starts taking him down. I mean Mick he was landing all kinds of body shots. It was like Carlos was throwing the match." Josef said.
"You think he was?"
"Yeah. At first I did. But it was kill shot that told me it was for real. You see, if a fight is rigged the fighter going down has to prepare himself for the hit he's gotta take. They tense up, tightening their muscles. But Carlos had no idea what was coming. Caught off guard. If it was a fix, Carlos wasn't in on it".
"What was the action like?" Mick asked with a smile. "Come on Josef! I know you bet the game"
"Alright. A lot of people lost. I mean Carlos was the favorite. A sure thing." Josef said. Mick stood up and got ready to leave.
"How much did you win?" Mick asked.
"$50,000" Josef said. Mick was shocked.
"How'd you know?" He asked.
"I've never trusted the boxing commission. When they start telling people about a sure thing, I do the opposite" Josef said.
Last edited by Ella713 on Sat Nov 15, 2014 12:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: May The Best Man Win?

Post by Ella713 »

"Hey Carl you got a minute?" Mick said walking over to his office.
"Sure, as long as it isn't creepy stuff. I need to work on some regular cases." He said with a smile.
"Well as far as I can tell, this is pretty regular. Carlos Sharpe" Mick said handing him some papers.
"Oh yeah, I heard about this. Got killed in the ring" Carl said handing him the file back.
"Murdered in the ring. The wife gave me the go ahead and Guillermo ran some test. He was drugged" Mick said, Carl read the tox report.
"The wife came to you?"
"Yeah and she wants blood, but she's accusing the head of the boxing commission. And that mens..."
"The Mob" Carl said with a small smile. "Tell me how you want to handle this"

Beth was not a fan of boxing. She thought it was barbaric and devoid of any sportsman like behavior......but that was the old Beth. The new Beth really paid attention to what Mick was explaining to her. She took it in. They were watching all of Carlos' past fights trying to spot something.
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Re: May The Best Man Win?

Post by Ella713 »

"I can't believe I never used to watch this!" Beth exclaimed, her eyes wide with excitement.
"Well that was before you found out what a warrior you were" Mick said looking over at her
"As fascinating as this is honey, I don't know what I'm looking for" She said with a smile. Mick saw something.
"Wait! Go back!" He said suddenly. Beth hit the rewind button.
"Right there! Stop!" Mick said pointing. "Did you see that?"
"Who was that?" Beth asked. Mick started looking through his files. "She looked like she just touched his water jug!" Beth said in surprise.
"That was the boxing commissioner's wife!" Mick said pointing at newspaper article.
"Mick, they murdered that boxer! What are you going to do?"
"I'm going to find out the truth" He said standing up.

Josef looked at Mick with large grin.
You're really going to do this? Do you even know how to box?" Josef asked
"I did a little back in the human days" He joked.
"I think boxing is a bit different from your old-timey fistacuffs!"
"Josef, it was the 1950's not the 1850's!. That's why I need a sponsor......." Mick said looking away.
"You want me to put my reputation on the line so you can get the crap beat out of you!"
"Josef, you do remember, I'm a vampire right?"
"You know, actually I do. Alright, you got your sponsorship! Get Logan to set you up with some fake stas......let's say you're a free agent coming out of Nebraska." Josef said going online.
"Great! But why Nebraska?" Mick asked in confusion.
"UFC Mick. Lincoln Nebraska host some of the finest UFC champions."

Logan put together two web pages about Micky Johns. 6'1" 185 pounds of solid muscle! Mick had to admit, it was impressive.
"Logan you could make a living doing this!" Mick said after viewing what he came up with.
"Sell my art? You're kidding right?" Logan said truly surprised that Mick would even suggest a thing like that.

Later that week, Josef drove Mick to Pop's Gym. All the important fighter and promoters hung out at Pop's to spot new talent.
"Okay Mick, are you ready for this?" Josef asked.
"Yeah. I'm ready" Mick said
"Okay, just follow my lead and let me do the talking" Josef said getting out of the limo.
Josef walked in with Mick by his side.
"Okay kid, this is Pop's Gym. Cream of the crop. You do good here, who knows what could happen" Josef said loudly. Mick looked around at all the boxers training. They were in good shape. An older gent came over to them.
"Well, well, well. If it isn't Josef Kostan! You getting into the biz?" He asked holding out his hand to him. Josef shook his hand.
"Vinny Marcini, how the heck are you? Yeah, I thought I'd give it try. I picked this guy up in Lincoln fighting in UFC. I liked what I saw. I think he could do very well here" Josef said with as much bravado he could muster, which in Josef's case was a hell of a lot. Vinny looked Mick up and down, noticing the strength in his arms.
"You think you got what it takes?" He asked. Mick held his head up high.
"Better than those slobs you got in the ring now" Mick said with grin.
"Whoa!!! Listen to kid talk trash! You got a pair don't you?" Vinny joked. "Tell you what. You go a couple of rounds with Jerome, and if you live, we'll see what we can do for you" He said calling Jerome over. Jerome was big guy. He looked like he had the strength to take on everyone in the gym...and win!
Jerome glanced at Mick not impressed with what he saw.
"I'm gonna drop you like first period French!" He said with a grin. Mick didn't say anything. He slowly unzipped his hoodie and walked towards the ring and got in.
"Well, I'm waiting!" Mick yelled. Jerome got in the ring.
"Okay ladies. Play nice. No kidney shots or rabbit punches. Got it!" The trainer said to them both. "Two rounds and it!"
Jerome and Mick danced around each trying to size each other up. Jerome threw the first punch and Mick quickly moved away. Jerome tried to get Mick with another punch. Mick quickly avoided that one as well. Vinny who really hadn't been paying much attention started to watch the guy named Micky Johns. The guy was super fast. In fact Vinny had not seen anyone that fast since Sugar Ray Leonard! He tapped his other buddies telling them to pay attention. Jerome wasn't able to land any shots on Mick and he was beginning to get really tired for his efforts. Mick saw his opportunity and took his shots. The first right hook landed right on Jerome's jaw. It stunned him but for a few seconds but that was all Mick needed to land two hard body shots and final uppercut to send Jerome down for the count.
Josef grinned like the cheshire cat and Vinny came down and stood next to him.
"Okay" He said taking his cigar out of his mouth. "You got my attention"
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Re: May The Best Man Win?

Post by Ella713 »

"Alright Josef. Where did you find this guy?" Vinny asked. Josef shrugged.
"I told you already. Lincoln, Nebraska. He was training for some kickboxing competition. He was good. Real good. You wouldn't think anyone his size could be that quick. I knew after that I could make something happen." Josef explained. "He was training with your old pal Ed Mertz"
"Ed always could spot the local talent. Tell you what Josef. How about I give your guy a shot next week. Strictly exhibition. Against someone low in the ranks. See how he handles himself. If that goes well, I'll start putting him in rotation." Vinny said.
"We need to discuss contracts" Josef said.
"After the fight" Vinny said.

"Alright Mick your in. He's going to start you at the exhibition level for the first fight. But I'm telling you Mick, watch your back. Don't ever let that guy out of your site." Josef said getting into the limo and shutting the door.
"Hey! What about my ride?" Mick called out to him. Josef rolled down the window.
"You're in training Mick. It's only 15 miles to Los Angeles".

Beverly Sharpe loaded the small caliber handgun and shoved it deep inside her purse. She got out of small pick up and slammed the door. She started walk very slowly to the gym entrance. Mick was facing the other way and saw a glimpse of something in the corner of his eye. He turned and when he saw what Beverly meant to do he sped in her direction grabbing her quickly.
"Beverly, don't do it!" Mick said. She trembled in his grasp.
"He killed my husband" She sobbed.
"I know he did Beverly. I know he did. Just trust me.I'll make him pay. I promise" Mick didn't like making promises but for this woman, he knew he had to. Mick didn't realize a friend of Vinny's was behind the building smoking a cigarette and listening to every word he said.
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Re: May The Best Man Win?

Post by Ella713 »

Mick placed Beverly back in her truck and made her promise to go right home. He looked around. He knew someone was behind the building. He turned as if he was leaving but hurried the other direction and was standing right behind the man. He was peeking his head around the building.
"Where the hell did he go so fast" He muttered to himself. Mick slammed his head hard against the concrete, silenced him for good, then ran the 15 miles back to LA.

"So whatcha got Mick?" Carl said as soon as Mick walked through the door. "Beth was telling me about the wife"
"Looks like my way in is as a fighter. Josef took me to Pop's Gym and I had to prove myself so to speak and he said he'd give me an exibition fight next week. Carl if you're on board, I need a trainer."
"You got it"
"I figure tomorow, I should start doing some hard core training. So I want something rough Carl. Don't go easy" Mick said.
"Trust me Mick. I wasn't planning on it" He said with a smile.
"What am I going to do?" Beth said eagerly.
"Sorry hon. You're a little too visible for this" Mick said.
"Oh come on! What if I came as "Pamela" always liked the dark wig." She said seductively Mick smiled.
'Ok, ok. But make sure you look like someone from Nebraska!"

Mick walked into the gym with Carl in front of him and Beth walking beside him. Carl walked over to an old guy sitting at a table.
"My name is Jake Crawford, I'm the trainer for Micky Johns." Carl said, the fake mustache making him look a bit older.
"Alright Jake, you get 90 minutes then it rotating time, no questions" the old man said. Carl signed in and motioned for Beth to sit down. Carl wasn't kidding when he said he wouldn't go easy on Mick. He ran Mick through a succession of exercises so varied that every part of his body got an intense work out. Beth sat and watched and felt the eyes of ever man on her. She also listened to every thing they said. Vinny walked over to where she was sitting and pulled up a chair next to her.
"And who might you be?" he said taking her hand in his and kissing the top of it. Beth wanted to punch the man.
"I'm Pamela and if you touch me again without asking, I"ll punch you so hard your great great grandchildren will have bruises." She said turning her head away from him.
"You got a feisty spirit. I like that" Vinny said admiring her legs. The mini skirt she was wearing left little to the imagination.
"Feel free to like it from afar. I'm taken" She said. "And my fiance won't take to kindly to your behavior"
"Oh. So you came with the kid. You from Nebraska too?" He asked. "Where you two staying anyways?"
"Wouldn't you like to know! Look Mr. whoever you are, you don't need to know anything about me okay. Country don't mean dumb!" Then she got up and walked over towards Mick and gave him a kiss that made him blush. Then she walked out of the building.
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Re: May The Best Man Win?

Post by Ella713 »

Carl and Mick watched Beth sashay out the door.
"Where did she learn that!" Carl said. Mick just shrugged his shoulders.

Two weeks later at the MetroDome arena Mick had his fist exhibition fight. He was up against a guy named Geraldo Sampson. He was seeded number 14 on the list which meant that Mick could sneeze and knock the guy over. The bell sounded and the round started. Geraldo was quick but he simply was no match for Mick. Mick took him out in the second round.

Carl was in the changing room unwrapping Mick's hands when Vinny came in.
"That was a good fight. Next week I think I'll put you with Mike DeShon. He's number 5 in the league".
Carl nodded.
"And tell Kostan we need to talk contracts" He said finally walking out of the room.
"We got him" Carl said.

Vinny needed to get this fighter for a good price, but Kostan was no fool. He had to come up with something good. Micky Johns had 10 years of fighting in his future. A future in which Vincent "Vinny" Marcini would make an boatload of money!

Josef picked up the phone when his Assistant told him Mr. Marcini was on the line.
"Vinnie! I heard what happened at the exhibition game, so don't waste my time. Micky is good and you know it. He'll get a heavyweight title by the end of year." Josef said sternly.
"Josef, you're right. Micky is the real deal. I wouldn't insult you by trying to low ball you. So why don't you tell me what you want for him contract?"
"Okay" Josef said pausing. "$ 2million and he's yours free and clear. Contract and all"
"$ 2 mil. Why so low? You trying to run a scam on me Kostan?!" Vinny said becoming suspicious.
"Look considering that I got him for free, that 2 million is all gross profit. That's like you running into me on the street and giving the cash. Draw up your own contract run a background check, he kid is squeaky clean"
"Meet at Pop's tomorrow. I'll have the cash" Vinny said and hung up. He was starting to get cold feet. He stepped out of his office and saw Mick take down Jerome yet again in a sparring match and he smiled. That kid was amazing. He saw the way the kid looked at his fiance' He definitely loved her. Whether or not she loved him was the question. He saw a plan forming. And it was a damn good one.
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Re: May The Best Man Win?

Post by Ella713 »

While Mick was traning Beth quietly left the gym. She noticed at least 7 cameras surrounding just the gym area. She would have to be careful. She carefully stepped around the corner. She saw a door at the end of the hall. She carefully placed her ear to the door and heard Vinny talking to someone named Leo. He hung up the call and was coming her way. Beth quickly jumped up and grabbed hold of some piping that was above. She waited until he left the area before she quietly jumped down. He locked the door, she thought. There was definitely something in there he didn't want other to see. She pulled her lock kit out of her handbag and picked the lock. She opened the door but didn't go. Chances are Vinny had camera's in there as well. She quickly called Logan.
"Logan, it's Beth. I need you to do me a favor" she began.
"For you sexy lady, anything" He joked.
"Ok, I'm at a place called Pop's gym and they are wired up. Any way you can get rid of the surveillance for me?"
"Are you on Venterra Blvd.?"
"Give me 10 minutes........these guys must be the mob" Logan said under his breath.
"Why do you say that?"
"Because they're stuck in the 70's. And that means everything is prehistoric." He joked. "Okay Beth, you got 15 minutes" Logan said.
"Thanks" Beth said quickly going into the office and going through everything. She found at least a dozen contract for different fighters, the lease on the building and some small weapons. She opened a door by his desk. She saw dozens of bottles of Rohypnol. That's probably what they used to knock out Carlos. She also saw a stack of what looked like cassette tapes, She grabbed them all and threw them in her purse. She heard footsteps coming up the hallway. She had no where to go. She quickly went to his bar poured herself a drink, undid a button on her already revealing shirt, and sat down on his sofa. She heard the key in the door. She took a sip of the drink and smiled. Vinny looked surprised then when he saw who is it was, he began to smile.
'Do I want to know how you got into my office?" Beth shook her head slowly and seductively. She stood up.
"Let me fix you a drink, so we can talk" She said walking to the bar fixing him a drink. She still had the rohypnol in her hand, She quickly dropped it into his drink. She added some soda water and stirred it up. She sat down and patted the seat next to her.
"We need to talk about Micky." Beth started to say. "This was all fun when we first started dating, but all this traveling and staying a different hotel and all those fighters trying to put their hands up my skirt......listen I want out." Beth said. Vinny smiled. "I know you're gonna buy his contract, all I m saying is you give me a cut to get me by and I will keep making sure he beats the crap out of anybody you need him to."
"And if I decide to give you nothing but a bus ticket back to Nebraska?" Vinny said taking good sip of the drink.
"I break up with Micky, take your bus ticket and you can watch him slide from promising future heavy weight, to emotional wreck in the matter of days."
Vinny knew she was speaking the truth. The way the kid looked at her.......hell he'd be a boozhound the moment she walked out the door.
"How much do you want?" He asked carefully.
"I don't need a lot. $100,000 to start, and maybe a little more after he wins the big championship for you." Vinny thought it over. The young woman had no idea how to negotiate that was for sure. He took another drink and thought some more. He feeling a little dizzy...............

Beth made sure he was out then she simply walked out the door and locked it behind her.
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Re: May The Best Man Win?

Post by Ella713 »

Mick was just getting home when Beth parked her car. She quickly ran indoors and locked the door.
She dumped the contents of her purse on the sofa in front of Mick.
"What are those?" He asked picking them up and turning them around. "Are these video cassette tapes?"
Beth nodded. They both drove back to Logan's place.

"You know Mick, you can't always assume that I'm alone. I might have a hot babe here!" Logan said exasperated. Mick rolled his eyes and dumped the tapes on his desk.
"Logan, we need to find out what's on these tapes" Mick said, Logan sighed and took one of the tapes and placed it in a machine. The tape showed a meeting between Carlos Sharpe and a few members of the boxing commission. They were telling Carlos that he was getting old and that the league needed some new young blood. Carlos was angry. He said he would never shame his family by throwing a fight.
All of the tapes dating back 5 years had the same scenario. The commission tells some guy to throw the fight. For most of these men, fighting was all they had. All they had worked hard for. The commission didn't care about these guys.
The last tape was Vinny and his wife Carla. He opened up a cabinet beside his desk. He pulled out the drug and placed it her hand.

Vinny slowly opened one eye. Where was he? He slowly sat up and looked around. He was in his office. He looked down at himself. He wasn't wearing any pants. His shirt was wide open as well. On the floor was a bottle of perfume. Crap! He thought suddenly. If Mona found out about this she would kill him! He got up quickly and went inside his bathroom and cleaned himself up, He threw the perfume bottle into a garbage can outside his office. He made his way down the hallway. He smelled fresh brewed coffee.
Hey Joey, what time is it?" Vinny asked.
"A little after 6:30am boss. I guess you had a long night." He said with a smile.
"Who was I with?" he asked pouring himself a cup of coffee and taking a good long drink.
"Are you kidding me boss? How much did you have to drink?" He joked.
"Don't be wise ass, just tell me who I was with?" Vinny said annoyed.
"That Pamela chick! The hot brunette with the new guy."
Vinny smiled. Just his luck. He gets busy with the hottest tail he's seen in......well forever and he can't remember a damn thing!

"Well Carl, this is the proof we needed" He said handing over the tapes.
"Beth and I watched them last night. The boxing commission is on tape telling Carlos to take a dive, he refused. The last tape shows Vinny handing his wife the drug. Carl tell me this enough to send this guy away for life! They took a woman's husband from her!" Mick said. Carl knew this meant a lot of Mick.

"Let me go see Ben Talbot, I'll get a warrant and we'll go arrest his ass!" Carl said walking away.
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Re: May The Best Man Win?

Post by Ella713 »

Ben looked over the evidence that Carl gave to him/
"You know the Feds are gonna want a piece of this?" He said.
"After we're done with him I promise."
"Okay. When is this going to go down?"
"2 days Ben. That's all we need" Carl said anxiously.

"Hey Micky. I need to talk to you!" Vinny called over. Mick grabbed a towel wiped his face and hands and walked over.
"Yeah, what's up" He asked.
"There's been a change of plans. We're bumping you up. You're fighting the #2 seed tomorrow. Now before you get too excited, the guy is undefeated." Vinny said,
"Then why is number 2?" Mick chuckled.
"Because I want him to be number 2 that's why. Now I' want you to take his spot"
"Will do" Mick said confidently. Vinny looked around the gym.
"Hey where's your girlfriend?" He asked casually.
"I don't know. Shopping. Something about a dress for fight night" Mick said turning to take a few rounds on the punching bag.

Vinny was gonna move this kid up the ranks fast. He'd be in the ring fighting the champ just in time for the holidays.

Fight night came quickly. Carl had the arrest warrant in his jacket pocket. Vinny walked in with Beth wearing the tackiest dress Carl had ever seen her in. Every two-bit thug in the arena stopped to stare at her. One man made a remark that made Carl want to turn around and punch his ugly face in. Beth was like a little sister to him!

Beth took her front section seat, next to Vinny. Mick was introduced and he came out looking all business. Carl held the ropes for him and took off his robe. The defending challenger was a mountain of a man name Michael "The Tank" Thomas. He stood 6'2" and weighed a whopping muscled 235 lbs.
Beth was shocked when she saw the size of the man. Vinny lightly touched her arm.
"You look scared baby!" He said in her ear.
"Micky will have the guy kissing the mat by round 4" She said displaying confidence that she didn't really feel on the inside.
"Yeah he better, if you're as good as you claim to be" He said. Beth smiled slyly.
"You would know wouldn't you?" She teased. Vinny smiled but honestly that whole night was a blank. He wished he could remember it!

The bell rang and the fight started. The two traded punches and danced around. Mick took two hits that would have leveled any mortal man. After 40 minutes they were starting Round 4
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Re: May The Best Man Win?

Post by Ella713 »

The beginning of the 4th round became explosive! Mick began hitting Michael with combination jabs that caught the fighter completely off guard. The ref had to stop the fight twice just to make sure the guy was still able to fight. "The Tank" wanted the fight to go on. Mick had to give him points for that. With the final minute ticking in the round Mick delivered his final blow to the mid section that laid "The Tank" out for good. Mick looked at Vinny and he nodded his head. Beth winked at Mick and he smiled.

Odds for Mick were 50 to 1, so his winning made a lot of people upset and a handful of people rich.

Vinny came into the locket room after the fight. He lightly tapped Mick on the shoulder,
"Kid, that was something else! You gonna be the biggest fighter since Braddock!"
"Thanks Vinny" Mick said. "But I don't think I'm gonna be fighting anymore" Vinny stopped his toothy grin and looked up sharply.
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" He yelled
"I don't want to fight for you or the commission"
"Kid, you ain't got no choice. I own your contract thanks to you pal Josef Kostan. I can make you do anything I like" He said in a menacing voice.
"Yeah, that would be right, if I were a real fighter, but I'm not" Mick smiled.
"Bullshit kid! Nice try!"
Mick reached into his bag and pulled out his license and held it in front of Vinny.
Vinny looked at it quickly and started to back up slowly.
"Hey, you got me...kid.....what do you want?" He asked backing up slowly trying to reach the intercom button to reach his gun wielding pals. He found the button and slyly pressed it on.
"So what are you gonna do? Bust me up?" He said in a loud voice hoping someone would hear and come rushing in.
"Yeah, I do" Mick said smiling.
"What for cause I banged your girl? She was asking for it!" Mick laughed.
"Sorry Vinny, you struck out there as well. She doped you with The Rohypnol you had in your cabinet. The same drug you gave to Carlos Sharpe when he wouldn't take a dive like you ordered. You know what you also had in your little cabinet? Tapes. Lot's of tapes. The best one though is the one where you hand your wife the deadly does to put in his water. What'd you do? Forget about your own surveillance equipment? But I bet you remembered it right after Carlos died didn't you?" Mick said.
"No one is going to believe anything you or your tramp girlfriend says. I've been running these fight for over 35 years! This neighborhood depends on me!. All that little punk had to do was what he was told! Talking some trash about honoring his family!! What family? So fruit loop wife who would spent all her time filling her belly up with babies! I would have given him a hell of lot more than so runny nose brats!"
Carl came walking into te room with a couple of units.
"Vincent Mercini, you're under arrest for the murder of Carlos Sharpe and five counts of racketeering."
Vinny fought as they tried to put the cuffs on him.
"You ain't got nothing on me! It's just this muck's word over mine!" He yelled.
"We got a full confession from you already." Carl said as he led him out of the room. When they reached the man hall Vinny saw.
Beth had let Logan into the gym and he rigged Vinny's surveillance cameras to play to everyone in the gym. Vinny glanced up at the large projection screen he himself had set up so that he could charge people who couldn't make the fight......

"Thank you so much Mr. St. John. I don't know how I can thank you" Beverly said.
"You're welcome." Mick said. Beth came through the door.
"We have something for you." Mick said. "It's $2,000.000.00 We figured Carlos would easily earned that much."
"Oh! I can't take that!" She said in surprise.
"You can" Beth said."Carlos earned that money for you and your son!"
Thank you both so much!" She said as she walked away.

"Babe, that was really nice of you. Where'd you find the cash? Was it also in the safe?" Mick asked.
"No. I told Josef to give up his fake contract money!" She said.
"And he said yes?"
"No, but Isabelle said something about a girl's vacation for a whole month, then he just handed me the check?"
"Smart move Josef" Mick said to himself hugging Beth tightly.

The End
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