First Night On The Job PG-13 Champagne Challenge 168

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First Night On The Job PG-13 Champagne Challenge 168

Post by cassysj »

I do not own the Moonlight universe or any of it's characters, no copyright infringement is intended.

January, 1940, New York City

“Hope, Hope, wake up it’s after seven.”

Hope’s eyes snapped open on the floor of the stone basement in Greenwich Village. The senior Cleaners had freezer units but they cost a fortune to run. The four trainees had the basement until they proved their salt. Tonight was Hope’s first night on the job, she’d been trained for six months. She and the other trainees went upstairs to get their assignments from Lydia.

Lydia was a five hundred year old vampire and Head Cleaner of the Tri-State area that included NYC, Hartford and Philadelphia.

The trainees stood at attention while Lydia said. “Temperance, you are going with Monica to Philadelphia. Prudence, you are going to Hartford with Charity. Patience, I’m sorry to say you’re going to have to exercise your name and go back for more formal training.

Patience frowned, spun on her heels and stomped downstairs. Lydia sighed. “Anna, I don’t think that girl was a good idea.”

“She’s my cousin.”

“You might have to take a leave of absence and prepare her to be an…..ordinary vampire.”

Lydia said the word ordinary with such venom that Hope considered ordinary a fate worse than death or undead.

“Hope, you’re with me.” Lydia said crisply.

Hope went and stood over with the rest of Lydia’s squad. The first call came in about midnight.

Lydia nodded to Hope to answer the phone.

“West Side Cleaning services, no job too big or small”

A woman was whispering. “Come quick. There’s a lunatic on Waverly near Washington Square Park. He drained my friend and then took off after an old drunk.

Hope wrote down the address and handed it to Sophia, half the squad was out the door in seconds.

Hope resumed the phone call “Your friend?” “Identify yourself.”

“I’m a feeder at Sundown on West 8th Street, do I have to give my name?”

Hope had memorized all the rules for both vampire and the rare human call. “Yes, if you want the five thousand dollar reward.”

The girl gasped she didn’t make that much in a year. “My name is Hailey Trinket. That’s not my legal name but that’s how everyone knows me because I’m little.”

“Hailey if you saw him kill your friend, why didn’t he kill you?”

There was a pause before Hailey said. “We usually walk home together but…..I...I forgot my purse at Sundown. I was a block away when I saw her fall and I hid behind a car until I saw him run after the drunk. I knew she was dead, he took off half her throat. I filled in for the assistant manager at the club last week and that’s how I got the trouble number. She gulped. Did I do something wrong?

Hope spoke in her most soothing tone. ‘No. You’re a good girl. Your loyalty will be remembered. Don’t speak of this to anyone else, a blonde vampire will request you tomorrow night at Sundown and give you an envelope.

“Yes, miss”

“Don’t speak of this to anyone, not your friends, family….sponsors. We’ll know if you do.”

“I know the rules, I won’t let you down.”

Hope hung up the phone and Lydia sat next to her.

“A human?”


“How did she get our phone number? Does she run a club or is she a Head Feeder for the Astors?

“She filled in for the assistant manager at Sundown.”

Lydia considered this for a minute. “Then you’ll meet her tomorrow night and decide whether or not she can keep her mouth shut.

“Isn’t that what the money is for?” Hope asked

“The money is to reward trusted humans. Since she’s not on our list we have to decide if she can be trusted.

“Shouldn’t someone more experienced make that decision?” Hope asked.

“No, this is how you get experience. If you make the right decision, you’ll move up in the ranks. If you make the wrong one you’ll be with Patience. It’s not that hard. You can tell by smelling them if they lie. If she’s being honest, give her the money, if not then we’ll make other arrangements.

Hope nodded. As a nurse she tried to help save lives. A Cleaner protects the lives of the undead. The difference is sometimes a Cleaner kills to save, she hoped she wouldn’t have to do that tomorrow.
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Re: First Night On The Job PG-13 Champagne Challenge 168

Post by allegrita »

When I first met Hope in your Josef Doll picture stories, I wondered why she was so prickly and difficult. Then as I got to know her better through your stories, I began to see the funny and loyal person she truly was, but she still had that hard-to-like aspect. Knowing she'd been raised to be a Cleaner helped explain it, but I didn't really have a feel for what that life (unlife?) must be like till this story. What a first day on the job. :gasp: I want to believe that Hailey is safe, because you named her after your adorable doll character, but you never know... :nails:

I hope that Hailey's on the up and up, and that Hope trusts her senses and doesn't decide to eliminate her just in case. :gasp:

Great story! And a wonderful answer to the Challenge. :clapping:
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Re: First Night On The Job PG-13 Champagne Challenge 168

Post by cassysj »

Thank you. The Cleaners have a critical and difficult job so I thought they wouldn't be groomed as an average vampire. Yes, Hailey will be fine. :hearts: She is telling the truth and meant well, she knew not to call for the police or an ambulance. It's as important for a Cleaner to be a good judge of character as well as being Judge, jury and executioners in some circumstances.
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Re: First Night On The Job PG-13 Champagne Challenge 168

Post by choccyterri »

:fingerscrossed: Ooooh, see I was reading this as a story on it's own, and want to know what happened next!! I can feel one of those old TV programme monologue's coming Cassy! ' What will happen to Hailey? Will Hope have to make a tough decision? Tune in next week and find out... on... First Night on the Job... '

I really enjoyed this story, lovely! And I love how the Cleaners see themselves as so very exclusive. It's what they are. Such brilliant characters. Thank you for sharing! :heart:

“It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live.”
― Marcus Aurelius.
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Re: First Night On The Job PG-13 Champagne Challenge 168

Post by allegrita »

It's fun to meet a younger, less sure of herself Hope. I couldn't be a Cleaner, I'm much too soft hearted. I'm so glad Hailey will be okay! :phew:
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