You Know What I Mean ~ Anniversary Challenge #168 (G)

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You Know What I Mean ~ Anniversary Challenge #168 (G)

Post by HotMicks »

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Rating: G

Characters: Josef & Mick

Author's Note: Women! When you live forever... they tend to haunt you.

This is a response to Champagne Challenge #168 - A Surprise Anniversary Challenge. "In honor of the eighth anniversary of the premier of Moonlight, we decided to throw a special Challenge your way. The theme is 'Begin at the Beginning', The choice of a 'beginning' is up to you – whether it’s a certain meeting at a fountain, or something completely different."


[Mick’s Office. Mick is sitting behind his desk. Josef is pacing.]

“She’ll be here any minute, Josef. You won’t believe it until you see her with your own eyes — I get that — but I hope you’re ready for the shock.”

“I hardly think that’s a concern, given how you’ve gone on and on about her. At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised to see her stroll in here with her fairy godmother and the ghost of Greta Garbo.”

“I just want to make sure you’re prepared for this, buddy.”

“What? Back from the dead… well, not really, obviously — but you know what I mean.”

“It really is uncanny. It’s like yesterday… like she hasn’t aged at all. Okay, she hasn’t — but you know what I mean.”

“I see what you did there.”

“Come on, Josef, talk to me. What are you thinking?”

“I’m thinking it’s been a long time since I’ve seen those smokey eyes and heard that silky voice.”

“Easy there, fella. That look in your eye is exactly what I’m talking about.“

“She always did have that effect, Mick.”

“Is that why you’re fidgeting like you’ve just been called into the principal’s office?”

“Just my usual impatience, that’s all.”


“You told her 11 o’clock, right?”

“Yes. Geez, Josef, you’re like a 12-year-old girl with a Bieber crush!”


“Nevermind. Just sit down and I’ll go pour us some cocktails.”

“Be discreet about it, alright? Actual cocktails… and just a splash of — you know. I don’t think we should throw it in her face.”

“Literally or figuratively?”

“Ha. Ha. Just hurry up. I want to take the chill off before she gets here — just in case, by chance, she wants to greet an old friend warmly.”

“Don’t get your hopes up. I’m not sure what she’s going to be feeling towards you.”

“Oh, I think I know.”

“You do, huh? Oh — there’s the door. I guess we’re about to find out.”

“Sarah, sweetheart, you can’t imagine how happy I am to finally see those beautiful, smokey blue eyes once again!”

~ Hot Mick's Mistress of Chill
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Re: You Know What I Mean ~ Anniversary Challenge #168 (G)

Post by allegrita »

Eeee! :gasp: :teeth: What happened?!? Why didn't Josef know??? How did MICK find out?? What's she gonna say to Josef?!? Is she human or vamp??? :hyper:

OMG! You can't leave us hanging like this!!! :mdrama:

(p.s. LOVE this! :yahoo: )
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Re: You Know What I Mean ~ Anniversary Challenge #168 (G)

Post by choccyterri »

:gasp: Holy Freaking Bananas!! :gasp:

WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON!!??? My mind has just bee utterly blown, and if you don't tell me what happens next I'll get all demanding and Lola-ish, ( which I frequently do in my spare time anyway... :brow: ) And SULK until we find out what happens next!!

Babes, this is great!! And it's SO cute how Josef's all... you know. :heart: And how Mick's got one up on him too. I love that. :hearts:

Thank you for sharing this!! And please write some more!! :notworthy:

“It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live.”
― Marcus Aurelius.
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