Treats PG-13 Champagne Challenge

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Treats PG-13 Champagne Challenge

Post by cassysj »

I do own any Moonlight characters no copyright infringement is intended

Mick was stopped outside of Josef’s office by his gatekeeper Laura.

“Mick, now is not the time.”

“Laura, I just need to see him for a minute.”

Josef was screaming behind the door. “Tangie, I don’t care how you make it happen but I need two hundred freshies vetted before Sunday.

“Josef, I can round up seventy-five to a hundred reliable girls but I can’t do a hundred other interviews between now and Sunday there aren’t enough hours left.”

There was complete silence from the office. Mick was pretty sure Josef hadn’t killed Tangie but you could hear a pin drop. “Hire all you can from Cache and Fire Blossom. If you need more as a last resort call Lydia at The Cleaners but get all your friends, acquaintances and reliable frenemies first.”

Mick could smell the relief coming off Tangie through the closed door. “I’m sure I can get that many if I can use Cache and Fire Blossom. I won’t let you down.”

“Good, it just has to be spectacular. There will be five different evening gowns for them to pick from in assorted colors. They wear my uniform or they don’t serve.

Tangie almost knocked Mick down opening the door. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were waiting.”

“No problem. Good luck. Mick whispered.

“Thanks, I’ll need it.

Josef waved Mick inside. Mick smiled.

“Two hundred? Isn’t that excessive?

Josef frowned. “No, I’m hoping it’s enough. I’ve been picked to host the Halloween House for Southern California.

Mick burst out laughing. “You’ve been avoiding that for decades.”

“I know they finally caught up with me. Every vampire that wants to go Trick or Treating will be on my doorstep.

“Are you allowing vampire costumes?” Mick asked.

“Of course not. You can be a zombie, werewolf, Darth Vader or Katniss Everdeen but absolutely no vampires.

“I am going to the costume store and get a mask.”

Josef sighed. “If it gets you to drink fresh I’ll sponsor it every year. That's worth the money I’m spending on treats.

Mick shrugged. “Maybe just for Halloween.”

“I guess you have to start somewhere. “Now, what can I do for you? Josef asked.

“Beth wanted to invite you to a Halloween party but…..I’ll tell her you have other plans.”Mick said

“Send my sincere regrets. I’m forced to be den mother to every vampire that has arrested development. I am not doing this again this century."

"You hope."

"I'll relocate before I do it again."
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Re: Treats PG-13 Champagne Challenge

Post by allegrita »

:coffee: OMG, Josef sounds very cranky! I wonder if Mick will take Beth as his date...? If he does, I'm betting there will be no drinking fresh... well, maybe out of a glass... :winky:

Wow, Tangie really has her hands full! :juggle: But I know she'll pull this off. She has lots of friends and contacts, thank goodness. :ghug:

Great response to the Challenge!! :highfive:
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Re: Treats PG-13 Champagne Challenge

Post by librarian_7 »

Josef...screaming! :scary: :chair: :eek2: :gasp: :scary:

Run for the hills, everyone!
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Re: Treats PG-13 Champagne Challenge

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

"Cranky" is putting it mildly. :snicker:

So how is Mick going to attend Josef's party if Beth is hosting her own?? Hmmm.

This made me smile, Carole! Thanks for posting!
Many thanks to Twilightdew for my banner and avi.
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