Moving Up in the World - (Fic Challenge #101) PG-13

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Moving Up in the World - (Fic Challenge #101) PG-13

Post by PNWgal »

A/N: It's a mystery to me why I'm all of a sudden so prolific. THREE one-shots in a week? :shock:

My attempt at the challenge - enjoy.

Usual disclaimers apply. I own nothing but my own imagination.


Mick cursed when Josef's scent drifted into the freezer. He'd been up for almost 30 hours on his latest case. A harried wife was convinced her husband was having affair; as far as Mick has ascertained, the only mistress the man seemed to have was his job and Mick was beyond frustrated. He'd been ready to call it a day and had barely climbed into his freezer when Josef had pounded his way into Mick's office.

As usual, Josef wrinkled his nose at Mick's less than ideal home as Mick got up and put on a pair of jeans and a scowl.

"It's past time for an upgrade, my friend." Josef sniffed. "Your business is well established--there doesn't seem to be shortage of missing children or philandering spouses. And, thanks to me, you're making a killing in the market. You have the money to afford something much more...suited to you."

"You mean, suited to YOU."

"Semantics, boyo." Josef looked around the cramped space and sighed. Every horizontal surface was covered with papers and manila folders. "No matter. You need to stop sleeping in your office and get your own place."

Mick frowned and barely resisted throwing Josef out on his Armani-covered ass. "I don't need my own place, Josef. I've got everything I need right here."

"Including, but not limited to, mold, rats and cockroaches." Josef moved a stack of file folders off a rickety office chair and brushed off the dusty seat before sitting down gingerly. He crossed his legs and rested his hands on the chair's arms.

"They keep me company," Mick quipped.

Josef raised a brow. "Amusing. No wonder you haunt my place for freshies; any girl in her right mind would run screaming from this hovel."

Mick's face closed in on itself. He had no intention of bringing anything remotely female that wasn't a client into this space. This office, this business was his and his alone--the one thing he'd ever had since he'd been Turned that Coraline couldn't touch or control. Since he'd made his final break from the train wreck that was his marriage, this small musty space was the only place he found a semblance of peace. He leaned against the wall and crossed his arms, his scowl growing darker.

"Are you here for a reason, or did you come just to rag me about my place again? If not, I'm going to bed - I've had a long night, I'm tired and I'm pissed." He jerked his head towards the door. "You know the way out."

"You're so damn cranky when you don't get enough sleep." Josef shook his head and stood, his trousers falling into precise place. "I am, in fact, here for a reason. A very good reason."

"So spill it."

Josef wagged his finger at his irritated friend and smirked. "Tsk tsk...didn't your mother teach you any manners? You're so impatient." Sobering, he picked up a shirt from a pile of clothes on the floor and threw it in Mick's direction. "Get dressed- this is something I have to show you."


"Voila!" Josef stepped out of the back of the Town Car and swept his arm towards the building in a regal gesture. Mick slowly climbed out of the other side of the car and squinted through his sunglasses at the sand-colored building in front of him.

"It's a building." Mick's voice was flat. "I assume you own it."

"In a manner of speaking, yes." Josef laid a hand on the building's warm surface and smiled. "What do you think?"

"You dragged me out here in the sun to look at some old building you bought? Jesus, Josef..." Mick shook his head, then tilted it up and looked up at the building's top. The gargoyles are kinda cool, though...

Josef chose to ignore Mick's scorn and pushed his way through the double glass doors. "Come see the inside. I want to show you the penthouse."

Mick shrugged and moved into the building with a quick stride - he was too tired to withstand much of the sun's relentless heat. As the two vampires stepped into the cool lobby, Josef scouted around until he found the bay of elevators.

"Ah! Here we go." Josef punched a button. "This one takes us up to the penthouse." He stepped inside the elevator when the doors whisked open. After a brief hesitation, Mick followed, the doors closing with a soft "whoosh" at his back. He shot a suspicious glare at Josef, but the elder's face showed no sign he was up to anything. Of course, that didn't mean the old man WASN'T up to something, Mick mused.

They rode in silence until the doors opened, announcing their arrival at the top floor. Josef strode down the hall like he'd lived there for a century and stopped in front of a closed door. The top half was covered with a sheet of brown newsprint paper.

Josef turned around and noticed Mick still standing in front of the elevator. He made a 'come hither' motion with an impatient jerk of his hand. "Will you get a move on? I do have other things that require my attention before I hit the icebox."

Mick sighed and walked down the hallway until he stood just behind Josef. "So?"

Josef reached out and ripped the paper off the door's top half. Mick's jaw dropped as he read the black lettering on the frosted glass.

"Mick St. John, Private Investigations," he said slowly, running his fingertips over the raised letters. Josef grinned as Mick's shocked eyes moved from the door to Josef's face and back to the door. "Josef, what is this?"

"This, my friend," Josef said as he pushed open the door, "is your new office."

Mick's face was a study in awe as he took in the open and airy space. A monstrous desk dominated the office and faced away from floor to ceiling windows, with an impressive office chair placed neatly behind it.

"I'd thought to furnish the space before you saw it, but my decorator isn't familiar with Early Crappy Office. I'll leave that to your discretion," Josef said from the doorway. Mick ignored Josef's comment and focused on the desk. A gun-metal gray box with a screen sat towards the side, with a flat typewriter keyboard in front of it.

"What the hell is that?"

Josef smirked. "That, my friend, is a computer. It's going to make your life a whole lot easier." Josef came over to the desk. He leaned over and pressed a button on the thin box that sat under it and grinned as the box made a humming noise as it warmed up.

"But I don't know how to use a computer."

"No need to worry. I've got just the man to teach you. New employee - I stole him away from IBM. Name's Ryder England. He'll be over tonight to show you how it works."


"There's more." Josef led Mick out of the office and opened the adjacent door. "Welcome home, Mick."

If the office was magnificent, the penthouse apartment was spectacular. A spacious living area spread out and led into a streamlined kitchen. Mick's eye caught the unique fireplace that divided the living room and kitchen. He walked over and ran a hand over the crystal.

"That's gas-powered." Josef's voice came from behind him, echoing in the empty space. "Don't stick your hand in there when it's lit."

Mick snorted. "Thanks, Dad." He turned to see a staircase that led to an upper level laid out like a loft.

"Josef, this is great, but I can't afford this."

"You never listen to me." Josef shook his head. "I told you that you're making a killing in the market."

Mick moved to the stairs and looked up. "It must be a slaughter, for me to afford this place and the office."

"And the downstairs, and the rentals, and the business spaces," Josef recited, ticking off each item on his fingers. "You own the building, my friend."

"I...what?" Mick thumped his palm against the side of his head a few times. "I'm sorry, my ears don't seem to be working today. I could have sworn you said I own this building."

"You heard me." Josef walked into the center of the empty penthouse and spread his arms wide. "Your own little kingdom. Think of it as a safe investment for your money. Things are going to top out soon financially and real estate is always a sound choice."

"I don't have time to be a landlord, Josef!"

"And that is why Konstan Property Management, Inc. will handle all the details for you. You're free to continue your P.I. jaunts and your brooding over your decision to permanently leave your wife."


"Look." Josef had suddenly lost all patience. "Your current place is a sty. I've checked into the landlord there - he's too busy with his other properties to worry about your run-down building. Besides, this is your chance to make a fresh start. New office, new life."

Mick rested his hands on his hips and looked down at the polished hardwood beneath his boots. Josef was right - this WAS his chance to start fresh. He lifted his head and held his hand out to his best friend.

"Thanks, man...thanks for this."

Josef clasped Mick's hand warmly and gave him one of his rare genuine smiles. "You are most welcome, my friend. I'm just happy I won't have to dry clean my clothes after a visit to your home in the future." As the phone on Mick's new desk started to ring, Mick quirked his brow at Josef.

"What?" Josef slapped a "who me?" look on his face. "I had your phones re-routed while we were on our way over. I told you, that England is a bloody genius."

Mick chuckled and walked over to the desk to pick up the receiver. "St. John. Yes, I--yes, ma'am, I find missing children. Yes..." Mick held the phone away from his ear briefly and Josef could clearly hear the distress in the voice on the other line. "Yes, Mrs. Tucker--err, I'm sorry, Mrs. Turner. I'll meet you at my office in an hour." Mick hung up the phone and Josef caught the brief sorrow that flowed through his friend. He knew how much Mick hated the calls about missing kids.

"Lost little lamb?"

Mick shook himself. "Yeah. Four-year old girl. Gotta go meet her mother at the old place."

"Come. I'll take you back there." Mick hesitated before following Josef out the door and took another look at his new home. He hoped Josef was right, that this would be the start of a new life for him, one that afforded him the opportunity to make the most of the cursed life he now led.

Walking out, he closed the door silently behind him.

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Re: Moving Up in the World - (Fic Challenge #101) PG-13

Post by francis »

Wonderful! So this is when Mick got his new apartment. And just when Beth would come into his life.
Josef is so knowing what Mick needs before Mick knows himself.
Early Crappy Office
I know that style. I have it myself. :D
Well done! Challenge met.
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Re: Moving Up in the World - (Fic Challenge #101) PG-13

Post by coco »

PNW 3 fantastic stories in a week. You are so good to us :D

I loved this. The idea that it was Josef who help set up Mick in his apartment and offices was brilliant. Their friendship shines in this.

Excellent response to the challenge :)
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Re: Moving Up in the World - (Fic Challenge #101) PG-13

Post by wpgrace »

Brilliant, PNW...

Precious Mick/Josef. A little snark, a lotta heart.

We all love the damn FOS... so good to have it as an actual character in a fic; it certainly was one on the show.

Wonderful ooooooohhh moment to hear it's Mrs. Tucker/Turner on the phone.

And I dunno why three in one week, but I'm kissing my screen right now, sweetie. Write on!
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Re: Moving Up in the World - (Fic Challenge #101) PG-13

Post by redwinter101 »

PNWgal wrote:It's a mystery to me why I'm all of a sudden so prolific.
Don't know, don't care, just LOVING it :D

It must be FoS week - but then with a relocation challenge, it's hardly surprising. I love that you had Josef sort it all out for him - but left the style to be all Mick.
PNWgal wrote:"I'd thought to furnish the space before you saw it, but my decorator isn't familiar with Early Crappy Office.
Genius. Perfect Josef :)
PNWgal wrote:Josef clasped Mick's hand warmly and gave him one of his rare genuine smiles.
And such a lovely moment of warmth. I am so in love with Mick and Josef's friendship at the moment - and this piece just warms my heart.

And with your conclusion, you bring us full circle - to a truly new beginning.

Lovely and sweet and touching.


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Re: Moving Up in the World - (Fic Challenge #101) PG-13

Post by Luxe de Luxe »

little did he know how much the change would bring him. yeah, I always suspected that Mick owned that building. Josef has looked after him for a long time.
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Re: Moving Up in the World - (Fic Challenge #101) PG-13

Post by allegrita »

Oh, oh, oh! (Allegrita does the happy dance for Mick's new place) :D

GOOD old Josef. He really knew how to do it. Hit him when he's weak, drag him over, and wow the hell out of him.

And I love the way you made the FoS and Beth come into Mick's life on the same day. How apropos! And Ryder, too!
"What?" Josef slapped a "who me?" look on his face. "I had your phones re-routed while we were on our way over. I told you, that England is a bloody genius."
Might as well give it up,'ve been outmaneuvered in a major way. :lol:
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Re: Moving Up in the World - (Fic Challenge #101) PG-13

Post by lila »

*swoons* . Love it, PNWgal! It's the perfect blend between sweet and snarky, and you've gotten Mick and Josef's relationship pinned down wonderfully well.

Also, I vote for this creativity streak to continue! :mrgreen:
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Re: Moving Up in the World - (Fic Challenge #101) PG-13

Post by jenstc2003 »

Beautifully done!! And I can SO see Josef doing this... it just makes perfect sense!


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Re: Moving Up in the World - (Fic Challenge #101) PG-13

Post by bluedahlia3 »

This is special. The dialogue very nicely done, story line great. Challenge met. Ten fangs in approval. VVVVVVVVVV
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Re: Moving Up in the World - (Fic Challenge #101) PG-13

Post by Fleur de Lisa »

Challenge met and exceeded, my friend.
Loved the way you seamlessly tied in Mick's future along with his past. It's all about moving forward, and who better to point that out than Josef?!
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Re: Moving Up in the World - (Fic Challenge #101) PG-13

Post by darkstarrising »

Good Lord, woman, what are you drinking ( or eating or nevermind)

Three in one week!!

This is cool....I often wondered how he got those I know
"You dragged me out here in the sun to look at some old building you bought? Jesus, Josef..." Mick shook his head, then tilted it up and looked up at the building's top. The gargoyles are kinda cool, though...
Yes, they are. And so is this.
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Re: Moving Up in the World - (Fic Challenge #101) PG-13

Post by mitzie »

Excellent story! An end and a new beginning. Very realistic. So now we know how Mick got his apartment and the whole building; thanks to you!! Love how this delved deeper into Mick and Josef's friendship. Bravo!!!!

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Re: Moving Up in the World - (Fic Challenge #101) PG-13

Post by sabazzz »

Wow, you've got Josef and Mick down like they would in real life...I love their banter! I love this one!
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Re: Moving Up in the World - (Fic Challenge #101) PG-13

Post by GuardianAngel »

Dammit, I missed that you posted this.

I'm a sucker for a backstory. I love your interpretation of how Mick winds up in the FoS. And that Josef stole Ryder, the maestro of all things telephonic, from IBM. Such a 'Josef' thing to do. So is purchasing Mick's place for him. And then you intertwined the new digs with the Beth storyline. Is it any wonder that I love you.

Oh, and the Mick/Josef banter is perfect.
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