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Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 5:01 am
by GuardianAngel
I'm right there with you P. I thought the actor was a cutie and the ending was sweet but I wasn't sold. But I promised my friend who had me watch it that I would give it another week. And what a difference a week makes!

Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 7:20 am
by librarian_7
Yeah, me too...after the first ep, I said, "Not too sure how bright that vamp is." My darling 80 year old mom called me and asked if I watched this new show...after all, she knows I'm a vamp fan, and says "So what did you think?" I said "Ehhhh, it was okay, I'll probably watch it again." And SHE says...."But that guy in the lead is REALLY cute." (Mom may be old, but she's not dead.)


Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 10:47 am
by allegrita
Hmmm...reminds me of something...I wonder what!?

Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 11:43 am
by redwinter101
Well I've had great fun catching up with this thread. Just my little contribution...

I loved Mrs. Ellis - she had that blowsy, slightly-gone-to-seed-small-town-beauty-queen look that was perfect for the wife of a man like Ellis. And she was so good - it was utterly convincing that she would have welcomed Mick into her home and regaled him with all the details of Ellis's shortcomings (and anything else he wanted to know, I imagine...). Mick played on that - we see that he's actually proficient at his job!

Re the rescue, I hated Mick speeding along the side of the car. I don't know if it was the effect itself or what but it just looked crappy.

Like a couple of others, I adored "You shouldn't have done that." That line, followed by flinging the TA against the streetlamp, was pure alpha Mick and it gave such a lovely contrast to the tenderness of the rescue and the final scene at Mick's.

And the hug. The hug makes me sigh. It's just beautiful.


Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 12:55 pm
by coco
I'm another fan of the "you shouldn't have done that" line. Loved the carrying Beth from the car straight to the flashback of the kidnap and then back to the FOS. I have two very favourite scenes from this episode and it's the fountain scene and the hug at the end. I always have a smile on my face when I watch the hug and I adore the VO from Mick "Sixty years is a long time to deny yourself the touch of another" *sigh* :D

Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 1:00 pm
by wpgrace
coco wrote:I'm another fan of the "you shouldn't have done that" line. Loved the carrying Beth from the car straight to the flashback of the kidnap and then back to the FOS. I have two very favourite scenes from this episode and it's the fountain scene and the hug at the end. I always have a smile on my face when I watch the hug and I adore the VO from Mick "Sixty years is a long time to deny yourself the touch of another" *sigh* :D

Sighing with coco...

And agreeing with Red... hated the running car-attack. Loved the alpha Mick...

But I loved this whole ep... I already was addicted to the show before I saw it, so I just loved the MickBeth and MickJosef moments...and the odd plot holes and occassional cheesiness weren't enough to quash by obsession...

Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 4:01 pm
by Fleur de Lisa
Sighing heavily, how I adore the line: "I can smell her on you"~~he had her scent memorized and was already staking (no pun, honest) a claim on Beth.

Yes, I did love the "Shouldn't have done that" line also. Not so much the line, but the way he said it--was great!

Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 4:04 pm
by wpgrace
Fleur de Lisa wrote:Sighing heavily, how I adore the line: "I can smell her on you"~~he had her scent memorized and was already staking (no pun, honest) a claim on Beth.

Yes, I did love the "Shouldn't have done that" line also. Not so much the line, but the way he said it--was great!

Ah! The Alex Whisperer returns to play...

And yes, it was the way he said it... to paraphrase Red, all alpha-Mick. Who can withstand that?

Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 4:55 pm
by Fleur de Lisa
I love territorial Mick. That is so attractive--especially when written in the fics. He oozes testosterone and whatever other manly hormones men exude.

Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 1:32 pm
by Kade1301
On the whole, I liked the first episode - got hooked on Mick right from the interview (and thanks a lot for the link to the long version! Didn't even know it existed) and I think it's great that Beth can look out for herself. After all, she got away from the professor all right - who would have thought that his assistant was the killer? Can't blame her for turning her back on him. Hitting Mick with the vase was brilliant as well. It was only much later that I began to wonder that "ouch" (and yes, I love that moment) is not really an appropriate reaction for a human (which Mick tries to appear)... By the way, I also like Beth's camera man ("Not overnight...") Oh, and of course I think Josef is great - right from "Oh, you don't like veiled threats..." (wouldn't we all like to talk to our bankers like that?) Whereas that could have been just an empty threat I think from "So kill them all" onwards it's clear that you don't want to get on Josef's bad side...

It's just after watching the episode several times that I begin to wonder:

- Why would garlic repel Mick's dates? He doesn't eat any...
- Why does the freezer not look like a freezer (no insulation!), and why do vampires sleep in freezers anyway - and why don't they put a mattress, pillows and blankets in there (though that occurred to me much later when mortal Mick is happy about his bed)
- Crashing a car with a mortal you care about in it is NOT a good idea, IMHO. And well, catching up with it running doesn't make me happy but I'd be willing to suspend my disbelief (but then he should have been able to do the same thing for Josh, shouldn't he?)
- On one hand I liked Mick's dealing with the professor and the assistant (there's too many bad teachers around as it is), but they should be dead after the show (I suppose the professor could have survived his collision with whatever it was, but as he now knows that Mick is a vampire, he can't be left alive to tell people, can he? Ditto for the TA, except after bending the lamp post he's probably dead anyway). Well, apparantly dead bodies aren't a problem for vampires as the Cleaner takes care of them - but then she should be so surprised in Dr. Feelgood "Don't tell me YOU need a cleanup".

I can't think of anything else at the moment, which is either a sign that this episode was better than some others, or that I watched it too long ago (I'm - again - on DVD 4), or that my brain has trouble to switch from "drooling over Mick in the interview"-mode into "plot analysis"-mode ;)

Bye, Kade

Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 1:59 pm
by wpgrace
:giggle: Welcome to the ep discussions, Kade!

We have all asked the same questions that you just did; thruout the ep discussions you may see some references in this ep and others to some of your puzzles... in fact, if you have ANY interest at all in reading fan fiction, some of our magnificent authors have tried to "make sense" of some of the plot holes you mentioned... about freezers, about running, about letting Prof Ellis live...

I'll have to ask for help in identifying some of the best fics for these questions and others... my brain isn't on yet today... :snicker:

But I will also say that, in spite of annoying plot holes... and the bizarre Moonlight Math that often makes Mick different ages and other inconsistencies occur... we have all kinda just accepted the fact that we DO watch the ep SOOOOOOO many times, that it cause us to notice plot holes that exist in other shows too... but that go largely unnoticed.

Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 3:52 pm
by redwinter101
Grace, surely you're not suggesting that we have a collective tendency to over-analyse?


Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 4:22 pm
by aolver
:flirt: Just had to jump in. Couldn't help it. Moonlight definitely has missteps as far as facts are concerned. But like everyone else, I've watched it a hundred times. I still watch it on my laptop at night while hubby watches the Mentalist, or other shows I don't want to pay a lot of attention to. I don't give a dang about story inconsistancies in my fave show. Most tv shows have those problems. We just don't care about them, or watch them a hundred times, over and over and over. My heart tells me I love Moonlight more than any show I have ever watched. In fact, I've NEVER loved any tv show before ML. Never will again. I wonder myself what is it about ML that makes me feel this way? I'll never be able to explain it. I don't care to analyze it or defend my feelings to people who don't "get it." It's okay if they don't. Each to his own. Anyway, just wanted to express my love and devotion to our "flawed" , wonderful show. I know a lot of you feel the same way. :heart: :hearts: :dracula: :cloud9: :ghug:

Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 4:36 pm
by redwinter101
Absolutely - perfect in all its glorious imperfections.


Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 5:37 pm
by wondergirl9847
The #1 reason I love Moonlight is the characters. The plots are secondary and usually kinda boring (Talking about the procedural parts and yes, they are usually full of holes), so I focus on Mick, Josef, Beth, Coraline, Carl, Logan, etc. It's an unconditional love with this show, regardless of the holes, I love it soooooo much. It still makes me laugh, smile, swoon and cry after upteen million viewings. I never fast forward through any parts either. The show had a magic that cannot be described into words.

Professor Ellis was so non-threatening, it was totally believable that Beth would get away from him. Hehe. He was kinda prissy, if you ask me. :snicker: His wife was more scary. LOL I loved that scene with Mick talking to her and she says "He's the only vampire I know." and that look Mick gives. Hee!! If only she knew. ;)

Fave thing about the ep: The Hug. :hug: