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Re: Moonlight Q & A

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 10:20 am
by redwinter101
Ladies, I found some old threads with individual questions (scenes, quotes etc.) so I'm going to merge them in to this one central thread.


Re: Moonlight Q & A

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 12:29 pm
by Kylara
Ok, this is more of a fandom question, but who had the idea to re-name Mick's appartment the "Fortress of Style" aka FOS ?? When I joined the Moonlight fandom this expression was already established...

Re: Moonlight Q & A

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 12:40 pm
by redwinter101
Oooooh, good question, Kylara. We have a Moonlight lexicon, here: viewtopic.php?f=397&t=6968 but that doesn't really help, as it only explains the name, not its origin.

It was established by the time I came to the fandom so I'm not sure who came up with it first. Sounds like a challenge for some of the longstanding fans. Can anyone remember which genius first came up with the name?


Re: Moonlight Q & A

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 12:51 pm
by Lilly
I believe it was used by a female blogger or reporter(?) in an early review of the show. For the life of me, I can't remember where it was, but I'll look around a bit.

Re: Moonlight Q & A

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 5:48 pm
by allegrita
Does anyone remember the absolutely wonderful 'picspam' (annotated pictorial, made with screencaps) of Mick's apartment in a LiveJournal blog? It was made after the first few episodes. I had it bookmarked and I'd go look at it from time to time, because it was beautifully done, with interesting commentary, and insight into the layout and design of Mick's loft... and it was quite snarky. I'm not sure, but I think that blogger (whose name I'm sorry that I don't know) might have called Mick's loft the Fortress of Style... :chin: I do remember that she called Jason "the DOHRING" in a wonderfully fangirlish way. So cute. :laugh:

Unfortunately, the LJ account containing that picspam has been gone for quite some time. I wish that I'd saved it, because it was really great.

Re: Moonlight Q & A

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 5:52 pm
by librarian_7
I'm wondering if VASusieQ18 might remember, or Sirensong. I seem to recall it was in common usage in the fandom within a very short time of the series starting.

I know we were using that term in RP by November of '07.


Re: Moonlight Q & A

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 5:55 pm
by Lilly
allegrita wrote:Does anyone remember the absolutely wonderful 'picspam' (annotated pictorial, made with screencaps) of Mick's apartment in a LiveJournal blog? It was made after the first few episodes. I had it bookmarked and I'd go look at it from time to time, because it was beautifully done, with interesting commentary, and insight into the layout and design of Mick's loft... and it was quite snarky. I'm not sure, but I think that blogger (whose name I'm sorry that I don't know) might have called Mick's loft the Fortress of Style... :chin: I do remember that she called Jason "the DOHRING" in a wonderfully fangirlish way. So cute. :laugh:

Unfortunately, the LJ account containing that picspam has been gone for quite some time. I wish that I'd saved it, because it was really great.
Alle, I think that's it! Now that you've described it, it really rings a bell. :yes:

Now to track her down...

Re: Moonlight Q & A

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 7:08 pm
by librarian_7
Detective Lilly is on the best thing to a vampire P.I.



Re: Moonlight Q & A

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 8:03 pm
by allegrita
I found the blogger! :hyper2: Her name is tlace, and she's really nice. :hug: And she's pretty sure she coined that phrase, too. :twothumbs: But unfortunately, her wonderful picspam is lost forever, unless someone saved it. She has no copy. :sigh:

Here's the story of my quest, if you're interested...

I figured there might still be info about the picspam floating around on the Web, so I did some googling. I found a reference to it in an old post on a Jason Dohring fan forum, and it happened to mention her LiveJournal handle, yay! So I logged into my LiveJournal account (it's been a while... I really ought to update my blog...) :chin: and searched for her. It turns out that she's still active on LJ, although she's no longer involved in Moonlight fandom. I sent her a PM asking about the picspam, and also asking if she was the originator of the term Fortress of Style. Here's an excerpt from her reply:
Obviously it's been a long time since I made that picspam (and I'm now very disappointed that I didn't archive it somewhere because I really did enjoy doing it) but my hazy memory is that I "created" the term for the picspam. Of course I have no proof of this and since my involvement in Moonlight fandom was very short-lived there may be others who claim it as well.
She also said that she doesn't feel the need to be credited with creating the term, since, as she said, "I wasn't really involved with Moonlight fandom that deeply or for that long so if it was indeed coined from my picspam, the term Fortress of Style took on a life of its own without any assistance from me :) "

However, I will add her name to the FoS entry of the Lexicon, since it seems pretty likely that she is the one who first used the term.

It was lots of fun playing detective!

Re: Moonlight Q & A

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 8:07 pm
by Lilly
Yay!! :yahoo: Awesome sleuthing, Alle! Image

And you didn't even need to use "Finder-Spyder" like Mick does. :snicker:

Re: Moonlight Q & A

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 8:09 pm
by fairytoes
:notworthy: Great work Allegrita! Thank you! :flowers:

Re: Moonlight Q & A

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 8:21 pm
by redwinter101

Mick would be so proud of you, alle.

Red :heart:

Re: Moonlight Q & A

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 9:37 pm
by eris
If anyone has the url of her blog, it could be on the wayback machine.

Re: Moonlight Q & A

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 11:00 pm
by allegrita
It was here: ... 775#t18775

But I couldn't find a cache. :Mickangel:

Re: Moonlight Q & A

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 2:26 am
by MickLifeCrisis
"St. John and Allegrita Investigations".
