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Re: Jason in Veronica Mars

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 6:38 pm
by francis
:heart: :hug: :flowers: Thank you, Lucky. Thank you, Jason!

Re: Jason in Veronica Mars

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 7:15 pm
by maggatha3
Oh, that was all kinds of lovely.. :hearts: He looks so shy and so sexy at the same time. Whoever had the inspiration of casting him as Josef had a brilliant mind!! :hearts:

Re: Jason in Veronica Mars

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 3:07 am
by r1015bill
This comment is more Veronica Mars in general.

I decided I was going to watch at least some of the three seasons before the movie comes out to reacquaint myself with the series.

Can I say (especially in light of the spoilers on H50 today) that I forgot how good this series is! The snappy dialogue. The slow and evenly paced reveal of the story arc. The really interesting cases that are clever.

And since this is a Jason thread, I marvel at how evil and unlovable Logan Echolls has been in the first three episodes knowing how truly loved he's going to be.

Re: Jason in Veronica Mars

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 3:26 am
by librarian_7
The thing is... they actually DEVELOPED Logan's character. It wasn't like he woke up one morning and turned into a sweetheart. And also, a lot of what made him more sympathetic, was what we SAW of how he'd been treated in the past. Part of that was the writing, part of it was Jason's amazing acting. (Surprise...)

Re: Jason in Veronica Mars

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 3:39 am
by r1015bill
I am looking forward to the belt scene now that I know what's coming. I was too busy trying to figure out what was going on to get the full impact of what Jason was doing with that scene.

Re: Jason in Veronica Mars

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 3:43 am
by librarian_7
:hankie: :hankie:

I was screaming at the TV.

Re: Jason in Veronica Mars

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 2:23 am
by r1015bill
I'm continuing my quest to watch all three seasons of VM before the movie comes out. I have reached the "EPIC" episode. Jason just does such an amazing job on the key scene at the alterna-prom. Such a good scene! Logan slowly scooching closer and closer to Veronica. It's almost like he hands Veronica his heart on a plate... and his face after she leaves shows that she has broken it again.

Then the next morning, he doesn't seem to remember his speech that ranks right up there with all romantic speeches. I'm kind of hoping that sometime during the movie, Logan starts quoting himself showing that he DID remember what he said to Veronica and that he knew that he really screwed up when he opened the door the next morning.

Re: Jason in Veronica Mars

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 3:59 am
by r1015bill
I've now watched the first four episodes of season 3 on my quest to watch all episodes before the movie comes out. I had forgotten just how up and down Logan and Veronica were in this season. They are getting along and then something small turns that around. Then they forgive each other. So up in the air.

Re: Jason in Veronica Mars

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 4:14 pm
by r1015bill
On my continuing quest to watch all episodes before the movie comes out.

I just finished the episode when Veronica finds out that Logan slept with Madison - "There's Gotta Be a Morning After Pill"

First, I forgot how EVIL Madison was. The scene in the trailer where Veronica slugs her is so much more satisfying to me today than in original viewing.

Second, the phone call from Logan :melts: .

How unfortunate that Logan starts out so snarky because, as I remember, she never does hear the whole message (don't tell me, I only have 2 more DVD disks). The phone message ends with Logan pouring out his soul to her. Oh, it just ripped out my heart and put it through a meat grinder. (WHY IS THIS MAN NOT ON TV MORE REGULARLY???)

Logan and Veronica seem to have so many sticking points that I'm curious how Rob Thomas will show that the movie is not just another up or down in their relationship. Veronica has to control everything. Logan wants to protect and help her. Madison is Veronica's utter enemy. Logan did sleep with her. I'm guessing 6 years away from each other will cause both to grow as human beings. On the other hand, there are always things that are unforgiveable. I've never forgiven my then boyfriend for voting for another woman for homecoming queen.

Definitely looking forward to the movie. :cheer:

Re: Jason in Veronica Mars

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 9:00 pm
by HotMicks
r1015bill wrote:This comment is more Veronica Mars in general.

I decided I was going to watch at least some of the three seasons before the movie comes out to reacquaint myself with the series.

Can I say (especially in light of the spoilers on H50 today) that I forgot how good this series is! The snappy dialogue. The slow and evenly paced reveal of the story arc. The really interesting cases that are clever.

And since this is a Jason thread, I marvel at how evil and unlovable Logan Echolls has been in the first three episodes knowing how truly loved he's going to be.
And sorry to "borrow" this one from another thread ( ... 92#p312592), but it fits with the above comment:
r1015bill wrote:(...) but ended up totally in love with the series because of the entire cast and the writing. Oh - the writing - so intelligent. :heart: This is what I wish H50 was.
Rhonda, I have, like, ZERO time right now to be posting stuff, but I had to come on during lunch to track down these comments of yours and respond.

:yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:

I am still working my way through the series (up to season 2, episode 15 as of last night), but I am SOOOO impressed with the writing! These writers are incredible storytellers. And it is really the pacing I am most impressed with. Each episode moves each of the ongoing storylines along in very satisfying chunks... leaving you wanting more but so impressed with the new information you got in that episode. They move their stories along with substance, not cheap tricks. You are right, Rhonda, H50 could learn a lot from viewing this show.

And I must say, given where I am in the episodes (ie, even though I don't know a lot in terms of what is yet to come), I think any kid who has Harry Hamlin and Ms. Lips as dearest mummy and daddy was bound to be screwed up. :snicker: Poor Logan. He never had a chance.

I am trying to avoid spoilers (although knowing V and L ended up together at some point was unavoidable given the coverage surrounding the movie), but I did read the interview with Jason that Lilly posted in the movie thread (thanks, Lilly! :hug: ). I thought his comments about the changing fan reaction to Logan and the decision to put him together with Veronica and what it took to get there was so interesting. Since they've been together and broken up (where I am in viewing, he's currently 'with' that chick whose Dr. dad is a coke head), I'm curious to see what happens from here on out. (I'm not reading your comments past where I am in the viewing, Rhonda, so will respond to those after viewing.)

Thanks to all of you for making me want to check out this series. :ghug: It's more 'teen-centric' than my usual shows, but the writing keeps me coming back. And I just love the guy who plays her dad (always liked him on Just Shoot Me too). It's fun to see him in a different kind of role.

Re: Jason in Veronica Mars

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 1:12 am
by librarian_7
I've heard the relationship between Veronica and her dad described as everything from "ideal" to "dysfunctional." Either way, I love Enrico Colantoni as Keith Mars, and am consistently impressed with him in everything else I've seen him in. (He was terrific in Galaxy Quest! :snicker: )

He's such an ordinary looking guy, and his talent just shines through.

Re: Jason in Veronica Mars

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 2:52 am
by r1015bill
What did they say in the first Veronica Mars kickstarter video about Enrico Colantoni?

Jason: "You've gotta hand it to Enrico. Eight years without breaking character."
Ryan: "Oh ya. I heard that on Flashpoint, he plays a SWAT commander as Keith Mars playing a SWAT commander"

:snicker: :rolling:

Re: Jason in Veronica Mars

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 12:50 am
by r1015bill
HotMicks wrote:I am still working my way through the series (up to season 2, episode 15 as of last night),
So, HotMicks, I'm dying to know how far you got. Did you get to the end of season 3?

Re: Jason in Veronica Mars

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 7:00 am
by librarian_7

Re: Jason in Veronica Mars

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 7:57 am
by allegrita
Awww... :hearts: :teeth: and a little bit :devil: