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Re: What Did It for Mostly Five-0?

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 5:31 pm
by PNWgal
wpgrace wrote:Ah... So are you happy you cannot let go... Or does it make you uncomfortable?
I go both ways. Sometimes I feel a little skeevy about my devotion to an ACTOR, for crying out loud. :eyeroll: I mean, I'm not 16 anymore and my days of papering my walls with posters from Tiger Beat are well behind me. But there's something about this particular actor that continues to draw me in and keep me intrigued.

DSR, I found myself nodding through your entire post. Mick will always have a place in my heart, and that is completely due to the brilliance of the actor that portrayed him. :cloud9:

Re: What Did It for Mostly Five-0?

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 12:54 am
by kath40
MoonMarg wrote:
wpgrace wrote:I agree. I think it's a frequent Alex experience. :happysigh:

He's sooo cute, so you kinda think you're just responding to that. But there's a lot of cute actors so no biggie... and then you end up obsessing about this one and it's confusing, cuz why? Then you watch another ep, or the ep after that, and you realize he is painting this picture of this character (whatever character he is playing when you first find him; peeps seem to get real stuck on their first Alex character. Here it's ML, but other sites it's 3R, 5-0, or Stan) that is just mesmerizing and that grabs you down deep somewhere. :phew:

So yeah, you go hunting him on the 'net and go hunting other work. And then you're surprised, cuz THAT character is totally different! He is nothing like my new obsession! Do I like this other character? How can he be sooo different? So the quest for all the characters begins. :snicker:

And the amazing discovery of this amazing talent.

And then you find interviews of the real actor, cuz the characters aren't enough. And he's nothing like any of em!

But he's still cute. :winky:

That is a good explanation Grace. It still is one of life's great mysteries to me why I fell for Mick/Alex when it hadn't really happened before. And it happened very quickly. But I have to say it was his physical cuteness & his voicethat drew me in. :heart:
Yeah Grace you hit the nail on the head. I tuned in to see just what they were gonna do NEW or not with this vampire show Moonlight. :chin: Yeah Mick was cute but, not what I was expecting...and what I was expecting I don't remember cause that all went out the window once Mick hugged Beth and I immediately made plans to catch the next epi.

A funny thing is I didn't own a computer back in 2007 so the thought of looking up this cute guy who played Mick wasn't an option. Heck I didn't even make the connection that "Alex O'loughlin" blazon across the screen was the name of this gorgeous man until around episode 3 :whistle: :snicker: I didn't' buy a computer until I was using my sisters computer on a regular basis trying to find out if Moonlight was coming back after epi 10. CBS had left us hanging for nearly a full month without a peep. :witsend: In the mean time I started surfing the net for anything I could get my hands on about Moonlight and Alex. The rest is history.

Re: What Did It for Mostly Five-0?

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 1:29 am
by wpgrace
:laugh: I had a computer, but I used it only for email... I was chairing several things and got a lllllllot of emails. :phew:

But Alex was my first Google. :devil: