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Re: Knowledge is power (PG-13) - challenge #116 (part 2 of 3)

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 4:18 pm
by redwinter101
Nothing quite like Mick in action indeed. Nothing.

Sigh - I miss that. :Mickangel: :Mickangel:


Re: Knowledge is power (PG-13) - challenge #116 (part 2 of 3)

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 11:57 pm
by jen
Here we see Mick the rescuer in all his glory. Using his 'special abiliies' to protect, rescue and find what he is looking for.

In a sense though, this chapter is full of victims. Not simply the poor woman he rescued from her two assailants, but the teens who were stealing the car.

And the vampires are 'monsters'?

Thank you


:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers:

Re: Knowledge is power (PG-13) - challenge #116 (part 2 of 3)

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 1:29 am
by redwinter101
Thanks, jen - lots of victims, as you say. I certainly think Mick sees vamps like Santos as monsters.


Re: Knowledge is power (PG-13) - challenge #116 (part 2 of 3

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 6:18 am
by Moonlighter
Aaaahhhh, Red. Nice bit of development here. I love seeing Mick's tender side running side-by-side with his vampy, more brutal side. Even though he was in the process of stopping a crime in progress, he was stopped short by the discovery of how young the perpetrators really were. And unfortunately, he knows this is just a part of the only life they know. Still, he tries to protect even them:
redwinter101 wrote:"You got somewhere you can get patched up?"

"Like you care."

"Don't go back there tonight, okay?

It was the best he could do.

Nicely done, Red. Off to read the conclusion. :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :heart: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers:

Re: Knowledge is power (PG-13) - challenge #116 (part 2 of 3

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 10:35 am
by redwinter101
:yes: :yes: Mick wasn't a pushover - he was a tough guy who'd do what needed to be done, even when he didn't like it. I loved that about him (among other things). :happysigh: :happysigh: :happysigh:


Re: Knowledge is power (PG-13) - challenge #116 (part 2 of 3

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 8:53 pm
by coco
Oh, I love Mick. :melts: Bad ass yet gentle at the same time.

I look forward to the conclusion. I'm still intrigued. :chin: :biggrin:

Re: Knowledge is power (PG-13) - challenge #116 (part 2 of 3

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 10:05 pm
by redwinter101
I relished the opportunity for a little vampy, badass Mick.

:melts: :melts: :melts: :melts: :melts: :melts:


Re: Knowledge is power (PG-13) - challenge #116 (part 2 of 3

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 11:03 pm
by jen
Fabulous chapter.

We see Mick saving the woman from the attempt to steal her car and I wondered briefly if the years between the rescue of four year old Beth from Coraline and when they met again at the fountain were filled with instances like these (and wondering if any of them ever met).

Miguel and T. react with equal parts fear and agression, but Miguel seems to know there is a point to temper the attitude and gives Mick the information he is seeking.

Santos thinks he is in control of all around him, and being a vampire he is probably usually correct, but not when he comes up against Mick.

Oh, man this would have been great on film!

Thank you

Re: Knowledge is power (PG-13) - challenge #116 (part 2 of 3

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 1:07 am
by redwinter101
jen wrote:Oh, man this would have been great on film!
:happysigh: :happysigh: :happysigh:

Re: Knowledge is power (PG-13) - challenge #116 (part 2 of 3

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 1:46 am
by jen
Standing by the last comment when I read this chapter.

This would have been amazing on screen, but we can easily see this play out in our minds, starring Alex, of course.

Re: Knowledge is power (PG-13) - challenge #116 (part 2 of 3

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 12:54 am
by jen
This fabulous chapter shows us Mick as we know him.

Decades ago, there was a television show about a former spy who protected victims from the bad guys. I think it was called Equalizer but that guy didn't have fangs.

Sad how many victims are here. Mick, too.

Thank you!


:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers: