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Re: The Double (PG-13)

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 3:20 am
by jenstc2003
Such a wonderful story! It's good to see Beth realize that she was being bitchy...and better yet, apologizing when needed. Loved it!

Re: The Double (PG-13)

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 8:01 pm
by Penina Spinka
This was wonderful! I have wondered for ages what happens to a mosquito who drinks vamp blood. I supposed they became stronger, but still went flat when they got thwaked. That line "professional courtesy" was adorable. I'm glad Beth apologized and Josef made Lucky feel better on the blanket. Lucky knows she can't be for Josef what Beth is for Mick, but she's still special. He wouldn't want her to feel less than important to him. You always do good work and it is my pleasure to read your stories.

Re: The Double (PG-13)

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 2:42 am
by MoonShadow

After a hiatus of far too many days, my first stop was here to savor your eloquent work, working through your pieces is like imbibing in a fine wine. The colors are complex and rich, the voices smokey and layered, and the thrill - a delightful shiver that touches the heart and soul.

Allegrita and Lilly spoke to every nuance that I wanted to address. Eris, as always you make me laugh. Subtle you are not...
So Lucky, I am without a single comment of value, other than to thank you once again for creating another jewel. Life would be far to dull without your touch, thank you!


Re: The Double (PG-13)

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 10:36 pm
by PNWgal
Catching up on a bit of reading and realizing to my horror, I had not commented on this yet! :gasp:

This chapter in the Josef/Lucky saga was just so fun to read. Josef, trying to give something normal to Lucky - two very unconventional people trying to do something conventional.

At first, I struggled with this Beth, the end I think I understood her.
Beth, on the other hand, perched on the edge of her chair, feet braced against the legs like a runner in the starting blocks.
That's our girl - alert and infinitely curious about Josef's date. But she realizes quickly that there's more there than she knows:
Mick stood, as they approached, eyeing Josef’s companion with altogether too much appreciation.
And gets angry:
Lucky, with her odd name, was an old friend of Mick’s, was she? She thought about what Mick had told her about Josef and his rules about getting emotionally involved with humans, and what he had never been willing to tell her about how he’d kept himself supplied with blood, all these years. “I get most of my blood from a blood bank,” he’d said. Not all, just…most. Suddenly it seemed that maybe Josef had brought along someone who knew Mick much, much better than anyone was saying, and she was the only one not in on the big joke.

The first time I read this, I couldn't reconcile this Beth - she was just too bitchy. But - I get it. Mick keeps her in the dark, so she has no idea what his relationship with Lucky could possibly be. And...I wouldn't put it past Josef to set her up like she thinks.
“Ms. Turner, I know you don’t like freshies, but I’ll tell you this. At least I feed my vampire.”
Not completely sure this is BETH'S fault. ;-)

I like the contrast you paint between Lucky and Beth:
Mick was the only one who saw how Lucky’s hands shook as she put her napkin on the table, draping it with elegant, practiced folds,
Beth threw her own napkin on the table in an abrupt, graceless move, and rose.
Luckily, Beth is as quick with her apologies as she is with her temper.
And maybe I’m oversensitive, but you wouldn’t believe the snide remarks I get, because of my choices. I really don’t need more of it, coming from someone who ought to understand.”
Ouch. :biggrin:

Then off to the movies. I really enjoyed the scene of four people sprawled out on a blanket on a lovely evening. But this just summed up the whole piece for me:
Josef, surrounding Lucky, placed himself between her and the rest of the world. Mick, supported by Beth, reached out to the world through her.
Just an excellent piece all around!

Re: The Double (PG-13)

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 11:53 pm
by one.zebra
I must have read this on the fly previously because I didn't comment..

I'm enjoying the evolving Lucky/Josef relationship also.....

No idea about the napkin thing, must be an inside joke...

Re: The Double (PG-13)

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 3:26 am
by librarian_7
Omigosh, all these lovely comments! PNW, I can always count on you for great commentary! And MS, I love anything you have to say about my stuff.

O.Z, the napkin thing is essentially just to point up that with Freshie Lucky, almost her every move is calculated, and calculated to win Josef's approval. more impulsive. Less studied.


Re: The Double (PG-13)

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 4:56 am
by Marigold
This was fantastic, Lucky! :rose:

I loved the idea of Mick and Beth going on a double date with Josef and Freshie Lucky! :hearts:

Beth shouldn't have said what she said, but I understand why she did. She has an impulsive personality and she felt left out. Beth didn't know Lucky's story, or some of the details of vampire life.

It's too bad that Beth chose to word her comment the way she did. Lucky just recently had to deal with the rude salesgirls and their comments. :sigh: :Mickangel:

I loved how you mentioned Josef and Freshie Lucky's Halloween date. That was one of my favourite stories of yours. :hearts:

The ending was wonderful! I really liked the outdoor movie at the cemetery, the mosquitos, the cuddling, and Josef's promise for later. :winky:

Thank you! :hug:

Re: The Double (PG-13)

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 6:43 am
by librarian_7
Thanks so much, Marigold! This was one of those stories I thought was going to be a little light fluff, and it turned out to be a more involved piece than I'd anticipated.

(And yes, I love the Halloween date story, too!)

Interestingly enough, the whole thing about the movie in the cemetary is absolutely true...they really do a film series at Hollywood Forever--and that was also where the scenes were filmed of Mick and Coraline (and that odd vamp, Hank Mottola) in The Ringer. It's a really cool place!
