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Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 5 PG (Challenge 140)

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 2:16 pm
by darkstarrising
Hi all :wave:

This is the fifth chapter (of 10) of 'Affairs of the Heart', an ML / H50 crossover story for challenge 140. In this story, Mick has finally agreed to turn Beth, but is stalling. Beth has traveled to Hawaii to spend a little time with Mary Ann McGarrett and to 'sort through' some issues. Mary Ann, however, is stuck on the mainland and she's asked her brother Steve to pick up Beth at the airport. At the end of the end of the fourth chapter, the fallout from photos of Steve McGarrett escorting Beth to her guest cottage in Hawaii continues causing Mick and Josef to travel to Oahu. In addition, a body has washed ashore where Beth is staying. In this chapter, the murder investigation reveals the identity of the victim causing Danny to do something unpleasant. Josef and Mick have arrived in Oahu and find that there is more going on than than apparent.

As always, I don't own any of the characters, I just like to play with them.

Please, enjoy!

Affairs of the Heart

Chapter 5

Kono caught up with the others at a makeshift command center off the hotel lobby. “Got the memory card. They weren’t happy about it, but Adam’s bodyguards admitted to ‘pushing and shoving’ Rokuro on the way to the parking lot. They also have alibis – Adam sent them away after dinner last night to give us a little …space. They’ve got people who will swear to their whereabouts last night until they showed up here this morning.”

“Anything on the memory card?”

“That’s the weird thing. It’s just like Rokuro said; just a couple of pictures of the ocean and beach – no people.”

Chin brought up images from the hotel’s surveillance system. “The local cops haven’t found anything yet, but I have. This is footage of the hotel entrances and parking lots. This segment supports the bodyguards’ statement, although ‘punching and shoving’ might be a more accurate description of how they treated the vic.”

The video showed the paparazzo getting manhandled, then collapsing against a wall in a secluded spot between the beach and the parking lot. When he started to get up, one of the bodyguards shoved him down again, then left. After a few minutes, the paparazzo got up and slowly made his way toward the parking lot. Once there, he opened the door to his car and got in, but didn’t drive away.

Chin stopped the video. “The vic’s car is still in the parking lot, but there’s no sign of the camera. He must have had it with him when he was killed.”

“The killer probably kept it.” Steve was trying to remember if he saw the paparazzo when he and Beth arrived. “Chin, is the vic’s car still in the same spot?”

“Yeah. It looks as though he never left the property last night.”

Danny was starting to get a bad feeling about where all this was heading. “So, either our scumbag just sent his pictures electronically to whoever published them, which even I can do, or he had an accomplice, one that maybe got ticked off at his partner, which I can also relate to.”

Kono countered. “Either way, that doesn’t help us find Rokuro's killer.”

“Maybe it does. We need to find out how the publisher got those images. If there was an accomplice, the publisher could identify him.” Chin resumed the video. “This is where it gets interesting.”

“That’s my truck! That’s when I dropped B…Mrs. St. John off.” Steve noticed the paparazzo started taking pictures when he and Beth got out of the truck. While Beth checked in, Rokuro waited and when she and Steve walked toward the cottages, he followed.

Danny swore. “Great. So, this guy just happens to hang around long enough to see your truck pull in. He recognizes Steve, and when he sees him with a woman he doesn’t recognize, one with a rather impressive wedding band, the schmuck sees an opportunity to make a quick buck and takes it.”

Chin killed the video. “The surveillance coverage on the grounds isn’t great, but based on the video we do have and the clothes on our dismembered body, it seems our victim is the paparazzo who stalked Adam and took pictures of you and Mrs. St. John. What I don’t get is why he hung around, unless he was looking for another score. You left after you dropped her off, right?”

Steve took a deep breath while Danny suddenly found his shoes fascinating. “No. Like I told Danny, I took Mrs. St. John to dinner in the hotel dining room. After that, I walked her back to her cottage and left, somewhere around 8 pm.”

“So, if he didn’t see you leave the cottage or thought you were coming back later, he hung around hoping to get more pictures. I’m sorry, Steve.”

“What are you sorry about, Chin? Maybe we don’t have the killer, but at least we know who the vic is.”

Chin exchanged a look with Danny, who continued. “True, but this video also confirms that our vic is responsible for those charming photos of you and Mrs. St. John. That gives you motive and God knows you’ve got the means.” Danny approached Steve. “I’m sorry, man, but you’ve got to step away from this investigation.”

Steve was stunned. “Are you kidding? You think I killed this guy?”

“No, I don’t think you killed this guy, none of us do, but until we can create a timeline of his movements and yours, you’re a person of interest.”


“You want another phone call from the Governor, huh? If you don’t step away, he’ll take you out and you may never come back. Is that what you want?”

Steve just looked from one face to another; he knew Danny hated what he was doing, and Chin looked even sorrier. When his eyes met Kono’s, he understood.

This is what she feels like….she hasn’t done anything wrong, but I made her feel that way.

“OK. What do you want me to do?”

“Call the governor, explain everything, then go home.” Danny leaned in and spoke quietly so that only Steve could hear. “Besides, you’ve got a bigger problem to deal with, one that’s going to land in a few hours.”

Without another word, Steve stormed out and the look on his face was one Danny never wanted to see again.


Alone in her cottage, Beth found herself at loose ends waiting for Mick to arrive. She couldn’t continue to stay inside, but walking on the beach had lost its appeal, especially now that she knew why people kept looking at her. Knowing that the little girl, Kylie, might have seen something that would help find the killer, Beth knew she had to talk to the child herself. She’d been in Kylie’s shoes and was sure she could learn what the little girl saw without upsetting her. When Beth arrived at the Simmons’ cottage a short time later, Kylie’s mother welcomed her.

“Mrs. St. John! Please come in. I can’t tell you how grateful we are that you helped my little girl.”

“Please, call me Beth. I’m just sorry I couldn’t keep her from seeing what she did. Has Kylie said much?”

“Not really. Detective Williams is talking with her now, but I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if you said hello.”

When she walked onto the lanai with Kylie’s mother, the little girl looked up and smiled. The detective just glowered, something Mrs. Simmons seemed oblivious to.

Beth smiled back at the little girl “Hey, Kylie. Do you remember me?”

“You’re the lady I talked to on the beach this morning.”

While Danny wished Beth had stayed away, he couldn’t help notice that Kylie seemed more relaxed talking with her than she had been with him. Reluctantly, Danny silently indicated Beth should continue.

“That’s right. You know, I didn’t come from as far away as you did, but I woke up early, too. I saw the sun rise and couldn’t believe how beautiful the sky was. Did you see the sunrise on the beach?”

“Uh-huh. It made me feel better, not so scared.”

Without losing eye contact, Beth continued, her voice calm and soothing. “Were you out on the beach when it was dark?”

Kylie looked at her mother, who gently encouraged her. “It’s all right, honey, you’re not in any trouble.”

“Uh-huh. It was dark when I woke up. I went outside even though mommy told me not to.” The child looked down. “I’ve never seen the ocean before. The moon was so bright I could see my way down to the water.”

“I’ll bet the ocean looked pretty with the moonlight on it.”

The child’s face lit up. “O yes!! There were these tiny creatures down near the water. Some of them were hopping and I followed them to where the trees are. It wasn’t so dark anymore, but I was afraid to go near the trees, ‘cause I didn’t want the people there to see me.”

The other adults tensed, but Beth calmly continued. “Did you see what these people were doing?”

Kylie hesitated, her eyes defocusing. “No…no…but I could hear them talking. One of them sounded mad, the other one sounded really scared. I couldn’t hear the words exactly, but the man who was mad had funny eyes…kinda shiny.”

Danny blanched and Beth tried not to react. “That’s OK, sweetie. What do you remember next?”

“Talking to you on the beach.”

With a few more questions, it was clear Kylie either couldn’t or didn’t remember seeing anything else of interest. Danny told Mrs. Simmons that there would be a police guard for her family until the killer was caught. Thanking them for their time, he and Beth left and once out on the beach, Danny lit into her.

“Lady, I should just throw you in jail for interfering in an ongoing investigation, but I value my life. I thought you agreed to stay away.”

“The only thing I agreed to stay away from is Commander McGarrett. Where is Steve, anyway?”

“Hopefully, on his way home.” Seeing Beth’s quizzical expression, he explained. “The headless guy that washed ashore this morning is the paparazzo who took those charming pictures of you and Steve last night. Until we catch the actual killer, Steve is a person of interest and I asked him to step away from the investigation.”

“You don’t seriously think….”

“No. If Steve had killed the schmuck, we’d have never found the body. Besides, if what Kylie said means what I think it means….”

“Our killer is a vampire.”


It was mid-afternoon local time when Mick and Josef arrived in Honolulu’s airport and the temperature was at its tropical height. Before leaving the jet, both men checked their voicemails and texts; Josef scowled at one of his while Mick found a frantic message from Beth, pleading with him to call her. After a brief conversation with his wife, Mick filled Josef in. “Beth is alright, but it seems the guy that took those pictures of her was murdered sometime last night. She found his body when it washed onshore this morning.”

Josef swore in an ancient tongue. “Of course she did. Remember what I said about trouble finding your wife? We need to get her back to the mainland before this little drama gets any worse.”

“Yeah, well it’s too late. Beth said there’s circumstantial evidence our killer is a vamp.”


“Seems a little girl witnessed a confrontation between the paparazzo and his killer. She told Beth the angry person had ‘shiny eyes’.”

“OK, I guess this time maybe the vampire is the bad guy. Listen, we need to pay a social call before we collect Beth.”

“A social call? Are you serious?”

“Deadly. The ‘friend’ that sent me the images of Beth and McGarrett is a very powerful vamp on this island and we may need her help if we’re to get back to the mainland without starting a war. And Mick, mind your manners; Kimiko is the leader of blood demons here and is highly regarded. One wrong move and you’ll be headless before you know it.”

Exiting the jet, the two men found a limo waiting for them. Once inside, the two were greeted by a male vampire, one clearly startled by Mick’s appearance. Once he recovered, he introduced himself.

“I am Tadashi, the shisha or as you would say, emissary, for Kimiko. She sends her greetings and awaits your arrival at her home. May I offer you some refreshment?”

Both men declined, and a short time later, arrived at Kimiko’s palatial residence. During the trip, Mick caught Tadashi glancing at him from time to time. Maybe it was his resemblance to McGarrett, but Mick got the distinct impression Tadashi was sizing him up and didn’t like what he saw.

Kimiko was perhaps 40 or so when she was turned, and was as stunning as any female vampire Mick had ever seen. Whatever her real age, like Josef, she had adapted with time. Her residence paid homage to her oriental heritage, but was sleek and modern in design. Kimiko greeted Josef as an old friend, then offered her guests refreshment.

Once served, Kimiko dismissed all but Tadashi, then turned her attention to Mick. “I have seen images of you, Mr. St. John, but in person, the resemblance to our Commander McGarrett is even more striking. I regret that we meet under these circumstances.”


“You are aware that Commander McGarrett is protected by blood demons answering to Takeo?”

“Yes. So am I and so is my wife.”

“As I have been made aware. This affair…”

Mick reacted. “Affair? Are you insinuating that my wife and McGarrett…“

Kimiko raised her hand. “My apologies, what I meant to say is this purported affair between your wife and Commander McGarrett has created an awkward and potentially dangerous situation. As you said, you, your wife and Commander McGarrett are all protected by Takeo’s blood demons. If one of you is to harm the other… “

Josef finished the thought. “Then there would be discord among his blood demons.”

Kimiko inclined her head. “And that discord would perhaps spread into my own family, something I cannot and will not permit.”

Josef regarded his host carefully. “Not to mention the adverse impact on your rather extensive business holdings, something I fully appreciate.”

“Indeed. Yet there is something else you should be aware of. Commander McGarrett has enemies here, many of whom would like to see him removed from his position of authority while others envision a more …permanent solution. I fear that this current… situation … could accomplish both goals. My sources tell me the Governor is considering firing him…”

“Achieving the first.”

“And should Mr. St. John exact his due revenge on Commander McGarrett, the second could be accomplished as well.”

Mick was beginning to see where Kimiko was heading. “So you think this whole thing is a set-up? How? McGarrett’s sister was supposed to pick up Beth, and when she got delayed…” Understanding dawned on the PI. “Somebody caused Mary Ann to be bumped from that flight knowing she’d call her brother for help. McGarrett was set up.”

“I believe so. And this unknown enemy is attempting to manipulate you as well, using your sense of honor as a weapon against Commander McGarrett. You must be careful not to become his pawn.”

Josef approached his host. “You should take your own advice, Kimiko. One of the puppets in this little intrigue, the paparazzo, has been murdered.”

“Why would this concern me? Whoever is orchestrating these events is just severing any ties to his puppet.”

Mick’s eyes flashed. “Because the killer is a vampire, a blood demon. If a blood demon is behind this mess, he’s already harmed my wife and McGarrett. Like it or not, Kimiko, the war you wanted to avoid may have already started.”

Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 5 PG (Challenge 140)

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 3:09 pm
by r1015bill
I'm supposed to be working :type:

... but I had to read this. Intrigue!!!!

More comments tonight.

Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 5 PG (Challenge 140)

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 9:36 pm
by aolver
A setup! The plot thickens. :gasp:

Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 5 PG (Challenge 140)

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 11:35 pm
by r1015bill
OK. I can post as I wish now. :yahoo:

You have put together a really great under belly here, dsr. Everything that looks fairly simple at first is being totally manipulated by someone.

Very good plan of Josef's to follow vampire protocol and visit the head of the island first. I'm feeling a little better about all his advice to Mick now.

And I'm not surprised that people want Steve out of the way. This does possibly have Wo Fat's stamp on it. Mmmmm.... is Wo Fat a vampire perhaps? :chin:

It's so great of you to time all these chapters to keep our mind off next week's premiere. I'm totally enjoying this story.

Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 5 PG (Challenge 140)

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 11:59 pm
by darkstarrising
r1015bill wrote:OK. I can post as I wish now. :yahoo:

You have put together a really great under belly here, dsr. Everything that looks fairly simple at first is being totally manipulated by someone.

Very good plan of Josef's to follow vampire protocol and visit the head of the island first. I'm feeling a little better about all his advice to Mick now.

And I'm not surprised that people want Steve out of the way. This does possibly have Wo Fat's stamp on it. Mmmmm.... is Wo Fat a vampire perhaps? :chin:

It's so great of you to time all these chapters to keep our mind off next week's premiere. I'm totally enjoying this story.
Thanks, rhonda :hug: Believe me, nothing is as it initially appears in this story, and hopefully the ending will make sense. :fingerscrossed:

I'm still tweaking the last (tenth) chapter, but the goal is to post a chapter a day with the final chapter posted on Saturday so that we can all go into the new season on Monday. :fingerscrossed:
aolver wrote:A setup! The plot thickens. :gasp:
Thanks, aolver :hug: The plot indeed thickens and there are more agendas being worked than anyone realizes yet. :devil:

Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 5 PG (Challenge 140)

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 12:32 am
by jen

This would have been wonderful on screen!

Of course, Beth got little Kylie to relax and open up much more effectively than Danny--a fact that fueled his ire much more than Beth 'interfering with the investigation.' That the murdurer is a vampire is a wrinkle I didn't expect at all.

The brief glimpse of Kimiko (Hawaiian version of Josef Kostan). She said that a war involving the blood demons could spread to her 'family' and that was something she could not permit. Interesting: it suggests another possible motive for this messy business--one that is using Beth and Steve as pawns in a larger game.

Looking forward to the next chapter!!!

Thank you!


:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers:

Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 5 PG (Challenge 140)

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 1:17 am
by allegrita
I love the way you can weave such disparate plot strings together into such a complex tapestry of a story, DSR. Every element rings so true. Beth's talk with Kylie, and Danny's annoyance, are just perfect. And the meeting of the team, where they figured out that Steve would have to bow out of the investigation, was awesomely done. I loved that Chin expressed sorrow to Steve for the position he found himself in... and that Steve suddenly understood how Kono must feel, as well. You are so good at capturing little behaviors and speech patterns that put us right into a comfort zone in terms of our familiarity with the characters... while all the time, you are pulling the rug (and the solid ground!) out from under us. :devil:

I'm hanging on with both hands for the rest of this roller coaster ride! :teeth:

Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 5 PG (Challenge 140)

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 1:30 am
by darkstarrising
jen wrote:DSR

This would have been wonderful on screen!

Of course, Beth got little Kylie to relax and open up much more effectively than Danny--a fact that fueled his ire much more than Beth 'interfering with the investigation.' That the murdurer is a vampire is a wrinkle I didn't expect at all.

The brief glimpse of Kimiko (Hawaiian version of Josef Kostan). She said that a war involving the blood demons could spread to her 'family' and that was something she could not permit. Interesting: it suggests another possible motive for this messy business--one that is using Beth and Steve as pawns in a larger game.

Looking forward to the next chapter!!!

Thank you!


:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers:
Thanks, Jenna :hug: and you're very welcome!! I'm glad I can still pull a surprise or two out of my hat :snicker: Danny's reaction to Beth 'interfering' has more to do with fear of Mick than anything else, but still, she managed to get Kylie to talk.

As far as the motives for this little drama go, the real motive has yet to be discovered :whistle:

Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 5 PG (Challenge 140)

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 1:43 am
by darkstarrising
allegrita wrote:I love the way you can weave such disparate plot strings together into such a complex tapestry of a story, DSR. Every element rings so true. Beth's talk with Kylie, and Danny's annoyance, are just perfect. And the meeting of the team, where they figured out that Steve would have to bow out of the investigation, was awesomely done. I loved that Chin expressed sorrow to Steve for the position he found himself in... and that Steve suddenly understood how Kono must feel, as well. You are so good at capturing little behaviors and speech patterns that put us right into a comfort zone in terms of our familiarity with the characters... while all the time, you are pulling the rug (and the solid ground!) out from under us. :devil:

I'm hanging on with both hands for the rest of this roller coaster ride! :teeth:
Thanks, alle :hug: especially for the weaving comment. For a while, the tapestry came unraveled (translation - the story got so bloody convoluted even I couldn't follow it :snicker: ) so, a little re-weaving had to occur. :whistle: Thanks, too, about the behaviors and speech patterns - I'll write something, then go back and read it aloud and more often than not decide that's just not how the character would say something. Then, I'll re-write it to better capture the character's speech patterns.

Steve's team respects him and they know he couldn't have killed the paparazzo, but Danny is looking out for him, something Steve doesn't fully appreciate - yet. This was also a way for him to understand that not everything is black and white. He's put a burden on Kono, one he thought perfectly legitimate, until the burden was put on him. He may be Super Seal, but he's still learning about people, even himself.

Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 5 PG (Challenge 140)

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 5:58 am
by Marigold
The blood demons have become involved in things, Rokuro was killed by a vampire, and the 5-0 team has to deal with a conflict of interest. Things sure are getting complicated. And from the sounds of things, they're about to become even more so! :dizzy: :confused2:

Thank you, DSR! :rose:

Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 5 PG (Challenge 140)

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 1:42 am
by darkstarrising
Marigold wrote:The blood demons have become involved in things, Rokuro was killed by a vampire, and the 5-0 team has to deal with a conflict of interest. Things sure are getting complicated. And from the sounds of things, they're about to become even more so! :dizzy: :confused2:

Thank you, DSR! :rose:
Thanks, Marigold :hug: You're very welcome and I'm sorry I missed your post :blushing:

Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 5 PG (Challenge 140)

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 3:43 pm
by Fleur de Lisa
How do you do that....weave such an intricate and engaging plot?

Poor Steve, relegated to the background bc he is a person of interest. Loved how you simply tied in an understanding of Kono's situation. Yep, not gonna harp on how the show missed that one entirely. Grrrr.

Hmmmmm, wondering if this resemblance between McG and Mick is gonna come into play at some point? Perhaps Mick posing as McG?

Wow, the hotness factor would go through the roof!

Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 5 PG (Challenge 140)

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 10:53 pm
by darkstarrising
Fleur de Lisa wrote:How do you do that....weave such an intricate and engaging plot?

Poor Steve, relegated to the background bc he is a person of interest. Loved how you simply tied in an understanding of Kono's situation. Yep, not gonna harp on how the show missed that one entirely. Grrrr.

Hmmmmm, wondering if this resemblance between McG and Mick is gonna come into play at some point? Perhaps Mick posing as McG?

Wow, the hotness factor would go through the roof!
Thanks, Fleur :hug: I'm a weaver, not a writer :snicker: Honestly, some of it is planned and some of it is serendipitous. When it's the latter, the planned gets changed and I find myself :dizzy: The muse blames it on lack of chocolate.

Yeah, the show lost an opportunity to mine Kono's estrangement from the rest of the task force, but hopefully, if they keep Adam around, and it looks like they are, we may get to see Kono struggle between her loyalties to 5-0 and her love for Adam. I'd love to see Grace in that stiuation.

In this story, Mick retains his own identity, but there are some moments between the two men that have Steve wondering if there is more to their resemblance than just the physical.

Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 5 PG (Challenge 140)

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 4:05 pm
by maggatha3
Sunday morning with coffee and that intruiging and so complex story!! Now that is what I call a real treat, thanks, DSR! :hearts: :hearts: Reading in vamp speed! :giggle:

Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 5 PG (Challenge 140)

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 8:20 pm
by darkstarrising
maggatha3 wrote:Sunday morning with coffee and that intruiging and so complex story!! Now that is what I call a real treat, thanks, DSR! :hearts: :hearts: Reading in vamp speed! :giggle:
Thanks, Maggatha :hug: Hope this story made your morning enjoyable!!