Will Love Endure? Love Endures. Challenge #146 PG-13

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Will Love Endure? Love Endures. Challenge #146 PG-13

Post by choccyterri »

:hearts: And here we have drabble number two in response to the 'Love Endures' Challenge... hope that you like it lovelies. :hug:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Will Love Endure?

It’s the strangest sensation when a guy like me feels sick. Sick and angry. It’s all I can do to keep it together as I pull that idiot from his car.

‘I’m so sorry! I didn’t see her!’

Give me seconds, and I’ll make him sorry. And then I hear her voice. So faint. I drop him to the pavement, shaking.

‘I’m here, Beth….’

I’m at her side in a moment. Blue eyes flicker open. A weak smile touches pale lips.

‘You’ll be okay…’

But I can hear her heart getting weaker.
I love her. There is only one choice.

“It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live.”
― Marcus Aurelius.
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Re: Will Love Endure? Love Endures. Challenge #146 PG-13

Post by allegrita »

Mick told us himself that he didn't know what he'd do if Beth was in Josh's place. You've conveyed a very complicated scene in just 100 words, where Mick faces that very question, and chooses the opposite of what he told her he'd do. I love the fact that it's just a sketch--we don't know much about the circumstances, but we don't need to. Really nicely done, Terri!
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Re: Will Love Endure? Love Endures. Challenge #146 PG-13

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Mick said he didn't know what he would do, but when faced with it in actuality I'm sure he didn't hesitate at all. For him, there really is only one choice.

Nicely done! :thumbs:
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Re: Will Love Endure? Love Endures. Challenge #146 PG-13

Post by Marigold »

You did a fantastic job of setting an entire scene in just a few words. :notworthy:

Mick may not have known before what he would do, but now that he is actually in this situation, things are different.

Thank you, Terri! :flowers:
Fantastic banner by Kath40! Thank you!
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Re: Will Love Endure? Love Endures. Challenge #146 PG-13

Post by choccyterri »

Thank you for reading ladies!! My reason for this response was in the title itself... ( Cheating a little I know... :brow: ) But when I remembered what he'd said, about his own choice for Beth... it made me wonder if it would really happen that way, and how Beth would feel about the aftermath... Will love endure...? Hmmm only time will tell.... :chin: :ghug:

“It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live.”
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Re: Will Love Endure? Love Endures. Challenge #146 PG-13

Post by francis »

A wealth of emotion in such few words. Great! :hug:
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Re: Will Love Endure? Love Endures. Challenge #146 PG-13

Post by allegrita »

I cant believe you got all this into 100 words, Terri. :notworthy: :rose: It's just amazing. And I agree, he would make that choice under these circumstances. :heart:
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Re: Will Love Endure? Love Endures. Challenge #146 PG-13

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

What a wonderful reread of this wonderful drabble! If faced with this situation, I don't think Mick would have hesitated at all.

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Re: Will Love Endure? Love Endures. Challenge #146 PG-13

Post by Ella713 »

I find it so weird to wish for someone to be bitten but in this case it would have been amazing to see Mick take that step to ensure their love continue forever.
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Re: Will Love Endure? Love Endures. Challenge #146 PG-13

Post by choccyterri »


Ladies, thank you again for re-reading!

We always knew that he'd be faced with this choice one way or another... And I think Mick would have struggled with it more if it had been Beth requesting it. Time to agonise over it too much maybe..? :chin:

This way it would be a 'no time to think' choice, but the right one, I feel. Where would he be without his Beth...?

Hugs to all of you!! :flowers:

“It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live.”
― Marcus Aurelius.
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