On the Line (Memorial Day) -- PG-13

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On the Line (Memorial Day) -- PG-13

Post by librarian_7 »

A trifle for Memorial Day....and for all the brave souls who put their lives--

On the Line

“Hey, Mick, you got another cig?” Ray asked.

Mick frowned as he handed it over. “It’s my last one. And we’re going to be here in line for hours.”

Ray pulled out his lighter, a shiny silver Zippo, and lit the cigarette deftly, taking a long first drag. “I owe you, buddy,” he replied through a cloud of fragrant smoke.

“Yeah, I’ve heard that one before.” Mick laughed and nudged his friend’s shoulder. Despite the pre-dawn gloom, he could see Ray well enough. Nice thing about city streets. Even at 5:30 a.m., it wasn’t really dark out here. Streetlights illuminated the row of palm trees lining the downtown avenue, sending their graceful shadows in long bars across the pavement, and the long line of men that had been waiting patiently for some hours.

“Man, I could use some breakfast right about now,” Ray commented.

“Everytime I see you these days, you’re talking about food. Doesn’t Lilah keep you fed?” Mick asked. They’d already talked about everything under the sun, waiting in this line. He dug his hands deeper into the pockets of his jacket, against the early morning chill. Just because it was southern California, didn’t mean that a December night couldn’t get cold. Earlier, they’d split a pint of bourbon, which had taken off the worst of the chill, but the liquor, and the euphoria, were long gone now.

“Lilah keeps me just fine,” Ray answered with a salacious waggle of his eyebrows. “Couldn’t ask for a better wife.”

“And which of us is going to be in more trouble for this, you think? Me telling my mother, or you telling your wife?” Mick wasn’t looking forward to that part. Not at all.

Ray took another drag on his cigarette, as though considering the problem. “I’d say it works out about even. If we get a chance to go tell them, that is.”

Mick looked up and down the block. There had to be hundreds of men, like them, waiting to enlist. After yesterday’s news of the attack on Pearl Harbor, what else would any patriotic man do? He’d be willing to bet that there were similar scenes at every recruiting office in the country. “I’ll bet we have a few days. They can’t handle this many recruits all at once.”

Ray nodded. “Good point.” He dropped the butt of the cigarette and ground it out with his heel. “What time is it?”

“About ten minutes later than the last time you asked me.” He slid the cuff of the jacket back a little, and peered at his watch. It was an old one, a gift from his Uncle Mike, and the luminous numerals on the face had dimmed considerably over the years. “Looks like about 6:15.”

“And the office opens at what, eight?” Ray tapped his foot, impatient. Around them, some men had given up and sat down, backs against the brick wall of the building behind them. In fact, just a few feet away, a fellow had balanced his hat over his face, and was snoring peacefully.

“Uncle Mike always told me, the Army is all about ‘hurry up and wait,’ “ Mick said. “Guess we’re getting a head start on that.”

Ray snorted in rueful agreement. “Guess so.”

Somehow, when they’d sneaked away last night, catching the last bus downtown, it had seemed like the start of a glorious adventure. Now, the longer they waited, the more Mick thought about the chance that he might be going to his death. Or causing the deaths of others.

He had no qualms about facing down an enemy soldier, he thought. Especially the bastards that had attacked his unsuspecting country. But he’d seen enough movies, and read enough books, about the last war, to know that it wasn’t always so simple an equation. And it had occurred to him, there was no guarantee he and Ray would end up in the same outfit. Or even on the same continent.

Sure, they both planned to volunteer for the Army Air Corps, with dreams of being pilots, but Mick was realistic enough to know that once you raised your hand and swore that oath, your personal preferences were out of the mix. He supposed they’d do whatever they were told, and hope for the best.

He wondered, briefly, what it would be like to flip the collar of his jacket up to hide his features, and furtively drop out of line. To walk away from the whole thing.

He wouldn’t, of course. No more than any of these other men would. Besides, what could he possibly tell Lilah? “I let my best friend enlist without me, because when it came down to it, I was chicken”? Yeah, like he’d let that happen. He recalled a bit of schoolboy Latin he’d studied in high school. “Dulce et decorum est, pro patria mori.” At this stage, he sort of doubted that dying for his country would be sweet, but, he reflected, it surely was his duty. And he guessed that was what he’d tell his mother.

He spent some time lost in thought, wishing he had a cigarette. The day was coming, the sky gradually shifting color from black to gray as the sun rose over a horizon he couldn’t see, there among the buildings of the city.

“Hey, looks like they’re opening the office early,” Ray said suddenly, breaking into Mick’s reverie. He turned and looked Mick straight in the eye. “Before we—before we get signed up, I just wanted to say—aw, hell, Mick. Friends forever, right?”

Mick nodded, smiling. Ray was the best. Always. “Friends forever.”

Ray put out his hand, and when Mick took it, Ray passed him his prized Zippo lighter. “For luck,” he said. “Although you’ve always been lucky.”

“You don’t have to do that, buddy.”

“I want to.”

“Then, thanks.” Mick looked down at the lighter. It had been a graduation present from Ray’s father, and Mick had always admired it. He put it in his pocket.

The line started to move, and Ray moved forward with it. Mick squared his shoulders, and took a deep breath, shuffling towards his destiny.
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Re: On the Line (Memorial Day) -- PG-13

Post by francis »

This story is making me all kinds of sad. They enlist with such a mixture of emotions, they want to do it but Mick at least knows it will be hard, and that he will have to kill people or be killed. I love the detail of the zippo that he still has decades later. :hearts:
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Re: On the Line (Memorial Day) -- PG-13

Post by Shadow »

What a wonderful look at the friendship between Mick and Ray. Reminds me of how very young they were on that day, sneaking off on this glorious adventure of enlisting without even telling their families first. (Not that I imagine Lilah or Mick's mother will be at all surprised when they find out..... ) But during that long night Mick at least has some realization of what he's really getting in to. So Mick, he has plenty of qualms and second thoughts, but nothing will keep him from his duty.

I like the idea that Mick's lighter was a special gift from Ray. Feels so right.
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Re: On the Line (Memorial Day) -- PG-13

Post by allegrita »

Oh, Lucky, what a wonderful story. I love Mick and Ray's conversation about breaking the news to their women... so many young men had that task. :sigh: But I bet Mick's mom was just as brave and supportive as Lilah was. That's the way things were back then.

Your description of Mick mulling it over and having second thoughts about enlisting is so very, very Mick... and I see that he already had a propensity for popping his collar, even way back then. :heart: And I like your origin story about the Zippo! :teeth:

What a beautiful story, honey... and I'm so glad you've posted it this weekend. :hearts:
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Re: On the Line (Memorial Day) -- PG-13

Post by jen »


I suspect this conversation, or one very much like it, took place multiple times in multiple lines across America in the days after Pearl Harbor. When young men and women, swept up in the emotions of the moment, made what amounted to life or death decisions.

Maybe other times, too.

There is another timeless truth hidden between the lines--although Mick and Ray promised to be friends forever, even serious, heartfelt promises have a way of being swept away by life.

Thank you!

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Re: On the Line (Memorial Day) -- PG-13

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Very insightful and well done. Probably just what happened. :yes: Nice touch with the lighter, but the part about being 'friends forever' was bittersweet, since we know the friendship fell away. :Mickangel:

A touching story, Lucky. Thank you!
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Re: On the Line (Memorial Day) -- PG-13

Post by Moonlightsonata »

Thank you for the special story in honor of Memorial Day. While we are busy celebrating the start of the summer season (although it technically isn't summer yet and the weather outside is certainly proof of that although I love that we are actually having a real spring here) we tend to sometimes forget the purpose of the holiday. Thank you again.
Thank you Coco for the lovely banner.
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Re: On the Line (Memorial Day) -- PG-13

Post by allegrita »

I'm revisiting this wonderful story as the clock clicks over to midnight on Memorial Day. It's as heartwarming (and heart-wrenching) as it was the first time I read it. :heart: I love Mick and Ray, and I really wish they could have remained friends. :hug: :sigh:
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Re: On the Line (Memorial Day) -- PG-13

Post by librarian_7 »

I'm taking a page from MLC's book, so to speak, and giving this a bump for the holiday.

With thanks to those who have served, and those who sacrificed all, for their country.
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Re: On the Line (Memorial Day) -- PG-13

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

I'm glad you bumped it. :hug: I got chills rereading this one. It's very realistic, and I still love that part about the lighter.
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Re: On the Line (Memorial Day) -- PG-13

Post by allegrita »

This is just as good as it was the first time I read it. I love to revisit these stories each Memorial Day weekend. :hearts:
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