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Alex on the Talk, Sept 2013

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 11:48 pm
by maggatha3

Re: Alex on the Talk, Sept 2013

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 12:18 am
by GuardianAngel
:lalala: Haven't watched it yet. I don't think I'm gonna get a chance until tomorrow morning. So....I'll be back. :winky:

Re: Alex on the Talk, Sept 2013

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 12:36 am
by darkstarrising
It's too bad he had all of ~5 minutes with them. I wish it had been more.

Re: Alex on the Talk, Sept 2013

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 12:54 am
by allegrita
He is so charming! He totally had them wrapped around his pinkie. :laugh: And I loved it that the sassy lady (I don't know any of their names except for Sharon Osborne) told him that
McGarrett really loves Catherine! :yahoo: And it made him so uncomfortable! What the heck!! :banghead: Alex doesn't like his characters to be happily in love, have you noticed that? :shrug:

(I put that inside spoiler tags for those who won't be able to see it till later on.)

Anyway, he was fabulous and I loved his stories about Lion. :happysigh: :happysigh: But yeah, he should have had another 15 or 20 minutes! Sheesh. :eyeroll: Why even have other guests when Alex is going to be on?? :noway:

Re: Alex on the Talk, Sept 2013

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 12:56 am
by darkstarrising
Did you catch his hilarious aside to Sharon Osborne?
There's nothing like a good lei.

Re: Alex on the Talk, Sept 2013

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 12:59 am
by allegrita
Yeah! :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: But I think Sharon said it first, didn't she?

Re: Alex on the Talk, Sept 2013

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 1:12 am
by darkstarrising
I think you're right!! But it was a fun exchange.

I was cringing a bit before he came out as the ladies were talking about Robert Pattison and how he worries about how he's dressed, which segued into men taking off their shirts for TV and movies. I had visions that that was going to be a topic with Alex and thankfully, it wasn't.

Re: Alex on the Talk, Sept 2013

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 1:15 am
by allegrita
Yeah, it's bad enough that talk shows always seem to use that picture of him with the blue trunks and the string of fish. Not that I mind seeing Alex with his shirt off, mind you. But could they maybe use a picture that isn't so beefcakey once in a while? :shrug:

Re: Alex on the Talk, Sept 2013

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 2:41 am
by cassysj
He seemed very relaxed, a bit more relaxed than other interviews. One of the things I thought was interesting was
he's right most of the rest of the world has good public transit in big cities. LA is very difficult without a car
I wonder if The Talk has had host turnover. Of course, Julie Chen is there and Sharon Osbourne but I didn't recognize the woman the one that seems to really follow the show.

Re: Alex on the Talk, Sept 2013

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 3:58 am
by jmc
maggatha3 wrote:ALEX on the TALK!
Thanks, maggatha! He is beyond cute. :melts: :melts: :melts: Loving the pics of Lion. He's a cutie pie.

Re: Alex on the Talk, Sept 2013

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 5:27 pm
by HotMicks
^ Yeah, and in that one, he really looks like Malia. Can't believe it's almost been a year. And that Lion's b-day is so close to mine. :happysigh:

A few comments on the viewing:

1) I loved that he brought the leis.
2) I imagined Alex saying "Hi, Les's wife" when greeting Julie Chen. :snicker:
3) I laughed so hard when he said, "The guy won't die. What if I just shoot him? With my gun." He sees the obvious too, no? :winky:

It is so great to see the promo effort ramped up this year... and including him, for once. Why didn't they do this the first year? :shrug:

I agree as well that it was too short. I wish he'd get on one of those shows where he's the only guest for that day. But after the long dry spell, I'm just happy to see him getting out there a little more. It's in his best interest, for future endeavors. :whistle:

Re: Alex on the Talk, Sept 2013

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 9:32 pm
by GuardianAngel
None of the guests on The Talk have very long. It's annoying as hell when it's someone like Alex you want more more MORE.

I expected the leis. When they had Grace on she brought some so Alex would have to as well.

I was annoyed with the trunks picture too. How about a nice shot of him in uniform!? Always gotta go for the lowest common denominator. :eyeroll:

Lion is frickin' adorable! Loved the story about not getting any sleep for a while. Parenting is hard no matter who you are.

I forget how charming he is. We don't get to see him off screen enough.

Re: Alex on the Talk, Sept 2013

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 10:00 pm
by r1015bill
GuardianAngel wrote: I expected the leis. When they had Grace on she brought some so Alex would have to as well.

Ditto when DDK was on.

Re: Alex on the Talk, Sept 2013

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 12:26 am
by Fleur de Lisa
Finally got around to watching this. I actually thought they gave him a decent amount of time. Most of these types of shows give one segment per guest.
First of all, the man looks AMAZING. Like, forget my name, take my breath away, babble like a fangirl AMAZING. Wow.

Few things--when the topic of him and Catherine was brought up, my read on his response was that he didn't want to spoil. When the gal mentioned they were "madly in love" he seemed like he didn't want her revealing that. Perhaps there is some big declaration coming up after all?

HM---And how much did you all love when he talked about Wo Fat being the "man that won't die" and how he "bitched to Peter" about just shooting the guy?! "I mean, I have a gun, it's right there, how about I just shoot him with it?"

:rolling: :rolling:

And no wonder there were pix last year where he looked tired, sounds like they had a real issue with the baby not sleeping.

Re: Alex on the Talk, Sept 2013

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 12:31 am
by darkstarrising
Not only not sleeping, but not sleeping for ten months? :gasp: It's a wonder he could function at all!!