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A Midnight Stroll, G, Champagne Challenge #159

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 11:44 am
by LaughtersMelody
Title: A Midnight Stroll
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I do not own Moonlight, nor am I making any money from this, though I'm certainly having fun playing with the characters. No infringement intended.
Warnings: None in this one.
Summary: Coraline was a young vampire once.

A/N: Written for Champagne Challenge #159: Seven Lines, Seven Sentences.

This one is part of my mental canon for Coraline. It vaguely touches on elements mentioned in a couple of my other fics, One Acquainted With the Night and Lady in Red. It's also related to my other seven-sentence fic, Demoiselle. It's not necessary for you to read those to understand this one, but I hope that you will. :blinksmile:

As always, I thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who is the source of all inspiration.


A Midnight Stroll


“You’re still adjusting to the change,” her Sire had told her just a few days before, “and everything will be heightened, including your emotions.”

Anger, he had said, would be especially potent, but as she strode through the darkened streets of Paris, all she felt was elation, her new senses making everything sharper, clearer, and - ironically, she supposed - more alive.

“My lady,” a voice called when she had stopped to gaze at the silver moon hanging low in the sky; she turned to see a carriage a short distance away and recognized the Lord inside.

“It has been far too long since I’ve had the pleasure of your company,” he continued, pointedly opening the door, “and I would be honored if you would join me this evening.”

She almost snarled at his insolence - it had been a command, she knew, not a request - but insistent thirst made itself known on the heels of her anger, and she paused thoughtfully.

Her thirst…it could be sated easily enough.

Coraline smiled a slow, fanged smile and started for the carriage.



A/N: Thank you for reading, and of course, please let me know what you think! :blinksmile:


Re: A Midnight Stroll, G, Champagne Challenge #159

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 10:10 pm
by allegrita
Oooooooooh! :dracula: Revenge is sweet! I wonder if the Lord will live through this little encounter. It could go either way... :seesaw: but somehow, I have a feeling he won't.

I love this look at a newly turned Coraline! She would have loved finally having some power, after her ordeal as an unwilling courtesan.

Re: A Midnight Stroll, G, Champagne Challenge #159

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 10:46 pm
by jen

The fellow with the carriage should run as fast as he could, only he probably won't have the sense to. That being said, there are a lot of stupid people in the world so maybe he did live long enough to reproduce.

Nicely done, my friend!!


:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers: :

Re: A Midnight Stroll, G, Champagne Challenge #159

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 3:58 am
by diane31
Yes that makes a lot of sense! I can't even really blame her, after what this "gentleman" must have put her through in the past, temptation must be very strong indeed...

I love the way your describe her elation. After having been powerless her entire life, feeling special and powerful must be literally intoxicating for her!

Thank you! :rose: