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Who's Your Daddy Rated PG

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2020 1:09 am
by Ella713
Moonlight Fan Fiction
Who's Your Daddy
Rated PG
By Ella713

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

The Father of all comes to Earth and everyone becomes afraid

Josef was the first to know. He sat straight up and looked at the clock which read 4am. He quickly left Bridgett's side and immediately began to dress. Bridgett felt him move and opened her eyes.
"Josef, what has happened?" She asked. Josef stopped suddenly and stared at her with eyes opened wide.
"My Father is coming" He said as he began to dress once more. Bridgett got out of bed and joined him in throwing on her clothes.
"Is this it?" She asked in a nervous voice.
"I don't know" Josef said quietly.

Brian and Alma awoke at the same time and looked at each other and jumped out of bed beginning to throw on anything they could find.
"We will meet a Josef's place" He said as they were putting on their shoes.

Gabriel shook Zoe lightly. She rubbed her eyes and sat up.
"What! What's going on?" She asked as she watched her husband look frantically for clothing.
"The Father is coming" He said looking under the bed for his shoes and saw them on the other side of the bed.
"As in Our Father who art in Heaven Father?" She asked in surprise as she ran to the closet to grab a dress to put on.
"Yes. We must meet at Josef's" He said putting on his shoes.

Mick sat up suddenly and shook Beth awake.
"We have to go now!" He said jumping up and throwing on some jeans
"Mick what's going on?" She said getting out of bed quickly.
"My Father is coming!" He said looking at her and watching her eyes grow large.
"I don't have to go do I?" She asked nervously.
"We all must be at Josef's" He said grabbing his keys. Beth could not stop shaking as she tried to tie her shoes. "Don't be afraid" Mick said stooping down to tie her shoes for her.

They all arrived at Josef Penthouse and stared at each other when they heard the someone knock on the door. Alma frowned. Would God knock on someone's door she thought to herself.
"It's Helmut and Kelsey" Brian said as Josef opened the door.
"You're here!" Gabriel said
"Yes. It takes a lot to get me to leave Counsel domain, but when he calls I always answer" Helmut said with serene smile. Kelsey looked as frightened as the other non angelic people in the apartment.
"W...what do you think he wants?" Kelsey asked timidly holding onto Helmut as if he might disappear.

Suddenly there was a light brighter than some had ever seen and they became terrified and in a second he stood before them.
"Lord my God" Josef, Mick Gabriel, Helmut and Brian said simultaneously as they stared at the Creator of all.
"My children" He said in a soft voice looking around at them all. He saw the women kneeling with their heads down too afraid to look upon him. The blinding light diminished. "Please rise" He said gently. Zoe stood immediately to her feet and ran over to him and threw her arms around him.
"I love you so much!" She cried as she held on to him.
"And I love you Zoe. What a strong woman you are" He said kissing the top of her head. Then he turned towards Beth. "And you Beth, my champion of justice." He said as Beth ran into his arms and cried tears of relief. "My dearest Kelsey. You have brought love to my messenger" He said as Kelsey walked slowly towards him and kissed his cheek.
"Thank you so much for all you have blessed me with" She said with tears streaming down her face.
"Alma". He said softly. She walked towards him. "You are so very special to me" He said kissing her hand. "And finally Bridgett" He said looking directly at her. "You were given the task of loving Abaddon and for that alone I give you praise" He said looking at Josef who gave him a wide smile. "I know it has not been easy for all of you but you have done exceptionally well in all things. Abaddon." He said and Josef disappeared and came quickly with Darrian and Gideon.
"It's really you!" Gideon said in surprise running over to him and grabbing his hand.
"It is you Gideon who will bring peace where it is needed" He said to him. Gideon nodded.
"I will serve you always" He said. Then the Father looked towards Darrian. "You have given me so much pain but to see you now and all you have done and accomplished" He said sounding like he was choking up and Darrian ran to him and held him tightly. "Let's sit and break bread together" He said as Josef led him to his dining room. Darrian waved her hand.
"Feast" She said and food fit for a king was placed on the table.

As everyone ate and enjoyed the good food and company only Brian looked perplexed.
"So is it time?" He asked simply wanting to know why exactly he had come.
"No one knows the day or the hour and so it shall stay" He said but Brian still looked the same. "You worry too much Adriel, even after all this time"
"We should have done more for mankind" Brian said feeling a little ashamed.
"Look at what you are doing now. The lives you have made easier the lives you've saved. Let me tend to the rest.". Brian nodded at his words and held Alma's hand under the table.
"Some are trying to hurry along my plan" He said in all seriousness.
"Do you know who it is?" Josef asked then could have kicked himself for asking an obvious question as Darrian chuckled.
"It saddens me that they still have not learned" He said taking a small bit of the bread that was in front of him. Mick said nothing but now he knew that the people who he was disappointed with were other fallen ones.

Cardinal Hunnicutt's life changed once the veil was lifted from his eyes and he spent all of his time speaking with people who did not yet know the Father in heaven and he never tired of it. The Pope himself saw a new light in his eyes and told him to continue what he was doing. When he was told to go back to Los Angeles he knew who it was he needed to help. He packed a quick bag and prepared for God to use him. He was on his way out the door when he noticed he was no longer in his room, but a plush apartment.
"Hello?" He spoke out walking slowly looking all around. Brian came into the room and smiled.
"Hello Cardinal Hunnicutt"
"Hello Mr. Petzer" He said nervously as he followed him into the dinning room. The Cardinal looked at everyone then his eyes settled on one. He immediately fell to his knees and began to weep.
"Rise my good and faithful servant. You have done exceptional work and you will be needed here for what is to come" He said.
"I will do as you ask" He said with his head bent but as he looked up he saw that he was no longer there. Did he imagine this he thought.
"No you didn't imagine it" Mick said pulling out a chair for him to sit.
"Something horrible is coming and out of the many men of faith he has chosen you" Gabriel said. The Cardinal looked a bit nervous when he heard the words spoken but knew in his heart he would always do what was needed.
"Fallen ones will be coming soon to undo what should be" Josef said.
"And you must be stronger than you ever have been to help those who come to you" Helmut said

Re: Who's Your Daddy Rated PG

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2020 11:34 pm
by Ella713
Balak smiled when he looked round the city. So many mortals so desperate for fame and money. Willing to do anything to achieve it, even sell their soul. How much fun he was going to have.
"Do you want to possess children?" Kismal asked with a malicious grin thinking of all the times they possessed children and used them as their puppets.
"No children. Not this time. Recall what happened to Baal". He replied. We must not make the same mistake! Adriel will know immediately" He said.
"Then I await your instructions" He said and then vanished from sight.

Alma and Bridgett received the same vision at the same time.
"They are here!" They both said in unison.
"One is Balak" Alma said.
"And the other is Kismal" Bridgett said. Brian and Josef frowned.
"Figures those two schmucks would wreck havoc" Josef said remembering them as low level demons.
"Cardinal, you must go to Our Lady of Angels. We have already prepared for you" Brian said.
"As you wish" He said making his way to the large church. Alma and Bridgett held hands pulling their strength together.

"Do you know what they're planning?" Mick asked.
"They were going to do something that involved children, but have decided not to" Bridgett said frowning.
"They're remembering Baal" Alma said
"So they won't be possessing children..well that's good" Gabriel said.
"What's worse than possession?" Beth asked.
"Many things, but I worry they may choose to reveal themselves and if they do that we have a full blown panic in a state that boast 39 million people and 4 million in Los Angeles alone!" Mick said.
"I think Father wants us all to handle this once and for all" Josef said his mind thinking of something that would suit quite well.
"What did you come up with Josef? I know that look" Beth said watching him pull out his phone.
"Josef Kostan! Don't tell me someone has slandered your name again!" Nancy said with chuckle.
"Thankfully no one has done that, but there is something I'd like to discuss with you. Are you free?" Josef asked.
"For you Josef, I could hardly say no." She said then looked up in shock as Josef Kostan was standing in front of her. She looked at the phone in her hand and hung it up. "I didn't know you could do that" She said. "What's going on?" She asked.
"What I'm about to tell you is terrifying and I need you to remain calm" He said. She sat back in her chair.
"Alright let's hear it" She said.
"I'm an angel" He said with a smile. She stared at him then laughed out loud.
"You are many things Josef Kostan but an angel is definitely not one of them" She said. Josef slowly stood up and took off his jacket.
"I've already ruined quite a few suits doing this" He said as he closed his eyes and wings appeared.
Nancy sat perfectly still her eyes wide in surprise. Josef turned around so she could see this wasn't a trick of any kind. "Nancy? Are you alright?" He asked thinking maybe this wasn't a good idea after all.
"Shit!" She said still staring at him "W...wh...what do you want? I mean what does this mean?" She said in a nervous voice.
"Me being an angel is not a big deal right now" He said. She stood up suddenly.
"Are you insane? You come to my office and tell me you're an angel, show me some seriously huge wings and then say it's no big deal!" She said then lowered her voice not wanting her staff to overhear.
"Don't worry, they can't hear what being said" He said.
"Of course they can't!" She said sarcastically. "What do you want?"
"Demons have arrived in Los Angeles. And before you ask, yes they really do exist."
"Bullshit!" She said.
"So angels you have no problem with but you don't believe demons are real?" He asked. He saw the tears run down her face as she thought about all the horrible things she had done in the name of ratings. If this was the end, she knew exactly where she was going.
"It's all true" She said. Josef nodded.
"These demons have arrived to hurry along the end of times. They actually believe evil will win"
"It has in the past" She said.
"God allows things to happen to show us how to grow".
"What do you want from me?" She asked.
"Things are about to escalate rather quickly and in moments of crisis, people look for direction. Direct them to God. A very large population listen to you and it's time for you to use your power for the good of all mankind and not for ratings". Josef finished as his wings disappeared and put back on his jacket.
"When should I start letting people know?" She asked in a quiet voice.
"As soon as possible" Josef said then disappeared. And Nancy Grace for the first time in her life fainted.

Re: Who's Your Daddy Rated PG

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2020 6:50 pm
by Ella713
"Good evening, this is Marc Jacobs from Action News and I'm reporting from the AMC Cinema, where reports of a prank gone very wrong that caused a few movie goers to be trampled to death. It happened in the middle of the movie Suddenly Lost when two people dressed as horrible demon creatures appeared and scared everyone in the theater causing everyone to vacate the movie in a panic. AMC has closed the theater as police are trying to find out who's responsible for this tragic event. This is Marc Jacobs Action News" He said.
"They weren't wearing masks! They couldn't was all so real like demons from hell or something!" One panicked woman said to police.
"Dude as soon as I saw them I jetted out of there! Shit, that was some scary shit!" Another man said.
"Repent!! Repent!!" A street evangelist screamed out to the crowd. "The end is near!!" He roared as people began to scramble for the cars and the safety of open stores.

"Looks like you were right dad. Balak and Kismal revealed themselves" Brian said as he turned up the television. They all watched the panicked looks on the faces of everyone and knew this was going to be bad.
"I hope Nancy is doing what needs to be done" Josef said as changed the channel.

"This is Real Talk with your host Nancy Grace. Now I know that you all are very afraid right now, but you need to know what exactly is happening. Those creatures that appeared tonight are real. This is no prank like some have said. Real demons have come to Los Angeles to hasten the End Times. I know this is shocking and trust me, when it was revealed to me I fainted. But hear me, everyone needs to go to their church and pray because that is the only thing you can do. Pray like you never have before and repent. I Nancy Grace am so sorry for all the hurt I've caused with my stories. A lot of the time, it was a hatchet job for my producers and none of it was even remotely true. And for that I am sorry" She said as tears streamed down her face. "I've been a horrible person to so many and I called it truth" She said and breaking down and laying her head on her desk and sobbed as the cameras continued to roll.

Balak and Kismal kept popping up anywhere there was a gathering of people and by morning 17 people were dead and mortals were heavily armed with firearms walking the streets shooting everyone who didn't look like them.

Cardinal Hunnicutt looked out over a sea of people who were in the church and led them all in prayer and baptizing all that wished it. No one was denied this opportunity no matter their denomination.

People were repenting everywhere. Lawyers, doctors, politicians all came forward and confessed their sins. Even the President of the United States admitted to the world his sinful ways. People left buildings and dropped to their knees and begged for forgiveness. They left their homes and spoke with neighbors that they hated, people that they wronged.

And when the sun set upon Los Angeles they were all ready to do battle with evil.

"Kismal we must go, it is time to lay waste to this city of angels!" He said thinking of all the vile things they would do to humanity.
"Finally. I was growing tired of waiting. Payback awaits" Kismal said as they made their way out into the streets of Los Angeles but saw no one about. "Where have they gone?" He asked in confusion looking all around.
"This is a trick! Adriel is behind this!" Balak said in anger raising his hands ready to call fire from the gates of hell when a strong arm caught him from behind.
"Not today Balak" A voice said to him. He turned a bit and saw it was Josef Kostan who held him in the vice like grip. "You know this isn't allowed" He said.
"Why should we care about mortals? Disgusting beings. To know true evil is to know mortals! They make even vampires and demons appear tame in comparison!"
"Perhaps, but this isn't the time" Gabriel said walking in front of him.
"Kismal end this now!" He shouted.
"Kismal is no more" Mick said. Balak saw his destruction in their eyes
"You would do this to your own brethren?" He challenged.

Lester Marrs held his camera steadily in his hands. He simply could not believe what he was witnessing. He took picture after picture not believing his luck. Was that Josef Kostan? He thought to himself as he zoomed in but had to close his eyes briefly for a moment. Did Kostan have wings? Did all of them have wings? Was this some sort of Angel/Demon smack down? Lester continued to snap shots of the altercation.
"Someone's watching" Gabriel said.
"Let them" Brian said. "What have you to say?" Brian asked.
"Get on with it!!" Balak yelled. Brian grinned.
"Let him go. There's nothing he can do now" Brian said turning to walk away. Josef chuckled.
"Have a nice life Balak" He said releasing the demon.
"Later" Mick said also turning to walk away.
"You actually have a chance now. And time to come to him willingly" Gabriel said placing his hand on his shoulder.
"You talk to me of second chances!!" Balak said in anger slapping Gabriel's hand away and feeling the intense burning pain from the touch. Wait!!! What have you done to me?!!" He yelled.
"You have the same chance as all the other mortals. Be wise" Gabriel said. Balak looked at them in anger trying to do something....anything but found he could not. They had made him mortal, he was no longer what he had been.
"Damn you all!!!" He cried out "I will have my revenge! I will kill as many mortals as I can before I am caught and when I am executed, I will return again!!" He laughed. "Think of all those people! The old the young! No one will escape me!" He cried out. Josef and Mick stood in front of Balak and held hands around him with Brian and Gabriel. Josef began the last rites.
"Through this holy anointing may the Lord..." Josef began to say.
"No!! No!! Stop this!!" Balak screamed.
"Through this holy anointing may the Lord in his love and mercy help you with the grace of the Holy Spirit. May the Lord who frees you from sin save you and raise you up. In the name of the Father the Son and they Holy Spirit" Josef finished and made the sign of the cross on the demon's head which began to burn and scar his forehead. "you are forgiven" They all said.
"NO!!!!!!!!!!!!" Balak screamed as a bright light engulfed him and he vanished as Lester continued to take photos.
"You know the old me would have ripped him limb from limb and then poured battery acid down his throat" Josef joked.
"This was more satisfying don't you think?" Mick said. "I can think of no other who loved the demon life more".
"Eternity in all that is good and he will still pine for debauchery" Brian said shaking his head as they all flew home.

Lester quickly ran off anxious to see the photos he had taken. He made it back to his apartment and quickly took out the memory card and inserted into his computer. His heart racing as he forwarded to the group he head just taken......."W.....wh....what's this?!" He said quickly scrolling through all the photos. He saw picture after picture of Josef Kostan and his three friends holding hands with their heads bent as if in prayer. "What the hell!" He yelled and threw the camera down to the floor.

The End