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Twists of Fate - Chapter 13 (PG-13)

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 5:10 pm
by francis
It's time I updated this baby. The usual disclaimers still apply. Betaed by redwinter101.
link from chapter 12: viewtopic.php?f=75&t=1530&p=12532#p12532

Thankfully, the craziness died down over the next couple of days.

A few days later I was cleaning up the kitchen as Beth sat watching her own broadcast about the trial. Wishing for some peace and quiet I grabbed the remote and cut it off.

„Good guys win, the day is saved. You know the rest. How's the arm?" I kissed her wrist above the wound. She looked almost embarrassed.

„Oh, okay. It's all my fault. I'm such a klutz."

„Lucky thing you're so good looking," I joked, trying to make a connection.
She had been so quiet the last few days.

I still didn't understand why she was so subdued when I mentioned her wound. Now that that fateful day was over I was more proud of her than I was angry with her for risking her life. I made a big deal of caring for her and she let me, exhausted as she was the first day after the desert, but she grew increasingly edgy.

Her behaviour tonight was more than odd, though. She was guarded, she wouldn't tell me any details of what happened, the opposite of how she would usually drone on and on about her stories. Normally she would have rehashed every word Leni said, every detail of the motel and Mick's condition to find a way to milk it for her story, to make it into a tale of bravery and
sacrifice. She would find connections between Leni and important witnesses of past trials. She would compare Mick to a superhero and Leni to a damsel in distress. But she did none of that now. Maybe she was still angry with me for my lack of concern when Mick was presumed dead.

I sat down on the bed. I hesitated. „Listen, I'm sorry about before. When you thought Mick was dead, I wasn't very understanding." If I felt guilty for bringing him into the case, how much worse must it have been for her? She was the one who had brought him into this.

Beth shook her head almost imperceptibly. „I didn't mean to accuse you. I was just upset."

I understood. She wasn't feeling guilty about Mick now, she was feeling guilty about accusing me. „All worked out okay," I said.

I hoped that was enough. I didn't want to rehash all our miscommunications. After all, it was a day to celebrate. We had both played our part in bringing Leni back. „We make a pretty good team, don't you think?"

She smiled at me but there was no warmth behind her eyes. I kissed her and stood to finish up in the kitchen. Her reaction bothered me. She seemed to be drifting further and further away and I had no idea what to do. Was I right to be jealous of Mick? Or was it something else?

We had our one-year anniversary in a week. I wasn't even sure if she had remembered. I would try to make it a day to celebrate, maybe invite some of our friends over, cook dinner, have some good conversation. I needed to think of a special gift for her.


I was still busy tying up the last loose ends in the Fayed case. Leni was a big help, she was so fearless this time. We moved the trial up by using the issue of Leni's safety. It worked. Within a week her testimony was done, and she was moved to Boston as part of a witness protection program. She had no qualms about that, except that she missed Fayed's daughter. How could a
monster like this terrorist have such a cute kid? She didn't deserve this. Her grandmother got custody of Maya, and it took me by surprise how upset I was that she was still in the clutches of Fayed's extended family while he was in jail.

The next night I asked Beth what she wanted to do for our anniversary. She
looked at me in wonder.
„I hadn't even thought about it. I'm sorry, Josh. I should have remembered. But wasn't it the 16th?"

„You count from our first date, the video golf. I count from the accident on the parking deck."

She grinned. „I never had you down as a masochist. How can you prefer that crappy day over the night when we couldn't stop laughing?" Her face lit up at the memory. I adored her.

I couldn't think of a good comeback, so I just kissed her playfully. „How about we celebrate? We could invite friends over."

She didn't look very pleased at the prospect. Seems I'd managed to put my foot in it again. And then it hit me. How un-romantic of me. I should have prepared a quiet evening for her, light dinner, soft music, and a relaxing bath. Now I had ruined it. She would invite Melissa. We would never escape her nosiness, and it would be late before we finally got her out of our
hair. Maybe I would be lucky and Beth would refuse.

She was scrunching up her nose in that cute way of hers. „Good idea, Josh. It's been ages since we had someone over. If you cook, I'll do the groceries. How many people do you think?"

„I thought about including Dan and Jake."

„Okay. I think I'll invite Marissa and her newest acquaintance."

No luck for me. I tried not to let my disappointment show. I had made my bed, I would lie in it. „Sounds good. How about something with chicken? That's easy to prepare beforehand, and everybody likes it." She agreed.

When we settled down for bed my eyes fell to her wrist again. I wasn't sure why, but the pattern of the two small wounds struck me as odd. I thought about what kind of tool would give her punctures like that. She had told me about a fence, but I didn't really buy it, especially since she was so reluctant to even talk about it or let me see it.

I decided to push her a little bit. Besides, it would give me an in to investigate further without alarming her. I would just play the concerned boyfriend.
„Beth, wouldn't it be better to get this checked out for tetanus? You know, the fence was probably dirty, that's really dangerous."

„Oh, I don't think… it's not infected, you know. The medic didn't say anything about that." She was flustered, looking away.

„Why don't we make an appointment with Dr. Rosin? Just to be on the safe side." I took her hands in mine. „Please, Beth. For me."


The next day I made an appointment for Beth at the hospital. I felt bad for forcing her, but I was worried. The punctures looked more like a bite. Were they from an animal in the desert? But why didn't she tell me then, and what animal would leave such clean marks? I didn't get it. The doctor might clear it up.

Late in the morning Morgan called to ask me if she could meet me, as she had a private question. I suggested we had lunch together, as I was pressed for time. Even when Steven took the escort murder case that had probably swept over from San Francisco, I was still one man short with Kevin in jail.

I wondered what Morgan wanted now.


Morgan ate with gusto. It was fun to watch her enjoy something so simple. She was full of life, and not obsessed with calories obviously, even though she was in great shape.

After a brief silence, my curiosity got the better of me, „So, what's the problem you want to talk to me about?"

„You see, I have this weird assignment next week I need your help with. They want a set of moody photos of the rundown parts of historic Westlake and MacArthur park. You know, shady corners, empty warehouses, drug traffic, back alleys, the works. They want to do a story about how the district was fifty years ago, and how it changed. It's a really interesting assignment. I want to show the fascination of decay and dirt, crime and overpopulation.
But, and that's where you come in, I don't want to go there alone. So I thought I'd ask you to be my bodyguard, so to speak."

„You don't have any friends at Buzzwire to go with you?"

She shrugged. „As I freelance a lot, they don't see me as a part of the team, really. I'm in and out of there all the time. Mo is a good friend, but even she only calls me there when she needs something."

„You know, being in Westlake at night alone with you might not be good for my reputation."

She flinched. „Oh, I forgot. If this gets you into trouble with your girlfriend, I understand if you don't want…" Her voice faltered.

„No, Morgan, that's not what I meant. Don't feel bad about that. I meant as a D.A. And it was just a joke."

„Oh. How are things with Beth? I mean, would she be jealous?"

I hesitated. It was none of her business, and it was awkward because she worked with Beth. But her question opened a door, made me want to talk to someone, anyone, about my hurt feelings and insecurities.

„You know, things are a little rough at the moment. It feels like we're disconnected, like I'm losing her."

She reached over and patted my arm, while looking into my face. I looked down, embarrassed but comforted by her gesture. „So, do you have an idea what caused this? Is there someone else?" she asked.

„I'm not sure. She's been working with that P.I. a lot, Mick St. John. Do you know him?"

„No, never met him." Her eyes sparkled. „So did he make a move on her?"

„Actually, I only met him twice, but he and Beth had some stories or cases that they investigated together. It seems that whenever Beth and I have a case, our interests clash and her work jeopardizes my reputation and my investigation. But when she has a case with Mick, they work so well together. I saw how he works, and it's amazing what he picks up instinctively. I can see how she could be fascinated with him."

She smiled. „I understand that a woman can have a crush once in a while, but you're a good catch, reliable, with a good job, a career. Any woman could see that."

„Maybe she doesn't want that." I croaked.

I thought about Beth's choices in life. She didn't want children just now, she didn't feel the need to move in with me, and she always took the opportunity to get into the most gruesome and dangerous situations. Reliable and safe were probably not what she wanted from life – from me. Talking about it made my feelings of rejection and confusion even worse. I needed to get away from this topic before I made a fool of myself.

She seemed to understand and didn't press me. „How long have you been together?" she asked lightly.

„A year now. We're having a small anniversary dinner on Friday." Something I wasn't looking forward to.

„A year; that's something a woman doesn't throw away for a fling. Maybe your worry is misplaced. Let's get back to this P.I., okay? He's with Beth a lot, because of their cases, I guess. How about you invite him over for that dinner, see if you can figure out what's going on?

I wondered if that was such a good idea. But maybe she was right. Then I had a thought. „Maybe I should invite you, too. You seem to be the voice of reason here. Maybe you could watch it from the outside and help me figure it out."

She smiled. „I'm flattered. But I think my being there would complicate things too much. What if Beth gets jealous?"

I laughed. „Well, that would be some kind of payback. But no, you're probably right."

„So, when would you have time to go with me to Westlake?"

„I didn't say I would."

„Oh, come on. If you were going to turn me down, you'd have done it by now. Admit it. You're curious."

„Okay. Saturday. About 4pm?"

„Good." She smiled that cute, broad smile of hers, head thrown to one side, looking me straight in the eye. I smiled back.

We decided on a meeting point and parted ways. She seemed to be in a good mood today. I actually felt better now, having talked about my feelings to someone. Morgan wasn't connected to my work or my friends and that made talking to her so easy. I was looking forward to Saturday.


Link to chapter 14: viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2261

Re: Twists of Fate - Chapter 13 (PG-13)

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 5:59 pm
by wollstonecraft61
Okaayyyyy...What is that witch Morgan up to? Josh is getting too nosy. Could be bad for him. I was glad to open up and see this chapter!!! :cheering: :cheer:

Re: Twists of Fate - Chapter 13 (PG-13)

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 8:11 pm
by wpgrace
Thanks for updating francis!!!

Loved his ruminations about her arm and their conversations about it!!

A Josh's eye view!!! SO weird to know what we know and to see what he suspects but can't know...

Re: Twists of Fate - Chapter 13 (PG-13)

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 10:34 pm
by AussieJo
Francis, so pleased to get an update.
I love this parallel story. :thumbs:
My feelings on the subject pretty much match wollstonecraft's.
More please Miss! :hug:

Re: Twists of Fate - Chapter 13 (PG-13)

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 10:59 pm
by mitzie
I am thrilled to see this new chapter here and you did not disappoint!! Great chapter!!! :heart: It is so eye opening to see Josh's point of view, so refreshing! I wonder what Coraline is up to, haven't figured it out yet??!! One thing I know is it can't be anything good! :slappy: I'm sorry to see Josh trusting her and open up to her this way, poor guy doesn't have a clue!!!! :bmoon:

Can't wait for more... :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :seesaw: :stir: :eyes: :clapping: :clapping: :thud: :thud: :thud: :thud: :notworthy: :worship: :rose:


Re: Twists of Fate - Chapter 13 (PG-13)

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 9:20 am
by francis
Thank you my dear readers. I had a hard time with this chapter, hit some kind of a dry spell. I hope it's over now.
There is a distinct idea for the end, but the way there has so many possibilities. I hope I don't go along too slow.

Re: Twists of Fate - Chapter 13 (PG-13)

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 12:30 pm
by wpgrace
francis wrote:Thank you my dear readers. I had a hard time with this chapter, hit some kind of a dry spell. I hope it's over now.
There is a distinct idea for the end, but the way there has so many possibilities. I hope I don't go along too slow.

Sweetie, you do what you need to do to get your story the way you want it... we LOVE getting the updates but we're Moonlight fans... we have learned to be patient...

And between you and Julie, you've actually managed to make me interested in Josh's side of the story... so miracles do happen... :biggrin:

Re: Twists of Fate - Chapter 13 (PG-13)

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 2:11 pm
by Catmoon
Coraline's such an expert at manipulating men, she has it down to an art form! I have to kinda admire her skill. ;) She is to men, what Josef is to the business world. Poor Josh has no clue what he's getting involved with. He thinks Mick is his biggest problem.

Re: Twists of Fate - Chapter 13 (PG-13)

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 1:26 am
by bank1115
Here he is in one breath flirting with Morgana and in the next whining to her. This was an excellent example of why I never warmed to his character. Francis this is an absolutely fantastic story. You have pieced together all the unanswered questions and filled in the backstory. Although Josh is a nice guy he is career driven and tends to put himself first in every regard. I realize he represents stability to Beth but I certainly see the blaring differences they have, and not in a good way. I've enjoyed catching up today and look forward to your next update. kays

Re: Twists of Fate - Chapter 13 (PG-13)

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 11:15 am
by francis
Thank you for your comments, bank and Catmoon and wpgrace.
Josh might buy a clue in one of the next chapters, being with Morgan and having more and more suspicions about Mick. We'll see what Morgan's plan is. :whistle:

Re: Twists of Fate - Chapter 13 (PG-13)

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 10:48 pm
by coco
francis so sorry that I missed your update :blushing:

I really am enjoying this Josh POV. It's funny knowing what is going on but reading things from his perspective which the show didn't give us. What is Morgan up to?

Looking forward to the next one :thumbs:

Re: Twists of Fate - Chapter 13 (PG-13)

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 8:57 am
by francis
Coco, don't apologize. It doesn't matter when you read it, just that you read it.
I haven't gotten around to do the PM-thing to my readers here. Maybe I should.
Thank you for your comment.

Re: Twists of Fate - Chapter 13 (PG-13)

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 7:03 pm
by bank1115
francis wrote:Coco, don't apologize. It doesn't matter when you read it, just that you read it.
I haven't gotten around to do the PM-thing to my readers here. Maybe I should.
Thank you for your comment.
Ah yeah maybe you should! :lol: kays

Re: Twists of Fate - Chapter 13 (PG-13)

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 2:43 am
by Raven
Somehow I missed this francis... :blushing:

Fayed's little girl was so sweet. I always wondered how long before her father's lifestyle would corrupt her...probably not too long...
How could a
monster like this terrorist have such a cute kid? She didn't deserve this. Her grandmother got custody of Maya, and it took me by surprise how upset I was that she was still in the clutches of Fayed's extended family while he was in jail.
This is a great's a fleeting glimpse of how it was early in their realtionship...why they were a couple...
She grinned. „I never had you down as a masochist. How can you prefer that crappy day over the night when we couldn't stop laughing?" Her face lit up at the memory. I adored her.
How about something with chicken? :lol:
Josh invites Mick AND Morgan. What a hoot. Actually, Morgan going would have gotten Josh in a heap of hot water. She's a stranger to their private life...and impulsively invited to an intimate dinner of close friends...Josh is not the best when making choices in his personal life.
Great update francis!

Re: Twists of Fate - Chapter 13 (PG-13)

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 8:50 am
by francis
Thank you, Raven. It struck me that they probably chose chicken because one of their guests was jewish and others don't eat red meat. Chicken was a safe bet.
Josh really doesn't think things through with that dinner. To celebrate it with friends instead of an intimate candlelight dinner was his first mistake. Then going the other way and inviting the whole world to it was the second fault. Now he has to eat what he cooked up. Hehe.