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Sleep (PG-13)

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 3:02 am
by Kelly
Disclaimer: I own nothing...darn it.

Note: This is just a quick oneshot...wrote it is just under an hour, so it's far from perfect. But it's been so long since I've posted anything, that I decided to post it anyway. I hope you all like it. Also, this is my first attempt at a first-person FF.


I run my hands across the slick, metal framework of my freezer. It’s cold, yet inviting as ever. Popping open the lid, I am greeted by a surge of frigid air. If I were still human, I’d have veered from the freezing blast, its sub-zero temperature stinging my face and hands. But I, a vampire, am now drawn to it. It welcomes me, willing me come closer. My fingers fumble with buttons and buckles as I shed my clothing, allowing the garments to fall carelessly to the floor. Hoisting myself up, I swing my legs over the freezer’s edge and settle inside. Lying back, stretched straight inside the lonely confines of my sanctuary, I feel the familiar coolness wash over my body, soothing. However, I leave the lid of the freezer ajar, not yet ready for sleep. Still, I can already feel my senses beginning to dull, as my eyes grow heavy and my limbs, numb.

When I became a vampire, everything changed. Nothing was left untouched, nothing kept sacred—not even sleep—and even after more than fifty years, I still have not stopped trying to fight the cold darkness that tugs at my weary mind. It is this darkness that is the root of my fears. Sleep for the undead is not filled with pleasant dreams. However, nor is it filled with nightmares. It is nothing but a black cloud that envelopes the mind. It is in this moment, when sleep washes over me, that I cease to be undead. Each day, however, I continue to retreat to my freezer, fear in my heart, but acceptance in my mind that this is part of who I have become.

A pained laugh escapes my lips as I reflect on my situation. I, a vampire, am afraid of sleep. Many years ago, when I was very young, at least in vampire years, I relayed my fears to Josef. I remember how he laughed and taunted me, his voice livid with sarcasm—but despite his laughter, his eyes were sad. I knew then that I was not alone in my fears. However, I learned very quickly after my turning that there are certain issues that vampires never discuss, even amongst ourselves, but rather deal with quietly in the privacy of our own minds—so I never again mentioned my fear of sleep. Not to Josef…not to anyone.

I hear a quiet creaking, so I turn my head slightly and gaze through the frosty glass. I catch a flash of blonde hair and pale skin. Beth. I raise myself into a sitting position, and my eyes follow her as she crosses the room, her naked body luminous under the fluorescent lights. She is now standing beside my freezer, a smile on her lips. I extend a hand to her, which she takes, and I guide her movements as she steps lightly inside my freezer. I lie back down as she quickly gets settled, her back pressed hard against my chest. The space between us is nonexistent. I can sense her need for closeness, so I wrap my arm protectively around her. Brushing her blonde hair from her face, I softly kiss her forehead. She is perfect—like a china doll, her beauty frozen…ageless. A soft, contented sigh escapes her lips, and she is still. I know that sleep has stolen her from me…at least until night falls.

Lying here beside her, I am reminded of a night, long ago when Beth was still a child, and I had sat outside her bedroom window watching her as she slept. Just to makes sure she’s alright, I had told myself. But as I watched her tiny, sleeping form, I was filled with longing for the small sliver of normality that lay before my eyes. However this longing had soon deepened into a sharp pain as I saw her chest rise and fall in a hypnotic rhythm, a smile passing quickly across her lips. I knew then that she was obviously lost in some pleasant dream, and I fled from her window ledge, back into the darkness.

Now, watching her, she is completely still, and her face is emotionless. My heart aches knowing that she will soon be faced with a grim reality. Being but a young fledgling, she does not yet wonder where it is she goes as she descends into the darkness of undead sleep. I have pondered whether or not I should tell her myself, but I decided that some things are best left unsaid. Besides, realization will come soon enough that nothing comes without a price—especially not eternity.

“C’est la vie,” I mutter under my breath, as I reach up to lower the freezer's lid. I then grimace at the bitter irony of my words.

That is life.

Re: Sleep (PG-13)

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 11:18 am
by redwinter101
You knocked this out in an hour??? Good God woman, give the rest of us a complex, why don't you...

This strikes me as a very typical Mick musing. I've always been enchanted by the day to day trials and tribulations that Mick faced, particularly in the early years, and this:
Kelly wrote:Nothing was left untouched, nothing kept sacred—not even sleep
is heartbreakingly poignant.

I love that bittersweet moment when Beth joins him - he finally has someone to share the darkness, but it's still tinged with so much sadness - they have both lost something precious in order to reach this moment of companionship.
Kelly wrote:Besides, realization will come soon enough that nothing comes without a price—especially not eternity.

“C’est la vie,” I mutter under my breath, as I reach up to lower the freezer's lid. I then grimace at the bitter irony of my words.

That is life.
Bitter irony indeed.

Very well done.


Re: Sleep (PG-13)

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 1:40 pm
by coco
Very well done Kelly. You can see and hear Mick throughout this. It's very true to his character. He's no longer alone as he has Beth but yet still can't escape from his solitary feelings :hankie:

Re: Sleep (PG-13)

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 2:28 pm
by Phoenix
Excellent, Kelly. Brava. :clapping:

But I thought you said you were having trouble writing MickBeth??? :tongue:

Re: Sleep (PG-13)

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 5:39 pm
by Kelly
redwinter101 wrote:You knocked this out in an hour??? Good God woman, give the rest of us a complex, why don't you...

This strikes me as a very typical Mick musing. I've always been enchanted by the day to day trials and tribulations that Mick faced, particularly in the early years, and this:
Kelly wrote:Nothing was left untouched, nothing kept sacred—not even sleep
is heartbreakingly poignant.

I love that bittersweet moment when Beth joins him - he finally has someone to share the darkness, but it's still tinged with so much sadness - they have both lost something precious in order to reach this moment of companionship.
Kelly wrote:Besides, realization will come soon enough that nothing comes without a price—especially not eternity.

“C’est la vie,” I mutter under my breath, as I reach up to lower the freezer's lid. I then grimace at the bitter irony of my words.

That is life.
Bitter irony indeed.

Very well done.

Wow, Red...that's quite a compliment. Thank you so much.

Yeah, I'll often write these short one-shots and limit my time from a half hour to an hour to help me get over writer's block. I find that it really helps when I get back to my multichapters.

I have noticed that little has been written about Mick's feelings about sleep, beyond it's being lonely, so I thought it might be an interesting topic to explore.

Again, thank you VERY much! :hug:

Re: Sleep (PG-13)

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 5:40 pm
by Kelly
coco wrote:Very well done Kelly. You can see and hear Mick throughout this. It's very true to his character. He's no longer alone as he has Beth but yet still can't escape from his solitary feelings :hankie:
Thanks, Claire! I'm so glad you liked it. :hug:

Re: Sleep (PG-13)

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 5:41 pm
by Kelly
Phoenix wrote:Excellent, Kelly. Brava. :clapping:

But I thought you said you were having trouble writing MickBeth??? :tongue:
Thanks, Phoenix! :hug: It means a lot to me to know that you liked it. :hug:

Re: Sleep (PG-13)

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 6:14 pm
by Raven
This was really good Kelly. Really good...a completely different kind of read...for me, anyway. That the decending into the black nothingness of vampire sleep is disturbing to vampires to the extent that they don't talk of it is a really interesting concept. I have a feeling that maybe Mick will rethink his postition on not sharing his thoughts on this subject with Beth. She's always been one to question things and vocalize her opinions, she will probably do the same concerning vampire sleep...especially now that she is Mick's fledgling as well as his mate (I'm assuming that).
I really enjoyed this. Thanks!

Re: Sleep (PG-13)

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 6:38 pm
by bluedahlia3
Very nice Kelly and I don't care what you say you do MickBeth very well. :bat2: Nicely written and I especially liked your relating the freezer and sleep issues to dreamless sleep. Just undead. Great concept well delivered. :dracula: :clapping:

Re: Sleep (PG-13)

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 7:58 pm
by Kelly
Raven wrote:This was really good Kelly. Really good...a completely different kind of read...for me, anyway. That the decending into the black nothingness of vampire sleep is disturbing to vampires to the extent that they don't talk of it is a really interesting concept. I have a feeling that maybe Mick will rethink his postition on not sharing his thoughts on this subject with Beth. She's always been one to question things and vocalize her opinions, she will probably do the same concerning vampire sleep...especially now that she is Mick's fledgling as well as his mate (I'm assuming that).
I really enjoyed this. Thanks!
Wow...thanks, Raven! :hug: I'm so glad that you enjoyed it. It's also an amazing feeling when your writing gets people to think about things that they hadn't before. :hug:

Re: Sleep (PG-13)

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 7:59 pm
by Kelly
bluedahlia3 wrote:Very nice Kelly and I don't care what you say you do MickBeth very well. :bat2: Nicely written and I especially liked your relating the freezer and sleep issues to dreamless sleep. Just undead. Great concept well delivered. :dracula: :clapping:
Thank you so much! :hug: I suppose my MickBeth muse hasn't entirely disappeared. :snicker:

Re: Sleep (PG-13)

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 2:07 pm
by wpgrace
Jeez Kelly, this is magnificent!

No kidding... what a clever thing to say... not undead anymore when he sleeps... sleep scares him... this is such a unique and blood chilling reflection! It helps make his anti vampire stance a bit more real too, doesn't it?

Then in comes Beth... not scared... cause she's Beth... but also as he says. She's too young to have thought it thru yet.

This just added a whole 'nother layer of complexity to Mick's character. PLEASE write more, cause this one is memorable, honey! As in, from now on, when someone else writes about him in his freezer, I will be thinking of this moment and this story!

Re: Sleep (PG-13)

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 5:13 pm
by Kelly
wpgrace wrote:Jeez Kelly, this is magnificent!

No kidding... what a clever thing to say... not undead anymore when he sleeps... sleep scares him... this is such a unique and blood chilling reflection! It helps make his anti vampire stance a bit more real too, doesn't it?

Then in comes Beth... not scared... cause she's Beth... but also as he says. She's too young to have thought it thru yet.

This just added a whole 'nother layer of complexity to Mick's character. PLEASE write more, cause this one is memorable, honey! As in, from now on, when someone else writes about him in his freezer, I will be thinking of this moment and this story!
wow, Grace...I mean WOW! What an amazing comment! To know that something I wrote had a lasting effect on someone is such an indescribable feeling! Thank you so so SO much! :hug: :hug: :hug:

Re: Sleep (PG-13)

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 5:20 pm
by wpgrace
Well honey you wrote it... I just expressed my sincere enjoyment... I should be thanking YOU for so entertaining and affecting me! :hearts:

Re: Sleep (PG-13)

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 6:03 pm
by francis
Awww, Kelly, this is lovely. Mick has lost so much, even sleep and dreams. But now he has Beth. And he is afraid that she will discover soon what she lost. He remembers her as a child, sleeping. What a wonder a sleeping child is. Now she is just out cold.
Everything has a price, especially eternity. I love how you captured that in this short story with Mick's musings about sleep.
Well done.