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The Birthday Gift- a Syn Freshie Fic PG 13

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 12:48 am
by jenstc2003
The Birthday Gift

Disclaimer: No, I don’t own anyone you recognize.
Rating- R
Notes: This story developed from the basic situation that has been created on the Willing Freshies threads, which have taken the characters and realities from Moonlight, and gone in an alternate direction with them. We celebrated Mick's birthday on the 22nd of November.

Synclaire Smythe was my alter ego in the WFF and is now in Sinful Sirens. This is the continuation of her story.

I walked into the living room of the FOS, terribly glad to see the place devoid of Freshies for now and wanting nothing worse than to lay back in a warm tub of water and relax. Eighteen hours in the field and a find that was so unbelievably gruesome that it turned my stomach had been the order of my day, then to top it off, Morg had a minor injury that has left her at the vets overnight. But there had been an upside- working with Mick all day. He follows me into the flat a few minutes later, and smiles as we both kick off our muddy hiking boots at the same time. “You are really getting to be an expert, Syn. You know, you impress me more every time I get to go in the field with you and Morg.” He hugs me, doing his best to encourage me, and ignoring the mud that is coating both of us. “You probably should head to the bathroom and change, though, Synful. I’ll have some clothes for you in a minute, OK?”

I simply nod, not sure exactly what I want to do right at the moment. A bath sounds nice, but I can do that when I get home. For now, I just shower quickly and then change into the fresh clothes that he’d left outside the bathroom door. Just a sweatshirt and jeans, but they feel marvelous after the day I’d had. I hadn’t wanted to go home, and Mick had been kind enough to suggest that I come back to the FOS for a while. I pad back out to the living room, and I notice that Mick is quietly fingering a rosary, a serious look on his face as he prayed, and glancing at the assortment of rosaries in front of him. The rosary in his hands is a verifiable antique- I’d be more than willing to guess it was the one he was given when he took his First Communion, but there are about 10 others in the box he had taken that one from. I take a seat next to him, and he looks up at me. “Sorry Synful. I was just praying for the Nagey’s.”

I smile at him “Somehow, I knew that was what you were doing. I never realized you collected rosaries, though.”

“Mom got me started when I was tiny. I try to get one whenever I travel to a new country, and I’ve kept all of them over the years.” He nods to the one in his hand “This is my First Communion rosary.” He hands me the beads, and I admire them, curling against his shoulder.

“It’s beautiful! Are those real onyx?”

He just grins at my curiosity. “Yeah- Mom loved onyx, and it was one stone she could convince Dad to buy for me. It was handmade by an old Italian man they knew at our church. He carved the stones, and fitted the pieces together by hand. It must have cost Mom and Dad a fortune.”

I lay my head back against his shoulder and begin to relax as he wraps his arms around me. “Yeah- it looks like beautiful workmanship. I’ll have to remember that you collect them, though. I do some beading… maybe I’ll make you one.”

“I’d love to have one that you’ve made, when you have the time.”

I smile at that- the first real smile I’d had on my face since morning. “I think that can be arranged.”

He holds me quietly for a few moments, patting my hair and trying to soothe me. “Are you doing alright? I know you’re upset- Hell, it’d be upsetting to anyone.”

“Yeah- it’s just so sad. I had hoped we’d find him- but not like that.”

“I know what you mean. But at least his family can lay him to rest now and have that bit of closure.”

I nod, cuddling back against his shoulder, trying desperately to forget. “So… seems to me someone just had a birthday. What kind of stone would you like me to use for the belated part of your birthday gift?”

“I don’t know- why don’t you surprise me?”

I smile up at him and grin, thinking of the perfect beads to use while I wait to calm down enough to go home.

*Back at home- two hours later*

I settle down in my favorite chair, the tv murmuring in the background and pick up my beading tools, the plan firmly in my head. I’d bought several bags of malachite beads on my last trip to Idaho several weeks ago, from a man on the Blackfoot reservation nearby who tumbles the stones himself and drills them by hand. I’d bought them with no real plan for how to use them because I liked the way they looked. I’d also bought a few beautifully handmade white gold crucifixes and rosary centerpieces on a jaunt down to Tijuana a few months ago. Now, I know what both of the purchases were really intended for. I take out my round nose pliars and begin to work furiously. I keep working through the night, finishing just before dawn, grateful that I didn’t have to be on campus until late today. The painstaking work keeps my mind off of the horrible day I’d had, and it is not until I get the last piece in place that I realize exactly how tired I am. I manage a few hours of sleep, then drive back over to the FOS, anxious to give Mick his gift. Surprisingly, he is already up and bustling around his office when I let myself in. He walks in and smiles at me as soon as he hears the door. “Hey Synful! Are you feeling better today?”

He hugs me, and I smile up at him. “Yeah- I am, actually. I have a surprise for you, too.”

I pull the small hand sewn pouch I’d bought at a local artist’s shop on the way across town out of my pocket, and his eyes light up. “You don’t mean to tell me that you have it finished already?”

“Why don’t you open it and see?”

He opens the pouch and takes the rosary out, admiring it with a big grin on his face. “This is fabulous, Synful. Absolutely fabulous. Thank you so much.” He hugs me again, and we sit down on the sofa to talk, passing half an hour in the kind of idle chit chat we’ve become used to. It’s always been that way for us- comfortable and easy. Of course, he is curious to know the history of the pieces- and he laughs when I tell him the story of the Tijuana trip, which makes it all seem worthwhile.

Finally, he looks down at me, hunger dawning in his eyes. “Syn- there’s only one gift you could give me that I’d appreciate any more than this. Would you mind?”

He doesn’t have to ask more than that, and I nod at him in response. With a quick, fangy smile, he softly moves my hair out of the way, and then begins to trace the flow of blood up my neck with his thumb, stopping for a moment to massage the scars that are forming at the base of my neck. I sigh heavily at that, and smile as his cool breath chills the skin over the scars a moment later, his tongue taking the place of his thumb. He laves the spot tenderly, and then I feel his fangs break the skin. Just a second’s pain, then the familiar, wonderful sensation of his feeding. He drinks deeply this time, but slowly, as if he’s dragging the moment out. Ribbons of pleasure ripple through me with every sip he takes, reaching every part of me in the space of a second, making the tiny pain of the initial bite a distant memory. Finally, though, I feel him growl against me as he withdraws his fangs, then licks the area around the wounds until they are sealed. He kisses them gently then, and pulls me closer to him. He thanks me quietly, and asks me then if I’m OK- as if I could be anything else right now. I give him a quick smile and nod in response. No words are really needed.

He holds me and we chit chat some more while I recover, with him massaging my shoulders and playing with my hair, and moving only long enough to get me a glass of OJ from the fridge. Too soon, though, it’s time for me to head to campus. I kiss his cheek and drape a pretty scarf around my neck to cover the new wounds, then I head out, facing the day a bit more happily than I had been.

Re: The Birthay Gift- a Syn Freshie Fic PG 13

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 4:09 pm
by francis
Awww, that was a nice gift, and Mick really appreciates it. I can see him as a religious person, it's in his personality.

Re: The Birthay Gift- a Syn Freshie Fic PG 13

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 11:13 pm
by jenstc2003
He may not be a particularly devout person today- and his vampire life would make that difficult- but I think he was raised in a very devout household which rubbed off on him. I'm glad you agree!
francis wrote:Awww, that was a nice gift, and Mick really appreciates it. I can see him as a religious person, it's in his personality.