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Twists of Fate - Chapter 14 (PG-13)

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 3:57 pm
by francis
A/N: I struggled with this chapter for a while, but I think I won. Thank you to my fabulous beta redwinter101.
link from chapter 13: viewtopic.php?f=75&t=1933

On Thursday I drove Beth to her doctor’s appointment at the hospital. I wanted to be with her. She tried to talk me out of it and wanted to go alone, but I insisted. I pulled the „I’m the concerned boyfriend“ card.

Dr. Rosin asked her about where she was wounded, and she told him her story about the fence. He shared a look with Beth that I couldn’t place. At one point he inhaled deeply while he examined her wrist. He took a blood sample to make sure there was no tetanus and promised to call Beth with the results, but he was convinced that everything was okay.

With Dr. Rosin acting like nothing was wrong I had no chance to tell him about my doubts about the fence, especially not with Beth there. I couldn’t label her a liar, could I?

On our way back downstairs I tried to get a reaction, but Beth seemed to be miles away. I brought up Mick and she just spaced out. She didn’t even hear what I said.

If I thought the day was already unbearable, it got worse. When we got out of the elevator, Mick St. John was standing there. Beth immediately reacted.


He stood, said „Hi.“

It was a bit of an awkward situation. Beth told him about the blood test, and he seemed to jump to the conclusion we were getting married. I was amused at his almost shocked reaction. I was far less amused about Beth’s embarrassment. Why would she be embarrassed? Was the thought of marrying me so repulsive to her?

When she asked what he did in the hospital he stuttered something about blood work. I guess he had to get tested once in a while, for tetanus or hepatitis, he must come into contact with a lot in his line of work. I remembered that Leni’s hand was bleeding on Sunday.

Beth mentioned that she tried to contact him. He insisted he missed her messages. I got the impression she didn’t really believe him. I chimed in with an invitation for dinner tomorrow. Beth immediately tried to get him out of it.

„Oh, I don’t think. Mick wouldn’t really wanna…“

Didn’t she want him to come over? That was new.

He insisted that he would, but couldn’t. Nice try. He congratulated us on our anniversary and took the next elevator ride.

Beth was so uncomfortable. I could see her laughter was false; she couldn’t even hold my eye. Walking to the car I was seething. At least Mick had made an effort to talk to both of us but Beth had just stared into his face the whole time, captivated. Or had she tried to tell him something that I wasn’t supposed to hear?

I was convinced now that my jealousy was partially right. She had a thing for him. He was a gentleman and kept his distance, but even he was affected, somehow.
Neither of them wanted him at the dinner. Maybe she was afraid it would become too obvious that she was smitten with him, and he wanted to spare her that. Well, there was nothing to do right now but to try to win her attention back. As long as he stayed away for now, I would have the opportunity to make our anniversary something special.


Dinner time came, and I was sick with tension. I invited two of my friends, and Beth invited Marisa and her new boy toy. Marisa had someone new every other week or so, and I despised her. She was nosy and loud, but I tried to be civilized, for Beth’s sake.
I got the impression that Beth was kind of guarded towards Marisa, too. No whispered conversations, no secret girl talk for now. They talked about movies and work, while I put the finishing touches to the meal and Beth served the wine.

Finally we stood in the cramped space of Beth’s apartment, around her much too narrow table, and toasted.
Of course, Marisa would take matters into her own hands, in an obtrusive and embarrassing way. Reminding my friends that our first contact was because Beth was unable to parallel park, and ditched my car that was pulling out. Beth was embarrassed, and I felt bad for her. But I liked the toast Marisa did, about fate. I had the same thought back then when Beth and I started dating. At first I was so pissed about the damage to my car, but when I saw Beth I was so taken by her beauty and her spirit that I just had to call her later, asking for dinner to reconcile, and starting our journey together. It was probably fate that we met that way.

Was it fate again when Beth’s cell phone chimed? I expected her to just let it go to voicemail, as we were in the middle of our celebration, but she took the call. Our guests tried not to listen in, shuffling their feet uncomfortably. So did I. When she told them she had to go to the morgue because of her newest story, I was baffled. She clearly was torn, but mostly wanted to go. I suspected it was more fun to solve a murder case with Mick than having a stilted conversation with our guests.
Of course I still backed her up in front of them and encouraged her to go, but when she thanked me for being understanding my mask cracked. She told me I was mad. I wasn’t mad, I was embarrassed and dissappointed. Closing the door I told her what I thought about her little stunt.

„Look, you have to admit, it’s pretty rude. Those are your friends in there. Now you invite them here, and then he calls, and you bail.“

She played innocent. „Who calls?“

„Mick St. John.“

She told me it wasn’t Mick St. John who called her but some contact. Talk about barking up the wrong tree. It didn’t really make me feel better. Now that the topic was up and my whole insecurity out in the open I grabbed the bull by the horns.

„Well, what would you have thought? I saw the way you two looked at each other when we bumped into him.“

She didn’t even dispute it, she looked at me with a carefully maintained neutral, expression as if I was just making things up to stir trouble. But I had seen them look at each other, and now she left our anniversary dinner for a story.

She told me she would be back soon, but it didn’t make a difference any more. I told her to take her time and went back to our dinner guests.


They stood there, rooted to the floor, with wine in hand but not drinking, not talking. Marisa was the first to recover, giving me a crooked and indulgent smile.
„So, will we wait for her or will we eat now?“

I nodded, trying to clear my head from the conversation I just had in the hall. „As Beth doesn’t know how long it will take, let’s just eat. Take a seat. I’ll fetch it.“

When I took the chicken out of the oven it was slightly burned on one side. I had forgotten to turn it. This was not a good day. But I took what was salvagable, cut it up and served it like that. No-one would notice the missing wing.

Greg and his girl took big helpings. Marisa was on a diet or something and ate only a little. Her friend grinned at me, taunting me with remarks like „This is good. Pity Beth is missing it.“ He had teased Beth before, asking if she would rather be at the morgue. What a dick. Even Marisa cast a few disapproving glances in his general direction. I guessed he would be her ex-boytoy in a few days.

Dinner was quiet. I tried frantically to find something to talk about, eventually resorting to discussing the background music Beth had chosen and the hottest new movie. Greg’s girlfriend started to tell us about some movie star she encountered at work, gushing about him in a way that made Greg uncomfortable.

After dinner Greg helped with the dishes, and I poured another glass of wine. We sat around, but it was clear as day that no-one was in the mood. Marisa took pity on me and told everyone she had a hard day and would call it a night. I had to make an effort not to show how relieved I was. I asked them to stay a bit longer, even if everybody knew that was just common courtesy and I couldn’t wait to be left alone.

They left together and I stood in the doorframe, finally able to let my facade drop. What now? I wasn’t in the mood to do the dishes or clean up. I took the leftovers, put them into a casserole and stored them in the fridge.

I sat down on the couch and just froze. It was like I was paralyzed. I had learned something important tonight. Beth’s work was more important to her than I was. And Mick was linked to her work more than I was. She might try to deny it, she might not even know herself, but she was falling for him. And she was falling out of love with me. So there might even be fate involved, but it didn’t plan on Beth and me staying together. It clearly planned to let Mick get her.

I really needed to get out of here. When she came back, she could deal with the dishes, and she could call me when she was ready for our conversation. I needed fresh air.

So I called Morgan. She took the call after the second ring.

„Hey, it’s Josh, sorry for calling so late. Are you still up?“

„Yeah, I’m sort of a night person. Is something wrong?“

„No. No, I just thought… I had plans for tonight, but they’ve been cancelled, so I thought, would you like to get some of your assignment done tonight? MacArthur park at night, you know. I could use some air.“

She hesitated for a moment, then, with a laugh, said, „That’s a brilliant idea, actually. The streets must give a really nice atmosphere at night. I’ll pack my equipment and meet you there in an hour. Okay?“

„Yeah. Okay.“

I smiled. Maybe I should tell Beth where I was going. I could write her a note. Served her right toget a taste of her own medicine. Then again, maybe I should wait for the right moment. It wasn’t that I planned on starting something with Morgan, I just wanted to do something tonight that made me feel good, made me feel appreciated.

Taking a final look around the empty apartment I left.


link to chapter 15: viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2722&p=46429#p46429

Re: Twists of Fate - Chapter 14 (PG-13)

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 4:07 pm
by Emerald
Great update. I liked being able to see more of an expanse on how Josh was feeling in that scene.

Well done. :hug:

Re: Twists of Fate - Chapter 14 (PG-13)

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 4:34 pm
by NocturneInCMoll
Oh wow! Loved it. So interesting getting Josh's thoughts.

I wonder how Mick will feel when he finds out Josh has been hanging out with a dead ringer for his ex-wife?! Tee hee...

Francis, I can only beg you--PLEASE update again soon!!!! I'm dying for more.

Re: Twists of Fate - Chapter 14 (PG-13)

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 4:46 pm
by Fleur de Lisa
Great filling in the scene after Beth left her apartment. You could just feel the awkwardness---actually felt sorry for poor Josh. Having to entertain their friends, while not appearing to be bothered by the fact that she left their anniversary celebration--ugh!

And him calling Morgan after? Brilliant idea!!

Another great twist, francis~~

Re: Twists of Fate - Chapter 14 (PG-13)

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 4:48 pm
by redwinter101
I really enjoyed this chapter, francis. You really give us an insight into how Josh's feelings are developing - he's gone from suspicious to pissed off. And that is luring him into the dangerous embrace of little Miss Morgan.

MacArthur Park at night? I can hardly wait.


Re: Twists of Fate - Chapter 14 (PG-13)

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 5:26 pm
by bank1115
It's so great to be able to see what is happening from Josh' perspective. You have me almost feeling sorry for him as far as Beth and her attitude goes. Of course then he calls Morgan and I can't wait for Beth to breakup with him. LOL You also did a great job of diffusing that stupid remark Josh made in the show about "and I cooked a chicken." He really was placed in a couple of ackward situations with this episode. Love this story and can't wait for the next update. kays

Re: Twists of Fate - Chapter 14 (PG-13)

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 8:23 pm
by lila
Oh, bad boy Josh, bad boy. It's funny that my perspective has such a double standard: when Beth chases after Mick, I squee and hold my breath and write fic about it, even though she's cheating on her boyfriend with a man she just met. On the other hand, when Josh is upset and seeks comfort in another woman, I feel outraged. I can make escuses all day long, but in the end, what Beth did was unfair. And this fic really creates empathy for Josh, empathy that mixes with the outrage and gives a whole new outlook.
As always, lovely update, francis. Keep 'em coming please! ;)

Re: Twists of Fate - Chapter 14 (PG-13)

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 9:01 pm
by francis
Thank you so much for your thoughtful comments.
Thank you, redwinter, let's see what happens in MacArthur park.
bank, only almost sorry? Not really sorry yet? I have to try harder...
Lila, I'm so glad I got this responses out of you, it was something like that I aimed for, compassion and some sort of outrage on both sides.

Re: Twists of Fate - Chapter 14 (PG-13)

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 9:15 pm
by wpgrace
Oh yeah... so the rest of that dinner was in fact every bit as awkward as I would've imagined... and Beth escaped unscathed while poor Josh had to stay behind and face public humiliation.

And do you see what you have managed to do, francis? I have just referred to poor Josh and taken his side. I gotta figure there's a snowball fight in hell today...

Re: Twists of Fate - Chapter 14 (PG-13)

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 9:27 pm
by francis
wpgrace wrote:Oh yeah... so the rest of that dinner was in fact every bit as awkward as I would've imagined... and Beth escaped unscathed while poor Josh had to stay behind and face public humiliation.

And do you see what you have managed to do, francis? I have just referred to poor Josh and taken his side. I gotta figure there's a snowball fight in hell today...

Aww, all the poor little devils are now freezing. Good for the vampires though. I guess Lola might be there...
:devil: :devil: :devil:

Re: Twists of Fate - Chapter 14 (PG-13)

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 9:40 pm
by kpyle
I love getting these little peeks into what Josh was thinking between scenes. I like everyone else wanted to see Beth with Mick, but felt she drug it out far to long!! Should have left him off the hook sooner! Not just for Josh but for Mick also!! Keep em coming! Just love it! Kelly

Re: Twists of Fate - Chapter 14 (PG-13)

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 11:15 pm
by AussieJo
:worship: :clapping:
Oh Francis, this was fabulous!
It was so awkward, Josef would have been IN HEAVEN!! :snicker:
I was totally sympathetic to Josh.
Seeing something from another's perspctive will do that to you.
Which is why they didn't do that in the show, IMO.
The dynamic would have been changed.
No such restrictions with fanfic though!
Hooray for Fanfic !! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
I have been waiting and searching for this latest update for what seems like forever!!
Your PM had me squeeing, dear lady. :rose:
Thankyou. :hug:

Re: Twists of Fate - Chapter 14 (PG-13)

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 11:42 pm
by coco
What a fantastic update francis :thumbs:
Josh' frustrations has turned into being pissed off and I fear it's going to get him in trouble with Morgan.
Fabulous missing scene as always :yes:

Re: Twists of Fate - Chapter 14 (PG-13)

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 7:59 am
by mitzie
I was so happy to get your PM about this update! The Anniversary dinner with "friends" was so awkward and uncomfortable that I was squirming in my seat while reading it! :juggle: I really feel bad for Josh! :eyes: I also think that Beth(no tomatoes please) was being unintentionally manipulative with both Josh and Mick! I could really see Josh feeling a need to call Morgan, after all Beth just stood him up on their anniversary in front of other people and I'm sure his self-esteem was very low at that point!! Excellent update and story!!!! :heart: :clapping: :clapping: :worship:

Can't wait for more... :yahoo: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :woohoo: :hyper: :yahoo: :yahoo: :thud: :thud: :notworthy:


Re: Twists of Fate - Chapter 14 (PG-13)

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 9:18 am
by Catmoon
This scene makes me want to go watch the ep again -- and I think I will. I know I'll be seeing it in a slightly different, broader way since reading your take on what was going on behind the surface. Seems like this incident and Josh's realization of what was important to Beth was the catalyst that put him in exactly where Coraline would want him mentally. A place she could use to her own advantage. But of course I'll have to wait and see what happens when they meet.