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Afterglow, part nine (M/B/J, PG-13)

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 7:56 pm
by redwinter101
Title: Afterglow
Author: redwinter101
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don't own Moonlight or any of its characters
Note: Here's the full chapter. It's a long one, so pull up a chair.... The first section was previously posted as a teaser.


--- Afterglow, part 9 ---


Beth winced at the squeak and crunch of fresh snow underfoot as she sidled into the alley. The snow was a mixed blessing, reflecting enough light from the heavy, sallow moon to ensure Pete could get some usable footage without night-vision, but to Beth's heightened senses, it announced her presence like a klaxon. Flattened against the humming brick of the rear of the Excelsior Hotel, heart pounding, adrenaline coursing, she peered through still-falling flakes to the third floor fire escape. She could barely make out Pete's dark-clad form, crouched, camera poised.

She checked her watch again, shielding the luminescent glow. 2:57am. If Carlyle were true to form, he would exit the hotel on the stroke of three o'clock. Beth could barely contain her anxiety as she moved deeper into the alley, desperate to see who would be waiting and what the purpose of this night's meeting would be. She craned her neck to peer round the final corner. The wide brim of the man's hat popped into view. Another inch, an arm, a gloved hand clutching a large envelope. One more step, a shoulder, the edge of a profile. She took one tiny step to the side to bring him into full focus just as the service door to the hotel swung open, spilling a pool of stark fluorescence into the moon-bathed alley. Carlyle, picked out in relief against the pale interior before the door swung shut behind him. A puff of his usual cigar smoke spiralled through the still air. A voice, too faint to make out, friendly, flowing with easy familiarity.

Another step forward. A glance up to Pete, intent, focused. She hoped he was getting this. Her jacket snagged against a rough shard of wall, drawing her attention as she pulled it free, a curse under her breath for the tiny tear.

She started to turn back.

Pete heard the clatter as her falling flashlight bounced against metal pipe.

That was all he heard, her scream stifled by the arm snaking round from behind, clamping across her throat, another hand to her mouth. She struggled, looked in vain to Pete for help, saw a flash of metal, heard the crash as his camera fell.

They never saw them coming.


One week earlier

The meeting was breaking up. Progress had been mapped, encouraging platitudes exchanged and Mick's frustration was threatening to overspill. The hum of conversation moved out into the hallway as the departing throng left Mick and Josef alone. Closing the door, grateful for the falling hush, Josef turned and headed for the bar.

"So, Mick, you've been tapping the table all night. Care to share?" He poured drinks for them both, setting Mick's down on the table when he shook his head.

"Every week, more information. But we're still no nearer to having a plan of action." He rose and paced, nervous energy humming, working his hands through his hair.

"Not true, Mick." Josef's soft tone caught Mick cold. "I was waiting until after the meeting; the others can carry on with their assignments, but I wanted to tell you first. I think I have a plan."

Mick stopped in his tracks but didn't turn, his voice barely a whisper, "A plan that you think will work?"

"Well there's no point having any other kind."

Mick turned at the touch of Josef's hand on his shoulder and Josef saw what he had feared all along; for all his confidence, for his faith that Beth was right, that the universe could be charitable, he had started to doubt. Now Josef was holding out desperate, dangerous hope.

"Tell me," his voice rough and urgent.

So Josef laid out his plan; they had narrowed the leadership to a group of ten; they could all be identified and exposed with minimal risk. It seemed it was impossible to run an organisation like The Legion with clean hands and everyone had something to hide. Josef now had chapter and verse on all ten, some due to their own work and some, Mick noted with a smile, due to Beth.

"But if we expose them, won't others take their place, eventually?"

"Mick, Mick, Mick. Always so straightforward. I have no intention of exposing anyone. They are the devil we know and I intend to keep it that way. The mere threat will be enough to make them back off and leave us, you, in peace. I hate to tell you this, but you're small fry to them and definitely not worth the risk." Josef's grin was mostly satisfaction at his own brilliance but there was a hint of joy; he was making good on his promise to his friend.

A torrent of questions formed, but it came down to two words, "How long?"

As the question fell, Josef regretted his haste. The last mile before home would be the most difficult and delicate and as he saw the naked need in his friend's eyes, he knew his triumphalism was premature. "We have a plan, Mick. Now I need you to trust me to execute it and not screw everything up." His light smile offered reassurance to soften the blow. "I can't give you any guarantees - the truce negotiations took months."

Mick took a step back. "Months..." He turned, pacing again. "We've got until-"

Josef interrupted, his tone sharp, "I know precisely how long we've got."

"But what if it isn't long enough?"

"You might have missed me saying you need to trust me, Mick. Unless you have a better idea, of course."

"I'm still contemplating a killing spree, if you want to know the truth." With a wry grin, Mick wiped a weary hand over his face. He stepped toward Josef, grasping his shoulders. "If anyone can pull this off, you can. It's just the waiting, well, it's gonna be tough."

"I'm sure you can find some way of remaining gainfully employed. You might even try something radical like taking on a client or two. I've heard it's all the rage." Pulling out his cellphone to kill the vibration, Josef blanched at the name on the screen. "Excuse me, Mick. I need to take this in private."

The firmly-opened door and pointed silence left Mick in no doubt that he had been dismissed. Josef waited for the door to click shut before answering, "Yes."

"I think it's time to talk, don't you, Josef? The jet will be ready for you at Van Nuys at 0400." The call was terminated. No question, no discussion, no objection; and Josef knew non-compliance was not an option.

He smiled. It was so satisfying when others acted exactly as required.


Three days Josef had been kept waiting, a beast in a gilded cage. Three days to ponder; three days to be left in no doubt about who was calling the shots. But now, the hour was at hand and it was time to roll the dice. Luxury always had a calming effect and the palatial surroundings soothed his nerves as he paced. These rooms had played host to the great, the powerful and a few good men in the century since this house had become the European retreat of the man he had come to see.

Laszlo was the oldest vampire Josef knew, or knew of, most of his history lost in misty legend and fairytale. He was at least two thousand years old, that much was certain; he was referenced in the Bible, the Domesday Book and the Book of Kells, among others; he had travelled the earth while most of mankind still thought it flat; he had seen worlds turn and dynasties fall; he was one of the few men Josef truly feared.

He was also the founder of the Legion.

The appointed hour arrived, the waiting was over, and Josef made his way down the sweeping central staircase, pausing along the way to admire a particularly stunning Vermeer; Laszlo had always had impeccable taste. At all points of entry there was a discreet security presence, protecting their master, ensuring every escape route was covered. No-one got in, or out, without Laszlo's approval. Josef was not the only guest and the main ballroom was in full swing; the finest wines and the most beautiful women. Familiar faces at every turn made his crossing an exercise in self-control. Some, he knew, were here to seek Laszlo’s favour; doubtless others were in a similar position to him, summoned at a few hours’ notice like recalcitrant children. Rancour prickled, his collar tight and uncomfortable but he set his jaw, steadfast. They could draw their own conclusions; Josef knew he was right where he needed to be.

Nodded through to his host's private study, the contrast was stark; from the hard crystal and gleam of the ballroom to plush silks and velvets, deep red and gold, a startling Bosch on one wall, an ancient Persian wall-hanging opposite. Not just impeccable but eclectic. The room represented the man who sat, elegant and controlled, studying a large copperplate. Silent, he made Josef wait, of course, as their game began. Josef knew it, expected it.

Moving to the bar, refusing to wait to be bidden like an underling, he helped himself. "So, do you intend to tell me why I'm here? Not that it isn't always a delight to see you, of course." A smooth smile, a half-turn as he raised his glass in silent toast.

Laszlo laughed, his voice high, rich, faintly rough, tinged with the experience of millennia, falling from the lips of a seventeen-year-old face. "The delight is mutual, old friend. It's been too long since I've had the pleasure." He rose, gliding towards Josef, his posture open, unthreatening. They embraced. "It's a lovely night. Let's take a tour of the gardens, shall we?" He opened the French doors, moving out to the terrace, the smoky crackle of flaming torches spiralling up through a clear, starlit sky. He paused, gazing heavenward. "I love this city, this season, this climate. It is almost a vampire paradise, don't you think?"

"It's been a long time since I was here, although Viennese ladies always conjure happy memories." They walked side by side, their pace sedate, each waiting for the other to get down to the matter at hand.

"I hear rumours, Josef. I feel the disturbance. You seem intent on stirring the hornets' nest. And I want to know why."

"I fail to see how anything I do could be of any concern to you." His tone was deliberately deferential but his words held a dangerous challenge.

"Everything you do is of concern to me. I thought we were of one mind, but now it seems I might be mistaken. Tell me, Josef, am I wrong?"

"You'll have to be a little more explicit, my friend. Our interests are joined; what's right for you is right for me and vice versa."

"I'm relieved to hear you say that. So the rumours are untrue then?"


Laszlo brought them to a halt, "Of a plot to displace my friends in Los Angeles and New York."

"Oh those rumours. Those rumours are absolutely true. As I'm sure you already know so I won't insult you by denying it."

"So you take up against me, without even the courtesy of coming to see me first? I must say, Josef, I am disturbed and insulted. You disrupt the balance. And balance is what keeps all of us safe. I assume the ridiculous story I hear, that this is all because of a young one and his human, is not true. That would be beneath you, my friend."

"As if I would waste my considerable efforts on something so trivial." Josef snorted. "No, this is about something much more important. I like balance and order as much as the next man. That's why the war was necessary and why a speedy truce had to follow. We both agreed on that. Another will result in attention, noise - and that isn't in your interests or mine. Everything was back in balance, vampire and human, just as it has always been." He set off again, forcing Laszlo to follow. "Until someone decided to change the rules. Balance requires an appropriate distribution of power. This is about my power, my authority. It's about respect. If your members believe they can order me around on a whim, my authority is fatally undermined. Where does that leave your balance?"

They had reached a walled section of the garden, night-time blooms flourishing in the chill air. Josef paused, scenting, waiting.

"You make a fair point and if I had known in advance of their plan, I would have averted it. The acolytes of the Legion are foolish zealots, crusaders believing they are saving humanity from the scourge of the vampire. But that's why they are so effective. Their commitment to the cause is true and they will not allow anything to stand in their way." He smiled, sounding for all the world like a doting parent. "The perfect foot soldiers."

"You could stop this."

"Yes, but I won't. A decision has been taken on a trivial matter and I will not interfere. It is unseemly."

"We both know that if your 'perfect foot soldiers' discovered they were in service to a vampire, the Legion would crumble. Centuries of order would be over."

"Have a care, Josef. That sounded like a threat."

"Oh good. It was. Knowledge is power. I have both and I will use them."

Laszlo stopped, grasping Josef by the arm, turning him, their faces close, silver eye to silver eye. "No. You won't. Expose my true nature and you expose us all. It is an empty threat," he wafted a hand across his face, silver clearing to soft green, "and we both know it." He held his hand up, stopping Josef's comeback in his throat. "As for the humans, Henderson and the others," he stepped back, his voice still soft, but clear, purposeful, "do your worst. Kill them and they will be replaced. So it is now, so it has always been. The Legion depends on their zeal. Thankfully that is a commodity that never seems to be in short supply."

Josef had feared Laszlo's lack of concern for his commandants. If he couldn't bargain with their lives, he would need to bargain with someone else's.

"You have spent too long in the human world, Josef. They have sullied your clarity. Affairs of the heart are of no consequence compared to our very survival. You used to understand that. If you no longer do so..." The threat hung, waiting for Josef's response.

"That, too, sounded like a threat."

Laszlo laughed. "Come come, Josef. I have no need to threaten you. You understand the way things are and you know that this disruption would have impossible consequences. I can't believe you even considered it. You have lost your perspective, my friend and you need to regain it. Fast."

Josef licked his lips, his mouth dry. He knew the elder was correct. The Legion always played a long game and in an arc of centuries, Mick St. John and Beth Turner were a mere ripple. An image of Mick flashed, trusting, depending on him, on his promises.

Laszlo continued, warming to his theme, "The edict will remain in place. Eventually it will be forgotten and things will go back to the way they were. It was ever thus. In a generation all these members will have passed on and the war, the truce, the conditions, all will be the past and you and your friend can carry on with whomever you please undisturbed. I know that you understand this, Josef."

It was time to cut to the chase. "Lift the edict, Laszlo."

"No, Josef. I cannot. Tell me, how do you think it will appear to my members if their revered leader imposes his will in a matter of no significance to me but of huge importance to them? The die has been cast. I will not interfere. If the conditions are broken, a price has to be paid. It is the only way." He paused. "Unless you are proposing an acceptable alternative, that is. I presume you came here with more to offer than empty threats."

"Of course I did." Josef made his offer, played his final card, sure in the knowledge that Laszlo would not be able to refuse so rich a prize.

Laszlo listened intently. "Very well then, my friend. It seems we have reached an agreement. Although from what I hear, all of this may be academic. The woman, the reporter, she has been careless; and Henderson is not a man to tolerate intrusion into his business. If you wish to see this through, you should be making your way to Washington. The jet will be ready when you are."

He turned and headed back to the house, shaking his head at the strange turn of events that had brought Josef Kostan to Vienna and offered him a long-sought reward.

Josef followed, calculating the journey time, planning how to keep Beth out of trouble long enough for his plan to play out.


Darkness licked at the edges of her vision, pulling her under. Her attacker, all hard purpose, a grunt of effort as his grip tightened.

Suddenly slack, released, her legs buckled and she stumbled, slumped against the wall. The man slid against her, limp. A whoosh of displaced powder as he fell, lifeless, bloodless, an unnatural angle of head to shoulder. She drew in a choking gasp, icy breath racing through straining lungs. She struggled to rise, turning, arms flailing as she fought for balance. A familiar voice, cut with fury, snarled, "Stay down."

A warm wash of relief flooded her. Safety, rescue, a vampire saviour. She concentrated on getting her bearings, her scattered senses searching the jumbled shadows for Pete. The sucking sounds of her own breathing, pulse pounding in her ears, behind her eyes, and the muffled scuffling of shoes seeking purchase as she tried to make out form and shape.

No-one spoke. No alarm was raised. She peered, making out a blur of movement, the embers of a still-glowing cigar before it was extinguished under an elegant foot. Wet chill seeped through her jeans and she wobbled to one knee, raising her hand to her throat, wincing at the sharp stab as she brushed a fresh-forming bruise.

A hand under her elbow restored her balance bringing her face to face with her protector, her smile of relief meeting his icy stare. "Josef."

"I believe this," Pete, was thrust towards her, clutched by the scruff of his neck, "belongs to you." Above the pale eyes she could see his frown, concern, anger. "Paul," Josef beckoned his man forward from the shadows, "will show you to the car." He turned. "Make sure they get in and keep quiet."

Groggy and stumbling, Pete strained to speak but only managed a mumble as Beth took his arm and led him towards the car, glancing over her shoulder to see Josef turn and head back into the alley. They reached the sleek, black limo as two shots rang out. Paul didn't flinch. "Inside please, miss, sir." It was clearly not a request.

"But, shouldn't we-"

"Inside. Please."

Beth helped Pete into the car, an awkward dance of unco-operative limbs as they both relaxed into the soothing blacked-out interior.

"What the hell just happened?" Pete finally managed, his hand brushing over a goose-egg forming on his skull.

"It seems they knew we were coming. Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I've had worse." He grinned. "You?" He motioned to her neck.

"I'm fine. Now." A shaky laugh.

"So who's the knight in shining armour?"

"That, is Josef Kostan."

Pete's eyebrows continued the climb to his hairline. "Your description didn't do him justice. How the hell did he do that? And where is he now?" He tried to peer through the window; finding his view obscured he tried the door. Locked.

"He's a man of considerable talents. Pete, look, you need to let me handle him. He's going to be, um, a little pissed at having to ride to the rescue."

"Hey, I'm just doing my job. If he's got a problem-"

"Please, Pete. Just leave him to me."

The door opened and Josef slid into the facing seat, adjusting his jacket and tie. He tapped on the screen and they were under way. Pete studied the younger man, checking for any signs of injury. "We heard shots. Are you okay?"

Josef kept his eyes on Beth. "We'll have you home in no time, Mr. Campbell."

"I live-"

"Paul has the address."

"Oh. Well then. Thank you, I guess. How-"

"Must you speak?" Josef's withering tone stopped Pete's questioning. Beth skimmed a restraining hand across his arm, silencing, warning. She watched as Josef leant back, eyes closed, signalling the end of any discussion. For now.

They reached Pete's apartment, and with a hurried, "Call me later," to Beth, he was gone, pondering possibilities, convinced there was more to this story than even he had thought.

Beth and Josef sat, facing, staring, silent for the remainder of the drive.

His bearing held her silent until they were inside the apartment. Beth dropped bag, torch, coat and headed for the kitchen, pulling out a bottle of brandy, raising an eyebrow in offering to her guest. Josef nodded, taking the glass, draining it in one gulp. Beth leaned against the counter, feeling the soothing warmth as the brandy worked its magic. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, calm returning with the sanctuary of home. Her eyes snapped open at Josef's grip, resting an arm either side, pinning her, his body pressing her back against the cold metal.

"What part of 'I promise' did I misunderstand?" He cocked his head to one side, so close Beth could smell the lingering brandy on his breath. His voice, his stance were filled with quiet menace and for the first time in his presence, she felt like prey.

"Thank you for what you did. Without you, we'd have been in a lot of trouble. I'm very grateful." She tried to move away but Josef held firm.

"Your gratitude doesn't answer my question." There was something else, under the anger. Beth could sense it. "You lied to me. You're a liar. And, I presume happy to be a murderer too. Because that's what you'll be if anything happens to Mick. His blood will be on your hands." It was there again; a slight catch in his voice, a tremor in his jaw. Beth knew she had to tread carefully.

"Please let me explain, Josef. I didn't lie. I stopped looking into Henderson, Carlyle, the whole thing, as soon as we spoke. It was dead and I left it alone."

"So it was my imagination that you followed Carlyle to the Excelsior tonight? Of course! I'm so glad we cleared that up." Bitter scorn fell from sneering lips.

"Before we spoke, I'd told Pete about the story. I told him to drop it, explained the risks, but he couldn't let it go." She spoke calmly and clearly, holding his stare. "He hates people who use privilege to get away with whatever they like and Henderson was too juicy a target. I tried to stop him when I found out - I only went with him tonight because I couldn't talk him out of it and I didn't want him to get hurt because of something I should never have dragged him into. So I guess, yes, it is my fault for ever involving him. I shouldn't have, and I'm sorry."

Josef stared, eyes narrowing for a brief moment before he turned away. "And if he won't drop it now?"

"I'll make him, Josef. I'll do whatever I have to, but I'll make him stop."

"Because it's enough that I had to see Mick with half his face missing. I don't want to have to deal with your blood on my hands as well." He turned at her cry, satisfied that his message had been understood.

"How is he? I mean-"

"I know what you mean." There it was again; an undercurrent.

"Something's very wrong, isn't it?" Josef evaded. "Tell me, please." Beth moved to him, her face upturned in concern. Concern, Josef realised, for him, just as much as for herself and for Mick and he was overcome with a need to unburden himself. He let her draw him to the couch. She waited.

He faltered, made to rise, to leave, but her gentle touch on his arm pulled him back. "Tell me."

"I thought I'd pulled off a masterstroke, but it turns out vanity has been my downfall. Again." His smile was small and bitter. "I came up against someone older and stronger and now-."

"And now?"

"And now I don't know what to do. It's an unfamiliar, and very unsettling sensation."

Beth tightened her grip on his arm, "If you don't know what to do, then I believe you'll do the best you can. It'll be okay, Josef."

"Your faith is touching. And probably misplaced." He rested his hand over hers, unsure if was giving or taking comfort. "But this time I fear it won't be okay. You see," he turned to face her, taking both her hands in his, "it seems there is a deal to be struck, but the terms are... severe."

"Then I'm sure you'll do what's best. I told you once that you couldn't bear to lose Mick any more than I could. You and him, well, some bonds are too strong to be broken by anyone or anything. I know you understand me."

Tears glistened, catching the lamplight as Josef turned away, hiding. Beth placed her hand softly to his cheek, stroking, soothing. "It'll be okay, Josef. I have to believe that."

"Yes, Beth, it will. If you stay here in Washington. Don't come back. Please. Stay here and everyone gets to fight another day. Otherwise..."

She smiled. "Josef, I'm sorry that you've tried so hard and it hasn't worked. It's not your fault and it's not your decision. It's mine and Mick's and we agreed a long time ago that we would face this together, no matter the consequences. I can't stay here."

"You're as bad as he is." He ignored her smile. "You're both insane. Prepared to sacrifice everything and for what? For a fleeting chance at happiness? For true love? It's an illusion and it'll cost you dear."

Beth gathered him to her, bringing his head to her shoulder, "If you truly believed that, you wouldn't have done any of this for us. You know what we have to do. What we all have to do." She stroked his hair gently and he let her, envying her simple clarity, her warmth, the true joys of humanity. He knew that he only had just over three months to come up with a new plan. Failure would mean making good on his agreement with Laszlo and here, safe in the arms of the only woman he had ever thought of as a friend, that seemed like far too high a price to pay.


"Josef!" Mick strode through the house, opening door after door, finally reaching the study. "Josef!"

“Well I’m not hiding under the desk, Mick. And really, there’s no need to shout.” Josef spun, rising to greet his expected visitor.

“Where the hell have you been? I’ve been trying to reach you for days. You don’t answer the ‘phone; no-one here knew where you were.”

“So you decided to break into my house to check on my well-being? I’m touched by your concern.” Josef drifted across to the picture window, his light tone failing to convince.

“And where is everyone? This place is like a ghost-town.”

“In case you hadn’t noticed, Mick, it’s Christmas Day. The staff have the day off.”

“So, you’re here alone? Why didn’t you call?”

"Pagans, Christians and their festivals mean little to me and it makes a refreshing change to have the place to myself for the day. I was rather enjoying it."

“That doesn’t answer my question, Josef. Where have you been?” Mick was becoming increasingly unsettled; Josef seemed calm but something was off-kilter and he wouldn't meet Mick's eye.

“Delighted as I am that you are so concerned about my whereabouts, it isn’t really any of your business.”

Mick planted himself in front of Josef, hands on hips, his voice dropping to a whisper, “Talk to me, Josef.”

"Merry Christmas, Mick. Have a drink, have a few drinks, make yourself at home. I'm just not feeling particularly companionable today so if you'll excuse me I'll avail myself of a little freezer time."


"Goodnight, Mick. Get drunk, get laid, do whatever you fancy. It's Christmas, after all."

And he was gone, leaving Mick staring at his retreating form, noting the tension in his shoulders, the booze still lingering in the air, the fear.

"What the hell is going on, Josef?" he whispered.

Re: Afterglow, part nine (M/B/J, PG-13)

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 8:26 pm
by coco
Red that was fabulous :clapping:

Things are really getting tough. Even Josef is starting doubt things and that can't be good.

Mick is barely hanging on and is so desperate for some news. Something that will work and allow them to be together again. You have shown that desperation perfectly Red.
Mick stopped in his tracks but didn't turn, his voice barely a whisper, "A plan that you think will work?"

"Well there's no point having any other kind."

Mick turned at the touch of Josef's hand on his shoulder and Josef saw what he had feared all along; for all his confidence, for his faith that Beth was right, that the universe could be charitable, he had started to doubt. Now Josef was holding out desperate, dangerous hope.

"Tell me," his voice rough and urgent.
The Josef and Laszlo confrontation was electric. So much tension. Josef knows there is so much to lose here.
Laszlo stopped, grasping Josef by the arm, turning him, their faces close, silver eye to silver eye. "No. You won't. Expose my true nature and you expose us all. It is an empty threat," he wafted a hand across his face, silver clearing to soft green, "and we both know it." He held his hand up, stopping Josef's comeback in his throat. "As for the humans, Henderson and the others," he stepped back, his voice still soft, but clear, purposeful, "do your worst. Kill them and they will be replaced. So it is now, so it has always been. The Legion depends on their zeal. Thankfully that is a commodity that never seems to be in short supply."

Josef had feared Laszlo's lack of concern for his commandants. If he couldn't bargain with their lives, he would need to bargain with someone else's.
I absolutely adored the Josef/Beth interaction in this one. You can tell how much Josef cares about Beth too here and how much is against them at this point.
"Your gratitude doesn't answer my question." There was something else, under the anger. Beth could sense it. "You lied to me. You're a liar. And, I presume happy to be a murderer too. Because that's what you'll be if anything happens to Mick. His blood will be on your hands." It was there again; a slight catch in his voice, a tremor in his jaw. Beth knew she had to tread carefully.

"Please let me explain, Josef. I didn't lie. I stopped looking into Henderson, Carlyle, the whole thing, as soon as we spoke. It was dead and I left it alone."
I also love the faith Beth shows in Josef.
"I thought I'd pulled off a masterstroke, but it turns out vanity has been my downfall. Again." His smile was small and bitter. "I came up against someone older and stronger and now-."

"And now?"

"And now I don't know what to do. It's an unfamiliar, and very unsettling sensation."

Beth tightened her grip on his arm, "If you don't know what to do, then I believe you'll do the best you can. It'll be okay, Josef."
The Beth I love is here in spades in this story Red and I love you for that. Strong and fiesty Beth, sticking to her guns and her plans to get back to Mick no matter what.
She smiled. "Josef, I'm sorry that you've tried so hard and it hasn't worked. It's not your fault and it's not your decision. It's mine and Mick's and we agreed a long time ago that we would face this together, no matter the consequences. I can't stay here."

"You're as bad as he is." He ignored her smile. "You're both insane. Prepared to sacrifice everything and for what? For a fleeting chance at happiness? For true love? It's an illusion and it'll cost you dear."

Beth gathered him to her, bringing his head to her shoulder, "If you truly believed that, you wouldn't have done any of this for us. You know what we have to do. What we all have to do." She stroked his hair gently and he let her, envying her simple clarity, her warmth, the true joys of humanity. He knew that he only had just over three months to come up with a new plan. Failure would mean making good on his agreement with Laszlo and here, safe in the arms of the only woman he had ever thought of as a friend, that seemed like far too high a price to pay.
What a fabulous last line too. Leaves things so open for the next update.
"What the hell is going on, Josef?" he whispered.
Just wonderful Red and I'm so looking forward to the next update :thumbs:

Re: Afterglow, part nine (M/B/J, PG-13)

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 8:32 pm
by francis
Fabulous chapter again, Redwinter. Josef is in dire straits at the moment, and his poker face isn't working. Would be perhaps good to share with his friend, to have a sounding board and maybe Mick would understand better what is at stake and perhaps he even has an idea. But then again, maybe Josef doesn't want Mick to know because Mick's life is in the balance because of the whole situation.
I'm so glad that Josef came to Beth's rescue. I can't see Pete backing off.

This chapter isn't so much better than the teaser in the teasing department, you know. It's just building the suspense even more. :thud:
How will I survive until you update? :confused2:


Re: Afterglow, part nine (M/B/J, PG-13)

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 8:34 pm
by darkstarrising
aaahhh.....fantastic, just fantastic....that little tease earlier made waiting difficult, but it was well worth it...

Where to begin....with Laszlo, of course....the wealth, the power that comes with thousands of years as a vampire, all from one so young (seventeen years old). Wonderful....

So many dimensions of Josef here....the master manipulator, the friend, the rescuer, the sad and fearful vamp....he turns to Laszlo hoping to strike a bargain, only to be outmaneuvered. And just what is the price that must be paid?

His friendship with Mick, forcing him into trying to find a way out, to rescue Beth when she doesn't listen, is all taking a toll on him. Were it not for the love of his friend, he might have been willing to listen to Laszlo and let the balance remain as it is. As it is, he cannot. He is fearful and he is alone. And he knows he might fail. A truly wonderful look into the complexity of Josef's nature.

Mick is struggling. Finesse and patience are not his strong points. Yet he trusts Josef and is willing to be patient. How unsettling it must be for him to see Josef struggle as well. He knows there is something going on, something that Josef is not willing to share.

Then there is a way she is like Josef here...she thinks she can handle Pete, get him to leave well enough alone, much like Josef thought with Laszlo. But will she succeed? Will Josef?

Red, this is truly marvelous story, one rich in plot and characterization. Truly, beautifully done :rose:

Re: Afterglow, part nine (M/B/J, PG-13)

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 9:11 pm
by redwinter101
coco, such warm words. Thank you, honey :heart: . You make me so happy that you like Beth here - you get her better than anyone, I think, and if she rings true, I know I'm doing something right. She's the girl who won't stay in the car - and she won't hide in Washington either. In so many ways, she and Josef are alike, joined by a love for Mick, while he sits in between, waiting and hoping. Ultimately, he is the one with most to lose and they all know it. And Laszlo, man what I wouldn't have given to see a character like him in the show. But, we do the best we can... Apart from the grand finale, this chapter got most of the plot complexities out of the way so I'm hoping the next couple of chapters will be a bit easier.

francis, you're spot on; Josef could share with Mick - but he won't because he understands that Beth is the one who can cope with harsh realities. For Mick, he needs to keep up the front that everything's under control. I also think Josef can't bear the thought of showing weakness to Mick.

dsr, I have a mental picture of Laszlo (I always loved the dichotomy of Josef being so old while looking so young) and I'm delighted that he appealed to you. He will be back.... This chapter really is all about Josef - he is all the things you say and the realisation that there are things he can't control is hitting him hard. As for the price, well, that would be telling :devil: .


Re: Afterglow, part nine (M/B/J, PG-13)

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 9:52 pm
by wpgrace
What the hell IS going on, Red?

Wow... what a chapter! Lazslo!! WHAT a magnificent character! And what sense that makes... that this ancient vamp IS the legion... and the humans don't know!!

And Josef... What has he had to offer? I cannot begin to fathom what's gonna happen next, but this was edge of the seat good!!! Your Josef dialogue, with Mick, with Lazslo, and with Beth is to-die-for perfect, btw. I can hear Jason in every syllable you wrote.

And it is testament to the fabulousness of this chapter that I loved it so much... when there was so little Mick in it! :yes:

And this...
redwinter101 wrote:for all his confidence, for his faith that Beth was right, that the universe could be charitable, he had started to doubt. Now Josef was holding out desperate, dangerous hope
...rather sadly reminds me of ME, regarding hope of ever seeing Alex again on tv.... :whistle:

Re: Afterglow, part nine (M/B/J, PG-13)

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 9:59 pm
by redwinter101
wpgrace wrote:What the hell IS going on, Red?
Good things come to those who wait, Grace. So you'll just have to be patient a little longer. And I know patience is your strong suit.

I'm delighted you liked Laszlo - I have a whole Templar/crusader schtick going on in my head about him. Who knows, he may live on elsewhere, but he'll certainly be back in this story.

Love that you loved the dialogue - Josef is such fun to write. My apologies for the Mick scarcity - I will remedy that with the next chapter, I promise. And unlike a certain actor (or network, whatever...) I also promise not to keep you waiting around for ever in the vain hope that something might just materialise...


Re: Afterglow, part nine (M/B/J, PG-13)

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 10:12 pm
by wollstonecraft61
Red, you authors (you, Nocturne, francis, etc.) are going to be the death of me with your cliffhangers! :mdrama: I am scared now. Josef is NEVER he? Oh, what is his bargain? The time passes too slowly for these cliffhangers! Arggh....... :worship:

Re: Afterglow, part nine (M/B/J, PG-13)

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 10:13 pm
by wpgrace
redwinter101 wrote:
wpgrace wrote:What the hell IS going on, Red?
Good things come to those who wait, Grace. So you'll just have to be patient a little longer. And I know patience is your strong suit.

Hmmmm... you know me too well...

I'm delighted you liked Laszlo - I have a whole Templar/crusader schtick going on in my head about him. Who knows, he may live on elsewhere, but he'll certainly be back in this story.

Loved him... and loved that he's 17;he rather out-Josefs Josef... in every way. And apparently the problem that plagued little guy from AD is not a problem for Laszlo... that other vamp was a wuss...

Love that you loved the dialogue - Josef is such fun to write.

And to read...tho he was stressed here and one could imagine his precious little stressed out face... :comfort:

My apologies for the Mick scarcity - I will remedy that with the next chapter, I promise. And unlike a certain actor (or network, whatever...) I also promise not to keep you waiting around for ever in the vain hope that something might just materialise...

Oh I trust you Red... and the Mick scarcity was ok... as I said, the Josef dialogue... and Josef action hero routine btw... kept me entertained...


Re: Afterglow, part nine (M/B/J, PG-13)

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 10:46 pm
by Liana
Red, honey, you scare the hell out of me!!
What' s the bargain?! It must be something really really bad, if Josef is so afraid and in desperation!
I want Beth in Mick's loft, tied up and kept hidden in his freezer room until this war is over... whatever, just to make them together again... Arrgghh...
"You're as bad as he is." He ignored her smile. "You're both insane. Prepared to sacrifice everything and for what? For a fleeting chance at happiness? For true love? It's an illusion and it'll cost you dear."

Beth gathered him to her, bringing his head to her shoulder, "If you truly believed that, you wouldn't have done any of this for us. You know what we have to do. What we all have to do." She stroked his hair gently and he let her, envying her simple clarity, her warmth, the true joys of humanity. He knew that he only had just over three months to come up with a new plan. Failure would mean making good on his agreement with Laszlo and here, safe in the arms of the only woman he had ever thought of as a friend, that seemed like far too high a price to pay.
You made me tear up here... Can true love stand against over 2000 years of cynicism, ruthlessness, desire to survive at any price, inclosed in a body of the 17 year old... and win?! :hankie:
How many more chapters to go til this sweet torture ends?!

Re: Afterglow, part nine (M/B/J, PG-13)

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 10:54 pm
by redwinter101
Woll, I think even Josef has his moments of weakness, especially where Mick is concerned. Whatever else is at stake, he'll do whatever he needs to in order to keep Mick safe. Hence the mysterious bargain...

Grace, :snicker: no I don't think Laszlo has the same issues - definitely no wussiness there. Besides, a couple of thousand years ago, 17 was practically middle-aged.

Liana, sweetie, have a :hug: . I love how invested you are in this story - seriously, it makes my day :). Can true love win? Well, you'll just have to wait and see. Three more chapters to go.....


Re: Afterglow, part nine (M/B/J, PG-13)

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 11:30 pm
by Fleur de Lisa
Juicy, juicy, juicy update!
The only bad thing, is that I find myself reading so fast, rushing to get to the next spectacular part, that I have to remind myself to slow down and savor! The suspense and the detailed intrigue leave me literally on the edge of my seat.

Josef is written brilliantly, and it is unusual and wonderful at the same time seeing him trying so damn hard to resolve these issues. He is so used to having people fall in response to his wishes, and now he really has to pull out all the stops to get what he wants.

I love the fact that this is a mystery wrapped around a love story. The very, very best kind of all.

Re: Afterglow, part nine (M/B/J, PG-13)

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 12:00 am
by redwinter101
Thanks, Lisa :rose:

Josef is in the very unusual position of not having things all his own way - I don't think he'll stand for that for too long.

And as for the mystery - yay me!! Actual plot. Who knew?


Re: Afterglow, part nine (M/B/J, PG-13)

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 12:33 am
by mitzie
To see Josef like this is really chilling! The deal he made with Lazlo must be really, really bad for Josef to be so scared. I loved all the details of Josef and his feelings. You do a really wonderful job with Josef!! Glad he saved Beth! I don't think Pete is going to let go of this, unfortunately. Love your portrayal of Beth being strong and keeping her wits about her!! I love this story and I can't wait to see what happens next... :yahoo: :yahoo: :gasp: :fingerscrossed: :yahoo: :clapping: :eyes: :eek2: :bmoon: :clapping: :yahoo: :yahoo: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :juggle: :swords: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :seesaw: :stir: :clapping: :thud: :thud: :thud: :thud: :notworthy: :chair: :scary: :dracula:


Re: Afterglow, part nine (M/B/J, PG-13)

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 12:54 am
by redwinter101
Thanks, mitzie - I'm so glad you're still enjoying the story.

