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Can't Live With Them . . . (PG)

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 6:21 pm
by Sumaire
Rated: PG

So . . . can someone, anyone; and I mean anyone please explain to me what part of a monogamous relationship men don't understand? I mean really, I truly am beginning to wonder where a male vampire's brain really is. Well, I guess I shouldn't generalize; one vampire in particular - Michael Corvin.

I mean, how many times do I have to forgive him? He says it's just the times and I should chill. To me it's cheating plain and simple. I understand that he prefers to drink fresh, living blood, but sleeping with just every freshie is not okay and not part of the deal. He of course says that I'm over reacting and being melodramatic.

Am I wrong for not wanting to share him? I don't think so. He knows that I've never been the type of vampire to sleep with my food. Granted my sustenance comes from a bottle now. The thought of sinking these pearly whites into living flesh just to feed repulses me. I'll have to remind myself to thank Dr. Aeder for that little unwanted gift as well. Oh, wait, I can't. He's dead. Don't get me wrong though, given the right set of circumstances and a deserving human, I will without hesitation sink my fangs into their neck. Keep in mind though, that the right circumstances mean that they have done something wrong that has sentenced them to death.

But I digress. It all came to a head this evening. He came into my suite and woke me up. Bear in mind that I haven't slept in at least 48 hours. One of those certain circumstance reasons. He smelled like a fucking orgy! Of course the moron wanted to tell me all about it. Like he needed to. I could see, smell and feel every disgusting detail in Technicolor. If it hadn't been for the fact that I don't eat, I would have lost my lunch.

So since I couldn't do that, I did the next best thing, threw Mike across the room. What does he do? Gives me a look of "What did I do to deserve that?” along with puppy dog eyes. In the past I would have melted, but not this time. I guess I've gotten to a point in my life now that I'm realizing that I don't need a man. . .or vampire in my life, at least not like that. Mike wants to live his life la vita loca. I don't. I have too much on my plate, too much responsibility to live like that. I may be an, oh how did he put it? Oh yeah, an independent bitch, but I take my responsibilities to my job, family and friends seriously. I don't play around on them and I don't let them down. Mike's the king of that.

So as much as it hurts both of us, I broke it off. I just can't keep riding that particular carousel. What I want and need Mike is neither capable nor able to give me. He likes his jet set lifestyle just too much. I'm a world traveler because of my job, not by choice. I'd love to just stay here at the manor for long periods of time. That's something that will never happen as long as I'm a vamp hunter's hunter. Way too many of them.

Sigh. Mike didn't take the break up well. He looked like he'd been staked and shot with silver. Kind of how I felt every time I smelt his escapades on him. He just couldn't understand why I wanted to; what he had done wrong. I tried to explain but I really think that it was beyond his understanding. So he tried to explain the physiology of a bite to a freshie to me. Like I have no fucking idea of what it does to them. I do. Even when I did feed fresh, I never, ever encouraged the relationship as anything more than strictly a business deal.

In the end, he stormed out; his pride and heart wounded. The thing is, I'm just as wounded. I love the vampire. I just can't live with him anymore.

Maybe someday . . . someday we can at least be friends again. It's not like we don’t have forever.

Re: Can't Live With Them . . . (PG)

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 10:37 am
by redwinter101
And even in the most "other" of relationships, some things remain constant. I think that's why I love Aoife so much - her struggles and challenges are not so very different from ours.


Re: Can't Live With Them . . . (PG)

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 12:46 pm
by coco
Oh, I liked this very much :clapping:

Seeing the vampire see things pretty much the same way the humans do is so very interesting. She wants the same things and won't settle for less.

Wonderful. :biggrin: