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A Visit From Josh PG-13

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 11:42 am
by cassysj
This is not my Halloween entry just a story that takes place on Halloween. I posted this on some other boards previously and francis had suggested it fit into my Forgiveness series and I agree.

I do not own any recognizable characters no copyright infringement is intended.

October, 2009

Mick was picking out an engagement ring for Beth. He loved her and this was the next logical step but something was holding him back.

“Josef, I’m just not sure if I should ask her yet.” “Maybe I‘m rushing things.” “Josh has been dead less then two years and he was going to propose.” “Maybe she’s not ready.”

“Maybe you’re not ready.” Josef said. “Is this a Coraline thing?”

“No. I’m grateful that Coraline gave me the chance to be human and if I ever find out where she’s being held captive I will rescue her, but that part of us is over.”

Josef nodded. “I think Beth has put Josh behind her.” “If you want her ask, if you’re not ready don’t ask but don’t make excuses.”

“It’s not an excuse Josef.” “She wanted me to turn Josh.”

“She was hysterical.”

“But if it had been her lying there I don’t think I would have hesitated.” “Maybe I did want to get rid of the competition.”

Josef sighed. “More things for you to feel guilty about. Does it never end with you?”

“I don’t have your devil may care attitude."

“That’s obvious Mick.”

October 31, 2009

Mick was in his freezer and heard a loud banging sound. That usually meant Josef. He opened the lid but he didn’t see or smell anyone. He closed the lid and tried to go back to sleep.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Mick hopped out of his freezer and put his pants on. Someone was making this noise. He searched his apartment but couldn’t sense anyone.

“Hello Mick.” A male voice said.

Mick was confused because he couldn‘t smell anyone. “Who is it?”

“It’s Josh.” “Josh Lindsay.”

“That’s impossible.” “You’re dead.”

“ I’m dead and you’re a vampire.” “I guess we’re on the same team.”

Mick was searching desperately but could not find the source of the voice.

“Turn out the light. It’ll make it easier to see me.”

Mick followed instructions and saw the outline of a man that resembled Josh.

“Is it really you?”


“I didn’t think ghosts were real.”

“I didn’t believe in ghosts, vampires or werewolves.” Josh laughed. “Shows you what I knew.”

“Why are you here?”

“Mick, it’s Halloween.” “The night where the veil between the living and the dead is thinnest.”

“I’m not living.” Mick said softly

“Not exactly. That’s why you can see and hear me.” “If I tried to do this with Beth it would be a lot harder. “ “She might be able to do one but not both.”

“Josh I’m sorry.”


“For not saving you.”

“You did everything you possibly could.” “You tried to save me for Beth and I’ll always appreciate that. “ “It wasn’t meant to be.”

“Beth asked me to turn you.” “I didn’t even consider it. I’m sorry.”

“Mick, you hate being a vampire. “

Mick nodded. “I didn’t have a choice.” “My wife turned me without my consent on our wedding night.” “ I should have given you the option.”

“I’m glad you didn’t offer it.” I might have taken you up on it.”

“You hated being vampire.” “You would have made a terrible sire.” “Eventually you would have hated yourself for turning me and been jealous of me and Beth.” “It would have been a disaster.”

I could have……Mick stammered.

“What about Beth?" Josh asked. “She was torn between the two of us before I was dead.” “She probably would have stayed with me out of guilt.” “In time both of you would have grown to hate me.”

Mick knew he had to let Josh know how Beth felt. “She really loved you.”

“I know that Mick.” “I died knowing that. She loves you now.“ “If you had turned me I would have lost the love of my life to “Daddy”. “I’d probably have tried to kill you both.”

“Josh I…..”

“I came here to tell you to move on with Beth.” “Don’t feel guilty about me.” “I died in the arms of the woman I loved.” “It doesn’t get better than that.”

“Josh, I’m sorry I couldn‘t save you.”

“Mick, I don't have much time.” “I came to tell you I forgive you, now forgive yourself.”

The apparition disappeared and Mick was truly touched by Josh’s kindness and generosity. He definitely understood what Beth had seen in Josh. He retrieved the ring box and decided tonight would be the night he'd leave his past behind him.

Re: A Visit From Josh PG-13

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 4:21 pm
by draco
A beautiful story, cassysj. A good way to give Mick some closure whith his guilt concerning Josh.
Are you going to continue this with the proposal or ius it a one shot?

Re: A Visit From Josh PG-13

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 5:14 pm
by cassysj
Thanks draco. Just a one-shot to get Mick moving on his future.

Re: A Visit From Josh PG-13

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 2:53 am
by jen
That was just lovely.

I hope you have written up the proposal that comes after this one!!

Thank you!

:flowers: :flowers: :flowers:

Re: A Visit From Josh PG-13

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 2:30 pm
by cassysj
Thank you jen for reading. I don't write much Mick/Beth so I haven't written the proposal but it's so nice to see this story get a bump. It's one of my favorites.

Re: A Visit From Josh PG-13

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 5:11 pm
by jen
Just reread this lovely account of a moment of healing.

Josh is still a good guy. Just a little less...substantial.

Re: A Visit From Josh PG-13

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 12:23 am
by Kara
Oh this was just lovely. We do know Mick needs plenty of prodding. I'm so glad it's Josh who decided for him to finally put the past behind & move on with Beth.

Thank you. :flowers:

Re: A Visit From Josh PG-13

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 2:52 am
by cassysj
It's so nice to see this pop up again. This was a different story for me because I rarely write Mick and Josh is even more rare for me.

Re: A Visit From Josh PG-13

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 3:31 pm
by maggatha3
So you DO write Mick!!!!!! :chin: Wonderfully, too...Mmmm hmmm, Carol.... :flowers:

It takes so much effort to make Mick forgive and it had to be a ghost...He is hard to deal with, when his guilt is leading him...

Re: A Visit From Josh PG-13

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 4:23 am
by allegrita
I have been wanting to read more stories in this series, and I just picked this one at random. I'm so glad I did! :hearts: Josh was a really good guy, and I think this is exactly what he would tell Mick, given the chance. I'm glad you provided a way for him to say it. Mick has a hard time letting go of the past, especially when it involves something he regrets. It's time for him to look ahead and make a life together with Beth.

Re: A Visit From Josh PG-13

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 1:53 am
by cassysj
maggatha- Thank you. I really find Mick the hardest character for me to write in the Moonlight universe. I did have a really good time with the forgiveness theme.

Alle - This is very different from the rest of my Forgiveness series but it really fit in so well. Josh was a good man and most importantly he wanted Beth to be happy.