Move-in Day (PG-13)

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Move-in Day (PG-13)

Post by librarian_7 »

Disclaimers: I don't own any part of Moonlight. Freshie Lucky is joint property with Josef. Just ask him.

A/N: For one reason and another, I decided to go back almost to the beginning, and think about how strange and nerve-wracking it must be, to start as a new exclusive…so we’re going back considerably in the relationship, to see what happened on…

Move-in Day

The twilight was dimming, the last of the sun off the Pacific no longer illuminating the golden folds of the Hollywood hills, when Lucky cut on the headlights of her battered Jeep Cherokee and turned off the main road onto a private drive, rolling to a stop at the gate. At least she was pretty sure she’d got the right one; she’d never driven herself here before. Her hand was shaking a little from nervous excitement when she reached out through the window to hit the call button.

“Who’s calling, please?” The voice from the speaker was tinny, unrecognizable. Not terribly friendly, despite the polite phrasing.

“It’s—it’s Lucky.”

The gate swung open at once.

The drive up to the house wasn’t long, but it did climb, winding around behind the hilltop where the house with its spectacular view sat perched, looking down on the city. When she’d been driven here, she hadn’t noticed how close the trees and brush crowded the drive, how private the house was, but she supposed that shouldn’t surprise her. “The vampire’s lair,” she thought with a faint smile. Parking was another issue. She thought it wouldn’t do to pull up in front of the house, where the cars customarily dropped passengers, but she couldn’t see a split in the drive ahead, even though she surmised that there must be a garage somewhere.

As she pulled into an open area at the house’s main entrance, the headlights swept across a lean figure in black, standing at the walkway. Lucky stopped, and threw the Jeep into park. She debated for a second as she did so, whether to roll down the window again and ask, or to get out. Deciding it would be more respectful to meet him face to face, she gave a quick check of her make-up in the rearview mirror and clambered out of the Jeep.

“Mr. Kostan regrets he is unable to greet you personally,” the man said, “but he wishes to assure you of your welcome.”

“Th-thanks.” Lucky recognized him now, the assistant she’d met the first time she visited the house. What was his name? Oh, right. “David.”

“If you’ll permit me, I’ll show you where to park your—“ he regarded the Jeep with faint distaste, and Lucky blushed. “Vehicle. And assist you with your luggage.” He gestured her back toward her Jeep, and she slid behind the driver’s wheel again, waiting for him to circle the car and get in.

It turned out there were two garage buildings. The larger one, David explained, was for Mr. Kostan’s autos, but in the other, she would have an assigned parking space. She saw that Ivoire’s Miata, and Felicity’s Prius, were already parked there. The sight cheered her, somehow, knowing that her friends had arrived as well.

“I hope I’m not late,” she murmured.

David glanced at his watch. “No, right on schedule.”

Lucky sighed in relief. She’d factored in traffic on the freeway, but in Los Angeles, you just never knew. She killed the engine, and punched off the lights.

David was surprised at the small amount of luggage she’d brought. Only two suitcases, plus her shoulder bag of toiletries and her laptop case. Oh, and she’d limited it to one box of books. He insisted that he manage all of it, although she did hang onto her purse and the computer bag.

“Mr. Kostan’s guests are not expected to handle their own luggage, Miss,” he said.

“Yeah, but as I understand it, I’m not really what you’d call a guest,” she retorted.

That got her an amused twitch of his mouth. “True,” he conceded. “We haven’t had resident donors for a few years. But Mr. Kostan insists we treat them as well, or better, than any guest.” By then, they’d maneuvered through the door, and Lucky trailed behind him to a familiar hall. David, who seemed a bit—all right, a lot—stuffy, would undoubtedly call it “donor housing,” but Lucky thought of it, already, as the “freshie wing.” Two of the doors were closed, and David ushered her to one that stood open. So apparently her choice was made for her. He flipped on the light. “Mr. Kostan thought this might suit you.”

The room was spacious, with large windows looking out on the greenbelt. It was furnished simply, and Lucky felt herself falling headlong in love with the clean, classic lines of the light-colored mission-style furniture. A queen-sized bed was made up with a dark-blue duvet, the pillow shams in lighter, complementary shades. The vanity table stood next to the en suite bathroom; under the window, a desk sat ready for her computer, the surface clear except for a thick binder. What really made her smile, though, were the two empty bookcases against the wall.

David followed her gaze. “Mr. Kostan had us bring in the bookcases specially. He thought you’d need them.”

“It’s beautiful. And very thoughtful of him.”

David nodded. “It’s…his way.” He walked over to the desk and tapped on the binder. “When you get settled in, you’ll need to start on this.”

“What is it?”

“Your rules,” he replied with a wry smile. “Mr. Kostan is very particular about his food.”

Lucky gulped, wondering if she’d made a mistake, agreeing to this, coming here. She felt as awkward as a newbie, like she’d never felt a fang before. “My goodness,” she said faintly.

“I’ll leave you to it, then,” David said, and exited, closing the door behind him.

Lucky looked at the nicely appointed, lifeless room and wished she were back in her apartment. It wasn’t much larger than this, and not nearly as nicely furnished; after all, she had been an impoverished graduate student, but it had been warm and inhabited, and, well, hers. She sighed and went to spread her belongings around the room, thinking that would help make it home. And thinking about how she’d ended up here.

It was only a few days ago, after that rather embarrassing, impassioned outburst when she’d declared to Josef that she was exclusive to him, whether it meant anything to the vampire or not. He’d nodded and looked thoughtful, but he hadn’t said a word of acceptance or denial. And the next night, back at Belinda’s, he’d made a point of seating her next to him, with his exclusives. Felicity on his other side, and Ivoire curled up like a cat at his feet. They’d all been cosy, chatting about nothing in particular, when Josef somehow signaled Belinda, and she ushered all the others out onto the terrace with a flimsy pretext about an interesting view, and left the four of them alone.

Josef cleared his throat, and removed his arm from around Felicity to reach into the breast pocket of his jacket for three small, flat boxes. “It’s been some time,” he said, “since I found myself with several exclusives at once.” He quirked a smile down at Ivoire, and she stuck her tongue out at him. “Don’t point that thing at me, hot stuff, it might go off.” She squirmed, and he nudged her with his foot, continuing, “I thought I’d better label you three, so I got you these.” He handed one to each of them, and they opened them at once, curious.

Golden chains, each supporting a heart-shaped ruby, the pendant set with devil horns and a diamond pointed tail. Felicity was the first to hand her necklace to him, twisting her shoulders so he could fasten the clasp at the nape of her neck. Lucky followed suit, but Ivoire, ever independent, had hers on before he had a chance to get to her, peering down at the pendant with a concentrated frown.

“They’re beautiful, Josef,” Lucky said. “And very generous of you.”

Josef rubbed a forefinger along his lower lip. “Yes. Well. There’s something else I wanted to talk to the three of you about. I want you—all three—to move into my house.”

Ivoire was in his lap, arms around his neck, before anyone else could react. “When?” she squealed.

“Ah. I hadn’t really…how about, as soon as my staff can get the rooms ready. I’m feeling generous tonight, so I’ll give them a couple of days.”

The attention to detail was terrifying. It was the following afternoon when Lucky got her first call from one of Josef’s lawyers, and shortly after, a visit at her apartment, to go over the contract.

“Really,” the attractive, polished woman explained, smiling from behind her very business-like glasses, “it’s a standard exclusivity contract, although Mr. Kostan does put his own special spin on certain aspects.”

“Standard contract?” Lucky was bemused. “Somehow I thought it would all be much more…informal.”

Ms. Pargeter sighed. “It’s really for your own protection. Although you would do well to take it very, very seriously. The penalties for breach of exclusivity can be severe.”

“I’m rather aware of that,” Lucky replied drily. “I saw someone’s exclusivity terminated all too permanently, a couple of weeks ago.”

“Ah, yes.” Ms. Pargeter shifted, her composure slightly breached. “That was unfortunate.”

“You could call it that.”

“Yes, well. Now, on page 14, there is a provision covering…” It had gone on and on. Lucky wondered if she were signing away her soul, and not just her blood. Then again, knowing Josef, it might be the whole thing was a test, to make sure she was serious. She’d been on IM with Felicity and Ivoire as soon as possible, to see how they had reacted. As she suspected, Ivoire had sailed through it blithely.

“No reason to worry,” Ivoire messaged. “He’s just trying to take care of all of us.”

Felicity, as usual, was more diffident. “I don’t know…I never thought he’d take so much trouble over me. He doesn’t have to promise me anything.”

And now they were all here. Lucky sat down on her new bed, and was a little surprised to find herself shaking. Not fear, not exactly, more like nerves. She wondered, really, how all this was going to work. It had sounded so lovely, but it felt funny.

Her phone went off, startling her. It was Josef’s ringtone.

“Lucky,” he said, voice crisp. “Gotten settled in?”

“A bit. The room is lovely, Josef. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, doll. Now, why don’t you come to my study, and we’ll talk.”

“Yes, Josef.”

Lucky checked her hair and makeup, again, and wondered if she should take the time to change clothes. Probably better to be on her way, especially since she wasn’t entirely clear on the layout of the house.

She was knocking softly on the door of the study, a couple of minutes later.

“Come.” His voice was imperious, and she gulped. Were things going to be different, now?
He was pacing, haranguing someone on his cell phone. Some business deal that was patently none of her affair. She’d half expected to see Felicity and Ivoire in attendance as well, but it looked as though this was her private greeting. Josef waved her over to the couch with a negligent gesture, never missing a beat in the royal chewing out he was giving to his unfortunate business colleague.

Finally he finished, with a snarled threat, snapped the phone closed, and turned his attention on her. “Now, why are you looking all big-eyed and nervous?” he asked, closing the distance between them in a few quick steps. “Afraid I’ll bite?”

She tried to smile, but if she’d been any more nervous, her teeth would’ve been chattering. When Josef dropped onto the couch beside her, with a twitch at the knees of his trousers, she looked down and away, tensing as he put an arm around her.

“What’s wrong, doll?” he asked. “You’re not striking me as happy.”

“I’m sorry, Josef. It all seems so strange.”

His hand began a slow, familiar caress on her upper arm. He meant it to be soothing, she knew, but it seemed so proprietary. “Strange, how? You should be easy here, Lucky.”

“I don’t know, but I’m just scared.”

Josef caught in a breath. “We’ve been down this road before, sweetheart. If you’re too scared, you shouldn’t have agreed to this. But as I recall, you were the one who decided to be exclusive. And really, nothing changes. We’re just…closer.”

“Maybe that’s what frightens me. I didn’t realize I’d feel so much like a concubine.”

“I don’t sleep with my freshies, Lucky. You know that.”

“Oh.” She was embarrassed, now, blushing. “I didn’t mean that I thought…I’m so sorry!”

“Don’t worry about it. Besides, I like it when you girls blush.” He continued the motion of his cool hand, lifting his other to play over the skin of her cheeks, her throat, pausing to wind a loose strand of her red hair around a long finger, then gently release it. His voice was low, hypnotic. “I want you to be comfortable, here,” he said, drawing the words out one by one, “Be my warm…willing…sweet…Lucky.” And as he spoke, he moved his lips closer to her throat, his tongue licking out to taste the beat of her pulse. Her eyes drifted closed, the seduction of his voice turning aside all her doubts.

And when the sharp points of his fangs slid into her vein, she sighed, the pleasure of it washing over her. His mouth worked against her neck, sending waves of pleasure cascading over her body. It was a swift drink, more symbolic than a real feeding, but that didn’t make it less for either of them.

As he released the wounds with a last stroke of his tongue, he tucked her in closer to him.

“Oh, Josef,” she said. He could feel the change in her, feel that she was easier now.

“Welcome home, doll,” he said.
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Re: Move-in Day (PG-13)

Post by AggieVamp »

I LOVE Lucky stories...and love seeing how Josef & Lucky evolved into the relationship they have now. And Lucky's room sounds marvelous! But I do understand her unease - even though it is something she wants, that has to be un-nerving to a degree.

and this:
And when the sharp points of his fangs slid into her vein, she sighed, the pleasure of it washing over her. His mouth worked against her neck, sending waves of pleasure cascading over her body. It was a swift drink, more symbolic than a real feeding, but that didn’t make it less for either of them.
As he released the wounds with a last stroke of his tongue, he tucked her in closer to him.
“Oh, Josef,” she said. He could feel the change in her, feel that she was easier now.
“Welcome home, doll,” he said.
:thud: :thud: :thud:

Have I mentioned how much I love Lucky stories? :teeth:
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Re: Move-in Day (PG-13)

Post by darkstarrising »

So this is how it all began....I love the way you have Lucky's emotions shift throughout the story.....she wants to be exclusive, but the relationship seems different to her now...the contract, the rules somehow making it feel a little less attractive, a little more impersonal.
“Your rules,” he replied with a wry smile. “Mr. Kostan is very particular about his food.”
Yikes!! That would put anyone on edge, even the intrepid Lucky. Josef does his best to put her at ease
“Now, why are you looking all big-eyed and nervous?” he asked, closing the distance between them in a few quick steps. “Afraid I’ll bite?”
Wonderfully Josef!! In the end he knows how to put her at ease,
As he released the wounds with a last stroke of his tongue, he tucked her in closer to him.

“Oh, Josef,” she said. He could feel the change in her, feel that she was easier now.

“Welcome home, doll,” he said.
In his arms, she is home.

Thank you, Lucky for this look into the past :rose:
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Re: Move-in Day (PG-13)

Post by Lilly »

darkstarrising wrote: In his arms, she is home.
dsr, this is so true -- and she knew it even then.

This is a lovely trip down memory lane. I marvel at how much freshie Lucky has evolved through this series, in her confidence, in her reading of Josef. It's no small feat to go back and show us a woman who was more ill at ease with her situation.

I do love this bit of irony:
“I don’t sleep with my freshies, Lucky. You know that.”
:roll: Mmhmm.

But my favorite part -- because it made me :melts: -- is this:
librarian_7 wrote: “Don’t worry about it. Besides, I like it when you girls blush.” He continued the motion of his cool hand, lifting his other to play over the skin of her cheeks, her throat, pausing to wind a loose strand of her red hair around a long finger, then gently release it. His voice was low, hypnotic. “I want you to be comfortable, here,” he said, drawing the words out one by one, “Be my warm…willing…sweet…Lucky.” And as he spoke, he moved his lips closer to her throat, his tongue licking out to taste the beat of her pulse. Her eyes drifted closed, the seduction of his voice turning aside all her doubts.
I love seeing them together like this when neither knew where they were headed.

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Re: Move-in Day (PG-13)

Post by jenstc2003 »

Love it! But then you knew I would. Lucky's back story is fascinating.


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Re: Move-in Day (PG-13)

Post by allegrita »

Yes--Lilly hit it on the head. This story is wonderful on its own, but as a look back from where they stand today, it's particularly delicious. And ooooh, the lovely irony of that line about sleeping with freshies! :laugh:

Lucky's feeling of disconnect, her lack of ease, are certainly understandable, especially considering the impersonal nature of the exclusivity agreement. It's a business deal, just as all of Josef's official relationships are, but that colors her perception of what this new part of her life will be like. And, of course, she's living in a new place, with all of the lack of comfort inherent in that as well. No wonder she's nervous. But when she sees Josef, he knows just how to bring everything back to the essential relationship. The reality of fang on flesh, so to speak... and that makes it all fall into place. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
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Re: Move-in Day (PG-13)

Post by LadyAilith »

What a lovely story. Lucky is tentative, almost frightened as she moves in. I just loved the picture that you painted of her. But then again, I love all of your Lucky stories. Thank you for sharing your gift! :rose:

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Re: Move-in Day (PG-13)

Post by ari »

Loved it! Absolutely loved it!
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Re: Move-in Day (PG-13)

Post by tucutecats »

OH how excited I was when I got your PM. I love Lucky/JOseph stories. In his arms she is home, what a wonderful back story,expecially when we know what the future holds for them. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

I had to edit this because not only can I not spell,but my typing sucks.
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Re: Move-in Day (PG-13)

Post by one.zebra »


Loved how his bite clearly explains why she is at home with him..not just in his house.
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Re: Move-in Day (PG-13)

Post by RangerCM »

I am also really impressed with how you can go back and recapture those early days of uncertainty ..... SO different from the way Lucky is "today."

All the other comments echo mine, but I also wanted to add how appropriate it was that you wrote Josef making this decision to have his exclusives move in, so quickly and decisively. There's no endless debate either internally or with a "trusted friend." He just does it! Got to love Josef.......Oh, and I DO!
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Re: Move-in Day (PG-13)

Post by cassysj »

I couldn't read this until I got home tonight. I love reading about moving into the house. I can totally understand why Lucky is uneasy and it is fun to look back from what we know now.

I also really like Josef saying he doesn't sleep with his freshies. I'm sure he meant it at the time but Lucky is just too special.

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Re: Move-in Day (PG-13)

Post by mitzie »

Great backstory on Lucky moving in and all the alternating emotions she feels! I really see the progression to where she is now. Love it!!!! :yahoo: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :hyper2: :hyper2: :confused2: :gasp: :devil: :yahoo: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :thud: :thud: :thud: :thud: :notworthy: :hearts: :hearts: :flowers:

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Re: Move-in Day (PG-13)

Post by francis »

You know how much I love Lucky, and I love that you give us some "vintage Lucky", a glimpse into how it was when she moved in. The ambiguity of a business deal with lots of paperwork and the impersonal way the lackey greeted her, and then Josef wanting her to feel at home and comfortable, and then it all fell into place when he bit her.
In light of what happened later, this is giving Lucky so much depth. She wasn't easily falling into being a freshie, she had doubts and fears. She has class and doesn't want to see herself as some kind of concubine, not even just for herself. Great, great storyline, great character.

One day I want to read all the stories in the right order, but I guess it will be hard to get them into order. Do you know yourself in which order they stand? Just curious.
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Re: Move-in Day (PG-13)

Post by Phoenix »

Well that was intriguing. :flowers:
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