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Twists of Fate Chapter 23 (PG-13)

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 6:57 pm
by francis
The usual disclaimers still apply. Redwinter101 is still my fantastic beta. :flowers:
link back to chapter 22:

Beth had left a message at the office inviting me to her apartment that night. She would buy the groceries and I would cook dinner, for old times’ sake.
It made me feel a bit better. Tonight I could do familiar things in a familiar place, with no strings attached, without expectations. Now that Cor-, no, Morgan had cleared things up I wasn’t sure how much to ask Beth.

I would have to see what Morgan would do, and warn Mick and Beth in case she was a danger to them. As much as I was infatuated with Morgan, I would not let her hurt my ex-girlfriend or her lover. I owed Mick for helping me out with Leni, and vampire or not, he was a decent man.


I played it over in my mind as I cooked while Beth watched her own report about Lola again. I told her that the fire was too convenient, that Lola was covering her tracks. It still bothered me that she wasn't following up on that. She said she wouldn’t get into the middle of my investigation but I assured her the case was closed.

Beth grabbed her wine glass and took a sip. „She won’t be back.“

She sounded so sure, almost like she knew for definite that Lola burned in the fire. How could she know that? I don’t know, but I had an idea that Mick hadn’t been far when the fire happened. He always seemed to be there any time Beth was in trouble lately. And Mick had a way of knowing things, and he shared them with Beth.

„I don’t want to know,“ I said. I really didn’t. If Beth knew something she was in danger, but I wouldn’t be the one prosecuting her. It only took a few more minutes until I called her to dinner. She put some things away, closed her laptop and sat down with me. When we were eating, I asked, „Did the drug have any side effects on you?“

She looked up. „No, none at all. Except that Mick now knows that I fell for him, which he didn’t know before, or just didn’t acknowledge.“ She grinned. „How’s it going with you and Morgan?“

„There’s progress. But, you know, Morgan has told me some very private things that I just can’t make head or tail of. She’s hiding something, lying to me. I can’t risk that she’s toying with me, to distract me from my work or something. You and I – I never felt I had to be careful around you. With her, it doesn’t feel right.“

She tilted her head, thinking. „So why stay with her if you're so unsure? Why not just end it?“

„We’re not even officially together. If I'm out of her life I can’t keep track of her. I want to know what she’s up to.“

I hoped she would see for herself that Morgan wasn’t who she pretended to be, and that this knowledge would keep Beth safe. I really wanted to know if Beth knew that Mick was a vampire, but it was too risky to broach the subject. „You know, Morgan kind of hinted that someone else might not be who he seems to be.“



She jumped. „What did she say about him?“

I hesitated. „She didn’t really say anything, but in light of what she said I saw things differently. Don’t you think Mick is kind of odd? The way he works, the way he lives. I investigated him and…“

„How could you do that? More important, why would you do that?“

„His story doesn't add up. He claims he inherited the P.I. business from his father, but I can’t find any record of it, and he must have been awfully young to become a P.I.. And then there’s his allergy to sunlight, and the fact that he found traces of Leni that the C.S.I. team couldn’t find.“

She looked at me in shock. „What’s that to do with his father?“

„Nothing. I’m just trying to put these odd little things together, and they don’t add up.“ I gave up. I couldn’t make myself say it. Vampire. I couldn’t say it. What if I was wrong? Just thinking about it seemed so ridiculous

But what if I was right? If she knew his secret, and she told him that I knew, would he kill me? I couldn’t say it. If she wouldn't confide in me, I'd just drop it.
„Oh, forget it, Beth. I had a weird day and I think my brain isn’t functioning right. Everything Morgan said was just a tall tale, and it’s making me think that other things are weird, too.“

She sighed, and I detected a hint of relief. „Okay. Listen, I don’t think Mick’s family history is any of your concern, and I’m sure that there is nothing to investigate. He’s a good man, and so are you. And Morgan doesn’t know anything about you, or about Mick. She’s just fishing for information and she’s driving you crazy. Don’t give her that. Be careful.“

I nodded. „I’ll be careful. Still – if I break it off with her I'll never know what she really wants. So I’ll play along for now and see where it leads.“

Beth smiled. „You’re turning into a secret agent before my very eyes.“

I grinned. „James Bond’s got nothing on me. But I don’t think I’m ruthless enough to be like him. I just want some answers.“


That night there was a huge fire at the Franklin hotel. I immediately suspected Morgan to be involved, it was just too convenient for her plans. I hadn’t been there, but the reports indicated that it was arson. What bugged me was that Beth did the coverage. I didn’t want our cases to clash again, not this time. Maybe I could at least use her involvement for my own plans.

I went to see Beth at Buzzwire. She was just doing a follow-up on her broadcast about the fire to include the police reports. Carl was covering the case, still looking for witnesses. When she was free I waved her over.
„Hi, Beth. Busy day.“

She was beaming. „Yeah. This fire is a big story, and I want to research that hotel, find some stories from the past. I hope they find the arsonist, that would be the icing on my story.“

I hesitated. „Beth, I need your help with something else. But if you’re not free…“

„I can always juggle more than one story if need be. What is it?“ She led me to an empty cubicle and we sat down.

„I need you to keep Morgan busy if you can. I have to find out what she's up to and I think I have a clue.“

„You know, she was at the fire tonight, photographing it. I could pretend I need more footage.“

„Good girl. I appreciate it.“

She thought for a moment, „Mick thought he knew her from somewhere, but then obviously he didn’t. I wonder…“


„Oh, nothing. I’ll keep her busy with the photos.“


I decided to visit Mick at his office, to make my request seem official. It was late afternoon already and I'd called ahead to make sure he was there. He was surprised to hear from me, but told me to come over. His office was stylish like his loft, but with less open space it seemed more comfortable, warmer.

He gestured to me to sit. „So, Josh, to what do I owe your visit?“ He seemed tired, rattled, as if something was weighing on his mind.

„First of all let me assure you that there is no bad blood between us. Beth decided, and I lost, and that’s okay. I’m trying to figure something out and I need your help, off the record. That’s why I’m here.“

I took a photo of Morgan from my breast pocket and handed it to him. He flinched. Okay, so Beth had told me he had seen Morgan that morning, but this reaction was marked.

„Her name is Morgan Vincent, and she’s a photographer working for Buzzwire on and off. I need background information about her, but I can’t go through official channels because there hasn’t been any crime. I want you to investigate her.“

He frowned. „Why? How do you know her?“

I had already decided to be somewhat open with him. „We have something going. I’m not sure I can trust her, and I’m not sure what her motivation is. She’s been meddling in my relationship to Beth from the moment we met. I’m just afraid that she’s using me because of my position.“
„Maybe you'd be better off staying away from her.“

„She told me she’s been living in Chicago and only been here for a few months. Here’s her address in West Hollywood. I don’t know anything beyond that.“

„Okay. I’ll get back at you when I have something.“

He stood up and rounded the desk. „Listen, Josh, it seems to me that you really shouldn’t trust her with anything. If she’s playing mind-games with you, keeping secrets from you, she might be dangerous.“

I shook his hand. It was cold. „Thanks, Mick. I’ll be careful.“

When I rounded the corner the elevator pinged and a young man I'd seen once before strolled out. He had an air of confidence and focus that made him really stand out.

„Josef!“ Mick said. He started to introduce us, but the sandy haired man stopped him. „We already met. Right, Mr. Lindsey?“

I just nodded. „I’ll be on my way. See you.“

While I waited for the elevator to come back up I watched Mick take his friend’s shoulder and steer him into the office. The door closed. I was tempted to try and listen in to their conversation, but discovery would leave me with too much to explain and consequences I didn't need.

As soon as the elevator came, I left.


It took two days until I saw Morgan again, and I met her at the police station. I was just talking to Carl Davis with some questions about the Franklin fire, when I saw an officer with Morgan. She spotted me and waved, so I waited for her to come over. It didn’t take long.

„Hey, Josh. Good to see you. I just reported a break-in at my house. You won’t believe it, someone took my camera.“ She sounded exasperated and at the same time excited, as if this were some great adventure.

„So did they send someone for prints?“

„No, and they didn’t give me much hope. They tell me they'll look out for someone selling the equipment. But how can I do my work now?“

„Do you have to be somewhere, or do you have time for lunch?“

„I have to be at Buzzwire for a meeting with Beth. She’s doing a report on the Franklin fire.“

I took her arm to accompany her out, and she flinched. „Are you hurt?“ I asked. She folded back her blouse on her right arm. „It’s where I applied the cure. I pretended that it was the thief who gouged me when I tried to stop him. I had a couple stitches this morning. It’s nothing much.“

When we rounded a corner she suddenly grabbed my jacket with both hands, stood up on tiptoe and kissed me. She took me by surprise but my response was instant. Her taste, the feel of her lips to mine, I lost myself in the moment.

A couple of patrolmen went by and one of them cleared his throat.

I pulled away. Now I'd done it. Whatever she did would now come back to me. I knew how this worked and it wouldn't be long before everyone knew that the woman missing her cameras and the young A.D.A. were an item. Damn.

She smiled up at me. „Hey, don’t worry. They’re just jealous that you're kissing such a beautiful woman.“

I laughed, embarrassed. „You’re pretty sure of yourself, Morgan. I have to go.“

I crossed the street to my car. Before I could drive away, she ran after me and leaned down to the window. „Can I see you tonight? Would you like to come over for dinner? I’ll cook.“

„Okay. See you around six.“

My suspicions remained but I lost the ability to think clearly when she was near. What had I achieved today, and what had she achieved? She had proclaimed our relationship in a very public place among the people I worked with, and got me to come over tonight. I had managed to get Beth and Mick looking into her, and they would both be on their guard around her. Maybe, just maybe, it would be enough to find out what her plans were.

link to chapter 24:

Re: Twists of Fate Chapter 23 (PG-13)

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 7:28 pm
by wollstonecraft61
Great chapter! Oh, that Morgan is an evil, evil woman!!! :snicker:

Re: Twists of Fate Chapter 23 (PG-13)

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 3:45 am
by NocturneInCMoll
Excellent chapter, Francis--and a pleasant surprise, as I didn't expect another so soon! Josh is at least wary, but Morgan still seems to get her way. I'm glad he's trying to keep Mick and Beth in the loop a little...

Can't wait to see where this goes!

Re: Twists of Fate Chapter 23 (PG-13)

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 1:08 am
by mitzie
I'm so happy to see this chapter!! Josh seems to want to do the right things but is still under Coraline's spell!!! :gasp: I love this story and can't wait to see where it goes from here... :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :hyper2: :thud: :shrug: :eek2: :banghead: :poke: :bash: :slingshot: :juggle: :stir: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :thud: :thud: :thud: :thud: :notworthy: :heart: :rose: :flowers:

mitzie :mooncat:

Re: Twists of Fate Chapter 23 (PG-13)

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 12:40 am
by jen
Wow! That certainly puts a new spin on things!

Josh is playing with fire here.

Great chapter

:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers: