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Reckoning (vignette, M/C, PG)

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 12:34 am
by redwinter101
Title: Reckoning
Author: redwinter101
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don't own Moonlight or any of its characters
Note: this is set during the scene at the end of The Mortal Cure when Coraline comes to Mick's apartment.


For wpgrace :rose: :rose: :rose:

photocollage by Albra

--- Reckoning ---

I don't know how much of what she's told me is true. The cure's real, that much I knew, but temporary. Morgan's gone, a distant memory, and Coraline's back. But who is she now? There was a time I knew when she was lying. Spend every day with someone's secrets and you learn to tell but time and separation have changed all that. It's unsettling; she's a stranger to me now, in so many ways, just as the man I once was is a stranger to the man I see in the mirror.

The time I would have walked through fire for her is long gone. There was a clarity in my want for her and if I'm honest, I miss it. Cold solitude replaced her fire but the memory of longing still has the power to catch me, burn me, turn my head. I've learned to take care, but knowing her danger hasn't stopped me. There's no fool like an old fool, I guess. At least this time I have a chance to get some answers.

She spins her tale and still I can't be sure. Revolution, carnage, royalty and intrigue - they're Josef's hobbies, not mine. Why lie? What does she gain? I can ask all I want, but I'll never know. Not really. But I feel honesty in her words, her touch, her need. Maybe that's what it all comes down to - she's run out of options and landed on the truth. The woman who could topple dynasties and launch an armada, my own Helen of Troy.

I know she's still working an angle, hoping I'll go with her. Even in desperation, even as she walks a dangerous line, her fear palpable, I know she's here for more than a saviour. She doesn't need help - she needs me, and that still has the power to make me waver.

Her heart was always given freely; she could have chosen others, better suited to her life and her love; men who would love her no matter what. Men who would have chosen her. Maybe it's wishful thinking but I believe she accepts our moment is gone, that any chance we had to be each other's true soulmate passed the moment she turned me and everything since then has been a journey to get to this point of acceptance. We've given and taken so much from each other and now, freely, she's giving me back the man I was.

God I want it so much. Nothing else matters - I can taste it.

My chance. My second chance. I can be the man I was, but better. Older and maybe just a little wiser.

Choice rushes at me, gentle whispers of hope rising to a roar, so loud I have to push them away just to hear her words. She knows - just as she's always known. This is more than life or death for me. It's my soul, my longing, my reason. Our circle has turned and it had to be her.

"I took your life. Let me give back what I can." I believe her smile. No time for caution; no time for consequence. This is everything. As I feel the warmth spread from the wound, she knows this is what I want. I was never cut out to be the husband she needed and this gift erases so much. I have my chance to dream again.

It's not healing.

It's working.

The heat of my own blood, resurrected from a deep sleep, an intoxicating thrum, childhood's ache brought fresh and new. As silence draws around me, senses closing off, pulling back behind human boundaries, it's a warmth I've cherished and longed for.

The warmth of me. A man.

Why? Why has she done this? This is the end of one road for us and I feel her pull, the need to be close to her, the only one who can truly understand. The years of anger fade back into our own intimate shorthand. As she presses her lips to mine, her hand soft against my knee, there's no demand, no bargain. The fire that consumed us both for so long has calmed. She knows I'll help her and she knows that she will escape alone. The strangeness of contentment washes through me. Of all the emotions we've shared, this is the one I craved but never felt until now - calm. I feel at ease. I feel like me, not a shadow reflected in her glare. Just me. I want to share this with her, with the woman who knows parts of me no-one else ever will.

More than anything, more than everything, this is what she has given me. I can start to remember her without hate. Our love was true, we just weren't meant to be. Two souls that never quite fit, no matter how hard we tried. Now, here, after the pain, the anger, the hate, the love, the fear and the hope, it's just us. Fifty-five years and we can finally just be.

As I'm savouring the sensations, the shifts in body and blood, she's moving on. She's done what she came for and now it's time. Her need to escape is real and urgent; she's scared of Lance, that much I can tell. I feared him because I felt his power; like Josef, she's afraid because she knows him and without a thought of refusal, I'll help her escape.

We step out together and I can't help but think how we would look to a passer-by - just like any other couple out for an evening stroll. If only they knew. Warmth inside and out; my coat feels heavy and stifling and wonderful. It's all coming back now, cascades of feeling, a strange mix of weight and lightness. My body is full, my skin feels like it might burst, straining to contain the life within.

I want to stop, to describe every feeling, to let the reality sink in, but there's no time. When she laughs it feels like the first time we met, all those years ago but our moment doesn't last. Something's happening and I have no idea what it is. The only thing I can see is the change in her, braced for confrontation. Old habits die hard, I guess, and for a moment I fear that she's betrayed me; but I'm an insignificance in this game and I feel a flush of shame at the truth in her denial. Even through her fear, my easy mistrust wounds her. Of course she still has her secrets, only telling me what she thinks I need to know.

Her beloved family, come to render their own brand of justice - to both of us. I was always a pawn in this game and now I'm starting to understand what that really means.

I feel the adrenaline burn, my heart pounding, temperature rising. The fight, such as it is, is brief and brutal. The pain is a shock and my new body tries to react. Responses honed over the last fifty years are no good to me now but none of that compares to the helplessness. Lance sneers at my weakness - and he's right. I'm powerless to help her now, beaten and bloodied. I can see it in her eyes - her terror. But for me, only for me, she gives herself to him. I always wanted her to feel the weight of consequence but not like this. This is too much, too strong, too terrible. I can't save her. Not now, not like this. In a few brief moments she gave me back my life and in doing so risked her own. She must have known he'd come and I wouldn't be able to fight him. She'd have been better off leaving, trying to get away on her own and we both know it. But she came for me - with her gift and her hope. She gambled; I won.

Coraline. A knot of tears strangles the voice inside that wants to cry out to her.

A last look, fear, longing, regret, love, and she's gone. I am alone with my gift, my pain, my life.

It takes an eternity to gather my strength to stand. I should hate the fierce, sharp pain, every sinew protesting as I move, but I can't. Sure I wish it didn't hurt so damn much but the feel of it is amazing. This body feels how it should. Damaged, imperfect, human, me.

For the first time in over fifty-five years, I have no idea what tomorrow will bring.

Re: Reckoning (vignette, M/C, PG)

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 12:58 am
by allegrita
My god, Red. This is just... :notworthy:
You really do hear him... thank you for telling us what he's thinking. This is spectacular.

Re: Reckoning (vignette, M/C, PG)

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 1:01 am
by Phoenix
Red, firstly I'll admit that I cried all the way through this. :hankie:

It's brilliant, and I picked out some of my favourite lines - although I could have simply quoted the entire story, and achieved the same thing.
The woman who could topple dynasties and launch an armada, my own Helen of Troy.
She doesn't need help - she needs me, and that still has the power to make me waver.
How horribly true.
Why? Why has she done this? This is the end of one road for us and I feel her pull, the need to be close to her, the only one who can truly understand. The years of anger fade back into our own intimate shorthand.
At least they did find a peace - of sorts.
I feel like me, not a shadow reflected in her glare. Just me. I want to share this with her, with the woman who knows parts of me no-one else ever will.
Now, here, after the pain, the anger, the hate, the love, the fear and the hope, it's just us.

Old habits die hard, I guess, and for a moment I fear that she's betrayed me; but I'm an insignificance in this game and I feel a flush of shame at the truth in her denial. Even through her fear, my easy mistrust wounds her. Of course she still has her secrets, only telling me what she thinks I need to know.
So Mick. So Coraline.
I always wanted her to feel the weight of consequence but not like this. This is too much, too strong, too terrible.

But she came for me - with her gift and her hope. She gambled; I won.

Re: Reckoning (vignette, M/C, PG)

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 1:42 am
by redwinter101
:blushing: Thanks, alle. High praise indeed. :hearts: :hearts:

Have a hankie, Phoenix, honey. :hankie:


Re: Reckoning (vignette, M/C, PG)

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 2:05 am
by darkstarrising
I'll humbly echo Alle and Phee....this piece is exquisite, red :rose: .

A few moments shared between former lovers who long ago pledged their love to each other. As one gift was once given in love, another is now given, an act of love or contrition or perhaps both?
Spend every day with someone's secrets and you learn to tell but time and separation have changed all that. It's unsettling; she's a stranger to me now, in so many ways, just as the man I once was is a stranger to the man I see in the mirror.
What an incredible summary of how two souls once bound together, have travelled so far apart, only to come full circle.
There was a clarity in my want for her and if I'm honest, I miss it.
How could he not? She was once everything to him and part of that feeling will never die.
We've given and taken so much from each other and now, freely, she's giving me back the man I was.

God I want it so much. Nothing else matters - I can taste it.

My chance. My second chance. I can be the man I was, but better. Older and maybe just a little wiser.
She once took his life, now she's returning it and the words you've given Mick convey how at this moment, nothing else matters.
The strangeness of contentment washes through me. Of all the emotions we've shared, this is the one I craved but never felt until now - calm. I feel at ease. I feel like me, not a shadow reflected in her glare. Just me. I want to share this with her, with the woman who knows parts of me no-one else ever will.
Through your words, we can almost feel Mick's peace.....
More than anything, more than everything, this is what she has given me. I can start to remember her without hate. Our love was true, we just weren't meant to be. Two souls that never quite fit, no matter how hard we tried. Now, here, after the pain, the anger, the hate, the love, the fear and the hope, it's just us. Fifty-five years and we can finally just be.
This is the part that had me tear up...he finally understands that after everything, he still loves her.

Red, Coraline may have given Mick a gift, but with this piece, you have given us all one. :rose:

Re: Reckoning (vignette, M/C, PG)

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 2:36 am
by redwinter101
dsr, thank you. I especially love your description of this as an act of contrition.
darkstarrising wrote:This is the part that had me tear up...he finally understands that after everything, he still loves her.
And always will - as she will always love him.



Re: Reckoning (vignette, M/C, PG)

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 3:08 am
by wpgrace
Ohhhhhhhhhh.... I am just transfixed.... :cloud9: This is about my favorite scene in the entire series... and oh my!!! A peek inside Mick's thoughts... this is just divine, like Greek God divine!!! And I'm gonna quote too much... but it was just about my favorite scene in the series, you see...
redwinter101 wrote:...she's a stranger to me now, in so many ways, just as the man I once was is a stranger to the man I see in the mirror.
So terribly true... how ODD it must have been, at this moment, to be reunited with your wife... after all that had come in the intervening 24 years and the past couple of weeks. Yet they were comfortable with one another... such an old and familiar relationship... but in a new guise. And we'll see that "stranger" in his mirror again in another couple of scenes when he wakes up, "still human." How perfect, therefore, that you put this this way.
redwinter101 wrote:There was a clarity in my want for her and if I'm honest, I miss it.
You bet. That's what happened at the end of The Ringer, isn't it, when Beth asked him was he disappointed that Morgan wasn't Cora? He told you that, didn't he?
redwinter101 wrote:She spins her tale and still I can't be sure. Revolution, carnage, royalty and intrigue - they're Josef's hobbies, not mine. Why lie? What does she gain? I can ask all I want, but I'll never know. Not really.
Yeah well, Mick, honey, stand in line. We couldn't be sure either. But that story is clearly part truth and part lie, just for the sake of never telling the whole truth. The catch is figuring out which bits of it are truth and which the lies. And the rub is, none of us will ever know... that's Cora's way. :sigh:
redwinter101 wrote: I know she's here for more than a saviour. She doesn't need help - she needs me, and that still has the power to make me waver.
We all get that on her behalf tho... love her or hate her, we all get that she's there for you, Buddy. And we love you for that waver... we truly do. Well, we love you for all kinds of reasons, but also for that waver... :devil:
redwinter101 wrote:The heat of my own blood, resurrected from a deep sleep, an intoxicating thrum, childhood's ache brought fresh and new. As silence draws around me, senses closing off, pulling back behind human boundaries, it's a warmth I've cherished and longed for.
The warmth of me. A man.
Now that's just pure poetry. Just lovely. :happysigh:
redwinter101 wrote:The strangeness of contentment washes through me. Of all the emotions we've shared, this is the one I craved but never felt until now - calm. I feel at ease. I feel like me, not a shadow reflected in her glare. Just me. I want to share this with her, with the woman who knows parts of me no-one else ever will.
Lucky damn Coraline! :biggrin: And this follows from Anniversary, from the truth of that marriage, so perfectly... he always fought her shadow.... but you cannot win against a shadow.
redwinter101 wrote:More than anything, more than everything, this is what she has given me. I can start to remember her without hate. Our love was true, we just weren't meant to be. Two souls that never quite fit, no matter how hard we tried. Now, here, after the pain, the anger, the hate, the love, the fear and the hope, it's just us. Fifty-five years and we can finally just be.
Oh how much do I love you for tackling the "it wasn't meant to be line." :smooch: :smooch: :smooch: This gives me some peace, personally, 'cause that line just sucked. This provides some damn context, some point of reference other than just negating all those shared years and experiences and deep, deep feelings of love and passion and want. There love was real... Did you actually ASK him about this or did he just spontaneously share??? Anyway, this is now canon, as far as I'm concerned. And that final line, that whole scene, yeah, they WERE just "being." That's why I love it so... all we know about them, to see them just "be" was really stunning. Who would have pictured them sitting there, together, like that? It's a stunning scene.
redwinter101 wrote:When she laughs it feels like the first time we met, all those years ago but our moment doesn't last. Something's happening and I have no idea what it is. The only thing I can see is the change in her, braced for confrontation. Old habits die hard, I guess, and for a moment I fear that she's betrayed me; but I'm an insignificance in this game and I feel a flush of shame at the truth in her denial. Even through her fear, my easy mistrust wounds her. Of course she still has her secrets, only telling me what she thinks I need to know.
Yeah, with that first sentence, she's still got an attraction for him... and of course she does. She CAN be adorable. Then the adorable turns into suspicion. Then she's hurt by his suspicion. Then he feels bad that he's hurt her, but yet he knows she's still chock full of secrets, any one of which could get his a$$ kicked. Damn, I"M exhausted! How did he survive that up and down, that incessant, unrelenting, full bore, minute by minute up and down, for 33 years? Our Mick is most definitely a superhero. An insanely handsome, highly-skilled, smart, funny, humane, kick-@$$, perpetually cool, Greek God of a superhero. Who talks to you.
redwinter101 wrote:She must have known he'd come and I wouldn't be able to fight him. She'd have been better off leaving, trying to get away on her own and we both know it. But she came for me - with her gift and her hope. She gambled; I won.

... ... ... ... ... ...

A last look, fear, longing, regret, love, and she's gone. I am alone with my gift, my pain, my life.
Intriguing and delicious parallel to the gift, the pain, and the life which she bestowed 55 years ago. Just a beautiful juxtaposition. :rose:

I just looooove this... I am so at peace reading this... this story evokes the same sensation as watching the scene did... questions answered, some that remain, their bond takes a new guise... and then yet another new one at the very end... and Mick has a new life. He is enthralled by this new life... utterly absorbed by it, and so are we. Just like in the ep. :cloud9:

And you dedicated it to me... :rose: :rose: Back to you. :hearts:

Re: Reckoning (vignette, M/C, PG)

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 3:27 am
by redwinter101
:cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9:

I'm so happy you're happy, Grace. I knew this was your favourite scene (I do pay attention sometimes :whistle: ) and I love it too - and I wanted to give it a bit more explanation, especially as a precursor to that "wasn't meant to be" line at the cemetery. Because that irked me just as much as it did you.

And also, there was just so much going on here! As you say,
wpgrace wrote:Our Mick is most definitely a superhero. An insanely handsome, highly-skilled, smart, funny, humane, kick-@$$, perpetually cool, Greek God of a superhero.
:yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:
wpgrace wrote:And you dedicated it to me... :rose: :rose:
Of course I did. How could I do anything else?

:smooch: :smooch:


Re: Reckoning (vignette, M/C, PG)

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 3:36 am
by wpgrace

Re: Reckoning (vignette, M/C, PG)

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 5:59 am
by Moonlightsonata
Redwinter - You put into exquisite words what Mick might have been thinking in his head. A truly wonderful story. Thank you.

Re: Reckoning (vignette, M/C, PG)

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 9:42 am
by francis
Red, I truly only now understand what that scene was about. It wasn't my favorite scene because there was so much unexplored. I never understood how he could trust her so much, letting her give him the cure, then bringing him outside. What did she need him for in the first place? But you bring out every nook of emotion and give it its place in the scheme of things and in the whole of their relationship.
The story of Mick and Coraline has come to full circle. I could quote the whole story and I must admit it choked me up several times.
I know she's still working an angle, hoping I'll go with her. Even in desperation, even as she walks a dangerous line, her fear palpable, I know she's here for more than a saviour. She doesn't need help - she needs me, and that still has the power to make me waver.
That's what will always make Mick lose his cool: being needed, wanted, a chance to help, to make something better. He has a true hero complex, since the war maybe, or even before. He needs to feel like he can make a difference.

He goes into this fully knowing that she doesn't tell him everything - and I finally understand why. Thank you soooo much!

Re: Reckoning (vignette, M/C, PG)

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 2:01 pm
by Albra
:notworthy: :notworthy: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :notworthy: :notworthy:

and this is my favourite line :
redwinter101 wrote:Our love was true, we just weren't meant to be. Two souls that never quite fit, no matter how hard we tried.
Thank you, Red

Re: Reckoning (vignette, M/C, PG)

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 6:05 pm
by redwinter101
Moonlightsonata, that's lovely. Thank you. :flowers:

francis, I'm SO happy that this story has added to your enjoyment of this episode. So very happy indeed. ITA about Mick's hero complex - it's a fundamental part of his nature (and Coraline knows it) and something he just can't deny, no matter the consequences.

Thanks, Albra. I always get a thrill when you come to read a Mick/Coraline story. :hearts:


Re: Reckoning (vignette, M/C, PG)

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 7:08 am
by kpyle
That was wonderful! You have such a way with words, and you truley do get Mick and his thoughts! Loved it!

Thank you!


Re: Reckoning (vignette, M/C, PG)

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 1:42 pm
by redwinter101
Thanks, Kelly. :hearts: :hearts:
