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La Posada --Chapter 4 --PG-13

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 7:21 pm
by librarian_7

Disclaimer: I don't own Josef. He thinks he owns freshie Lucky, but I do.

La Posada

Chapter 4

Lucky always wondered at how quickly a routine could fall into place. The days at the Posada were calm, yet not boring, not exactly. More unpressured and serene, with no responsibilities, no one to please except herself. Activities were provided, but not stressed. And the paths were smoothed, usually.

Her first morning, she slept late, calling for breakfast to be delivered to her room. Marla called almost before she’d hung up from the order.

“Good morning, Lucky, dear. Did you sleep well?”

“Yes, very.”

“Good, good. Listen, after you’ve had time to eat and go through your morning routine, perhaps we could meet? I didn’t have a chance to show you around the complex yesterday, and I’m sure you have questions.”

Lucky thought later that the “tour” accomplished several goals. Light exercise, orientation, and a chance for the newly-arrived freshie to bond with her hostess. Perhaps most importantly, the descriptions of how the Posada was secured served both to reassure nervous freshies that they could be safe away from the protective oversight of their vamps, and also to warn them that running away would be difficult to impossible. Lucky had been fairly correct in characterizing the place as a well-upholstered prison, she realized. For a moment, she was surprised to think that Josef would send her to such a place, then decided it was not such a stretch. He was thinking of the protection, not the confinement.

On the other hand, she learned that getting into town wasn’t too difficult. Field trips were frequent, and special outings could be arranged. The list of classes and events that Marla provided was daunting. Everything from movies to star-gazing to exercise classes.

“Needle-point?” Lucky asked, with a very dubious look at Marla.

Marla nodded in understanding. “I know. But some of the patrons—they love it when a girl sits demurely waiting on them with a bit of lady-like busywork in hand.”

“Most of the vamps I’ve known would prefer pole-dancing.”

“Ah, well, LA is a different group, from what I’ve heard. And check page two of the list.”

“This is all fascinating, but what I really need to know is what time I can get on the web. I have an email to send…and I’ve got to order some clothes. Can you tell me the shipping address to use?”

Marla frowned thoughtfully. “Of course. Should we take a run into Durango this afternoon? We could do some shopping, get you fixed up much faster than mail-order would.”

Lucky almost declined, then thought, well, why not?

Durango was a tourist town, and a Colorado ski town also, and as such boasted some surprisingly expensive boutiques, mostly featuring Southwestern style apparel. While she hated to spend too much on clothing she knew she’d be unlikely to wear much once she got back to Los Angeles, she did need more clothing than she’d brought, and allowed Marla to advise her on several outfits. She did indulge herself in a western fringed suede jacket, having always wanted one, and a very beautiful hand-woven ruana that seemed perfect as a wrap for the cool evenings.

“You know, you’re going to need some jewelry to go with these outfits,” Marla commented.

“What I need to go with these outfits is some underwear,” Lucky responded. “Does this town have a mall?”

“Sure.” Marla paused. “Or there’s Wal-Mart.”

Lucky snorted. “If Josef saw a charge to Wal-Mart on one of his credit cards, he’d disown me.”

“Somehow, I’d gathered that might be the case,” Marla grinned.

Lucky rolled her eyes. “You have no idea. I mean, I adore that vamp, but—well, you know how they can be.”

Marla nodded, expertly wheeling the Land Rover through the traffic. “I do remember,” she said shortly. “now then, about jewelry—we’ll have to make a trip up to Silverton.”

“Really, I don’t need—“

“Think of it as accessories. And it’s a spectacular drive. Have you ever been there before?”

“No—but I—I hate spending his money wastefully.”

Marla pulled up to a stop light, and turned to look at the younger woman, almost exasperatedly. “I’m not sure I’ve ever met a freshie like you, Lucky. Look, he drinks your blood, right?”

“Yes, but he doesn’t buy it.”

“He must take good care of you, though. He sent you here.”

“Yes, but—“

“He wants you healthy and contented, right?”

Lucky smiled reluctantly. “I have heard him say, ‘Happy freshies taste better.’”

“There you go. Do you seriously think he’s going to be upset if you put a few thousand on the charge card?”

She opened her mouth to comment, then changed her mind, and shook her head.

Marla reached over and patted her hand. “You know, most of the girls I hostess are out for every cent they can get. Why aren’t you?”

Lucky looked away. “Not my style, I guess.”

Marla turned her attention to driving again, pulling them into the mall parking lot. Without taking her eyes from the task of finding a parking place and negotiating into it, she said, “Lucky, maybe I shouldn’t say this, but—you know, devotion is fine, and all that. Your patron is damned lucky to have you, and possibly he even deserves it. But—loving a vampire like that—one who’s never going to love you back the way you care about him—it’s not smart.”

Lucky smiled out the window, and she could tell from her reflection just how bitter that smile was. “Marla, have I said anything to you yet that makes you think I don’t know that?” She paused, and opened the door of the Land Rover. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go buy some panties.”

Re: La Posada --Chapter 4 --PG-13

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 9:28 pm
by maggatha3
librarian_7 wrote:“Needle-point?” Lucky asked, with a very dubious look at Marla.

Marla nodded in understanding. “I know. But some of the patrons—they love it when a girl sits demurely waiting on them with a bit of lady-like busywork in hand.”

“Most of the vamps I’ve known would prefer pole-dancing.”

“Ah, well, LA is a different group, from what I’ve heard. ”
:rolling: :rolling:

Oh, well...I know Marla is 'the voice of reason'..but I don't like her right now.

Re: La Posada --Chapter 4 --PG-13

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2017 11:35 pm
by darkstarrising
Loved, loved, loved this exchange
“Needle-point?” Lucky asked, with a very dubious look at Marla.

Marla nodded in understanding. “I know. But some of the patrons—they love it when a girl sits demurely waiting on them with a bit of lady-like busywork in hand.”

“Most of the vamps I’ve known would prefer pole-dancing.”
:rolling: :rolling:

That's Lucky - a true believer in speaking the unvarnished truth.

Yet this latter exchange, while also truthful, is much harder to accept.
Marla turned her attention to driving again, pulling them into the mall parking lot. Without taking her eyes from the task of finding a parking place and negotiating into it, she said, “Lucky, maybe I shouldn’t say this, but—you know, devotion is fine, and all that. Your patron is damned lucky to have you, and possibly he even deserves it. But—loving a vampire like that—one who’s never going to love you back the way you care about him—it’s not smart.”

Lucky smiled out the window, and she could tell from her reflection just how bitter that smile was. “Marla, have I said anything to you yet that makes you think I don’t know that?”
It may not be smart, but the heart wants what the heart wants, even if it gets broken in the process.