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Before Moonlight and Moonlightaholics, I never...

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 8:26 pm
by HotMicks
So, I just answered a query on how to create animated gifs and it got me to thinking about all of the things I've learned (about myself, about you all, new skills, etc.) since becoming a fan of Moonlight. I thought it might be interesting to have a topic where we could all list some of our "firsts."

And since so many of us have migrated around the Web together since the earliest days, let's interpret "Moonlightaholics" broadly to cover all the boards we've shared. :thumbs:

I'll get us started...


* Created an animated GIF.
* Knew there was such a thing as a "fan board."
* Thought about vamps sleeping in freezers. :biggrin:
* Produced any snark (other than a snarky comic book we created in college to spoof the administration).
* Knew anyone from Greece ( :wave: maggatha), though many of Greek descent.
* Searched the Internet obsessively for anything related to this TV show I just saw tonight.
* Bothered learning how to use many of the features in Photoshop, let alone created a "banner."
* Had a Photobucket account.
* Knew that "shipping" had a meaning other than transportation.
* Had a place to be "totally random" whenever I feel like it. :hyper2:
* Liked anyone who drove a red Ferrari.
* Paid so much attention to Hollywood and what makes it tick (or not).
* Knew there was such a thing as an IMDb STARmeter.
* Cared so much about a group of people I've never met (well, I've met a few of you, but not many).
* Laughed so hard, so regularly. :rolling:
* Spent so much time online.
:blushing: :giggle:

Well, how 'bout you?

Re: Before Moonlight and Moonlightaholics, I never...

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 8:29 pm
by Lucy
ditto to so many of those.....but also ML coincided with other life changes that were sad and ML was turning point where I began to gather joy via a character and get involved with a TV show.

Re: Before Moonlight and Moonlightaholics, I never...

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 8:34 pm
by jen
Totally agree!

Add to that. 'wrote fanfic' but subtract the GIF. Still don't know anything about those.

Everything else, though!


Re: Before Moonlight and Moonlightaholics, I never...

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 8:44 pm
by loveyoumick
Hey, HotMicks , I didn't know I have a twin in this world... :snicker:
Well, I think I have many, now.... :friends:

Re: Before Moonlight and Moonlightaholics, I never...

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 9:23 pm
by wpgrace
Never paid the slightest attention to an actor before. They were all relatively interchangeable... :whistle:

Never paid the slightest attention to ratings. Those were the good ol' days... :slaphead:

And Alex was the first person I ever googled, which shows I had no social curiosity about my RL friends but which was, more importantly, the way I found you good people. :hearts:

Re: Before Moonlight and Moonlightaholics, I never...

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 9:24 pm
by allegrita
Oh man... I've got a long list. Ummm... just off the top of my head:

Wrote a complete story.
Joined a forum.
Moderated a forum.
Became OWNER/ADMIN of a freakin' forum!! :gasp:
Read fanfic.
Went to a red carpet premiere for a movie.
Knew what photobucket was, far less had an account.
Joined MySpace.
Joined Facebook. (More than once, shhh!) :laugh:
And, speaking of which... did RP.
Learned how to do automatic screencapping.
Became friends with anyone online.
Bought anything on eBay.
Learned the modicum I know about graphics.
Was a fangirl about screenwriters.
Knew much or cared much about how Hollywood works.

I'm sure there's lots more, but that's a good start. :snicker:

Re: Before Moonlight and Moonlightaholics, I never...

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 9:27 pm
by coco
I agree with most of your choices, HM and can add that i bought proper video software when the free option wasn't good enough for me. :biggrin:
Bought an exclusive print from the other side of the world because it was on Josef's ceiling. :biggrin:
And lots more stuff i'm sure.....

Re: Before Moonlight and Moonlightaholics, I never...

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 9:32 pm
by cassysj
I never wrote fanfic before. I knew about it being in various fandoms for years and had enjoyed reading a lot but I never put my fingers to the keyboard prior to Moonlight.

I've been in dozens of fandoms and Moonlight is definitely the most supportive I've ever been involved in.

I must admit I was very inspired by the rich OC freshie characters that had been created long before I ever put a thought together. If not for Lucky, Eris and several other freshie characters that had been created on other boards and in role play I probably never would have written anything.

I made use of a vast doll collection that was primarily collecting dust. I've learned how to use a digital camera and gained a beginner's knowledge of Photoshop.

I never made a video before Moonlight.

It's interesting I have been just as passionate if not more so about other shows and movies but never did anything concrete. Quantum Leap, Kung Fu TLC, Star Wars, Buffy and Angel, I often thought out stories for the characters in my head and even gave them dialogue but I never actually typed any of them up. I just played them in my own head for amusement.

I love the friends here I've made at MLA. This board is a big part of my life.

Re: Before Moonlight and Moonlightaholics, I never...

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 9:42 pm
by redwinter101
cassysj wrote:I love the friends here I've made at MLA. This board is a big part of my life.
I think that may just be the best thing I've heard all day. :hug: :smooch: :hearts:


Re: Before Moonlight and Moonlightaholics, I never...

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 10:19 pm
by HotMicks
Oooh, such cool responses! And many I also share.

Alle, here's to your "online evolution." Image Thank Bob you saved the day! (check out the link :laugh: )

Coco, I forgot to mention that print, but guilty as charged. :teeth:

Cassy, wow, that's an impressive list of firsts. And I agree with Red. :hug:

Grace, moi aussi. :slaphead:

Keep 'em coming....

Re: Before Moonlight and Moonlightaholics, I never...

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 10:30 pm
by allegrita
Eek! I LOVED The New Adventures of Mighty Mouse! :teeth: Thanks, HotMicks! :smooch: And Carol, that makes me so happy... thank you for all you do to make this community so rich, warm, and friendly. :ghug:

Re: Before Moonlight and Moonlightaholics, I never...

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 10:33 pm
by coco
Loving that link. :giggle:

Re: Before Moonlight and Moonlightaholics, I never...

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 10:43 pm
by librarian_7
Most of my firsts are covered already...suffice it to say that I was a "fandom virgin" like so many others.

But a few really stand out.

Joined a fanboard.
Became a mod.
Went to a con (okay I spoke at an SF con once, but I didn't hang at the con all weekend, so it doesn't count!)
Wrote fic. A. Lot. of. Fic.
Considered myself a Fan.
Met people online (I always wondered how you did that!)


Re: Before Moonlight and Moonlightaholics, I never...

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:27 am
by darkstarrising
mine are similar to many of yours:

Never been a part of a board
Never really felt connected with a story or show. I've liked shows and missed them when they've ended, but I mourned ML.
Never heard of any of the cast members in ML before the show. (I know, I live in a tree :giggle: )
Never even heard of fanfic, let alone read it. Couldn't understand why anyone would want to write it (Now I do).
Never felt a part of a group of people with similar passions about a show or characters. And for that, dear ladies, thank you :ghug:

Re: Before Moonlight and Moonlightaholics, I never...

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 12:13 am
by Emma-lee
Most of mine have been covered as well. But I never used IM before, went to any kind of fan convention, Did Rp, Met so many people from around the world, and NEVER cared so much for a show, Never read or wrote fanfic, and never belonged to a fan board (who of course has so many awesome people. :rose: )