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Janus (PG) Resolution Challenge 134 12/30/2011

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:46 pm
by darkstarrising
This is my response to the 'Resolution' challenge. Sometimes, a little time pressure works :whistle: (I hope.)

I chose the title 'Janus', the two faced Roman god, who looks to both the future and the past and is associated with beginnings and endings. Somehow, it seemed appropriate for Mick, as he struggles with what he wants to do and what he knows he should do.



Walk away. Just walk away.

I can’t.

This has gone on too long. This isn’t healthy, for either of you.

I need her. She makes me feel so alive. She gives me hope.

She’s mortal. She’ll die someday. Will hope die with her?



She doesn’t have to stay mortal.

Monster! Would you do to her what was done to you?

I’d give her a choice. I love her too much to do anything else.

If you love her, leave her alone.

I can’t. I need her love, forever.

You can. Be strong and walk away. Just walk away.

ETA - I thought the title counted as a word, but since it doesn't, I squeezed in another.

Re: Janus (PG) Resolution Challenge 134 12/30/2011

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:08 am
by Lilly
WOW. That gave me the most wonderful chills. DSR, this is just PERFECTION -- every word of it, right down to the title. :notworthy: :hearts: First person Mick at his finest; his conflict cut down to the bare bones. And like most of us do, he will undoubtedly break this resolution...perhaps more than once as the years go by.

What a fabulous way to step up to the challenge. :smooch:

Re: Janus (PG) Resolution Challenge 134 12/30/2011

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:19 am
by PNWgal
We all have things we know we should do, and things we want to do.

Mick thinks he knows what's best for him, and that you can boil down his conflict into 100 words is amazing. :smooch: And a lovely 100 words it is, too!

Re: Janus (PG) Resolution Challenge 134 12/30/2011

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:36 am
by jen
Oh, wow!

This is wonderful!

You have distilled the essence of Mick's internal struggle down to a few words but it captures his dilemna beautifully.

He loves Beth, truly and deeply. The question is, does he love her more than he loves her mortality?


Thank you!


:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers:

Re: Janus (PG) Resolution Challenge 134 12/30/2011

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:47 am
by Lucy
he sure does wear this weight in his heart AND his soul..... :clapping:

Re: Janus (PG) Resolution Challenge 134 12/30/2011

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 3:15 am
by Marigold
Fantastic, DSR! The time pressure definitely did work for you! :rose: :flowers:

I really like the title, and you're right - it is so appropriate for Mick. As I read this, I visualized a mini angel on one of Mick's shoulders, and a mini devil on the other. While they converse, poor Mick is stuck in the middle, torn. I really like how your drabble ends. We are left wondering if Mick has made a resolution, and if so, whether he will keep it.

Thank you! :heart:

Re: Janus (PG) Resolution Challenge 134 12/30/2011

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 3:51 am
by wpgrace
:clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

Poor poor Mick...

Re: Janus (PG) Resolution Challenge 134 12/30/2011

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 4:02 am
by Fleur de Lisa
100 words that feel like 1,000.


Re: Janus (PG) Resolution Challenge 134 12/30/2011

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 4:04 am
by Lilly
Fleur de Lisa wrote:100 words that feel like 1,000.
Isn't that the truth? :yes:

Re: Janus (PG) Resolution Challenge 134 12/30/2011

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 9:58 am
by allegrita
Oh, what a great response to the challenge, DSR! Mick's battle with himself is epic here, and it's hard to believe you've distilled it down into 100 words. Beautifully done. :notworthy: (I don't want the "sensible" Mick to win... and neither does Beth.) :snicker:

Re: Janus (PG) Resolution Challenge 134 12/30/2011

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:03 am
by nutmegger911
This is absolutely wonderful! It's clean and tight and spot on. Well done! :clapping: :clapping:

Re: Janus (PG) Resolution Challenge 134 12/30/2011

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 6:41 pm
by fairytoes
:clapping: :heart: :clapping: :heart: :clapping:

Thank you for sharing DSR. :flowers:

Re: Janus (PG) Resolution Challenge 134 12/30/2011

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 3:40 pm
by cassysj
Mick will always be conflicted about what to do even long after it's done. He'll be thrilled to have Beth forever but a little part of him will always worry about stealing her "real" life.

Re: Janus (PG) Resolution Challenge 134 12/30/2011

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 4:10 pm
by darkstarrising
Wow! and thanks to all for such lovely comments

Lilly - Thanks and see what happens when you give me a time and word limit :smooch: and yes, I hope he does break this resolution.

P'Gal - Thanks :hug: There's a little bit of Mick in all of us, but he's been denied for so long, what he wants will likely win out.

Jenna - Thanks :hearts: ah, therein lies the question - does he love her enough to walk away or is his love so strong that he can't?

Lucy - Thanks :hearts: his loneliness has consumed him, so letting Beth go isn't an easy decision.

Marigold - Thanks!! In this case, the time pressure did help :giggle: I see Mick as a composite being - desperately holding on to his humanity, knowing he can never go back. As such is constantly faced with moral dilemmas.

grace - Thanks :hug: , and if he does walk away, he'll never be happy. :no:

Fleur - Thanks :smooch: , and yes, the copious verbosity can be put on hold. :giggle:

alle - Thanks :hug: , and I don't want his sensible side to win either. :devil:

nm911 - Thanks :hearts: I'm glad you enjoyed it!!

fairytoes - thanks :hearts: and you're very welcome!!

carol -Thanks :hug: And that worry about stealing her life is the bit of humanity that he's afraid to let go of.

Re: Janus (PG) Resolution Challenge 134 12/30/2011

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 6:58 pm
by francis
I totally love this, it gave me goosebumps. What will he decide in the end? His two faces are fighting all the time. 100 words of awesomeness!