Finding Innocence - Chapter 1 - PG

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Finding Innocence - Chapter 1 - PG

Post by Lilly »

Disclaimer: The character of Mick St. John and the world of “Moonlight” are owned by others. No copyright infringement is intended. The character of Matthew Williams, however, is all mine.

This short story, set in the world of “Moonlight,” encompasses a brief hour in an otherwise ordinary night for our favorite vampire detective. There is no sex, no romance, and very little violence, but if you’re bored you may want to read it anyway.

Rating: PG

First published: 2/12/2008


Finding Innocence - Chapter 1

“You have to help me! Please!”

The woman’s frantic voice carried across the open lobby to the back corner of the hotel where Mick St. John had just emerged from the adjacent lounge. The private investigator had just tied up loose ends with a client, and was on his way out, when he stopped short, hearing the anguished pleas of the woman standing at the front desk.

Although it was just early evening, the PI was tired. The case he had been working hadn’t been particularly complicated, but it had, as his client so tritely put it, required him to shed new light on certain information. Unfortunately, that light had come in the form of daylight. St. John had been up with the unforgiving sun for several days straight, and even though his exposure had been limited and his usual nourishment had sufficed to heal any physical damage, the change in routine had definitely taken its toll.

Ordinarily, after a week like this, he would have welcomed the deep, dreamless sleep that came like hibernation from the troubling realities of the day. But tonight, what he truly longed for was a chance to unwind. This penetrating fatigue, he decided, was nothing that kicking back with “Birth of the Cool” and a double shot of Macallan wouldn’t cure. He had been headed toward the main entrance, but, as was its custom, fate tapped him on the shoulder and pointed him in the opposite direction.

“Please – he’s only eight. You don’t understand!”

Renee Williams, an average-sized woman with dark brown hair and expressive dark eyes, looked to be in her late 30’s. She clutched a small red sweatshirt to her chest, as her eyes darted anxiously around the open expanse. She was by no means hysterical, yet her distress was obvious. A child was missing. Her child was missing.

The private investigator stood, eyes focused on the front door, as he listened to the exchange at the desk. He bowed his head with a sigh – the barely audible sound of a decision being made. So much for kicking back. For Mick St. John, the tune had changed and Miles Davis was going to have to wait.

“We’re doing everything we can, Mrs. Williams. Security is searching the hotel as we speak,” the desk clerk assured her. “He’s probably just looking around. You know how little boys are.”

“You don’t understand,” the distraught mother insisted. “He’s not a typical eight-year-old…”

“Is there anything I can do?” asked a soft, low voice from behind her. Turning, she saw a tall, striking man with longer, wavy brown hair swept off his face, and caring green-blue eyes. He was well dressed, wearing a stylish long black coat over a black striped shirt and black pants. Her first overwhelming impression of the stranger, however, was the strong, quiet confidence that somehow reached through her growing panic like a firm steadying hand.

“It’s my son – he’s missing. But, I don’t know…,” she hesitated.

“Mick St. John.” He answered the question she hadn’t yet posed. “I’m a private investigator. I can help.” He nodded once, as if to affirm the sincerity of his offer, and brushed his coat out of the way to reach into his back pocket. He pulled out his credentials, and flipping them open, held them up for her to examine. It was important, he knew, to allay any doubts she might have about trusting a stranger.

“Mick!” The quiet exchange was quickly interrupted by a shout from across the lobby. The head of hotel security raised a single finger, asking for a moment of patience, as he returned hurriedly to the vicinity of the front desk. The other hand rested on the wireless earpiece he wore. Adjusting the receiver, he fired out directions, presumably to a subordinate searching elsewhere in the building.

“No – the service entrance is locked. First floor is secure. Continue with a floor by floor search.” When he had finished, the newcomer turned his attention to the pair at the desk. “Mick,” he acknowledged the PI again with a pat on the arm. “I’m glad you’re here. We could use another pair of eyes.” Then, to Mrs. Williams, he added, “He’s the best, ma’am. We could really use his help.”

The PI’s brow furrowed. “You call the police, Reg?”

“He’s only been missing – 10, 15 minutes tops. Man, you know they won’t come out this soon. We’re reasonably sure he’s still in the building, but there’s special circumstances, Mick. Here - let Mrs. Williams fill you in.” He guided the PI and the shaken woman to a couple of armchairs in a quieter corner of the lobby.

“Mrs. Williams - what can you tell me?” Mick asked, watching the woman to settle into one of the chairs before he took a seat across from her.

“Matthew - my son - is eight, but he’s not your average eight-year-old, Mr. St. John. Matthew is autistic.” As she spoke, Renee Williams looked carefully at the private investigator’s face, watching – waiting actually - for one of the reactions she was accustomed to receiving when she told people about her son. Uneasiness, indifference, pity – it was usually there, written on their faces. But looking into this man’s eyes, there was no judgment or hesitation, only kindness and concern.

“He’s been doing so much better lately – at home,” she added. “His life is fairly regimented, but it works for him. It just that this trip – it’s been so overwhelming for him – such a change to his daily routine. He’s really been out of sorts.”

A wry smile crossed the PI’s face. He already felt a connection with this kid. Getting the rug pulled out from under him by a change in routine? That had a familiar ring to it – he could relate to that.

Mick knew that time was critical. He had no doubt he could find the boy – he had already detected the child’s scent on the sweatshirt that Mrs. Williams was ruefully twisting in her hands. Still, he felt compelled to hear her out. In his line of work, listening was crucial – it could mean the difference between trying and succeeding. Besides, once he located Matthew, he would need to know how to approach him.

“Please - tell me all you can about him.” His words were warm and encouraging.

As Renee Williams calmly began her description, it occurred to the PI that perhaps she had recited this litany too many times before. She looked past him, as her seemingly well-rehearsed words came quickly, almost flowing out in one long sentence.

“He has high-functioning autism – which means he can speak fairly well and is aware of his surroundings. He repeats himself a lot, talks to himself. His mood changes abruptly. He has a lot of trouble with sensory input. Sometimes he tunes everything out and other times he overreacts to the slightest touch or sound. You should see what he does when the sun gets in his eyes. He holds up his hand and screams like he’s in pain…”

Mick raised a single eyebrow.

“…When we’re in unfamiliar situations, he plays his Nintendo DS - a lot. It helps relieve the stress. He’s smart with some things, terribly naïve about others. He has an incredible memory, but he has trouble distinguishing fantasy from reality. We’ve spent years trying to get him to recognize the difference.” She paused for a breath and then continued. “But, the main thing - what I’m really worried about – is that he just doesn’t understand danger at all. He could walk right out in front of a car without realizing …”

Her voice broke off. Swallowing hard, she wiped the palm of her hand across her cheek, and tried to compose herself. She needed to be strong. After a brief silence, she spoke again. “I’m sorry – when I get nervous, I talk too much.”

“What you told me? It’s very important,” Mick reassured his spur-of-the-moment client. “Please, don’t apologize.”

Nodding gratefully, the woman reached into her purse and extracted a photograph, which she held out to the private investigator.

“He’s very small,” she offered, “for his age, I mean. He looks more like he’s five or six. The way he acts, that’s what most people think.”

Mick nodded as he studied the picture of a cute little boy with short, brown hair, lighter than his mother’s, and large hazel-brown eyes. He wore oval wire-rimmed glasses, with rather thick lenses, and, somewhat surprisingly, an engaging, impish grin. To Mick, he looked like an average American kid. He didn’t look any more like an autistic child – than Mick St. John looked like a vampire.


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Re: Finding Innocence - Chapter 1 - PG

Post by wpgrace »

Lilly, I read this wonderful story once before... over at MLL I think...

I actually have an 8 year old autistic son... so I check in with this one from time to time...

I find it incredibly peaceful.

And our Mick fits in so well with this child... some of the teenage kids in our local group found Mick someone they could relate too... he has supersensitive hearing and smell... he is very picky about what he will eat... he is a creature of habit... he doesn't always "get" the regular folks and they don't always "get" him and while he's made his peace with that, there is also a wistfulness to him... he has a wicked, tho different, sense of humor... he is very comfortable being alone... and it is his unique point of view and abilities that make him so very special and effective. Just like them.

Thanks for writing it.
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Re: Finding Innocence - Chapter 1 - PG

Post by Lilly »

Grace - thank you so much for your comment and for sharing your thoughts and experience. (((hugs)))

Aside from a little freshie fic, this piece was the first thing I ever wrote and posted. It came to be after I spent some time thinking about the similarities between Mick and my son, and I started wondering what would happen if two of my favorite "characters" ever met. Autism has so many different faces -- they're not all like my son or yours, but it means so much to me that you think I've painted a realistic picture here.

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Re: Finding Innocence - Chapter 1 - PG

Post by cassysj »

Wandering in from the coffee house. Will move on to the next chapter soon. Very interesting.
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Re: Finding Innocence - Chapter 1 - PG

Post by coco »

Visiting via the Coffee House. :wave:

Wonderful start Lilly. Looking forward to reading more. :ysmile:
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Re: Finding Innocence - Chapter 1 - PG

Post by Lilly »

Carol and coco -- thank you so much for following the trail of bread crumbs from the Coffee House. :hug: I'm thrilled that this story is being highlighted.

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Re: Finding Innocence - Chapter 1 - PG

Post by francis »

This is a lovely story to reread. I came here from the coffee house.
I really like how you gave Mick a motivation for this case, and told us about his fatigue. So many stories where Mick has a case focus on the action and forget to add how Mick feels. It adds a layer of emotion that makes it more entertaining and meaningful. I love how Mick treats his newfound client. Love the description of his confidence enveloping her panic. Off to read more.
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Re: Finding Innocence - Chapter 1 - PG

Post by jmc »

Came from the Coffee House, too.
I love to watch Mick work apart from Beth and the extra layers of tension sometimes.
Interesting that he links himself to the child as both looking normal but being special.

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Re: Finding Innocence - Chapter 1 - PG

Post by redwinter101 »

What a lovely opening, Lilly - I can see and hear everything I need to get precisely where we are and what's happening. A couple of lines that leapt out at me:
Lilly wrote:He bowed his head with a sigh – the barely audible sound of a decision being made.
:happysigh: :happysigh: Oh, Mick...
Lilly wrote:He didn’t look any more like an autistic child – than Mick St. John looked like a vampire.

*off to chapter 2*


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Re: Finding Innocence - Chapter 1 - PG

Post by starbucksjunkie »


This is such a wonderful story. I'm so glad you posted it here! :hearts: :hearts:

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Re: Finding Innocence - Chapter 1 - PG

Post by Lilly »

francis - thanks for coming back for another look. I think you've really hit the nail on the head. This story is much more about what's going on inside of Mick. The "case" is a means for exploring that.

jmc - Thank you for reading. I specifically didn't mention adult Beth in this story because I didn't want to fix it within the timeline of the series. In my mind, this could have taken place shortly before Mick reconnected with her or shortly after, but he certainly hadn't stopped hating what he was by the time he met Matthew.

Thank you, Red. I always wondered if I had started too abruptly. I'm so glad you think the pace and the description worked.

sbj - thank you so much! :hug:

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Re: Finding Innocence - Chapter 1 - PG

Post by darkstarrising »


I'm here from the coffee house.....this is truly a wonderful beginning to a what promise's to be a warm hearted story. Here, you present a picture of a tired Mick, one wanting only to get a little rest after a tough job. But his heart wins out over his fatigue hearing the sound of a mother frantic over the disappearance of her autistic son....much like another mother had once been.

Without seeing Matt, you've provided a vivid image of this little boy. How could Mick not react or relate:
He has a lot of trouble with sensory input. Sometimes he tunes everything out and other times he overreacts to the slightest touch or sound. You should see what he does when the sun gets in his eyes. He holds up his hand and screams like he’s in pain…
Off to read the remaining chapters!!
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Re: Finding Innocence - Chapter 1 - PG

Post by Fleur de Lisa »

Lilly~~~how in the hell have I missed this? You already have me by the heartstrings with this. I am running to the next chapter!!

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Re: Finding Innocence - Chapter 1 - PG

Post by Lilly »

I'm not sure how I've gotten so far behind in my replies... but thank you so much dsr and Fleur for stopping by here from the Coffee House to have a look. Your comments are truly appreciated. :hug:

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Re: Finding Innocence - Chapter 1 - PG

Post by allegrita »


I read this story a long time ago (in a galaxy far, far away?) and I'm so happy to revisit it now. It really touches my heart. I can relate to the frantic mother, ruthlessly squashing her panic down so that she can tell her story to the people who can help her. You do such a great job of portraying her subtle pain as she rattles off that oft-repeated explanation about her special son. It makes me want to give her a big hug.

I absolutely can see Mick in your words--his tiredness, the confidence he dredges up to put his new "client" at ease, his feeling of not fitting in. I can feel his quiet pride when the desk clerk assures Renee that he's the best. I remember the first time I read this story, thinking how amazing that, without even meeting him, I already cared so much for Matthew. I wanted him to be OK. I wanted him not to be traumatized or hurt by this experience.

The first time I read this, I hadn't had the pleasure of meeting you and your family. Now that I have, it's even more meaningful to me. I'm thrilled that you wrote this story. I'm so happy that, with this story, you embarked on the journey of becoming one of my very favorite Moonlight fanfic writers. :rose:
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