Substitute (challenge 108, C/C, PG/slash)

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Substitute (challenge 108, C/C, PG/slash)

Post by redwinter101 »

Title: Substitute
Author: redwinter101
Rating: PG/slash
Disclaimer: I don't own Moonlight or any of its characters
Note: A little Coraline/Cynthia - by far the slashiest couple in the Moonlight universe. Nothing explicit here so please do read and comment if the mood takes you. Written for the slash quest challenge.


--- Substitute ---

November 1965

A final inspection, a twist in the glass, catching angle and curve. Cynthia fiddled with the knotted silk at her throat, cursing fumbling fingers. The simple invitation called for casual chic not the too-formal frock, the too-set curls, the too-needy smile. She tore the scarf from her throat, tears of frustration burning. Dress, jewellery, purse followed to the floor. A smeared hand scuffed a scarlet slash across her cheek.

Gulping for calm she sank to the edge of the bed, shoulders slumping. Defeat beckoned. This was an invitation-only game, Coraline's rules, orbiting players coming and going, winning and losing at her whim. The prize, her affection, her attention, her consideration. To be important to her.

The years of knowing counted for much, but Cynthia wanted, needed more than the role in which she had been cast, the confidante, the trusted ally, the safe port in any storm. As she stared at her reflection, ruffled, tear-stained, tired of the struggle to be effortless, she wondered which was worse. Knowing she was being played, or submitting anyway.

Coraline's phone call had been the invitation they both knew she wouldn't refuse, "So there I was, left waiting at the bar like some high-class hooker, while my darling husband-" She had tuned out the details of Mick's whereabouts. He was feckless and foolish; he had the world but only saw disappointment, lost in his yearning to be ordinary once more. "Can you come over? I could use the... company."

It was into that moment of pause that Cynthia poured her desire. Loneliness was the only thing Coraline truly feared and her need presented an opening, a chance. Cynthia's price, unstated but accepted, was intimacy. No longer a servant, she would be more than a friend. An opportunity at last to assume the role she craved. Disentangling Coraline's child-like longing for Mick would take time and persistence and she had plenty of both.

The realisation that Coraline needed her renewed her resolve. If they were to be equals, it started now. Back into the shower she scrubbed away her careful efforts for perfection, railing against her own eagerness to please, not to be found wanting. Starting over, she left her face unadorned, slipping on jeans and sweater, a watch her only jewellery. Finally, she could look at her reflection and smile. Safe in her own skin she could offer Coraline the comfort they both needed.

The drive was too short and too fast, anticipation bringing a flush to her cheeks. She strove for calm, assurance, resolve. "She called you," she repeated to herself as she drew near. The night was cool, a rare breeze keeping humidity at bay. Cynthia's mind wandered, planning ahead, imagining Coraline's slow smile of welcome and promise. They would both know.

The Mercedes was parked out front; Mick must have left in a hurry to have abandoned his precious car. A brief moment of temptation, hovering by the smooth bodywork, keys in hand. It would have been satisfying to leave her mark, but a greater victory lay within her grasp. A sly smile and a toss of her hair; a deep breath and a steady stride to the door.

The scent hit her as she raised her hand to knock. The heavy pungency of desire. Coraline's laugh tumbling from brittle crystal to almost-moan. Mick murmuring, his voice caressing her skin.

Her fist still raised, clenching, sweaty-palmed as she decided. Eyes screwed tight against the scene she imagined within.

A rustle of silk as Coraline made her way to the door, throwing it wide, making sure she could see. Mick, lounging naked, sated. She barely bothered to draw her robe closed as she leant against the jamb, "Cynthia, how lovely of you to stop by." Her smile hovered on the edge of a smirk. "I'm afraid I'm a little busy right now. I'm sure you understand." She moved close, pressing her lips to Cynthia's cheek, leaving her crimson mark, a brush of fingers along the soft flesh of her throat drawing a shiver.

She turned away, finished with her now-unwelcome visitor. "I'll call you."

The door closed in her face, dismissed. Rigid, hot shame burning her skin, Cynthia's throat closed against her angry plea. She was superfluous once again, Coraline's beck and call leaving her on the outside, always looking in, never gaining the admittance she craved. Swearing this would be the last time, she turned and headed for the car, a laugh from within her final humiliation.

Never again.
Never again would she fall for Coraline's honeyed promise.
Never again would she hope for more than she had.
She was done. Coraline was on her own.

As she slammed the car door and fumbled the key into the ignition she glanced in the mirror, seeing the truth she hated.

Never again. Not until the next time.

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Re: Substitute (challenge 108, C/C, PG/slash)

Post by darkstarrising »

Wow!! After centuries of devotion, Cynthia's love for Coraline is rebuffed and she finds herself playing a role she despises
She was superfluous once again, Coraline's beck and call leaving her on the outside, always looking in, never gaining the admittance she craved. Swearing this would be the last time, she turned and headed for the car, a laugh from within her final humiliation.
From the time she got the call from Coraline until she was so rudely dismissed, the Cynthia you show us relies is emotionally dependent on Coraline. You could say they are co-dependent, but Coraline here is capable shifting her affections from Cynthia to Mick as the mood suits her. As your title so aptly puts it, she substitutes one for the other.
This was an invitation-only game, Coraline's rules, orbiting players coming and going, winning and losing at her whim. The prize, her affection, her attention, her consideration. To be important to her.
Cynthia is so enthralled with Coraline that she either can't or won't look elsewhere. The only hint of independence is when Cynthia decides that the 'perfection' Coraline expects is not what she is going to offer. She's going 'safe in her own skin', thinking herself equal to the woman she adores. Yet once again, Cynthia is rejected, scorned, dismissed as unimportant....always the servant, never in control of her destiny as she vows
Never again. Not until the next time.
This is chilling in just how much people who love, hurt.

Wonderfully done, red :flowers:
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Re: Substitute (challenge 108, C/C, PG/slash)

Post by mitzie »

Wow!! Beautifully done. Cynthia getting her hopes up only to be dashed by Coraline's dismissal. What a dismal life it is for Cynthia to be treated this way by the only one she loves. I love it!!!! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :bmoon: :sigh: :blushing: :devil: :yahoo: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :thud: :thud: :thud: :thud: :notworthy: :heart: :flowers:

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Re: Substitute (challenge 108, C/C, PG/slash)

Post by redwinter101 »

Thanks, dsr. :smooch: Mick told us Cynthia loved Coraline and we saw her willingness to go to extraordinary lengths to help her so for me it's a short leap to her feelings extending beyond friendship. But at this time certainly, Coraline only had eyes for Mick and no room for a devoted friend. No wonder Cynthia hated Mick.

mitzie, a dismal life indeed. We saw each of the vampires find their own way of coping (or not) with immortality. I think Cynthia's prepared to be patient - even if she knows, at heart, Coraline loves another. So sad.


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Re: Substitute (challenge 108, C/C, PG/slash)

Post by wpgrace »

And thus that happy little reunion in the hotel room, when Mick disturbed Cynthia's "ice bath".... :giggle:

Ya know, I kinda relate to her, not knowing how to make herself look perfectly effortless... sometimes when you care the most, it's the hardest to pull off the look you want.

And Mick? Man she had to hate him... coming and going from Cora at will (tho she would have had NO sympathy for HIS internal demons)... when that's ALLLLL she wanted to do!
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Re: Substitute (challenge 108, C/C, PG/slash)

Post by GuardianAngel »

Coraline is quite the b**** in this little beauty - her selfishness is astounding. You really made me pity Cynthia.

This horrified me and had me holding my breath:
Mick must have left in a hurry to have abandoned his precious car. A brief moment of temptation, hovering by the smooth bodywork, keys in hand. It would have been satisfying to leave her mark
In this story, Cynthia's dislike of Mick makes sense. It's not only that she dislikes him - she's jealous of him. She's been waiting to have Coraline's attentions for so long and here's Mick who has it and throws it away.
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Re: Substitute (challenge 108, C/C, PG/slash)

Post by rijane »

I love this piece for the coupling - for the perfect portrait of how this could/would be. I empathize with Cynthia here, so very much.
redwinter101 wrote:Loneliness was the only thing Coraline truly feared and her need presented an opening, a chance. Cynthia's price, unstated but accepted, was intimacy.
Very spot on for Coraline. And for Cynthia - I love how you tell the tale of a woman we know only from a hotel room with Mick for too short a time.
redwinter101 wrote:The scent hit her as she raised her hand to knock. The heavy pungency of desire. Coraline's laugh tumbling from brittle crystal to almost-moan. Mick murmuring, his voice caressing her skin.
Her fist still raised, clenching, sweaty-palmed as she decided. Eyes screwed tight against the scene she imagined within.
Perfect, perfect scene here! So vivid!
redwinter101 wrote:Never again. Not until the next time.
This is one of my favorite endings ever. It's a stark truth and a great fit to the piece.

Great work!!! :)
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Re: Substitute (challenge 108, C/C, PG/slash)

Post by allegrita »

This a wonderful portrait of frustrated desire. The confidante who wants so much more, the servant who wants to be a partner. The description of her trying to dress reminds me of a high school girl getting ready for a "study date" with a cute athlete who just wants her to write a paper for him. :sigh: Poor Cynthia--she can't compete with Mick, a guy she sees as an idiot who can't even be satisfied with the goddess of Cynthia's desire... and spurns the precious gift of immortality to boot. Cynthia's so hooked, she'll do anything for Coraline's attention, and she knows it too well. Never again - till next time. :sigh:

Cynthia's hatred of Mick makes perfect sense in this context. Thank goodness she didn't key his car, though! :gasp:
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Re: Substitute (challenge 108, C/C, PG/slash)

Post by francis »

This is perfect.
I pity Cynthia for what she is. She's the universal, ultimate, eternal maid: dependent, submitting willingly, obedient. She's emotionally hooked on Coraline and would take any humiliation just to be with her. She's the ultimate counterpoint to Mick, too. Mick, who has Coraline's love but throws it away, and Cynthia, who wants Coraline's love but is only a substitute and never gets what she craves.
This is so real, and you paint the image so well, from Cynthia's desperate efforts to seem effortless, to her flaring hatred for Mick symbolized in her need to scratch his car, to the humiliation of seeing Coraline with Mick, and being dismissed.
It hurts, because it's so human, so normal. This happens every day everywhere. You bring it into words.
Well done, red!
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Re: Substitute (challenge 108, C/C, PG/slash)

Post by Catmoon »

This makes me feel so sad for Cynthia. I'm afraid she may be doomed to be rebuffed, through eternity. It's interesting how many of us see this relationship as a possibility, when Cyn had but only a small part in one ep. She certainly made an impression.
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Re: Substitute (challenge 108, C/C, PG/slash)

Post by redwinter101 »

Grace, I'm delighted you felt Cynthia's awkward pain - and yeah, totally hating Mick. Totally.

GA, LOL!! That precious car is always safe in my hands. As for the jealousy - can you imagine? Oy... If it were me, I'd have keyed it. :whistle:

rijane, empathy for Cynthia is so lovely. By the time we see her in 2007, she's got a little better at playing the game, a little more polished, but she'll still do whatever Coraline wants. And you know how I love a nice, stark ending. :snicker:

allegrita wrote:a high school girl getting ready for a "study date" with a cute athlete who just wants her to write a paper for him.
That's SO perfect a description. Thanks, sweetie. :smooch:

francis, thank you. She is, indeed, the eternal maid. She'll never be quite enough for Coraline - and they both know it.

Catmoon, she certainly did make an impression! I think it's partly because she was the only friend of Coraline's we saw AND she was so obviously loyal. Plus, like Mick said, she loved her. For all the good it did her.

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Re: Substitute (challenge 108, C/C, PG/slash)

Post by Phoenix »

As she stared at her reflection, ruffled, tear-stained, tired of the struggle to be effortless, she wondered which was worse. Knowing she was being played, or submitting anyway.
Cynthia's mind wandered, planning ahead, imagining Coraline's slow smile of welcome and promise.
Poor Cynthia.
A rustle of silk as Coraline made her way to the door, throwing it wide, making sure she could see. Mick, lounging naked, sated. She barely bothered to draw her robe closed as she leant against the jamb, "Cynthia, how lovely of you to stop by." Her smile hovered on the edge of a smirk. "I'm afraid I'm a little busy right now. I'm sure you understand." She moved close, pressing her lips to Cynthia's cheek, leaving her crimson mark, a brush of fingers along the soft flesh of her throat drawing a shiver.

She turned away, finished with her now-unwelcome visitor. "I'll call you."
Good thing Cynthia wasn't carrying a stake.
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Ouch ... again.

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Re: Substitute (challenge 108, C/C, PG/slash)

Post by redwinter101 »

Thanks, P - and yes, good thing indeed that Cynthia wasn't carrying a stake!


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Re: Substitute (challenge 108, C/C, PG/slash)

Post by coco »

You've got to feel a little sorry for Cynthia. To have this be your existence constantly:
The door closed in her face, dismissed. Rigid, hot shame burning her skin, Cynthia's throat closed against her angry plea. She was superfluous once again, Coraline's beck and call leaving her on the outside, always looking in, never gaining the admittance she craved. Swearing this would be the last time, she turned and headed for the car, a laugh from within her final humiliation.
It really is no wonder that Mick was never her favourite person. He got Coraline and then left Coraline while she just never really got what she wanted.

Fabulous job, as always, Red. :flowers:
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Re: Substitute (challenge 108, C/C, PG/slash)

Post by cassysj »

Poor Cynthia. As we saw she is always willing to drop everything for Coraline and to be dismissed like that is so cruel.

Mick would have to be the focus of her hatred because she loves Coraline too much to stay angry with her.

Very sad story but very well written.
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