The Talk (Beth/Josef/Mick, G) 2009

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The Talk (Beth/Josef/Mick, G) 2009

Post by Tam »

Rating : G
Spoilers : Ep 1-16 of Moonlight, season 1
Summary : Standalone ficlet – Beth tells Josef to stop making jokes at Mick’s expense.
First posted :, August 2009

Disclaimer :
The characters are not mine, no money is being made and no infringement is intended.
The Talk
"Hello?" Beth had picked the phone up hesitatingly. At first she hadn't wanted to- it was Mick's, after all, but as it kept ringing insistently (or rather, playing the Godfather tune over and over), she answered. Mick was upstairs taking a shower.

"Who's this?" the voice on the other side asked.

"Uh- Beth Turner. Josef?" Beth thought she recognised Josef's voice, but it was hard to say, as there was a lot of background noise.

"Ah, so this is a couple-phone now? 'What's mine is yours', and all that? Well, whatever. Can you ask Mick if he's still coming to 'laires later?"

"What? Where?" Beth was too irritated by his comments on her picking up the phone that she wasn't sure she had heard him right.

"I gotta go, babe. Don't forget to ask him." Josef hung up. Beth glared at the phone in her hand.

"And what am I, your secretary?" she mumbled to herself.

As Mick came downstairs, rubbing his hair dry with a towel, she was momentarily distracted by the vision of him in his jeans, barefoot, with his shirt open and his skin still moist from the shower. Then, she shook herself awake and said:

"Josef called. I answered because it wouldn't stop ringing...I hope that was ok."

Mick shrugged. "Sure. I have a separate, unlisted phone for my secret girlfriends, so..." he said casually, hiding his grin behind his towel. Beth tossed a pillow at him from the couch. His vampire senses alert, Mick ducked and chuckled.

"So what did he want?" he asked, draping the towel around his neck and sitting down on the couch next to Beth.

"He wanted to ask if you were still coming to...some place called The Lair's?" she said, hesitating with the name of the place. It sounded rather...nefarious and vampy. A vampire lair.

"Baudelaire's," Mick corrected her, "It's a bar."

"A vampire bar?" Beth asked, raising an eyebrow.

"An absinthe bar, but yeah, mostly vamps," Mick agreed, not sure what to think of the look she was giving him. He knew Josef described it as the 'I know what you did last summer' look, but Mick didn't think Beth meant it that way. It was just that every time she learned something new about the vampire community, she seemed shocked, and slightly...disgusted? It reminded him a little of the patron of the segregated jazzbar where his band used to play: the man would hire African American musicians occasionally, and then told everyone who would listen how amazed he was those 'blackies' actually had decent cars and lived in proper homes.

Vampires had jobs, and social lives. They were just like humans- they used to be human. Was that so hard to understand?

Beth seemed torn. "So...are you going?" she asked. Mick shrugged.

"I might," he said non-committally.

"I guess I can't come, huh? Too dangerous, with the vamps and the fangs and the--"

"Do you want to?" Mick interrupted her. Beth looked at him, a little taken aback.

"Of course I do," she replied. "I want to go there with you. Do things with you, together. And I know you'll keep me safe."

Mick smiled. "Like a date?"

Beth returned him smile. "Yeah. Like a date."


"What?" Beth asked, surprise showing on her face.

"Ok, let's go then," Mick said, getting up and putting the towel away. Beth got up as well, brushing down her jeans.

"Like this? Am I ok?" she asked, suddenly feeling self-conscious. She hadn't met many female vampires yet, but those she had seen had all seemed so...graceful. And psychedelic, she added in her mind.

"You're beautiful," Mick said dutifully, kissing her cheek. As Beth walked out ahead of him, glowing with the compliment, Mick picked up his phone from the couch, and quickly typed Josef a text.

Beth's coming too. Please behave yourself. -Mick

Shortly after that, the reply came in.

Great! More freshies for me ;-) J.

Mick rolled his eyes and stuffed his phone in his back pocket, joining Beth at the elevator.

About an hour later, they were sitting in a private booth of the bar, a bottle of Absinthe on the table. Josef's idea of behaving himself was asking 2 freshies over instead of 5, and so he was flanked by two beautiful women, who, Beth thought with a twinge of resentment, looked like they were probably models or actresses, and not a day over 20. Because the bar catered mostly for vampires, discretion was less of an issue, and the girls wore their bitemarks openly. Beth couldn't help but glance at the neat grouping of puncture wounds on the inside of their wrists every time they picked up their glass or gesticulated while talking. A few times, she thought she had caught Mick looking at them as well. It made her uncomfortable. The marks on her own wrist had faded and were only visible now if you know where to look. Was Mick thinking about it? Did he smell the blood on them?

Beth's thoughts were interrupted by Josef's voice.

"No, I told you. I don't dance. Why don't you ask Mick?"

The girls had stood up, tapping their feet to the music, swaying barely existent curves. One of them was giving Mick a pleading look. Mick glanced at Josef.

"Come on, man, help me out. A little freshie maintenance," his friend said, smirking. Beth rolled her eyes.

"Beth, do you mind?" Mick asked her carefully, looking into her eyes.

Yes, I do mind, Beth wanted to say, but that would only confirm all of Josef's prejudices about her, and she'd be spoiling their evening. Instead, she shook her head. "Go on," she said, "I might join you later. This isn't really my song."

Mick offered her a small smile, and got up to join Josef's girls.

"Now don't do anything I wouldn't do," Josef said, his fangs glittering in the light. Mick grinned.

"That's practically a 'get out of jail free' card," he quipped.

Josef chuckled. "I'll get you a new Boy Scout merit badge if you bring them back in one piece."

Mick flashed his eyes at his friend- a short flare of silver light- warning him not to push it. They left for the dance floor, and suddenly, it was just Josef and Beth in the booth. Beth looked at the vampire, who was pouring himself another drink, not bothering with the sugar and the spoon. As he felt her eyes on him, he looked up.

"Why do you do that?" Beth asked.

"Do what? Getting a drink?" Josef replied nonplussed, looking down at the glass of green liquid.

"Put him down like that," Beth said.

"Mick? I wasn't putting him down. It was just a joke." Josef frowned, wondering what this was going to be about.

"You were. You're always doing that - reminding him that he is not a proper vampire."
Beth had been present at enough of their conversations to see a pattern. Their banter usually revolved around one theme : Josef showing off his vampiric prowess and letting Mick know what he was missing. Mick bore it good-naturedly, but Beth suspected it wasn't as simple as that.

"Mick doesn't want to be a proper vampire, Beth, so I hardly think-" Josef protested, but Beth interrupted him.

"And you keep implying that it makes him less of a man than you are."

Josef's eyes glittered darkly. His lips curled up in a smile that did not reach his eyes. "Do you think it makes him less of a man?" He fixed her with his stare.

Beth looked back at him, refusing to look away. "I don't. What you do with these-" she gestured at the dance floor, "women...and the way you handle your business, killing whoever gets in the way, I think it's--" She wasn't sure how to finish her sentence. Disgusting. Exciting. Despicable. Sexy. She knew Josef was Mick's best friend, and she didn't want to anger him, but when he gave her this smug look, this patronising was like an allergic reaction- her whole being, everything she believed in, protested.

Josef waited, raising his eyebrows questioningly.

"If anything, it makes him more of a man for resisting. But that's not the point," Beth finished lamely. "The point is: Mick is stuck in between. He can't be human, and it doesn’t help that you're rubbing in that he can't be a real vampire either."

At this, Josef had heard enough. His eyes flashed silver. "Mick is a real vampire," he said defensively. "He's only holding back because of you. And you have no idea about our friendship, about the bond we share-" His voice was rising.

"That's right, I don't. Because both of you refuse to tell me about it!" Beth shot back heatedly. Then, she tried to calm herself, and added: "You're closer to Mick than I can ever be. But I am not blind, Josef. He's different around you. It's like...suddenly, the world revolves around you."

"You mean to say it doesn't always revolve around me?" Josef countered mirthlessly. Then he sighed. His eyes shifted back to their mortal colour.

"What do you want from me, Beth?"

"I want you to give him a break. You're the closest to a sire he's ever had. He wants your approval."

"Of what? Of you?"

"Of us. Of the life he lives."

Josef sat back and studied her for what seemed like hours before speaking. "I can't do that," he answered finally, his voice rough.

Beth swallowed. "Why do you hate me so much?" she asked quietly.

Josef frowned and chewed his lip. Mick had sacrificed everything for her. First his wife, then the Cure. He had died for her. For that alone, Josef would never forgive Beth. As he opened his mouth to speak, Mick and the freshies came back. Mick was smiling broadly, a girl on each arm. Josef immediately mimicked his smile and got up.

"I'll take it from here, Mick," he said. "It's time for drinks. I left you some absinthe, seeing as there's probably nothing else in it for you." As he spoke, his eyes locked with Beth's defiantly. Mick's smile never faltered.

"I have Beth, I don't need anything else."

Josef was about to reply, and then stopped himself. Not because of Beth, he told himself, but because he didn't feel like it. That was the only reason.
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Re: The Talk (Beth/Josef/Mick, G) 2009

Post by darkstarrising »

Wow! What a view you've given us of the trio. Beth is trying to understand Mick's world, and her confrontation with Josef is very telling, not to mention just a bit dangerous. They each love him in their own way, and don't appreciate how the other expresses their love. Beth resents Josef giving Mick as much grief as he does and tries to get him to back off. Josef resents Beth for all she has cost Mick, yet can't come to openly admit it. He can only express himself with not-so subtle put downs.
"I'll take it from here, Mick," he said. "It's time for drinks. I left you some absinthe, seeing as there's probably nothing else in it for you." As he spoke, his eyes locked with Beth's defiantly. Mick's smile never faltered.

"I have Beth, I don't need anything else."

Josef was about to reply, and then stopped himself. Not because of Beth, he told himself, but because he didn't feel like it. That was the only reason.
I doubt it.

Thanks, Tam!
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Re: The Talk (Beth/Josef/Mick, G) 2009

Post by Tam »

darkstarrising wrote:I doubt it.
I doubt it, too!!!
You're welcome! :)
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Re: The Talk (Beth/Josef/Mick, G) 2009

Post by francis »

It seems to me that Beth misses one crucial point, because her own emotions get into the way: Josef is jealous of Mick. And Mick doesn't care about the ribbing because he is secure in the knowledge that Mick has something Josef will probably never have: true love. If Beth would get it, she wouldn't act all catty whenever vampires do something without her. She's jealous of Josef, too.
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Re: The Talk (Beth/Josef/Mick, G) 2009

Post by wollstonecraft61 »

Tam, I like how you explore the idea that Josef dislikes, no, resents Beth, rather than finds her perfect fodder for vampirism. This is an interesting leit motif. I kinda see this, too. He does always put Mick down, although he probably thinks it's just tongue-in-cheek. I don't think it is, though. You should explore this theme in more depth. It is very interesting.
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Re: The Talk (Beth/Josef/Mick, G) 2009

Post by aolver »

francis wrote:It seems to me that Beth misses one crucial point, because her own emotions get into the way: Josef is jealous of Mick. And Mick doesn't care about the ribbing because he is secure in the knowledge that Mick has something Josef will probably never have: true love. If Beth would get it, she wouldn't act all catty whenever vampires do something without her. She's jealous of Josef, too.
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Re: The Talk (Beth/Josef/Mick, G) 2009

Post by jen »

This is wonderful!

And I don't believe Josef, either.

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