Down the Rabbit Hole - Mick/Beth - 1SHOT, Halloween fic - PG

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Down the Rabbit Hole - Mick/Beth - 1SHOT, Halloween fic - PG

Post by heartagram_lala »

[x]Title: Down the Rabbit Hole
[x]Author: Heartagram_LaLa
[x]Rating: PG
[x]Warning: None
[x]Characters: Mick/Beth, Josef
[x]Genre: Fluff, Humor
[x]Words: 4112
[x]Spoilers: None
[x]Summary: Halloween fic. Josef is throwing a party, and Beth and Mick need the perfect costumes.
[x]Disclaimer: Not my toys, im just borrowing them =D

“Josef is having a Halloween party?” Beth asked incredulously, as she followed Mick inside his apartment, having just come back from the aforementioned vampire’s house.

“Yes” Mick replied chuckling, “and we are invited” he repeated.

“We as in, together, as in invited as a couple?” Beth asked grinning.

“Yes” Mick replied chuckling.

“Our first couple invite, and from Josef, this day should be remembered for all time” Beth said seriously, the smile threatening to break over her face giving away her sarcasm though.

“You should consider yourself lucky, apart from freshies I don’t know of Josef ever inviting a human to one of his parties, they are quite exclusive” Mick replied as he moved into the kitchen to grab a glass of blood.

“And extravagant I imagine” Beth said as she followed.

“You have no idea” Mick replied rolling his eyes.

“So, what are you going as then?” Beth asked, watching Mick pour his blood.

“I’m not dressing up,” Mick said turning to face Beth who looked a little disappointed.

“Why not, it could be fun?” she asked, walking past Mick to look in the real fridge, grabbing the juice and pouring herself a glass.

“Because I don’t need to?” Mick asked, flashing his fangs through a wide smile.

“That’s cheating” Beth replied poking out her tongue.

“Not really, I just happen to be one of the monsters” Mick started, but was cut off by a stern look from Beth, so he changed his wording, “sorry, one of the mythical creatures, people choose to dress up as on Halloween” Mick said in a pompous tone.

“The idea of Halloween is to dress up as something different, a human can dress up as a vampire, but a vampire can’t dress up as a human” Beth said as she finished her juice.

“Who made the rules anyway?” Mick asked chuckling as he finished his blood and placed the empty glass in the sink next to Beth’s.

“Me” Beth replied before grabbing Mick’s hand and dragging him back to the living room and plopping them both unceremoniously down on the couch.

“Oh, I see” Mick said smiling.

“Careful mister, or I’ll make you dress up as a ballerina” Beth replied, imagining Mick in a tight pink tutu.

“You think you would be able to force me, the big bad vampire, into a tutu?” Mick asked, turning to face Beth.

“All I’d have to do was this” Beth said putting on her best pout and accompanying puppy dog eyes, “and you would do whatever I want” Beth replied smiling.

“Ok, you have a point, but no tutu” Mick said leaning over to kiss the pout of Beth’s face.

Beth moaned into the kiss and let Mick distract her for a moment, before chuckling and pulling back, “oh no you don’t, you’re not getting out of this that easily” she said waving an accusatory finger at him.

“Damn” Mick mumbled and chuckled.

“Although you are more then welcome to continue with that line of distraction, when we figure out what your going to dress up as” Beth said smiling seductively and running her finger down Mick’s chest.

“Ok, so what ideas do you have?” Mick said eagerly.

Beth chuckled and mumbled something about men being easy, which Mick ignored.

“Something which requires no shirt would be ideal” Beth mumbled to herself, going over a list of fictional characters who required little clothing in her head.

“Yeah because you would love all the freshies ogling me all night,” Mick quipped with a smile.

“No, that I wouldn’t love, what I would love is letting them know that you are mine and mine alone to do with whatever I want though, that would be fun” Beth replied chuckling.

“Territorial, nice” Mick said leaning over again to kiss Beth who turner her head so he missed her lips and hit her cheek.

“Not yet” Beth playfully scolded.

“You’re killing me here” Mick pouted.

“You’re already dead” Beth replied.

“Touché” Mick conceded.

“What about Adam?” Beth asked, grinning as she eyed Mick up and down.

“Who’s Adam?” Mick asked confused.

“First man on earth, wears a little leaf as clothing, ringing any bells?” Beth asked smirking.

“Oh, that Adam” Mick replied, a smile breaking out over his face as he looked to Beth, “I’ll be Adam, but on one condition” he said grinning.

“Really? You name it” Beth said eagerly.

“You go as Eve” Mick said laughing as Beth’s face fell.

“Not happening. I might be able to control my territorial issues around others, but I know if I went wearing a few leaves as clothing, you would not be so reserved” Beth said imagining Mick dressed as Adam picking fights with every man in the room.

“Good point, and I don’t feel like killing Josef in his own home, that’s just plain disrespectful” Mick replied, “ok, so Adam and Eve are off the table, what else?”

“Bonnie and Clyde?” Beth asked chuckling slightly.

“Boring” Mick replied

“Ok then, you come up with something,” Beth said poking her tongue out at Mick again, who quickly ducked forward with inhuman speed to capture it in his mouth.

Beth let out a surprised moan before returning the kiss with vigour. She finally came back to her senses when she felt Mick’s hands attempting to unsnap the last of the clasps on the front of her shirt.

Beth pulled back from the kiss with a disorientated look in her eyes and Mick chuckled again.

“You don’t play fair,” she said as she shoved his hands away and sat up, attempting to close her blouse and she looked to Mick who had a sheepish grin on his face.

“I never said I would” he replied with a grin that made Beth wonder why she pushed him away.

“Elvis!” Beth said before falling into a fit of giggles.

“Hillary Clinton” Mick replied, causing Beth to stop her giggles.

“Yes bill and Hillary Clinton would definitely suit us” Beth replied with a shudder.

“I did not have sexual relations with that woman” Mick said giving his best bill Clinton impersonation, one that was eerily good.

Beth fell about laughing again before regaining her composure and turning to face Mick again.

“We need something that will amuse Josef” Beth said as she pondered possible ideas.

“At least you didn’t say surprise, Josef is much easier to amuse then surprise” Mick replied.

“Yes, yes he is” Beth replied smiling as the things she had said to try and surprise Josef over the year she had known him, an hadn’t even got a raised eyebrow.

“I hereby promise that I will, at some point, somehow surprise that 400 year old smartass of a best friend you have” Beth said seriously.

“Sure you will” Mick said offhandedly with a roll of his eyes, in truth Beth had already surprised Josef, many a time, but he wasn’t going to tell her that, he enjoyed watching Josef and Beth’s attempts to shock each other, it was like his very own soap opera.

An idea sprang to Mick’s mind and he grinned widely before speaking, “I’ve got a good idea, but you won’t like it, and neither would Josef” Mick said grinning as Beth turned her attention to him.

“Now I’m intrigued” Beth said, “do tell,” she urged.

“It’s already out of the equation though, you said so yourself” Mick teased.

“All I said is that you can’t be a vampire” Beth replied.

“I know, which ruins my idea” Mick said with mock sadness, “pity too, because I think you would of liked it,” he said grinning as Beth eyed him.

“Would you just tell me what it is?” Beth asked in a huff.

“But you’re so cute when you get annoyed. All that blood going to your face, makes me hot” Mick said grinning as Beth tried to control her heart rate, but failed as Mick noted its arousing increase in speed.

“You are impossible,” she said before turning to grab a cushion from behind her and throwing it at Mick, who annoyingly caught it in front of his face.

“Argh” Beth said grumpily as she crossed her arms over her chest and pouted.

“Cute” Mick replied smiling.

“Oh shut up” Beth replied with half-hearted anger, Mick looked just too cute to even consider being angry with him.

“Buffy and Spike” Mick said out of the blue, catching Beth off guard.

“Huh?” she said, tilting her head to the side in confusion.

“I said buffy and Spike” Mick replied with a smirk, that turned into a chuckle as Beth’s eyes went wide.

“That’s so not fair, that would be perfect,” Beth said incredulously before biting her lip as if in consideration of something.

“I guess you can be a vampire if you want” Beth replied, trying not to sound completely hypocritical.

“Nah, Halloween is about dressing up as something your not, the rules say so” Mick said with his tongue in his cheek, once again noting with delight the rush of blood to Beth’s face.

“If I didn’t love you I’d hate you right now” Beth said with another huff off annoyance.

“Awwww, I love you too honey” Mick cooed like a lovesick teenager.

“What will Josef be?” Beth asked suddenly.

“Who knows, he manages to surprise everyone each year” Mick replied, laughing at the array of creatures great and small that Josef had appeared as over the years, “he dressed as a fairy once, complete with wings and wand” Mick said chuckling.

“You’re bullshitting me” Beth replied wide-eyed.

“Nope. Granted he was the fairy of death, but a fairy none the less” Mick replied.

“Sounds like Josef” Beth replied, “What else has he dressed up as?”

“Oh you know, everything. He made a rather dashing Edward Scissorhands the year that came out, I remember he kept accidentally knicking little cuts on the freshies arms” Mick said with a shake of his head.

“Accidental my ass” Beth replied.

“Mmm” Mick said in a husky tone as a lustful look fell over his face.

“Josef getting you all hot and bothered?” Beth asked chuckling.

“No, just thinking of your ass” Mick replied with a wink which made Beth blush.

“So what else has Josef dressed up as?” Beth asked, changing the topic back.

“Elvis, he borrowed some of the man’s real clothes that year, King Kong, complete with damsel in distress, Achilles, the freshies loved that get up, OJ Simpson, as I said a bit of everything” Mick said chuckling as the range of expressions that covered Beth’s face.

“I take it Josef likes Halloween then?” Beth asked chuckling.

“No, he loves it, finds it amusing to see hundreds of little vampires running around, he especially likes knowing that they get candy from real vampires and don’t have a clue, something about the irony I suspect” Mick replied before letting out a sigh.

“Well we need to really go all out with our costumes then, well I do, you’ve already got yours” Beth said rather fast, trying to slip it by Mick, she didn’t manage.

“I’m not blonde, plus I don’t want to go as a vampire anymore, and it’s against the rules, so I’m sorry but buffy is out of the question, unless you dump me” Mick said with a grin.

Beth turned to him with a serious face and spoke, “I’m sorry Mick, it’s not you, it’s me, I just don’t think we should see each other anymore, it seems like we are from different worlds” she said convincingly.

If Mick hadn’t been able to hear her heart rate to know she was lying, he would be worried.

“Oh how you wound me,” Mick said clutching at his heart as if it were breaking.

Beth rolled her eyes and a smile broke out over her face, “I still think buffy is an awesome idea” she said pouting.

“I know, that’s what makes this so funny,” Mick said grinning as Beth punched him.

“Spousal abuse” Mick said through laughs as Beth continued to hit him in frustration, letting out an angry grunt when he easily caught her fists and brought them up to his mouth before delicately kissing her fingers.

Beth was in the middle of being annoyed and flustered when the idea came to her, she suddenly sat up straight with a huge smile.

“What?” Mick said sensing the change in her emotions.

“I’ve got it,” she said proudly.

“Got what?” Mick asked quickly.

“Alice in wonderland” Beth said grinning.

“What about it?” Mick asked with a frown of confusion.

“I can be Alice and you can be well anything, but I think the mad hatter would suit you” Beth said grinning proudly.

Mick pondered the idea for a moment before smiling at Beth in return.

“Sounds good to me,” he said before leaning in and ripping open Beth’s blouse, growling slightly as she let out a surprised yelp.

“That was new,” Beth said, pretending to care.

“It still is” Mick said before he leaned down to kiss Beth’s retort from her lips, turning it into a moan of desire that went straight to his groin.

Beth pulled away from the kiss panting for breath, wondering where Mick’s shirt went as she raised her hands to run along the smooth muscles of his back. A wicked look crossed her face and Mick raised a questioning eyebrow as she leant up to speak directly into his ear.

“Take me down the rabbit hole” she said huskily before running her tongue along the shell of Mick’s ear.

Mick groaned at the sensation before quickly picking Beth up and clutching her to his chest, he kissed her quickly before pulling back to speak, “you my dear are already far down the rabbit hole” he said before vamping out and running with her up the stairs to the bedroom, delighting in her giggles.


Mick sat on the couch playing with his hat in his hands and waiting for Beth to finish getting ready. As per usual it took him 5 minutes to get ready and Beth grumbled again about the vampires perpetual coolness being unfair, before shoving him out of the bedroom door and banishing him to the downstairs while she finished putting her costume on.

Mick heard Beth at the top of the stairs and turned to stare in awe as she descended the stairs. She was wearing the smallest, tightest and hottest outfit that could pass as a costume that Mick could have imagined, there wasn’t that much skin showing, but it was tight and was making his pants tighter by the second.

He watched her walk down the stairs, her grin widening when she noted his inability to pick his jaw up off the floor.

“Wow” Mick managed to say as Beth made it to the bottom of the stairs.

“Thank you, you don’t scrub up too bad yourself,” she said as she made her way over to Mick and pressed a quick kiss to his lips.

She chuckled as he stood stock still and just stared at her, she grabbed his hat out of his hands and placed it on his head before stepping back to admire him, “you’ll do” she said grinning before making to step into the kitchen, but being pulled back by Mick.

Beth chuckled as Mick’s lips assaulted hers and moaned as she felt him pull her body tight against his, she could now tell just how much he liked her costume, the evidence was pressed into her abdomen.

Beth returned the kiss with gusto before pulling back panting, Mick looked down at her with icy blue eyes and admired her swollen lips and red cheeks, he chuckled before speaking, “there, much better” he said before taking Beth’s lips once more in his own.

Had Beth not been so eager to finally get to see one of Josef’s famous parties first hand she would have let Mick continue to devour her, but instead she managed to find the strength to pull herself away, even if she regretted it as soon as her body lost the full contact of Mick’s.

“You keep doing that and we are never going to leave this place,” Beth chastised with a grin.

“Meh” Mick replied with a shrug of his shoulders as he made a move to pull Beth back to him, but she stepped out of his reach.

“Keep it for later tiger” she said before reaching again for his hat and removing it from his head.

She twirled it in her hands as she chuckled, Mick eyed her questioningly.

Beth smirked before dropping the hat to hold it in front of the obvious bulge in Mick’s pants; Mick looked down and then back up at her with hungry eyes.

“I guess the mad hatter doesn't have to wear the hat” she said mischievously before laughing at Mick’s growl.

“Come on, let’s get going,” she said as she handed Mick his hat and then her arm, Mick took both and they left the loft.


Beth whistled as they drove up the long driveway to Josef’s place, he really had gone all out. There was every cliché Halloween decoration one could think of on hand, except Beth guessed the head stones were real and not cardboard, and that the hundreds of glowing jack-o-lanterns had been carved by Josef’s <i>people</i> and not the man himself.

“Told you so” Mick said smiling at the awestruck look on Beth’s face.

“I wonder what he will be wearing” Beth mused as Mick pulled the car up to the valet, Beth raised an eyebrow at him and he just chuckled and mouth Josef’s name to which Beth shook her head and grinned.

“How about we find out,” Mick said as he opened Beth’s door and offered her his hand.

“How about we indeed” Beth said taking Mick’s hand and exiting the car, chuckling as Mick told the valet to be careful with his baby.

“You are about to enter the rabbit hole,” Mick said softly as he and Beth walked up to the front door.

“Good thing I’ve got you here then now isn’t it?” Beth asked as the door opened as soon as they got within knocking distance.

Beth looked around trying to find the person that opened the door but found nothing, she looked to Mick who just smiled, “Josef has a button for everything” he said chuckling again.

“Lazy ass” Beth mumbled before letting out a surprised scream as the host appear before them.

“I am not lazy, I simply like to abuse my wealth,” he said with a chuckle before stepping back to admire the pair before him.

“Very nice” he said letting out a whistle, to which Mick growled and both Beth and Josef rolled their eyes.

“The lord high executioner, very fitting” Mick said taking in Josef’s costume and returning the favour of rolling his eyes.

“Thank you, I thought so too,” Josef said with a grin as he flashed his fangs.

“Nah, ruins the outfit” Beth said with her tongue in her cheek.

“Careful Alice, you never know what you may find in my wonderland” Josef said with a wink, Mick let out another growl.

“My my, we are territorial tonight” Josef said grinning as he clapped Mick on the shoulder, “although I guess I would be the same if my girlfriend was wearing that” Josef said tilting his head to a blushing Beth.

“Yes well, she is my girlfriend, so keep your fangs to yourself, and all primal thoughts out of your head” Mick replied with a grin.

“Too late” Josef said grinning, causing Beth to blush more.

“Careful Beth, some would consider that flirting,” he said dipping his head.

“Or a natural human reaction” Beth retorted, to which Mick laughed.

“Snarky, I like” Josef replied

“Mine” Mick said pulling Beth firmly to his side, “not yours” he said before kissing Beth for emphasis.

“Yeah yeah, I get it, sheesh, you kill all my fun” Josef said as he quickly realised they were still standing in the entrance hall.

“How about a drink?” Josef suggested before turning on his heels, Mick and Beth following.

“Sounds good” they replied in unison as they followed.

“I must say Beth, I do like your costume, tell me was it your idea of Micks?” Josef asked grinning.

“Mine” Beth replied smiling.

“No doubt. Mick would have suggested something trivial like going as a vampire, I’m impressed you got him to dress up” Josef said as he grabbed two glasses, one of blood and one of champagne, before handing them to his friends.

“Oh he did, and I regrettably refused on the spot” Beth said shaking her head as Mick grinning.

“Regrettably, why?” Josef asked, his curiosity piked.

“Oh you know, coz he then came up with the best costume idea ever,” Beth said glaring at Mick who was still grinning.

“Being?” Josef asked, amused at the byplay he was witnessing.

“Buffy and spike” Beth replied with a pout.

“Oh, now that would have been amusing” Josef replied before his grin grew even larger, “I imagined you wouldn’t let Mick come as a vampire and if you had, well, I would have been truly and amazingly surprised” Josef said with heavy emphasis on the word surprised.

Beth grumbled and crossed her arms over her chest before turning to the boys who were wearing matching amused grins, “I’m going to go find Simone” she said before turning in a huff and walking off.

Both of the men turned their heads as they admired the way her short skirt swayed with her hips, Mick finally coming to his senses and smacking Josef.

“What? She’s cute when she’s angry” Josef replied grinning.

Mick just chuckled and laughed, “oh, you have no idea” he added before taking another large sip of his drink.

“I’m guessing you didn’t let her come as buffy because you know remember what happened last time someone thought it amusing to dress as a vampire slayer in my presence?” Josef asked with a chuckle.

Mick nodded, “yes, I remember.”

Josef had told the girl that while he found her costume amusing and liked the idea, that it was a matter of principal that he wouldn’t let her into his house, he suggested that she stript down to her underwear and would then be dressed up as a freshie and allowed entrance, she told him he was a pig and left in a huff.

“Pity she left” Josef said wistfully.

“Beth would have stripped you know” Mick said chuckling, the scene playing out in his head.

“Really? Now that would have surprised me” Josef said chuckling as he downed the rest of his blood and placed the empty glad on the closest waiters tray.

“I’d be pulling men off her all night” Mick grimaced at the thought.

“Yes, but you could also give her a nice fresh bite before hand just to show off that she’s yours, no one would touch her, and you’d get to wear a smug grin all night” Josef said with a grin as Mick’s eyes went wide in thought.

“I’m going to go find Beth and tell her that we are coming as Spike and Buffy next year” Mick said with a grin before leaving a stunned Josef in his wake as he used his nose to seek out Beth.

Josef made a mental note to buy something ridiculously expensive for Beth in thanks for getting Mick to finally accept what he was, he shook his head with a chuckle and spoke to himself, “she is definitely some woman.”


Mick finally found Beth as she was ending a conversation with Simone, who was dressed as a cheerleader, with a big J on her chest, and made his way to her, wrapping his arm around her and placing a kiss on her cheek.

“Hey you” she said with a smile.

“I have come to the conclusion that I was unfair earlier tonight and that next year we can come as Spike and Buffy” Mick said seriously, his eyes glistening with mischief.

“You just want Josef to refuse me entry and make me strip” Beth said grinning at the shocked look on Mick’s face.

“How did you?” Mick asked in wonder.

“Simone” Beth replied grinning.

“Damn” Mick said shaking his head with a grin.

“I didn’t say I wouldn’t do it thought, if that doesn’t surprise Josef I don’t know what will” Beth said with a grin before leaning up to kiss a speechless Mick.

Mick broke the kiss and made a mental note to buy Josef the most expensive bottle of scotch he could find, before pulling Beth back to his lips.


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Re: Down the Rabbit Hole - Mick/Beth - 1SHOT, Halloween fic - PG

Post by WendyLight »

So cute and amusing! Liked it very much!
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Re: Down the Rabbit Hole - Mick/Beth - 1SHOT, Halloween fic - PG

Post by heartagram_lala »

WendyLight wrote:So cute and amusing! Liked it very much!
Thanks =D
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Re: Down the Rabbit Hole - Mick/Beth - 1SHOT, Halloween fic - PG

Post by wollstonecraft61 »

Heart, you have a gift for dialogue. This was really funny, and your Josef was fleshed out so really, I felt he was looking over my shoulder reading, snickering to himself on the parts about him!! :giggle:
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Re: Down the Rabbit Hole - Mick/Beth - 1SHOT, Halloween fic - PG

Post by allegrita »

This is cute! I love the idea of Beth as Alice. It's nice to see that she's gotten Mick to lighten up. :laugh:
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Re: Down the Rabbit Hole - Mick/Beth - 1SHOT, Halloween fic - PG

Post by tucutecats »

love the dialog between J and M sounded just like them I could visualize the whole thing. Just loved it. :dracula: : :dracula: :mooncat:
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Re: Down the Rabbit Hole - Mick/Beth - 1SHOT, Halloween fic - PG

Post by heartagram_lala »

wollstonecraft61 wrote:Heart, you have a gift for dialogue. This was really funny, and your Josef was fleshed out so really, I felt he was looking over my shoulder reading, snickering to himself on the parts about him!! :giggle:
Thanks, i'm glad the dialogue is realistic, i used to struggle with dialogue but now it seems to come easily, i can literally just see the characters having a conversation in my head lol. josef is always so fun to write, so im glad you liked him!
allegrita wrote:This is cute! I love the idea of Beth as Alice. It's nice to see that she's gotten Mick to lighten up. :laugh:
Thanks, and if anyone can get Mick to lighten up, it will be Beth =D
tucutecats wrote:love the dialog between J and M sounded just like them I could visualize the whole thing. Just loved it. :dracula: : :dracula: :mooncat:
Thank you =D And Mick and Josef banter is always fun to read and write!
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Re: Down the Rabbit Hole - Mick/Beth - 1SHOT, Halloween fic - PG

Post by jen »

This is adorable

They are adorable!


:flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers:
Mick and Beth--two of the lovely faces of Moonlight
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Re: Down the Rabbit Hole - Mick/Beth - 1SHOT, Halloween fic - PG

Post by heartagram_lala »

jen wrote:This is adorable

They are adorable!


:flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers:
thank you, and i totally agree they (all three of them) are totally adorable =D :hearts:
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