Fourth of July Sparks, Part 2 (PG, MickBeth, Two-Shot)

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Fourth of July Sparks, Part 2 (PG, MickBeth, Two-Shot)

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Disclaimer: I don't own Moonlight or any of its characters.
Rated: PG
Characters: Mick, Beth, and a little Josef
A/N: MickBeth fluff, taking place early on in their post seal-the-deal relationship.
Many thanks to Lorig, my faithful sounding board and idea bouncer. :hug: Without her I'd never get anywhere. She got a little bruised at the end of this one.


“I don’t mean to sound trite, but have we met before? You have a most familiar face.”

Part 2

Across the room, Simone was watching Beth. “Josef,” she whispered. “Beth has been cornered by that rake Bartholomew! You need to do something!”

“I’m watching. She said she could handle this party by herself. Let’s just see how she does.”

Simone looked towards the bar and saw Mick trying to get past the crowd of freshies. “Mick is going to have your head and Bart’s too, if someone tries anything with Beth!”


“I was recently a reporter on Buzzwire. Maybe you saw me in an online newscast. And I’m sure we’ve never met.” Beth paused, wondering how much to say. His hand had been ice cold when he took hers, and this was a vampire party after all. “I’m rather new to, well, your world.” She blushed again.

Bartholomew’s eyes lit up. “Ah, a trainee of Josef’s perhaps?” He scented her quickly. “Barely any experience at all, I’d say. A little unusual for Josef to have you circulating at a large party like this. Still, I would be delighted to help instruct you on the finer points.” He grabbed her elbow and started to propel Beth towards the back rooms. “I’m sure we can find a quiet room…”

Beth suddenly realized what Bartholomew meant and began to panic. Forgetting all about being mad, she searched the room for Mick only to find him surrounded by beautiful girls. “I don’t think you understand,” she tried to say as she began to look for Josef. Just then another man stepped in front of them.

“Bartholomew, you old devil!” He scented the air. “Still going after the young ones, eh? Got her nervous already!” He turned to Beth. “Don’t let this old goat make you think he’s the only teacher around here tonight. Wouldn’t you rather come with me?” He brushed a strand of hair behind Beth’s ear. “My, but you are exceptionally beautiful!”

Bartholomew growled at this interruption. “Jasper, can’t you see the lady and I were getting along just fine without you?” He tried to pull Beth towards himself, just as Jasper grabbed her other arm.

“Now, now, Bart, don’t get testy. I’m sure we can work out an equitable arrangement.”


Mick suddenly stood stock still and sniffed the air. The freshies around him could tell something was wrong and grew silent. His head whipped around towards Beth as the scent of her fear permeated the air. His eyes flashed and the freshies knew enough about vamps to give way.

At that exact same moment, Josef turned from Simone to look at Beth.

“Excuse me, Simone. I’m afraid Beth is in over her head.”


Bartholomew and Jasper were both pulling Beth towards the back rooms as they carried on their conversation about her as if she wasn’t even there. Beth tried to hang back without success. I’ve done it now, she thought. She sent out a silent plea to Mick. Please help get me out of this mess! She looked over her shoulder at the last place she had seen him and saw only the group of young women watching her. Where was Mick?

“Oh!” Both Jasper and Bartholomew had stopped suddenly and Beth had run right into them. Turning to the front, relief flooded her face as she saw Mick standing there, blocking their path.

“St. John! What do you think you’re doing? Move out of our way!” Jasper barked.

“You don’t even feed from freshies!” added Bartholomew. “Why do you care?” He smiled down at Beth as he put his arm around her shoulders. “We were just about to help this beautiful young lady learn some tricks of the trade.”

Mick reached out for Beth’s arm. “This beautiful young lady came with me tonight and is not on the menu,” he said with just a hint of fang. The stunned men released Beth as Mick pulled her protectively to his side. She gratefully leaned in and put her arm around his waist.

Bartholomew recovered from his surprise and waved his hand to dismiss Mick’s statement. “What nonsense! This is one of Josef’s new freshies who desperately needs some experience. And we plan to help her along.”

“On the contrary,” Josef said calmly, suddenly appearing beside Mick and Beth. “She is not one of my freshies and did indeed come with Mick. May I suggest a few of my house favorites for you gentlemen?” Josef snapped his fingers. The brunette and the redhead who had been crowding around Mick earlier seemed to materialize at once. They each took an arm of the disgruntled vampires and looked longingly at them as if Mick didn’t exist.

“Well,” Bartholomew said, apparently feeling compensated as he returned the longing look the redhead was now giving him. He looked at Mick and spoke as if to a child. “If you’d mark your own property these misunderstandings wouldn’t happen.”

Mick tightened his hold around Beth hoping she would not try to dispute this. “Goodbye, Bart,” Mick said barely hiding his contempt. Josef led the two men and their refreshments away towards the back rooms.

Mick released Beth and turned to hold her shoulders in both hands. “Are you alright? Did they hurt you?” he asked anxiously.

“I’m okay. I was just a little scared.” Beth blushed and looked at her feet. “I’m sorry for the way I acted. I thought I could handle anything that came up. I…I wasn’t expecting that they would want…would expect me…”

Mick gathered her into his arms and rested his head on top of her head. “I should have explained more to you. I’m just as much at fault. And besides, I’m going to kill Josef for leaving you alone like that.”

“Oh, don’t do that Mick,” she said looking up at him. “I told him I didn’t need him and to go away.”

Mick smiled down at her. “Yes, I’m sure you did. But he still shouldn’t have left you. I’ll deal with him later.” Putting his hand at the small of her back he guided her towards the door. “C’mon, the fireworks will be starting soon.” They walked to his car. Mick opened the trunk and pulled out two blankets, holding one out to Beth. She looked down at it, then up at Mick, who quirked his eyebrow at her. Without a word, Beth took the proffered blanket, threw it back into the trunk and slammed it shut. Mick gave her the half grin she adored as he asked her, “So Ms. Turner, does that mean you would consider sharing my blanket with me?”

Beth smiled up at him and went up on her tiptoes to give him a kiss. “I would very much like to share your blanket, Mr. St. John.”

They headed around to the back of the mansion and found a secluded spot with a good view. Mick spread out the blanket and they both laid down; he on his back with his arm around Beth while she cuddled up next to him, her head on his chest. They watched the fireworks in a comfortable silence, punctuated by the occasional “ooh” and “aah”. Mick began to kiss the top of Beth’s head, and she turned her face up to capture his lips. He scooted down until they were lying face to face and shared several long, drawn out kisses. He rolled onto his back, pulling Beth on top of him. She ran her fingers through his hair as their kisses became deeper and more passionate.

“Mick?” Beth asked, as she wound his curls around her fingers.

“Hmm?” Mick was lying with his eyes closed, enjoying Beth’s caresses.

“I was wondering…”

“About what?”

“What did Bartholomew mean about ‘marking your property’?”

Mick opened his eyes and gazed into Beth’s. Bite the bullet, St. John. You do need to start explaining things to her. “Well,” he sighed, as he played with her long locks dangling in his face. She looked at him expectantly. “You know vampires are territorial.” Beth nodded. “When a vampire bites while making love to someone they really care about, other vampires can tell it’s an exclusive relationship and there is an unwritten ‘fangs off’ rule. It’s different from how vamps bite and feed from freshies, even if they have sex with them at the same time.”

Beth looked puzzled. “But you haven’t bitten me when we make love; you always bite your own arm. Don’t you want others to know we’re together?”

“Oh, Beth, it’s not that. I’m proud to have you as my own. But it’s like being branded as belonging to me, and I wasn’t sure how you felt about being seen as my ‘property’ in other vamps’ eyes.” He pushed her hair behind her ear and stroked her cheek. “You being the independent, kinda pushy type and all,” he added with a grin. Then his smile faded. “It’s also partly about me accepting that part of myself, and how…”

Beth hushed him with a finger to his lips, then leaned down and kissed him. “We’ve been over that, Mick. I love you – all of you - just as you are. I wouldn’t change a thing.” She kissed him again, slow and deep. “As long as you treat me like an equal in our relationship and do not make decisions for me…” she kissed him again, “…and that marking me doesn’t mean you get to tell me I have to wait in the car all the time,” she noticed Mick’s wicked grin, “then I would be proud to be marked as your property.”

Mick let out a low and sexy growl. “In that case, I’ll have to show you how it’s done,” Mick said as he pulled Beth down for a searing kiss and rolled her under him so he was on top, still showering her with kisses.

“Mick,” Beth managed to say while catching her breath between kisses, “the fireworks grand finale is starting. Don’t you want to see it?”

Mick stared into her eyes. “I think we can make our own fireworks right here, don’t you?” he said huskily, and the sparks began to fly.

The end.
Last edited by MickLifeCrisis on Tue Jul 06, 2010 3:14 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Fourth of July Sparks, Part 2 (PG, MickBeth, Two-Shot)

Post by redwinter101 »

:4July: :4July: :4July:

What a lovely holiday gift, MLC. :hearts: :hearts:


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Re: Fourth of July Sparks, Part 2 (PG, MickBeth, Two-Shot)

Post by jen »


This is fabulous!




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Re: Fourth of July Sparks, Part 2 (PG, MickBeth, Two-Shot)

Post by aolver »

:heart: :twothumbs: I loved it MLC. Thank you :dracula: :mooncat:
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Re: Fourth of July Sparks, Part 2 (PG, MickBeth, Two-Shot)

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Thank you everyone! :flowers: I'm glad you enjoyed it! Have a safe and Happy Fourth!
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Re: Fourth of July Sparks, Part 2 (PG, MickBeth, Two-Shot)

Post by allegrita »

What a great ending! I loved the two vamps arguing over Beth... and Simone worrying about her. And I love, love, love that Mick came galloping to the rescue just in time, and that Josef smoothed things over in his urbane fashion... :rose:

But most of all, I love the fact that Mick finally told Beth more about his world, and acknowledged that he needs to bring her into it. And he's finally getting more comfortable with his own nature. Beth loves him for his whole self, and he's starting to believe that he really isn't a monster in her eyes. He's her vampire. And now she's his woman, and everyone knows it. :heart: :hearts:
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Re: Fourth of July Sparks, Part 2 (PG, MickBeth, Two-Shot)

Post by AussieJo »

Oh what a relief!!
Beth, sometimes you need to listen to that gorgeous hunk of vampire!

And Red, I loved the double entendre'!
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Re: Fourth of July Sparks, Part 2 (PG, MickBeth, Two-Shot)

Post by francis »

Seems to me that pushy independent Beth got just what she wanted in the end. :snicker:
Great story!!!
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Re: Fourth of July Sparks, Part 2 (PG, MickBeth, Two-Shot)

Post by mitzie »

I loved the ending of this one. I'm so glad he told Beth about being marked and she accepted it, plus she got rescued by her "guardian angel"!!!! :yahoo: :yahoo: :hyper2: :hyper2: :phew: :cloud9: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :thud: :thud: :woohoo: :hyper2: :hyper2: :notworthy: :hearts: :rose:

mitzie :mooncat:

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Re: Fourth of July Sparks, Part 2 (PG, MickBeth, Two-Shot)

Post by fairytoes »

:hearts: :clapping: :hearts: :clapping:

What a lovely tale! Thank you MLC! :flowers:
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Re: Fourth of July Sparks, Part 2 (PG, MickBeth, Two-Shot)

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Thanks everyone! Your comments are so appreciated! :flowers: :rose: I'm glad you enjoyed the ending!
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Re: Fourth of July Sparks, Part 2 (PG, MickBeth, Two-Shot)

Post by Kara »

Beth loves all of Mick. He should not have waited until this moment to educate Beth on all things in his world, but I'm glad he finally did.

Lovely ending. Thank you. :clapping: :yahoo:

Happy 4th everyone. :cheer:
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Re: Fourth of July Sparks, Part 2 (PG, MickBeth, Two-Shot)

Post by cassysj »

:clapping: Mick finally explained some things and Beth is going to be marked. Long overdue!!!! Beth does have to learn that sometimes Mick does know best.
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Re: Fourth of July Sparks, Part 2 (PG, MickBeth, Two-Shot)

Post by maggatha3 »

Fireworks..I love fireworks...and July is getting closer again... :clapping: thanks MLC, I loved this two piece sooo much!
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Re: Fourth of July Sparks, Part 2 (PG, MickBeth, Two-Shot)

Post by jen »

Absolutely wonderful, MLC.

Thank you!!!

Mick and Beth--two of the lovely faces of Moonlight
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