Between a Rock and a Hard Place (or, ...) PG13

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Between a Rock and a Hard Place (or, ...) PG13

Post by NocturneInCMoll »

Author’s Note: A little something that came to me last night while rewatching Love Lasts Forever and wouldn’t leave me alone… (Don’t worry, still working on updates for my other stories!)

It has not been looked at by a beta, so it’s really rough, but I just had to get it out of my system. Any mistakes, inconsistencies, awkward transitions, ridiculous plot holes, etc., are mine. Comments & constructive criticism are encouraged.

Summary: After Tejada marks Beth, Josh is torn between protecting her and protecting the community.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Between a Rock and a Hard Place (or, The ADA Gets Tough on Crime)

Josh stepped out of the elevator and slowly down the hall. The pounding of his heart echoed louder in his ears than his own footsteps. Outside the door, he raised a fist to knock, but just as quickly dropped it. He was halfway back to the elevator when he stopped, took a deep breath, and turned back. A moment later he was facing the door again. Another deep breath, and he knocked. He started when the door opened only seconds later.

The man he wanted to see was shirtless and leaning up against the doorframe. "Josh."

"Mick. I'm sorry for coming by so late, but—did I wake you?"

"No. I was working out. I'm kind of a night person." He looked him up and down. "Is Beth all right?"

"Yeah. She's fine—I mean, she's sleeping."

Mick flared his nostrils and frowned slightly.

Josh shrugged. "Look, can I come in? I need to talk to you—it's important. And it involves Beth."

Mick stepped back to allow Josh past the threshold and shut the door behind him after taking a quick look out into the hall. The two men stood eyeing each other for a moment before Mick finally said, "Hey, you want a drink?"

"No—thanks," Josh shook his head. "In the morning I want to know that I did this completely sober."

His host raised an eyebrow. "Well…you sure know how to raise my curiosity."

"Yeah. I'm having a problem with a case that I wanted to run by someone…someone outside of the law enforcement community."

"Let's go into my office." Mick grabbed a shirt lying on the couch and pulled it over his head as he led the way down the hall. He indicated a chair, and Josh took it. "Go ahead," Mick said after he'd seated himself behind the desk.

Josh took a deep breath. "For the past three years I've been building a case against a man named Chemma Tejada."

"I've heard the name." Mick cocked his head. "…But I'm guessing the problem isn't that he failed to get a stain out of one of your shirts."

"No." Josh pursed his lips wryly. "His real business is money laundering and drug trafficking. He's a member of the HEM brotherhood, one of the most dangerous and ruthless gangs in the world. In an attempt to avoid prosecution, he's killed three DEA agents, mutilated a prosecutor's wife, and probably a bunch of other people I don't even know about who've crossed him."

"Not to mention the people he's killed with his drugs."

"Exactly. And now," Josh pulled a photo out of his jacket pocket and dropped it on the desk, "he's marked Beth."

Mick stared down at the picture.

Josh threw his hands up. "I don't know what to do—I can't put Beth at risk…but if I recuse myself, the entire community is still at risk."

"So you want me to protect Beth while you take Tejada to trial?" Mick raised his eyes to Josh.

"You did great with Leni Hayes…but Tejada's just as dangerous as Fayed, if not more so. I'm no longer sure this will even make it to trial." Josh returned Mick's gaze evenly. "And I'm no longer sure I want it to."

The PI's eyebrows rose.

Josh's eyes widened. "You know what—I'm sorry. I can't believe I was going to ask you—that I even thought—" He rose from his seat. "I shouldn't be here."

Mick leaned back in his chair and played with a pencil lying on the desk. "Look, Josh, I'm not here to judge you. I'm probably one of the last people who could cast the first stone. But I promise you that whatever you say here remains confidential—no matter what."

After a moment, Josh sat down again and ran both hands through his hair. "Well, we'll see if you say that in a minute, when you'll likely be well within your rights to deck me."

"That I will be the judge of."

Josh took a deep breath. "Lee Jay Spalding…"

Mick's eyes narrowed. "What's your point?"

"Your dad got…physical…with him back in the day."

"A little. Probably not enough."

"Yeah…I was kinda wondering if that ran in the family."

Mick's lips twitched slightly. "Who's asking?"

A furrow appeared in Josh's brow. "What do you mean?"

Mick leaned forward suddenly and said in a low voice, "The deputy district attorney is in my office, suggesting he might want me to 'get physical' with someone—something he's suggesting I may have done before." He cocked his head and stared intently at Josh. "—You've had me frisked once, maybe were a little disappointed when you didn't find anything. How do I know this isn't some entrapment scheme?"

Josh sighed. "You don't—other than you have my word." He leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees. "Look, as you pointed out, I'm the deputy district attorney, asking a guy to rough up a dangerous criminal I'm having problems convicting. I'm taking a risk in coming to you, too—for all I know, you record your client interviews."

"I do, sometimes—not tonight."

"And I didn't mean to imply that I thought you did this all the time—I don't know what I thought. I guess you just always seemed to be on top of things… You saved Beth a few times, Julia, Leni. …I guess somehow I just thought that if it came down to it—if it was necessary—that you would do anything…to protect people. Like Beth."

Mick stared at him until Josh's buttocks started to perspire. Then he looked away and nodded once. "Okay."

Josh breathed in relief. "Does that mean you'll do it?"

"It means I'll listen. What's your plan? You do have a plan, don't you?"

"Hah…I guess I hadn't really thought that far ahead yet."

"You want me to give Tejada a taste of his own medicine—let him know you can't be bullied?"

"Yeah…I guess."

"You really think that'll work?"

"No." Josh blew out a breath. "He'd just retaliate, and from there it would only escalate. It'd be a bloodbath."

"Well, then I think you know how it should be handled. Is that really what you want?"

Josh shook his head. "I see no other options."

"Sometimes there are no other options. Tejada's a predator who must be dealt with. So far, the justice system hasn't been adequate."

Josh looked down. "I know. That's the only reason I'm here."

"And it's the only reason I'm listening."

Josh rubbed his palms over his eyes. "He'll be hard to get alone. He always has a few 'brothers' nearby."

"I'm not too worried about that."

"How…how are you going to do it?"

Mick's eyes bored into his. "Do you really want to know?"

"No…I guess not. You'll have to make sure there's no trace of you found at the scene, or on…Tejada."

"It'll be better for all involved if he's never found. I can make it happen."

"…Fair enough."

Mick tilted his head. "Are you disappointed? Did you want his head brought to you in a box?"

Josh shuddered. "You would—"

"It was a joke. You looked tense."

"Oh." Josh rubbed at his shoulder and looked at Mick suddenly. "You have done this before?"

"Is this the deputy district attorney talking now?"

Josh snorted. "No. I don't need to know whether you've done it before—probably best if I don't. I guess I'm just wanting to make sure it gets done right. Neither of us can afford any screw-ups."

Mick wrinkled his nose. "Kind of like my father and Lee Jay."

"Yeah. I guess." Josh frowned.

"I don't want you to think I do this every day—because I don't—but I can handle it."

Josh nodded slowly. "I said to Beth once that you seemed like you could get the jump on just about anyone."

The corners of Mick's mouth upturned slightly, but he said nothing.

"Speaking of Beth…" Josh sighed. "She can never know about this. Neither can anyone else, for that matter." He scoffed lightly. "Obviously."

Mick nodded. "I can keep a secret."

Josh stared at him. "Yeah, I kind of got the impression that you could." He shifted slightly in his seat. "As for payment—we'll have to work something it can't be traced…"

"No payment," Mick shook his head. "It's not necessary. Call it community service."

"You're sure?"


"Okay then. Thanks…I guess." Josh smiled grimly and made a loose gesture with his hand. "I don't know if this makes it weirder, or what."

Mick snorted and shrugged his eyebrows. "Yeah, I don't know. It's definitely not a conversation I ever expected to be having with you."

"You're telling me." They stared at each other a moment before Josh spoke again. "So…when?"

"Tonight—right now. If Tejada's as ruthless as you say he is, he's probably already planning something."

Josh blinked. "Are you…ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." He rose suddenly. "You should go home."

"Yeah. I need to get back to Beth."

The PI's jaw tensed slightly.

Josh stood and extended his hand. "Mick—I don't even know what to say."

"Don't mention it." He returned the handshake and then, to Josh's surprise, grabbed his jacket and opened the door. "I'm going to walk out with you," he said when he caught the questioning look in Josh's eye. "…I have everything I need."

They rode down in the elevator together in silence and parted ways on the street.

"So I won't contact you after I've greeted our mutual friend. It's safer that way—nothing to explain."

Josh stared at the sidewalk.

Mick continued, "Beth is supposed to meet me at BioNalysis tomorrow morning. Maybe I'll give her a call just to confirm the time," he paused and, when Josh looked up, added with an edge to his voice, "maybe I'll say hi."

"Hey—Mick," Josh called after him when he started to walk away. "Be careful. I wouldn't want to see you get hurt."

Mick smiled slightly over his shoulder. "You won't."

When Josh glanced back a second later, Mick was nowhere in sight.


Beth was still asleep when Josh climbed back into bed.

As he held her in his arms again he shut his eyes tight, knowing that sleep would not likely come for a long time.

He wondered if it would for Mick.


When his eyes opened again the next morning, Josh heard Beth's voice in the other room and bolted upright and out of bed. He threw on a pair of pants and grimaced as he did the zipper up too fast, catching some skin.

He forced himself to walk down the hall at a more normal pace. Beth was eating breakfast in front of the computer when he entered the living area. "Good morning," he bent over and kissed her cheek on his way to the fridge.

"'Morning, honey!" she smiled brightly and turned back to the computer.

He opened the fridge and hid behind the door as he poked around for the orange juice. "Were you just talking to someone?" He swallowed dryly and felt his stomach clench as he waited for her answer.

"Yeah, that was Mick on the phone. I'm meeting him at BioNalysis in an hour." She took another bite of toast and continued tapping at the keyboard.

When she said nothing else, Josh was overcome by intense nausea. He let the fridge door fall closed on its own and turned to grasp the counter in an attempt to stay standing.

"Mm," Beth held up a finger as she finished her mouthful. "—He says 'hi,' by the way."


Beth frowned at the computer monitor as Buzzwire's report on Tejada's disappearance ended. She looked over her shoulder at Josh, who was cutting up vegetables on the counter. "I would have thought you'd be more upset about Tejada's run from the law. All those years of work, there's no trial—and Tejada is still free somewhere to commit more crimes."

Josh shook his head and reached for his glass. "He won't be back."

He felt Beth eying him as he took a large sip of red wine. "I don't even want to know," she said before turning back to the computer.
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Re: Between a Rock and a Hard Place (or, ...) PG13

Post by PNWgal »

Julie that was WONDERFUL. :cloud9:

I love the back and forth between Mick and Josh, love this little peek into Josh's head. It isn't so cut and dried for Mr. Law and Order when one of his own is threatened, and he goes to Mick for a little back-door justice.

And Mick's just the guy to deliver it - because he cares for Beth as much as or more than Josh does.
"No. I was working out. I'm kind of a night person." He looked him up and down. "Is Beth all right?"

"Yeah. She's fine—I mean, she's sleeping."

Mick flared his nostrils and frowned slightly.
Mick knows. :teeth:

And this just made me :laugh:
Mick stared at him until Josh's buttocks started to perspire. Then he looked away and nodded once. "Okay."
And I love the twist on the end scene from B.C. at the end of this - just lovely! :hug:

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Re: Between a Rock and a Hard Place (or, ...) PG13

Post by r1015bill »

Excellent line about Josh's butt sweating!

I loved how you ended it pretty much like the Lola exchange between Beth and Josh.

In a different world, I think Josh and Mick would have been friends.

... Um... Now that you've gotten this out of your system, does that mean there might be more of "Josh Lindsay, BC" might be on the way?
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Re: Between a Rock and a Hard Place (or, ...) PG13

Post by NocturneInCMoll »

PNW-----Thanks so much! I'm glad you enjoyed. I wasn't sure what people would think of the idea. It's a little awkward for Josh, not only being an ADA, but also the, "Hey Mick, I could totally see you being up for murdering someone in a little vigilante-style preventative justice. Wanna do a hit for me?"
And yes, Mick knows. Josh left for his apartment right after Beth was sound asleep. Poor Mick. :hankie: But he'll do it to protect her anyway.
I guess the scene from B.C. is most obvious, but I also threw in lines from Fever and Click.

R1015-----Thank you! Glad you enjoyed. So, you all are amused by the butt sweat, but not the zipper pinching? Interesting! :laugh:
I have to admit I haven't made much progress on JL,BC--however, an update for WAY,MSJ? is nearly ready, and I'm reasonably close to completing each of the next two chapters for FR. I hope that will appease you for now. :fingerscrossed:
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Re: Between a Rock and a Hard Place (or, ...) PG13

Post by darkstarrising »

Hey Julie!

I think I like your version of how Tejada met his end better than the series. The exchange between Mick and Josh is wonderful. Josh wants Tejada dealt with, and he knows that Mick's the go-to guy. But you show how it eats at him - first as ADA, he's basically asking Mick to take Tejada out. On another level, he's asking a guy who's his competition for Beth's love for help and that's got to hurt.

Love too, how Mick responds, even to the point of admitting (to himself) that 'his dad' screwed up with Lee Jay, something he won't repeat with Tejada. Really loved the gallows humor:
"It'll be better for all involved if he's never found. I can make it happen."

"…Fair enough."

Mick tilted his head. "Are you disappointed? Did you want his head brought to you in a box?"

Josh shuddered. "You would—"

"It was a joke. You looked tense."
If Josh had chosen to go down this path, Tejada would have been dealt with, and Josh would most likely have lived, but could he deal with the guilt? Food for thought if you ever consider a sequel :fingerscrossed:
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Re: Between a Rock and a Hard Place (or, ...) PG13

Post by redwinter101 »

Oh YUM, Julie, this is fantastic. Josh sucking up his pride (and ethics) to get Tejada out of the way. Now that's a conundrum I would have loved to see...

Loved the BC-echo of the ending too.

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Re: Between a Rock and a Hard Place (or, ...) PG13

Post by mitzie »

Wicked cool story!! :yahoo: Loved the conversation with Josh and Mick, loved the butt sweating and the twist at the end. Oh hell, I just loved the whole thing!!!! :hyper2: :hyper2: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :gasp: :devil: :slingshot: :dracula: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :thud: :thud: :thud: :thud: :notworthy: :hearts: :flowers:

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Re: Between a Rock and a Hard Place (or, ...) PG13

Post by francis »

Wow!!! This end was like when Beth talked about Lola, just the other way round. I love that you give Josh an edge, but don't make it too easy on him. This is the Josh I would have loved to see, someone with high morals who can't keep up with his white vest (who can ever?). And if ever Beth found out, well, someone can hold the Foster case over her head, too. They are even now.
Great storyline, flawlessly executed (pun intended).
Just, it must be hard on Mick that Josh and Beth are still together. No lashing out on him for not turning Josh, but how on earth will you now make them get together? Maybe you need to write more from this AU onwards.
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Re: Between a Rock and a Hard Place (or, ...) PG13

Post by allegrita »

Oh, man... Josh going to his rival for help with "handling" Tejada, just as Beth went to Josef for help with Dean Foster. Beth not wanting to know why Josh knows Tejada won't be back, mirroring Josh's words in B.C. Our straight-arrow ADA suddenly jumps into that fuzzy gray area where no one can really be comfortable. And it's all so beautifully tied up. This works for me totally, and even though it means Josh is no longer marked for death (at least, not the same death he suffered in LLF), this is by no means a happy story. Lots of stuff better left hidden is suddenly out in the open, and everything is so much more difficult, dangerous, and complicated than it was before Josh knocked on Mick's door. I find myself feeling very sorry for Josh, Mick, and Beth.
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Re: Between a Rock and a Hard Place (or, ...) PG13

Post by NocturneInCMoll »

Karen-----Thank you!! I'm glad you enjoyed. Although, I must say, Tejada technically went out in a manner quite similar to the way he did in the show--the differences here were (had I written this scene out) a) he was at home, not at the bar, and Mick only had to take care of one or two of the HEM to get to him (this time not leaving witnesses), and b) after the initial bite, Mick stopped to tell Tejada, "Oh, by the way--Josh Lindsey says hi." :snicker:

Anyway, it was certainly a hard thing for Josh to do--deciding to hire a hit man, deciding to hire his love rival as the hit man, and trying to ascertain if said rival could indeed be a hit man... And yet, while he believes Mick could possibly kill, he must trust him enough to ask him.

Mick definitely doesn't want to screw up with Tejada like he did Lee Jay--especially not while Beth's at stake, among others. I figured a little gallows humour would help ease the tension for them--Josh is far less experienced than Mick at having people killed, and Mick certainly isn't often in the position of having people ask him to kill for them (other than Josef).

I am considering doing a sequel--maybe one where Josh is finding the aftermath difficult to handle and goes to talk to Mick--but it won't be for a bit yet. I have a few other stories which need some attention. ;)

Red-----Thanks so much! I agree, it would have been a fun scene to see--and one with interesting ramifications. :confused2: Besides the obvious Josh not dying, Josh would have had to deal with the guilt of hiring a hit man and the bizarreness of it being Mick. If they found it awkward to be in the same room together before... :laugh:

Mitz-----Thank you so much! Glad you liked the twist. I always wished we could have seen more interaction between Josh and Mick--especially something like this! :biggrin:

Francis-----Thanks!!! Yes, Josh has a bit of an edge in this one, but he's not coming by it easy. And you're right, it's hard on Mick, too, knowing Josh is still with Beth. But he can't not protect her. As I was attempting to only do a one shot (too many other stories on the go!), I wasn't thinking too far ahead as to the ramifications of it (i.e., on the love triangle) just in terms of how it would affect Mick and Josh; I may consider doing a short sequel in which they have a conversation about what they had done. Mick would be fine, but Josh would be feeling the guilt. P.S. Loved your pun. :coffee:

Alle-----Thank you! I'm glad it worked for you. I wasn't sure what people would think of it--Josh thinking Mick capable of a vigilante murder, and asking him to do one. You're right, it certainly complicates the relationships between Mick, Beth, and Josh. Whereas before Beth knew Mick's secret, and there was the love triangle aspect, now Josh and Mick--the rivals--have a secret as well... It's getting more tempting to do some sort of sequel where they try and deal with this, but it'll have to wait! And I thought a one-shot would just be a one-shot and I could get back to my other stories... :roll:
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Re: Between a Rock and a Hard Place (or, ...) PG13

Post by RangerCM »

Love this AU. I always thought that killing Josh off was just way too convenient a way to eliminate Mick's rival. I'd love to see where this could go. Does this change Josh so much that Beth finds it easier to reject him without knowing why he's become so different? Or if she finds out, how would she handle that? Hmmmm. So many possibilities! :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
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Re: Between a Rock and a Hard Place (or, ...) PG13

Post by NocturneInCMoll »

Thanks so much, Ranger! Glad you liked. :teeth: It was indeed convenient to kill Josh off on the show, especially since it only created temporary angst between Beth and Mick. It could have been much more interesting had he survived. In this case, there are indeed many possibilities as to where this could lead, and I am considering doing a sequel; however, as you know, I have a few other stories which deserve my attention first. ;)
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Re: Between a Rock and a Hard Place (or, ...) PG13

Post by maggatha3 »

What a wonderful twist on the story we all know...What Joshf doesn't know is that he is saving his own life at the moment, and not Beth's... :laugh:
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Re: Between a Rock and a Hard Place (or, ...) PG13

Post by allegrita »

Ooh, I'm so glad this got popped up in Active Topics. Julie, this story just pushes all the right buttons for me. I love the conversation between Mick and Josh. The mannerisms are perfect and the moral dilemma is just awesome. I know your life is full and you have lots of obligations, but boy... if you ever wanted to write a sequel, I'd LOVE to see what you do with the aftermath of this story.
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Re: Between a Rock and a Hard Place (or, ...) PG13

Post by jen »


This was a first read for me and I love it!!!

Love that in this AU Josh lived (at least for the present) and I echo all the other folks who expressed their hope that you write a sequel.

Would Josh and Mick eventually become friends, tied together by mutual guilt that protected many other lives.

Josh senses that Mick was a romantic rival for Beth, but thinks that he has won. Could he come to be aware of the existence of vampires? How will Ben Talbot play into this, or will he?

Lots of great questions. Just sayin :whistle:

Thank you!


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