Meet and Greet (Champagne Challenge #118) Rated G

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Meet and Greet (Champagne Challenge #118) Rated G

Post by MoonShadow »

As always, I own nothing but the memory of a great show.
This is for the Champagne Challenge, Meeting Carl.

Meet and Greet
by MoonShadow

Beth scrubbed her hands on the seat of her shorts and rolled her shouder easing the cramped muscle. Almost organized just a couple more books voices in the doorway interrupted her thought. One was familiar and the other new to her. Beth turned and smiled as the voices entered the dorm room. Mom still looks worried and this must be my roommate. A blond, blue eyed, girl entered the room, she didn’t actually walk, Beth thought curiously she glides. I wonder how she does that... “Hi, I’m Beth and I guess you just met my Mom.”

“Hi, I’m Caroline. What gives with the air conditioner?”

“Something’s broken. The R.A. said she made a service call already.”

“Well, this should help.” Beth’s mom shoved the large box into the room and held out the bag smiling.

“Mom, you are a lifesaver!” Beth took the bag from her and squealed in appreciation, “Yes, popsicles” Turning to the perfect blond, Beth offered, “Cherry, grape or rootbeer?”

“Cherry, unless you want it.”

“Go for it, I like them all. Mom, rootbeer for you?”

Beth’s mom smiled, “Thanks Babe, it’s my favorite. I’ll get that fan unboxed for you in a minute.”

“Isn’t there someone who does that?”

Beth glanced at her Mom and hid her smile behind the frosty cold popsicle she was gnawing on. Her Mom looked hot and tired but at least Carolines comment had erased the worried look. “Uh, no, I think we have to do it ourselves.”

“Okay. Uhm, well girls, I guess I'd better get out of your way. Beth, call me tonight.”

Beth smiled, “Alright Mom, love you too.” She bit off another bite and sucked the cold sugary ice watching as her mom retreated, timing the next comment carefully. Just as her Mom turned to go Beth raised a hand, wiggled her fingers and added, “Don’t worry so much, it’s just college not Mars!” She heard the sniff in response and knew that her Mom would be okay.

“What is she, like super protective or something?” Caroline glided across the room and tossed the popsicle into the sink. “Ugh. Those things have like a billion calories in them. It’ll go straight to my butt.” She added as she critically eyed Beth’s butt over her shoulder. “I’m going to the R.A. I can’t deal with this heat. My stuff should be delivered any minute. Be a sweetheart and deal with them if I’m not back?”

Beth watched in stunned silence as Caroline disappeared.

Beth grunted as she wrestled the cardboard box into submission thankful for the cooling breeze. Sweat ran down her back and now blood droplets seeped from her left thumb, thanks to the heavy duty packing staples. She sat on the smashed the remains of the box and hoped it was small enough to fit down the trash shot.

A knock on the door jam beat the voice by milliseconds, “Who’s Caroline?”

“She’s down the hall right now…” Beth looked up. Warm brown eyes swept the room with an air of authority. Evaluating or measuring, and Beth thought with a jolt, cute! .

“Someone told the moving company the wrong floor. I’m the R.A. on 7.”


The sweeping gaze stopped and locked on her, “Well obviously you didn’t hire them.” Stepping into the room with the natural grace of a dancer, he stuck a hand out to help her up off the floor, “I’m Carl.”


“You’ve got something purple on your face.”

Beth raced to the mirror hanging over the sink, “Grape popsicle,” she exclaimed mortified.

“Good choice, but I prefer cherry myself.” Carl grinned at the sight of Beth scrubbing at the stain on her chin.

Beth smiled back, swept a hand through her bangs, then Caroline appeared behind Carl as if by magic.

“May I help you?”

Beth’s radar went off at the dulcet tones. Caroline’s cool charm was already working on Carl. Beth watched as his body relaxed and their conversation lowered into an almost intimate volume. Sighing mentally Beth added, check that guy off the list.

“Your stuff went to 7 instead of 5. Oh, I’m Carl by the way, I’m the R.A. on 7”

Then as if the small doorway wasn’t crowded enough a third figure appeared. This time Beth did sigh as she swiped her bloody thumb on the side of her shorts and asked, “Are you here to repair the AC or are you with the movers?”

Carl and Caroline stepped into the hallway as the quiet man stepped into the narrow entryway. Beth heard, “Do you like Mexican food? I know a great spot to get cochinita pibil if you’d like to have dinner Friday” before they faded down the hallway out of earshot. She shook her head and then looked closer at the AC repair guy.
His baseball cap hid most of his face. His hair must be curly Beth mused as she watched him head straight to the thermostat. She didn’t say a word as he slowly removed the dark sunglasses and bend towards the tool box he’d set down with a thud. His nostrils flared slightly and Beth blushed. She realized she’d been staring at him, oh ugh. I must stink like a pig. Looking around the room embarrassed Beth spotted her swim gear. She gathered up her bag, towel, and lock before heading for the door.

“You should have that thumb looked at.” His voice stopped her cold.

“Excuse me?”

“Your thumb. It’s bleeding. Before it gets infected you should get it cleaned up.”

“Have we met before? You sound like someone I know. Uh, knew.”

She watched as he turned back to his work and shook his head negatively. She waited but he continued to work, ignoring her.

Beth shook her head, as she walked out the door.

Throwing the towel and lock into her bag, Beth was unaware of the hazel grey eyes that followed her every move.

Mick smiled as he wired the thermostat back into place. College. Already. She’s growing up.

P.S. My beta is gone right now, let me know if I've missed any big errors :flowers:
Note: Just an FYI for those who might not know R.A. stands for Resident Assistant, in a college dormatory.
Last edited by MoonShadow on Wed Aug 25, 2010 4:17 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Meet and Greet Rated G

Post by jen »

Wonderful entry, Moonshadow!

You have highlighted several wonderful facets of college dorm life and woven Mick into the story, as well. Very well done.

I think a lot of us have wondered if Beth and Mick truly never met or if they encountred each other in passing over the years. Much like when Mick and Morgaline were doing video and audio surveillance and a misstep caused the subject to see Mick for a moment.

This is a delightful peek into those years!

Thank you!


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Re: Meet and Greet Rated G

Post by MoonlitRose »

:laugh: Oh that crafty guardian angel, Mick! Checking up on Beth's move to college, and finding a way that he could help her. :comfort2: I wonder how many other times he let himself assist Beth, without her knowing it! :chin:

Something tells me though, that Beth's new roommate is going to be a test for Beth's patience, right off the bat! :biggrin:

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Re: Meet and Greet Rated G

Post by allegrita »

So Mick was hiding in plain sight, eh? And of course he smelled the blood right off... sigh... taking care of his girl one way or another through the years. :hearts:

Too bad Carl was so easily distracted by the obnoxious roomie. He did give the impression of being a bit of a player, though... :batseyes: (Loved the cochinita pibil reference!) :laugh: I take it that he and Beth got to know each other better as time went on. Probably the snooty roommate went on to bigger and better things once she found out Carl was gonna be a cop. :nonono: Her loss!
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Re: Meet and Greet Rated G

Post by MoonShadow »

Jen, I never lived in a dorm so I hoped I caught the voice correctly, but after seeing the file of Beth's pictures through the years and his comment about stalking her got me thinking.

Moonlit Rose, I got the impression watching Beth handle her boss'es' that she knew how to handle overbearing personalities.

Allegrita, I'm glad you caught the reference :laugh: The rest of the story has been written I was just holding off posting it since it's such a small backstory. Everyone seems to want Mick or Josef :snicker: rather than poor ole Carl.

I just couldn't let Beth make this huge transition from childhood to adulthood without Mick checking things out. He checked on camp, school and friends, so this just seemed like a natural fit.

Thank you so much for reading and commenting. It really means a great deal to hear your impressions, thank you, thank you, thank you. :hearts:
Last edited by MoonShadow on Wed Aug 11, 2010 2:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Meet and Greet Rated G

Post by cassysj »

Beth had quite a day with meeting people. An annoying roommate, a cute future cop, and the love of her life. I never lived in a dorm either but that's how I imagine it.
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Re: Meet and Greet Rated G

Post by Moonlighter »

:giggle: This was certainly one of the ways I imagined Beth and Carl met -- in college. Obviously they remained friends, despite him going out to dinner -- for conchinita pibil, of all things! -- with Caroline.

I also like how you incorporated Beth's guardian angel looking out for her once she started college. I can't imagine Mick would have stayed away knowing all the trouble she gets into. Fixing the A/C was a clever cover.

Thanks for the story, MoonShadow
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Re: Meet and Greet Rated G

Post by wpgrace »

Cute and fun!
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Re: Meet and Greet Rated G

Post by redwinter101 »

Lovely, lovely, lovely, Moonshadow. I love to think of Mick checking up on Beth. :hearts: :hearts:

And isn't Carl quite the ladies' man? *remembering his 'threesomes never end well' comment*

Super response to the challenge. :flowers:


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Re: Meet and Greet Rated G

Post by MoonShadow »

Grace, Red thank you both for your comments, I'm so glad that you enjoyed it. I really had fun with this challenge, Carl is a great character and the little tidbits really lend themselves to more story.
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Re: Meet and Greet Rated G

Post by Luxe de Luxe »

Hey Moonshadow,

I really like this. I thought at first the RA was going to be Mick, but what you did was much better. The air con repair man, huh? Still looking after his girl.

ps. if you put the challenge stuff in the title header, they'll add your piece to the challenge list.
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Re: Meet and Greet Rated G

Post by francis »

I like that. It explains why Beth and Carl were on first-name basis. The roommate even got on my nerves, and I wasn't even there. Love that Mick is still looking out for Beth. And her overprotective Mother, yeah, I can see that after the kidnapping she would be extra careful.
Great story!
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Re: Meet and Greet Rated G

Post by MoonShadow »

Luxe, Francis,
Thank you both for the wonderful comments.
I'm delighted that you enjoyed my spin on their story, and yeah Mom and Mick just wouldn't let Beth march off to school with out checking things out. :snicker:
I'll edit the header line to include the challenge string.

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Re: Meet and Greet (Champagne Challenge #118) Rated G

Post by coco »

I loved this. Such fun. :teeth:
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Re: Meet and Greet (Champagne Challenge #118) Rated G

Post by jen »


This was a lovely look at what moving into the college dorm must have been like for Beth.

The roommate, Beth's mom, Carl and this strange older guy who seemed somehow familiar, even though he denied that they had met who has dark hair, hazel grey eyes, wears sunglasses and shows up to save the day from dangers and inconveniences...Mick. :melts: :melts:


Thank you!


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