Fallen Angel - Challenge 120 9/11/10 (PG)

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Fallen Angel - Challenge 120 9/11/10 (PG)

Post by darkstarrising »

Hi all :wave:

'Fallen Angel' is my response the the challenge that had 'Fall' in the title or as a theme....at first I thought of the season, but the muse saw this as an opportunity to do several things at once - fill in a gaping hole in the ML storyline and thank those who've participated in the insightful episode discussions we've had, specifically 'Sleeping Beauty' and 'Love Lasts Forever', as led by Guardian Angel and Allegrita :ghug: . A lot of that discussion had to do with Beth's behavior after seeing Sara Whitley and why she did what she did.

One of the things that bothered me in the sequence of 'Sleeping Beauty', 'Love Lasts Forever' and 'The Mortal Cure' is the ambiguity of what happened to Sara Whitley. We see Josef at the end of 'Sleeping Beauty', reminiscing about Sara and the next time we see him he's shooting pool in 'The Mortal Cure' as if Sara never existed. She's never mentioned again until 'Sonata' when their dedicating the 'Sara Whitley Memorial Sports Arena', but still, there was no clear resolution as to her fate.

'Fallen Angel' is my attempt to answer some of those questions through a story of two immortals coming to grips with the pain of losing the mortal women they love. This story was really written by many who participated in the discussion of 'Sleeping Beauty' and 'Love Lasts Forever'. I'm just the scribe. :quill:

The usual disclaimers apply - I don't own any of these characters, and the quotes from 'Sleeping Beauty', 'Love Lasts Forever' and 'Fever' are made with deep respect for Jill Blotevogel and Josh Pate.

Fallen Angel

Mick’s Voice Over

It’s 3 am and all I want to do is die, this time for good.

‘Turn him, he'll live. Save him, please. For me. Please!’

Tonight, I denied her.

‘If you'd have done it, he'd still be here.’

Tonight, for the first time in her life, I failed her.

‘Would you have saved me?’

Tonight, I’d fallen from the lofty pedestal Beth had put me on and the landing was hard.

Emotionally, I’m as bruised and beaten as I’ve ever been. I’m tired of this undead life, tired of burying my feelings and being alone. In the last few weeks, I’d gotten close to Beth, close enough to know how good it felt. How good she felt. I wanted more.

Josef’s love affair with Sara Whitley had given me hope that someday, Beth might see me as more than a friend. But now….now everything’s changed and there’s no chance in hell she’ll ever look at me again with anything but loathing.

‘If you hate what you are so much, then why do you go on living?’

After tonight, maybe I won’t.

Right now, all I want is to drink the pain away, then surrender myself to icy oblivion, ending this god-awful nightmare. Entering my apartment, I sense the nightmare isn’t over just yet.

“Josef! I thought you were still in New York.”

My oldest friend looks like I feel. Judging from his haunted eyes, the amber liquid he hands me has kept him company in my absence, but not for very long. If he’s looking for sympathy, he’ll be sorely disappointed. I’m all tapped out.

“I got back earlier tonight. My business in New York is finished.”

“What about Whitley?”

A wry smile crosses my friend’s face, silently confirming my suspicion. Josef never leaves loose ends.

“Mr. Whitley had an emergent meeting with a ‘higher authority’, one from which he’ll never return.”

“Funny how he happened to die while you were in town.”

“Old age is hell, my friend, for humans, that is. The strain of the hunt was apparently too much for his heart, such as it was. I’m guessing failure at bringing about my demise did him in.”

“How would he know Martan failed?”

“I think seeing me at his bedside was his first clue. His parting shot? ‘Monster!!’ Disappointing, really. I expected something more creative from the old reprobate. Not being one to deny a dying man, however, I vamped out. First time I’ve actually scared someone to death.”

“So why the long face?”

Josef was silent for a few moments, gathering his thoughts. Sharing his love for Sara, even with me, hadn’t been easy for him.

“After you and Beth left, I spent some time with Sara, much as I have for the last 53 years. I sit and watch her, wondering if she’ll ever open those gorgeous green eyes again. Often, I talk to her, hoping my voice will bring her to life. I try to remember everything she was to me, every touch, every smile, every kiss we shared. And with each passing year, it gets harder for me to remember. Each year, I feel her slipping further and further away.”

For once, I could relate. Except in my case, Beth is very much alive and hates my guts. I wonder what Sara feels about Josef.

“This time was different, you know? Despite my hopes, no miracle has occurred. Science is focused on keeping people alive, not resurrecting the dead. So after I returned from my brief, albeit satisfying visit with her father, I held Sara as I read her diary aloud. ‘I’m ready’ were the last words she wrote. Saying them, I realized that so was I. It was finally time to let her go.”

Shit! I never knew about Sara until a week ago, but because of her, I learned a lot about a man I thought I knew, and a lot about myself as well. Josef had taken a chance on loving a human and even when her turning went south, he never gave up hope that Sara would someday return to him. He’d given me hope that I could somehow make things work with Beth. By pulling the plug on Sara, Josef had finally given up. Maybe I should, too.

On top of everything else tonight, this was just too much. I downed the last of my drink, then flung the glass across the room. Josef never flinched.

“Mick…… I heard what happened to Beth’s boyfriend today, and for both her sake and yours, I’m sorry. From what my sources tell me, Lindsey went after a man evil enough to make the devil proud. A noble, but foolhardy undertaking.”

“Yeah, Josh knew the risk in taking on Tejada, but he had to try. That was just the kind of man he was.”

“My sources also tell me how hard you tried to save him and that your efforts weren’t as appreciated as they should have been.”

“What did you expect Beth to do, Josef? Tell me I did everything I could, then thank me for my efforts?”

Tell me she loved me….

“No. That’s what you expect her to do. That’s what you need her to do. And you don’t understand why she can’t.”

Josef’s accusation stung and all the anger I’d suppressed finally erupted. “Damn it, Josef! She wanted me to turn him, to inflict this..this ‘life’ on an innocent man. I told her I wouldn’t, that turning Josh wouldn’t be keeping him alive.”

“And you were right to refuse.”

My friend’s calm response did nothing but stoke my anger. “Yeah? Trying telling Beth that. She’s been in her apartment most of the night, sitting in the dark, surrounded by reminders of a man I couldn’t save. Maybe she believes I really didn’t want to and maybe she’s right. All I know for certain is that her heart lies with a dead man.”

“Yes, my friend, it does. It’s just that she’s not ready to admit that yet. How can she, when another man who once held her heart lies in the morgue this night?”

“What are you saying?”

“I know what Beth’s feeling now. When Sara’s turning failed, I was devastated. I’d found a woman who loved me, in spite of everything. She was willing to risk her life for me and she lost. We both did.”

“I don’t see…”

“I kept Sara ‘alive’ in New York, surrounded by mementos of our time together. I told myself a miracle would occur and that she’d wake up some day. It took me 53 years to realize that she wasn’t coming back. Worse, it took me that long to admit that all I wanted was to tell her how sorry I was. I felt guilty, Mick, because of what I’d done to her. Every time I stepped into her room, I was stepping back to a time when I was head over heels in love, hoping to regain that feeling, hoping even more to be forgiven. I wasn’t keeping Sara alive for her sake, I was keeping her alive for mine.”

“Is that what you think Beth is doing, looking for forgiveness? For what?”

“In her own way, yes. Lindsey held Beth’s heart in a time when her life was less …. complicated. He loved her for who and what she was – a bright, beautiful, caring woman who livened up his otherwise workaday existence. He, in return, provided Beth a sense of safety and security. When Beth met you, the safe life with Lindsey began to look pretty boring.”

‘It's just that being on the hunt with you is kinda fun.’

“Josef, I tried to stay out of her life. I didn’t want to come between her and Josh.”

Josef’s own anger flared. “You’re kidding yourself, boyo, something you’re quite good at. If you wanted to stay out of her life, you’d have walked away from her 23 years ago, but you didn’t. You could have stayed hidden, but you chose to let her know who and what you were. The fact that Beth didn’t run screaming into the night or worse, to her DA boyfriend, says a lot about her and her feelings for you.” More gently, he continued. “Face it, my friend, Lindsey lost Beth the moment she set eyes on you and she knows it. My guess is so did he.”

“If that’s true, why did she take him to her bed when she got back from New York?”

“Guilt and fear likely drove her into Lindsey’s arms or perhaps he was a surrogate for the man she really wanted in her bed.”

“That’s disgusting. Beth would never…”

“Why not? Beth’s not a saint, Mick, she’s a woman, one you’ve kept at arm’s length and not the one she’s interested in. Why do you think she came to New York with you? She’s trying to find the man behind the mask, get closer to him, but everything she witnessed scared her away. Assassins, flying bullets and blood have that effect on humans. Going back to Lindsey meant going back to safety, that’s all.”

As much as I wanted to argue with him, I knew Josef was right. When Beth went to New York with me, she was excited; the hunt was on again. When we parted, she was reserved, thoughtful. But it wasn’t just Martan that frightened her. Seeing Sara frozen in time made her realize that there really were dangers associated with human-vampire relationships. For the first time since she’d known me, I sensed she was afraid of me. I just didn’t want to admit it.

If Josef was trying to make me feel better, he was failing miserably. All I wanted now was for him to go away so I could crawl into my freezer and lick my wounds in peace. Josef didn’t take the hint. Or maybe he just ignored it.

“Besides witnessing the brutal murder of someone she cared about, Beth’s trying to cope with the new found understanding that there are no guarantees in life. She thought she’d be safe with Lindsey. She was wrong.”

“So why blame me?”

“Because she’s had her fairy tale image of you shattered as well. You’re not some kind of guardian angel that’s going to keep her safe from all life’s dangers or do whatever she asks of you. You’re a vampire, a dangerous man, one she finds attractive, yet one with the decency to not inflict this life on someone who wouldn’t have wanted it. In time, she’ll come to understand that.”

“OK. Why push me away?”

“Because seeing you reminds her of how much she loves you. Right now, she’s feeling guilty as hell wondering whether Lindsey would still be alive if she’d been honest with him and with herself. Believe me, I can relate.”

I didn’t know what to say. Beth couldn’t possibly love me after tonight, could she?

Josef’s eyes sought mine. “Perhaps Lindsey was as noble as you think him. Or perhaps he was more afraid of backing down and losing Beth than he was of facing Tejada. He gambled and he lost. But he gambled out of love, just as Sara did with me. What your future with Beth holds, only the two of you can determine.”

“And what if Beth gambles on me and loses?”

“Always with you the glass is half empty, you know? Believe me, you’d both be far better off knowing you tried to make things work, then wondering about what could have been for the rest of your lives. Sara may be gone, but her love is a gift I’ll treasure forever.”

Josef handed me his glass, then filled it. “Get some sleep, my friend. What you did today was the only thing you could have done and deep down, Beth knows that. Give her time to sort everything out, to deal with her fear and guilt. Her love for you won’t let her stay away forever.”

Later, as the sun rose over the city of angels, I realized Josef had given me more than sympathy; he'd given me what I needed most- a reason to live. Maybe Beth’s guardian angel had fallen to earth, maybe she would be angry with me for a while, but when she was ready to open her heart to me, I’d be ready to open mine.
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Re: Fallen Angel - Challenge 120 9/11/10 (PG)

Post by wpgrace »

Ohhhhhh :happysigh: :happysigh: :happysigh: :happysigh: .

Wonderful and cathartic conversation... for me. I think it did Mick a bit of good too. :laugh:
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Re: Fallen Angel - Challenge 120 9/11/10 (PG)

Post by librarian_7 »

This is very interesting, dsr! I think it all rings pretty true (although for Josef's sake, I've always held out hope for Sarah).

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Re: Fallen Angel - Challenge 120 9/11/10 (PG)

Post by Fleur de Lisa »

Lovely, as usual, dsr.

Lately, Mick has been annoying me! I suppose that reading Changing the Rules recently has added to my infuriation with him, and perhaps that is what is clouding my perception of him a bit in this story.

My first reaction was that here Josef is, a man/vamp who has had his own share of horrible heartbreak with Sara, watching her lie in a state of limbo for decades, because of a decision he made. The guilt and reflection he goes through on a daily basis would bring a lesser man to his knees.

Then, we have Beth, grief-stricken and filled with guilt. Losing the man who loved her, and prior to Mick's re-emergence in her life, was 'the one.'

And then there's Mick, wallowing! I mean, these 2 people have suffered greatly, and here he is, once again doing the whole 'woe is me' act. I realize that was not your intent, and when I re-read this a second time, I had a completely different view of it, but it is amazing how certain things will color your perception of a story. Also, the mark of great writing is when a piece allows a reader to put their own spin on it. And I was spun the first time 'round!

Having said all that, this section struck me the most both times I read it:
All I know for certain is that her heart lies with a dead man.”

“Yes, my friend, it does. It’s just that she’s not ready to admit that yet. How can she, when another man who once held her heart lies in the morgue this night
That's just whip-smart writing there. So simple, yet really, really profound at the same time.

Bob love your Josef in this. He just came to some startling, long over-due and sad decisions himself, and here he is, imparting his wisdom upon Mick in an effort to have Mick open his eyes and heart to what is really going on with Beth. Everything Josef says is the undeniable truth. And Mick would do well to heed his older friend's advice.

Another thought provoking, beautifully written piece, my friend. :heart:
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Re: Fallen Angel - Challenge 120 9/11/10 (PG)

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

This was wonderful, dsr! :rose: I love Mick and Josef heart-to-heart talks. :thumbs: Thanks for posting!
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Re: Fallen Angel - Challenge 120 9/11/10 (PG)

Post by jen »

Thoughtful, quite beautiful and stunningly insightful.

[Then again, I think those words fit all of your stories!]

For all of Josef's uber-vampiristic tendencis, he is a wise man and compassionate friend. He came to Mick's apartment seeking comfort and reassurance after the polar shift in his emotional world that had occurred, and wound up giving those things to his friend.

Josef Kostan, relationship counselor. Who knew?

There are so many lovely layers to this wonderful story.

Thank you!

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Re: Fallen Angel - Challenge 120 9/11/10 (PG)

Post by allegrita »

Oh, DSR... this is a really, really wonderful story. I love your writing. I love the way you write the interplay between Mick and Josef. They just sound right to me... as if I could flip on the TV and they'd be there.

Yeah, Mick is wallowing, but he's got reason. He really does think that Beth will never forgive him, and if he doesn't have her... what is there? :Mickangel: He's tormented with guilt about Josh, too. No matter what he told Beth, he feels terrible that he let Josh die.

And I'm so glad you brought up Sara's fate here. I see this scenario as very plausible, though tragic. Josef read her diary for the first time after the events in Sleeping Beauty. It must have had a huge impact on him. I can see him coming to that decision. And I can see him finding his own sort of comfort in offering comfort to Mick. It helps him process his own grief and loss and guilt.

Thank you for this wonderful story!
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Re: Fallen Angel - Challenge 120 9/11/10 (PG)

Post by toria1521 »

:rose: Sensitive, insightful and beautifully written, and my conclusion, too. :rose:

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Re: Fallen Angel - Challenge 120 9/11/10 (PG)

Post by cassysj »

Really beautiful story. I can definitely see Josef taking care of the John Whitley loose end. The fact that his hit man followed him to Sarah's Sanctuary alone would be enough to kill him.

Josef sees clearly what Beth is feeling and I'm glad he spelled it out for Mick. I'm just a little sad to see Sarah gone, although it makes perfect sense especially with the Sonata episode and the Sarah Whitley Memorial.

I like the take of falling off a pedestal.
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Re: Fallen Angel - Challenge 120 9/11/10 (PG)

Post by MoonlitRose »

This makes so much sense, DSR! It's like a deleted scene from the show that hit the cutting room floor and we have been unable to view it until now! You've filled in this gap in the storyline perfectly! :twothumbs:

Josef was able to give Mick the perspective he needed to "go on living", and help himself come to grips with his loss of Sara in doing so. :comfort2:

I too found this to be such a memorable exchange:
Mick: "..All I know for certain is that her heart lies with a dead man.”

Josef: “Yes, my friend, it does. It’s just that she’s not ready to admit that yet. How can she, when another man who once held her heart lies in the morgue this night?”
:clapping: :notworthy: :clapping: :notworthy: :clapping: :notworthy:

Loved it! Thank you DSR!!! :twothumbs:
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Re: Fallen Angel - Challenge 120 9/11/10 (PG)

Post by Luxe de Luxe »

dsr, this is a tightly written little masterpiece full of insight and compassion. I knew I was in for a treat when I read this line:
dsr wrote:Tonight, I’d fallen from the lofty pedestal Beth had put me on and the landing was hard.
Yes, Mick really did have to face a disillusioned Beth that night. It would have been an incredible shock to his system and you've conveyed that beautifully.

You weave the insights you mention from those episode discussions in so seamlessly, every line rang true.

You know, the true work of literature is to make a reader think, offer insights into the human condition (ironic in vamp fic, I know) and yours does this in spades. I really reflected on what his visit to her apartment that night meant, and how his refusal and her stinging rebuttals would have impacted upon them. I think you have it totally right. This is only the beginning for them if Mick will allow it, and perhaps he may even come to the same conclusion that I did after reading this... that a real woman can't love a guardian angel, because real love means loving the flaws in equal measure as the strengths, and that perhaps experiencing his 'human' failings for the first time is the one breakthrough they both needed to allow a deeper love to grow.

thanks for the experience. :notworthy:
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Re: Fallen Angel - Challenge 120 9/11/10 (PG)

Post by darkstarrising »

wpgrace wrote:Ohhhhhh :happysigh: :happysigh: :happysigh: :happysigh: .

Wonderful and cathartic conversation... for me. I think it did Mick a bit of good too. :laugh:
thanks, grace :hug: Yeah, and maybe Josef felt better as well, telling the one person he could about Sara's fate.
librarian_7 wrote:This is very interesting, dsr! I think it all rings pretty true (although for Josef's sake, I've always held out hope for Sarah).

thanks, Lucky :hug: And I know how you feel about Sara....Sleeping Beauty got kissed by a prince and woke up;poor Sara didn't. :hankie:
MickLifeCrisis wrote:This was wonderful, dsr! :rose: I love Mick and Josef heart-to-heart talks. :thumbs: Thanks for posting!
thanks, MickLifeCrisis :hearts: I love writing these two, whether it be playful, guy banter or something more serious, like this.
toria1521 wrote::rose: Sensitive, insightful and beautifully written, and my conclusion, too. :rose:

thanks,toria :flowers: , I appreciate your kind words and am glad you liked it.
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Re: Fallen Angel - Challenge 120 9/11/10 (PG)

Post by darkstarrising »

Fleur de Lisa wrote:Lovely, as usual, dsr.

Lately, Mick has been annoying me! I suppose that reading Changing the Rules recently has added to my infuriation with him, and perhaps that is what is clouding my perception of him a bit in this story.

My first reaction was that here Josef is, a man/vamp who has had his own share of horrible heartbreak with Sara, watching her lie in a state of limbo for decades, because of a decision he made. The guilt and reflection he goes through on a daily basis would bring a lesser man to his knees.

Then, we have Beth, grief-stricken and filled with guilt. Losing the man who loved her, and prior to Mick's re-emergence in her life, was 'the one.'

And then there's Mick, wallowing! I mean, these 2 people have suffered greatly, and here he is, once again doing the whole 'woe is me' act. I realize that was not your intent, and when I re-read this a second time, I had a completely different view of it, but it is amazing how certain things will color your perception of a story. Also, the mark of great writing is when a piece allows a reader to put their own spin on it. And I was spun the first time 'round!

Having said all that, this section struck me the most both times I read it:
All I know for certain is that her heart lies with a dead man.”

“Yes, my friend, it does. It’s just that she’s not ready to admit that yet. How can she, when another man who once held her heart lies in the morgue this night
That's just whip-smart writing there. So simple, yet really, really profound at the same time.

Bob love your Josef in this. He just came to some startling, long over-due and sad decisions himself, and here he is, imparting his wisdom upon Mick in an effort to have Mick open his eyes and heart to what is really going on with Beth. Everything Josef says is the undeniable truth. And Mick would do well to heed his older friend's advice.

Another thought provoking, beautifully written piece, my friend. :heart:
Thanks, Ma Fleur :smooch: I'm glad you went back and re-read this. My intent was to show Mick as a man who's utterly exhausted, both emotionally and physically. Just as he's gotten up a bit of courage about telling Beth how he feels, he finds Josh with Beth, clearly putting a stop to any of his plans. When Josh is kidnapped and murdered in front of them, then Beth blames him for not turning Josh and pushes him away, he's lost and confused, knowing he's done the right thing, but can't understand why Beth can't see that. Without Beth in his life, he sees no reason to live.

That's where Josef comes in, and yes, he has suffered his own loss, but it's one that been a long time coming. Perhaps his reaction to Sara's death would have been different had she just died after a failed turning and not been caught in limbo for five decades. He'd have been in shock, but his anger and grief would have gradually lessened over time. As it was, he realizes that he's keeping Sara 'alive' for his own sake and not hers, so he lets her go and the true grieving begins.

Is Josef's pain any less than Mick's? No, but Josef has centuries of loving and losing those he loves, and he's just learned to cope with it better. His relationship with Mick varies from being a good friend / brother, to a father figure, which is the role he's playing here. He's trying to explain that no one can ever be 'safe' - that's just not what life's about. Even if they stand a chance of failing at love, it would be better to try and perhaps succeed, then to never try and wonder what might have been.
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Re: Fallen Angel - Challenge 120 9/11/10 (PG)

Post by darkstarrising »

jen wrote:Thoughtful, quite beautiful and stunningly insightful.

[Then again, I think those words fit all of your stories!]

For all of Josef's uber-vampiristic tendencis, he is a wise man and compassionate friend. He came to Mick's apartment seeking comfort and reassurance after the polar shift in his emotional world that had occurred, and wound up giving those things to his friend.

Josef Kostan, relationship counselor. Who knew?

There are so many lovely layers to this wonderful story.

Thank you!

:flowers: :clover: :flowers: :clover:
Thanks, jenna :hug: I'm so glad you found this insightful. Indeed, who knew that Josef could be so wise? But he is a wise man and his friendship with Mick is precious to him. Josef has had centuries of disappointments and he realizes that Mick hasn't, so he helps him put things in perspective.
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Re: Fallen Angel - Challenge 120 9/11/10 (PG)

Post by darkstarrising »

allegrita wrote:Oh, DSR... this is a really, really wonderful story. I love your writing. I love the way you write the interplay between Mick and Josef. They just sound right to me... as if I could flip on the TV and they'd be there.

Yeah, Mick is wallowing, but he's got reason. He really does think that Beth will never forgive him, and if he doesn't have her... what is there? :Mickangel: He's tormented with guilt about Josh, too. No matter what he told Beth, he feels terrible that he let Josh die.

And I'm so glad you brought up Sara's fate here. I see this scenario as very plausible, though tragic. Josef read her diary for the first time after the events in Sleeping Beauty. It must have had a huge impact on him. I can see him coming to that decision. And I can see him finding his own sort of comfort in offering comfort to Mick. It helps him process his own grief and loss and guilt.

Thank you for this wonderful story!
Thanks, alle :hug: I love writing these two, be it banter or otherwise. If this rang true to you, then that's a high compliment.

You've hit on one of the aspects I found about Mick in LLF, then in TMC. He's doing his damnedest to save Josh, doing everything he could short of turning him. But is there just that little bit of doubt that he's buried about whether he wanted to save Josh, the rival for Beth's affections. When he runs into Beth at the police station in TMC, he tries telling her again that he did all he could, but I've often wondered if he was really just trying to convince himself of that or not.

Josef is also a tragic figure here, but he's been in control of Sara's fate since her failed turning. He's had time to come to grips with losing her, but he's still in pain. So he turns to the one friend he can unburden himself to, only to find Mick in pain as well. And so they help each other, with Josef giving Mick a little 'tough love' guidance, but also a precious gift - a reason to live.
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