High Tea (PG-13)

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High Tea (PG-13)

Post by librarian_7 »

AN: Yes, it's been roughly forever since I last posted a Josef and Freshie Lucky story. But that doesn't mean they've been out of my thoughts....

Disclaimer: to my everlasting sorrow, I do not own Josef. Or the equally real Los Angeles Biltmore.

High Tea

The high beamed ceiling above her seemed to gather the sound of the cozily chatting women at the scattered tables and couches below, dispersing it into a low pleasant buzz. Lucky came down the stairs from the main lobby of the hotel carefully, one hand trailing on the banister. She’d worn stilettos, and she had no intention of drawing attention to herself by going head over heels down this split staircase for the amusement of the high tea crowd at the Biltmore.

At the foot of the stairs, she was met by a waiter who seemed to be practicing his supercilious expression.

“Reservation for Alexander,” she said in answer to his unspoken question.

He checked his list, and his eyebrows shot up, his manner flipping to obsequious. “Of course, Ms. Alexander, this way, please.”

He babbled pleasantly at her as he led the way to one of the couches, but Lucky didn’t really listen. She was busy wondering how Josef had managed to reach out and put a little gold VIP star next to her name on the reservation.

Once seated, she scanned the menu briefly before ordering the Blue Peacock Darjeeling for herself, and assuring the waiter that the rest of her party should be arriving momentarily. A few sips of the tea, poured precisely from a teapot wrapped to look like a brocade bag of treasure, convinced her it was a good choice.

They hadn’t had time to deliver the elaborate three-tiered tea service of delicate sandwiches, miniature scones, and tempting sweets, before she glanced up and saw Belinda descending the stairs.

The older woman was, as usual, perfectly turned out, every champagne blonde hair in place, her beige suit elegantly casual, and her nails manicured with a muted gold polish. She looked like a wealthy society matron, or one of those extremely classy salesladies you only saw in high-end, conservative china and crystal stores. Lucky wondered, not for the first time, how she managed to pull off the look, given the amount of time she spent nurturing the crowd of freshies that filled her condo every afternoon and evening.

Lucky rose and extended her hand. “It’s good to see you, Belinda,” she said. “I had no idea what sort of tea you prefer, but they’ll produce it instantly.”

Belinda smiled warmly, giving Lucky a careful up and down assessment. “Look at you,” she said. “I don’t know how he does it.”


“You’ve been rather thoroughly Kostanized, my dear.” Belinda seated herself gracefully, tucking her handbag into the seat beside her. The waiter appeared at her side, and without looking at the menu, she said, “Earl Grey, please,” in answer to his unspoken question.

“Kostanized. He would get a kick out of that.” Lucky paused. “If I tell him.”

“I honestly don’t think he does it on purpose. He doesn’t necessarily start with poised, sophisticated young women.”

“Hardly,” Lucky chuckled. “ I’d say most of us are, to be kind, quirky.”

“Believe me, my dear, no one is more aware of that than I.” She paused as the waiter poured her a cup of tea, smiling up at him. “Thank you, dear. But they all end up that way.”

Lucky leaned forward and put a couple of the little sandwiches and a small scone on her plate. “I’m being greedy, but chances are Josef will need me this evening.”

Belinda raised an eyebrow. “In that case, we should have met somewhere you could get a nice, rare steak. Are you sure this will be sufficient?”

Lucky blushed. “He—he has been trying not to drink too deeply, lately. He’s been very careful.”

“It’s still blood loss, dear.” Belinda raised her cup and sipped daintily at her tea. “Lucky—please forgive me—but I know you said you wanted advice. There are rumors. You know freshie gossip.”

“And, not to put too fine a point on it, you want to know if Josef and I are intimate. In the traditional sense.”

“That’s certainly straightforward,” Belinda replied.

“Ah, but I haven’t answered, yet.”

“True enough.” Belinda chuckled. “You really have learned at the feet of the master.”

“He’s always appreciated my footrubs.”

“Touché.” Belinda helped herself to sandwiches and scones. “This is such a beautiful venue,” she said, looking around her. The warm paneling and antique décor, so reminiscent of at least the Hollywood version of a grand hall in some Tudor mansion, certainly fit the occasion.

“Yes, Josef suggested it the other day. I think he’s wanting me to bring a couple of the exclusives, and a few possibles, here for a little test gathering.”

“Interesting. I suppose finger foods are a good idea with some of those girls.”

Lucky smiled. “He does prefer women who can use silverware properly. It’s a learning curve. But you know how it is. Peace will be maintained at the Casa. No matter what.”

“And how is it you got nominated for this duty?”

“He said he trusts my judgment.”

“I always knew he was smart.” Belinda signaled for more tea for both of them, and eyed the plate of sweets. “Those look too good to pass up.”

“I agree.”

“So, do I take your evasion as a positive?”

Lucky sighed and looked away. “Josef and I have become—very close.”

“You two have been close for a long time. Has something changed?”

Taking a deep breath, she replied, “I think—I think we’ve become kind of an item.”

“Oh, really.” Belinda tried to hid a smile. “And yet he’s asking you to pick out menu choices.”

Lucky waved a hand. “I’m really not jealous about that. He has to eat.”

Belinda set down her cup with a soft click. “He could go to bottled.”

“I don’t think so.” Lucky’s eyes flashed. “That stuff’s not good for him.”

Shaking her head, Belinda said, “You never react quite the way I think you will, Lucky.”

“I just—I want him to be happy.”

“Well, you seem to be abnormally well-adjusted, is all I can say.”

“Somehow, it doesn’t feel like it.”

“I have to admit, I was beginning to wonder what you had to talk over with me.” Belinda selected a miniature custard tart topped with glossy glacéed fruit, and bit into it neatly.

Lucky twisted her napkin uneasily in her lap. “It is so difficult to articulate this.”

Belinda reached out to cover Lucky’s hands with her own. “You know whatever you say won’t go further.”

“Not even to Josef?”

“Dear—especially not to Josef.” She smiled. “I know, that sounds odd, as much as he’s depended on me, but I simply cannot imagine you’d have anything to say that he’d need to hear from me.”

“I told him a few weeks ago that I thought I should move out.”

“Oh, my.”

“Not like, leave him, move out. Just—not be living in the freshie wing if I’m not a freshie. Or not just a freshie, if you know what I mean.”

“So how’d that go?”

Lucky looked away again, and smiled. “Let’s just say, he talked me out of it.”

“Color me not terribly surprised about that. As territorial as he is about his donors…I can just imagine.”


Belinda blotted her lips. “Lucky, I know I’m prying, but how did this get so far? Josef has always been so careful about his rules.”

“And the main rule is, don’t sleep where you eat. I know.”

“Well, yes. So to speak. I mean, you never made it any secret that you wanted him, but that’s true of every girl he’s bitten since I’ve known him.”

“You know how he always seems so self-assured? So in control?”

“Yes. To say the least.”

“There was a time when—when he needed me. I can’t really share the details, but he really needed me.”

“And as always, you stepped up and gave him what he needed. Regardless of the cost.” She shook her head/

“It’s not as though it was unpleasant, you know.”

“No, knowing Josef, I’m sure it was quite—pleasant.” She paused. “That explains once. Was it regular after that?”

“Oh, no. It was—it was like every once in awhile, it just happened. Not like either of us expected anything. And then every once in awhile started being sort of frequent.”

Belinda shook her head. “I must say, I really didn’t expect this. Although after stringing you along all that time…”

“He teases everyone. It amuses him.”

“Maybe, but I have thought that it isn’t always very nice of him.”

“Anyway, I’m guessing that my comments about moving out got him thinking about our, our situation.”

“That sounds ominous.”

“It’s not like I told him about anything, but the others—oh, there’s nothing overt, you know. He’d never stand for that. Just the conversations that stop when I come in the room, and the looks, and—and stupid stuff.”

“Such as?”

“Somehow my favorite flavor of yogurt is never in the fridge anymore. And things I know I’ve put on the grocery request list disappear. The kind of thing Josef would never know about, or notice, unless I complain to him. Which would make things worse.”

Belinda gave a ladylike snort. “Freshies,” she said. “Some things never change. You should start giving the housekeeper separate request lists.”

“Yes, I think so. It’s not going to get easier, with this newest thing.”

Belinda cocked her head to one side. “And what’s that, dear?”

Lucky pulled in a deep breath. “He wants me to sleep in the bedroom off his study—his bedroom—every night. He says I can keep my room in the freshie wing as a sitting room,” she paused with a short laugh, “and closet space. He’s not giving up his closet space.”

“That’s not hard to believe. But—he doesn’t use that bed, does he? I thought it was mostly for show.”

“Well, not for sleeping. And we have been spending a lot of evenings together.”

“Doing what?”

“Oh, talking. He works, I read. The usual. I mean, he has to go out for meetings and business. We’re not joined at the hip. And I guess he’s still coming by your place pretty regularly.”

“Sounds cozy. He always has liked company.” She paused. “So what’s the problem, Lucky? Honestly, it sounds like things are going well, to me.”

“Well, for one thing, he’s used to seeing me, and the others, all—polished. Dressed a certain way, hair perfect, skin prepared, that sort of thing. I mean, he’s watched me sleep, but sooner or later, I know I’m going to just do something embarrassingly human.”

Belinda laughed. “Dear, he’s been dealing with humans for a very long time. I’m pretty sure nothing you could do would distress him. And if it does, I suggest you tell him not to be so fastidious.”

“I suppose. It just seems so—so official. It’s scary.”

“What does he say to you?” Belinda asked. “What does he tell you?”

“I tell her she should do what’s good for her,” Josef said, sliding in to sit with one arm around Lucky, the other hand seeking out hers.

Belinda noticed that Lucky relaxed against him almost immediately. “Josef, I had no idea you were joining us.”

“I heard you two were having tea here, and I was in the neighborhood.” He grinned. “So what’s up, gossip girls?”

“Josef, I’m starting to think Eris was right. You’ve got us all lo-jacked, don’t you?” Lucky asked.

He tried to look innocent. “Would I do that?”

“In a heartbeat.”

“Not you personally, doll. But there is a reason I insist on you carrying your cell phone. GPS is very useful.”

Belinda laughed. “What did you do before all this technology came along, Josef?”

“Freshies used to be obedient.” He blinked. “I seem to recall a few discussions you and I had about obedience, Belinda. Back in the day.”

Lucky watched in some fascination as Belinda’s cheeks suffused with red. “Only you have the capacity to make me blush, Josef. Only you.”

“And that’s why I do it,” he replied with a smirk. A snap of his long fingers brought the waiter scurrying.


“Single malt scotch. Make it a double.”

“Any preferred label, sir?”


“Yes, sir.”

Conversation lagged, and Belinda took advantage of the silence to take a careful look at the two sitting with her. They made a pretty enough couple, the obviously successful young man, the quiet, sophisticated woman beside him. If one didn’t know the truth, see the faint marks half-hidden behind the collar of Lucky’s blouse.

Josef was rubbing a tiny fold of her sleeve between his fingers. “This isn’t silk, doll.”

Lucky sighed. “Mr. Natural Fibers,” she said to Belinda. “It’s rayon, Josef. Hardly polyester double-knit.”

“I have no doubt you could make even that sexy. But I don’t really want to see it.”


“It’s a lovely color, dear,” Belinda said. “So difficult to find that shade.” She paused for a sip of tea, as Josef’s drink arrived. “Any chance, Lucky, you could step away for a moment?”

She hesitated, looking at Josef, but at his slight nod, she rose. “I do believe I should find the ladies room, if you’ll excuse me.”

“Hurry back, Luck,” Josef said softly.

Belinda waited, watching Josef taking short sips of his drink. She’d seen him appreciating fine Scotch, many times, and this wasn’t how he did it. “Why so nervous, Josef?”

“Because I suspect I’m about to get a lecture—Mom.”

“That wouldn’t bother you unless you thought you had it coming.”

“You’re very astute sometimes, Belinda. It’s one of your least attractive qualities,” Josef replied.

They sat in silence for a few seconds more. Lucky had disappeared up the ornate staircase, heading for the ladies’ lounge off the main lobby.

“Okay,” Belinda said, “what’s going on, Josef? Why the sudden urge to break all your rules?”

“So when did it become wrong for me to—”

“To what? To take a lover?”

Josef looked away, the old look of intense concentration on his face, the sensual curve of his lower lip open, as though pulling in a breath. “What has she told you?”

“Not a lot of details. Enough for me to know it’s serious, though. At least it is to her.”

“Why do you think it’s not serious for me?” Josef struggled a little at putting back his mask of amused detachment.

“Because nothing ever is, with you?” Belinda softened the comment with a smile.

“What can I say? She got under my skin. God knows why she wanted to, but she did.”

“Give me a break, Josef. Every freshie you’ve ever bitten ended up at least half in love with you. And it’s never mattered.”

“Belinda, I don’t have to justify myself to you.” Josef ran a finger around his collar, loosening his tie.

“Of course not.” She smiled at him, a little sadly. “I want the best for you, Josef. I do. All these years—it doesn’t stop me from caring about them—about her—as well as you.”

“That’s one reason you’re good at your job, sweetheart.” He looked down at his drink, surprised to find it empty. “Belinda—when she’s asleep, you know most girls, no matter how they are awake, they move away, curl up into a ball against the cold. Lucky—Lucky always tries to spread her warmth on me. Always.

“Maybe it’s as simple as that.”

Belinda blinked. “Maybe.”

“I never meant to cross that line with her. I thought it would be—she’d wear out her passion with teasing, and be ready to move on. Sooner or later. But that’s not how it worked out.”

Belinda reached out and laid a hand gently on his. “Take care of her, Josef. And be happy.” She looked up and saw Lucky approaching. As the other woman drew close enough to hear, Belinda sat back and said clearly, “I don’t care, Josef. You need to give her some closet space, and at least three drawers.”

Josef’s eyes were unguarded, for a flashing moment, and then he smirked at her.

“Two,” he said.
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Re: High Tea (PG-13)

Post by francis »

This is phantastic! Lucky searching for advice and Josef barging in and getting some too. Belinda is a great character.
I love the whole ambience of the place, the delicate china, the muted voices. It fits the way they are circling the issue without using too much words. And the dialogue is, as always, wonderfully done. :heart:
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Re: High Tea (PG-13)

Post by LadyAilith »

:Squee: A new Lucky/Josef story! Yay!!

Now that I've gotten that out of my system...I think that Lucky was in dire need of a day out with someone she could trust. I do feel sorry for her - I knew that freshies could be catty, but I guess I never thought that they'd turn on Lucky. Jealousy is a powerful thing. :-(

...And I'm glad that she gets 2 drawers! Beautifully done!
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Re: High Tea (PG-13)

Post by cassysj »

:hyper2: I love Belinda and I also love the phrase Kostanized. It's not easy for Lucky and lines aren't clear when she's freshie plus to the other girls. Freshies are jealous and I'm sure some are trying to think of ways to get into his bed and get her out of it.
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Re: High Tea (PG-13)

Post by AggieVamp »

:hyper2: WHOHOO!!! :hyper2: a new Lucky story!!

I have *SO* missed Lucky - and this is a great story. I love the description of not only the Biltmore, but what Lucky & Belinda are wearing. And I was thinking shades of Pretty Woman with the haughty waiter - and his change in attitude when he realized Lucky *DID* belong.

Thank you :hug: for this lovely story :)

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Re: High Tea (PG-13)

Post by tucutecats »

loved it,loved it,Oh how I have missed your stories.I adore anything Joseph and especially Jo/lucky :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: glad your back
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Re: High Tea (PG-13)

Post by darkstarrising »

I've missed Lucky as well, but she's back now in full form, quick witted as always. As Belinda tries to elicit details of Lucky's relationship with Josef, Lucky sidesteps neatly.
“Ah, but I haven’t answered, yet.”

“True enough.” Belinda chuckled. “You really have learned at the feet of the master.”

“He’s always appreciated my footrubs.”
:rolling: :rolling:

I do love this woman.

Belinda's worries about how this will all end for Lucky are disturbing. She knows Josef. She knows freshies. She understands the need for 'not sleeping with the food', but she's seeing something in Josef's behavior she's not seen before. Is there something more in Lucky's future?

As Lucky rejoins the group, the segue onto closet and drawer space is perfect, and Josef, being Josef, won't be bullied.
Belinda reached out and laid a hand gently on his. “Take care of her, Josef. And be happy.” She looked up and saw Lucky approaching. As the other woman drew close enough to hear, Belinda sat back and said clearly, “I don’t care, Josef. You need to give her some closet space, and at least three drawers.”

Josef’s eyes were unguarded, for a flashing moment, and then he smirked at her.

“Two,” he said.
Wonderful, Lucky :flowers:
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Re: High Tea (PG-13)

Post by eris »

“Interesting. I suppose finger foods are a good idea with some of those girls.”
I swear, you break one plate.... :snicker:

Belinda set down her cup with a soft click. “He could go to bottled.”
:drums: :nonono: :thunder:
“Somehow my favorite flavor of yogurt is never in the fridge anymore. And things I know I’ve put on the grocery request list disappear.

It wasn't me! *girl scout oath* :sigh:
Josef, I’m starting to think Eris was right.
Eris is always right, and if she's wrong, she'll smack you until you change your mind. :getclue:

Okay, silliness aside --

I love your J / Lucky stories. They're like little webisode snips of extra scenes. It's sad that the show never got into the whole freshie/vampire dynamic with any sort of depth or focus. I think the supply of fanfic that's come from the premise is enough to demonstrate it would have worked well.

(And I'm telling Josef about the missing yogurt :stir: )
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Re: High Tea (PG-13)

Post by jenstc2003 »

Great job, Lucky!! A great way to bring us back into the world of Lucky and J.


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Re: High Tea (PG-13)

Post by librarian_7 »

Thanks for the comments...it's very nice to post a new Josef/Freshie Lucky story. I'm working, slowly, I fear, on the next one. But working.

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Re: High Tea (PG-13)

Post by Marigold »

This is a wonderful story. :hearts:

I've always loved Belinda, so it was great to see her again. She is very smart, and is such an asset to both Josef and the freshies. She has definitely given both Lucky and Josef something to think about. She is a master at conversation, and I love how she changed the subject when Lucky came back. :laugh:

Freshie Lucky is in a tough spot. Her relationship with Josef has changed, and the other freshies aren't happy about that. This needs to be dealt with, and fast. After all,
librarian_7 wrote:Peace will be maintained at the Casa. No matter what.
Thank you, Lucky. :flowers: Well done!
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Re: High Tea (PG-13)

Post by jen »


This is fabulous!

I love Belinda. It is reasonable to assume that there are several 'Belindas' in Josef's past. Freshies who either aged out of the position or chose to move on, but remained on the edge of the vampire world.

It also stands to reason that Lucky, even though she needs to talk from time to time, is a member of that exclusive society that Simone talked about in Sonata, and keeping the secret is essential.

The dynamics are wonderful. Belinda has become someone Josef accepts advice from, and he doesn't accept it from many.

Thank you!!


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Re: High Tea (PG-13)

Post by allegrita »

How is it that I've never commented on this story?! I love it, for a number of reasons--one of which is that I've had the pleasure of experiencing High Tea at the Biltmore with you. :hearts: Your description of the place, and that lovely tea, brings back happy memories. But there's so much to this seemingly quiet story. So much angst and emotion below the smooth, sophisticated surface. I love getting a Belinda's-eye view of the situation here. She knows so much about Josef's world, and to see her surprised brings the Josef-Lucky relationship into a different focus for me. I mean, we "friends of Lucky" have been kinda traveling along with her, seeing the world from her point of view, mostly... and a little bit of Josef's. But Lucky and Josef are too close to it. They can't see the big picture... especially, Lucky can't. Through Belinda's eyes, you're pulling the camera back a little, giving us a chance to view things from a broader perspective.

Belinda is an ideal confidante for Lucky. She knows what it's like, at least mostly. She's pretty much seen it all. And she cares for Lucky and the others, the way a sorority housemother cares for her flock... with eyes open to their faults and their good qualities, and a fierce protectiveness disguised by a veneer of amused detachment. And she gives excellent advice... not just to Lucky, but to Josef as well.
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Re: High Tea (PG-13)

Post by MoonShadow »

oh good lord, a year late...

please excuse my tardiness. oh forget that. please accept my apology!
Lucky this is good, really good!
the atmosphere is perfect. the color of the story is spot on and you've done another miracle.
creating perfection with the written word :flowers:

thank You!
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Re: High Tea (PG-13)

Post by librarian_7 »

:hug: :hug: It's lovely to see comments on this--whenever!

And Alle, I love that "Friends of Lucky" phrase...nice to know a freshie has friends!

Ah, the Biltmore...I'd love to have tea there again. Such a lovely place, and such a great time.
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