Brian in "Men of a Certain Age"

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Re: Brian in "Men of a Certain Age"

Post by HotMicks »

Ah, WG, I can totally sympathize with you! (Can't we all? :roll: ) I only caught a couple of episodes of this, but liked the character combo. And you're right, as someone who is not an avid viewer of either of these shows, I have to say I see The Closer advertised a lot more than MoaCA. And I guess I am always surprised when someone as huge (hit TV show-wise) as Ray R. doesn't roll right into another smash hit (ie, carry their audience along with them). Same thing happened with all the Seinfeld stars - none of their next shows succeeded. Although I will say, MoaCA would likely not appeal to the same audience as Everyone Loves Raymond. Different generations. My parents love ELR, while MoaCA is closer to my generation's sensibilities, I suspect. Just my :2cents: But yeah, feel your pain. I'm still smarting from the cancellation of Terriers (and, oh h*ll, why not? Moonlight. There. I said it. :snicker: :blushing: ).

Carol, thanks for explaining why they do that stupid split season thing. Although, waiting one month for sweeps to pass would be better than putting 4-5-6 months in between. Do they not realize most people are too lazy to hunt these things down? If I'm watching a show (other than Moonlight and Terriers :biggrin: ) and one week I turn on the TV and it's not there at its usual time? I change the channel. There are 500 channels. When are they going to realize you can't build a loyal viewing audience (unless your show is truly stellar) if you don't make it easy for people to get into the viewing habit? Even Lost lost me (no pun intended) when they went on that long hiatus and then kept moving the night around. And I was hooked on that show. I quit watching it that season, and then didn't come back until the final year (which I recorded on TIVO and still have not watched, because, well, um, I kinda "lost" that "must know what happens next" rhythm).

Is there any way we can help get you promoted to network executive, Carol, so you can test out our oh-so-brilliant theories of television success? :rolling:
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Re: Totally random no-topic thread, part 19

Post by wondergirl9847 »

Yikes, I'm involved in yet another Save Our Show campaign. Ugh. LOL

Men of a Certain Age with our own Brian J. White.

No, I am not flying to Los Angeles to scream on a street corner and hold up signs. No, I am not sending thousands of emails, postcards, letters, etc. to various companies. No, I am not sending money in for a full page ad in Variety or The Hollywood Reporter.

I AM helping spread the word online a bit on Facebook (some of you probably got my posts. Heh) and just sent a couple (!!) of emails to people at my local newspaper.

Hey, if this works...I will come back here and post a YAHOO!! I'll let you know how it goes. Mike Royce, co-creator of the show along with Ray Ramano is trying to find a new home for the show. He knows about our campaign too. Hopefully, we'll get a better response than we did for ML. :ysmile:

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Re: Brian in "Men of a Certain Age"

Post by redwinter101 »

In spite of their best efforts, Mike Royce and Ray Romano have conceded they can't find a new home for the show. In an open letter to fans, they explain all. It's brilliant, classy, honest and heartfelt: ... ed-series/

There are so many wonderful things to quote (I especially loved the "mini-series by accident" line) but I'll just leave you to read for yourselves.

I'm sure I won't be the only one who wishes the Moonlight PTB had done something similar, both in terms of action and communication. It would have saved a lot of people a lot of grief. :2cents:


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Re: Brian in "Men of a Certain Age"

Post by r1015bill »

Very classy and positive. I salute them.

Yes, it would have been nice to have something like this for ML.
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Re: Brian in "Men of a Certain Age"

Post by allegrita »

How true, Red. What an amazing letter... exactly the sort of letter that Moonlight fans deserved. And to my shock, with one exception, the comments on the blog are positive and full of gratitude for what we got. And it makes me happy to see people asking the creative team to stay together and try again.
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Re: Brian in "Men of a Certain Age"

Post by wondergirl9847 »

Well, they tried and so did the fans. It sucks because I absolutely LOVE this show. Thankful for what we got, but wanted more. It hurts SO bad when the Kardashians and Jersey Shore have shows going on year after year and this gets cancelled. I just wanna scream. :grumble: :banghead: :witsend:

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