Logan's Turn (Challenge fic) --PG-13

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Logan's Turn (Challenge fic) --PG-13

Post by librarian_7 »

Disclaimer: If you recognize it, I don't own it. Just borrowing a little, and I promise to wash it and put it back clean.

This piece was written for the MLFF Origins challenge, which specified that fics should be about an origin, and told as a flashback....

Spoilers: This conversation takes place during a lull in the events of “Fated to Pretend.”

Logan’s Turn


“Mick.” Beth hissed into her phone, covering her mouth with one hand. She knew it was ineffectual, but she couldn’t help it. “Where are you?”

“Finding Perez is, uh, taking more time than I thought. Is there a problem?”

“I don’t know. You tell me.”

“Ah,” Mick said. “You’re worried about Logan?”

“Well, no offense, but he is…you know.”

“A vampire?” Mick asked, amused.

“A poorly socialized one.” Her voice was tart.

“Beth. Logan’s okay, he just—doesn’t get out much.”

The young reporter glanced over at the occupant of the basement, who appeared to be completely engrossed in what was happening on one of the three monitors in front of him. As she watched, he reached over and picked up a tall tumbler filled with dark red fluid, and guided the bendy straw to his mouth without looking, for a long slurp. Beth’s stomach lurched. She wasn’t sure she could ever get used to the—dietary requirements—of her new friends.

“What am I supposed to do?” Beth asked. Logan looked up at that, and she flipped her long blonde hair over her shoulder and gave him a false, bright grin. His smile back seemed equally pasted on, and the nervous lift of his head made it clear to her: he was as uneasy with her presence as she was, being there without the protective buffer of Mick between them.

“Beth, you’re a reporter. Just—talk to him.” Mick sounded a touch impatient, she thought. “Look, he knows I’d rip his head off if anything…”

“But you’re human now.”

“Trust me, I can take Logan Griffin.”

“All right, all right. Just hurry, okay?”

“I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

Mick hung up, and Beth smiled brightly at Logan again. She’d been in college with guys like this, even if you didn’t see much of them. There was no way of knowing how long he’d been a vampire—maybe she’d actually been in college with him. She found a chair half-buried under a drift of printouts, and cleared it off. At least, she reflected, there were no rancid, congealing pizza boxes, like the ones she remembered from a few of the geekier dorm rooms she’d visited. She tried not to think about what was congealing in a few glasses she spotted here and there around the basement.

“So,” she said, “have you known Mick long?”

The vampire looked up, and Beth thought she detected a certain dark interest in his eyes, a shrewdness that looked out of place in his slightly pudgy, eternally youthful face.

“Yeah, funny thing—I actually ran into him online before I was Turned. He used to rock World of Warcraft a few years ago.” Logan grinned. “I did some work for him, back then. Light hacking, nothing complicated. Then, you know, things changed, and, uh, Mick’s been a friend.”

Beth nodded thoughtfully. “He’s a good guy,” she said. She leaned forward in her chair. “Logan, what you said—I know it must be kind of personal, and I hope it’s not rude to ask, but—how did you get Turned? Mick’s told me—some—about what happened to him. What happened to you?”

Logan blinked, surprised, and didn’t speak for a few long moments. “You know,” he said, “no one’s ever asked me that before. Like Mick said, I don’t get out much, but you’d think someone would’ve asked by now. You sure?”

Beth found herself touched by his unexpected earnestness. “Everyone has a right to have their story heard, Logan,” she said softly.

Logan nodded and swiveled his chair away from the monitor to face her. “You know, for a human, you’re okay.”

“Thanks, I think.”

He ducked his head, embarrassed, and glanced at his monitors to cover. “Okay,” he said, “but just remember—you asked for it.”


My friend Bart always told me to watch out for chicks that went to sci fi cons. I should have listened to him. Man, I should have listened.

I ran into her at the 2003 Comic Con. If you’re not from California, I mean the big one, in San Diego. Some people talk about New York, but seriously, there’s no comparison. You wouldn’t believe that con, man. I haven’t made it, the last few years, but it was the coolest. Still is, from everything I see on the web. Something for everyone, pop culture paradise for geeks like me. Anyway, I’d gone to one of the late night parties, after the anime screening, because, hey, you never know. I’d never managed to hook up with a chick at one of those, but there had to be a first time, right?

My luck, there actually was a first time, and her name was Toni. Antoinette, really. Almost as dorky as my first name, the one I never speak of. I always thought Logan Griffen had a nice rockstar ring to it. Anyway, so this Toni was wearing a really nice Federation Starfleet uniform, and Vulcan makeup. While I’ve always been more of a Princess Leia kind of guy, if you know what I mean—like that totally hot slave girl outfit from Return of the Jedi—Toni rocked that red tunic. Unisex look, but you could tell she was stacked, underneath it. She was hot, you know? She looked just like Kirstie Alley in Star Trek II: the Wrath of Khan. She told me later that it actually was one of Lt. Saavik’s original costumes, and she’d paid a small fortune for it. At the time, I thought it was a good copy, and I was way too turned on by the Vulcan ears to really care. We got to talking, and I kept picturing her naked, with that wig and those ears. It was distracting.

I realize now that she knew a whole lot more about what was going on with me—physiologically, if you follow—than I would’ve dreamed. Good thing, too, because, dude, I gotta tell you, if I knew that she knew that I—well, let’s just say that guys can be very shy. It doesn’t take much to shut us down, you know what I’m saying?

Anyway, when we got to talking about our other fandoms, she almost lost me, and I almost lost her. She was a big Forever Knight/Angel/Buffy fan. Yeah, really. So I opened my big yap and started going off on how ridiculous that was, because even if space travel is still way in the future, it could happen. And this vampire stuff, hey, everyone knows they don’t exist.

I guess I understand now why she started laughing her ass off.

When she’d finished wiping away the tears of laughter, she gave me this stunning smile, laid a hand on my arm (which trust me, I felt all over), and quoted Shakespeare at me. “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” Then she wandered off, and left me thinking I’d put my big dorky foot in it again. If you happened to be there, and saw a guy dressed like Lando Calrissian—not from The Empire Strikes Back, but later, while he was fighting with the Rebel Alliance—standing on one leg, kicking himself in the ass for being, well, for being his usual clueless self, that was me.

Why I didn’t think to go after her then and there, I’ll never know.

And since we’re being all truthful here, I’ll admit that after I got back to my hotel room, I was still thinking about that jet black hair and those Vulcan ears all night. I’m pretty well acquainted with Rosy Palm and her five sisters, and, well, we had several dates before I was calm enough to sleep. I can’t believe I’m telling you this, but you know, you really are easy to talk to.

Man, I was everywhere, the next day, looking for Toni. I missed Neil Gaiman, just so I could find the Underworld stuff, hoping she’d be there. I must’ve walked ten miles, trolling the vendor floor. To give you some idea, the vendor area is close to 500,000 square feet of pop culture nirvana. And, yeah, that was a problem, because unless she wore her costume again, I didn’t know her hair color, and while I thought I’d recognize her face, I’d been so distracted by the pointed ears—which again, I know, not real—that it was going to be tough.

I’d had a few beers the night before, too. Not that I was wasted or anything, but the idea of trying to chat up girls, even the geek-ettes that show up for cons like this, makes a guy like me a little nervous. And I thought with a few beers under my belt, I’d be maybe not cooler, but at least braver.

Next day, though, looking for Toni, I didn’t need artificial bravery. Artificial intelligence, maybe. But I was a man on a mission. I mean, it was important enough to me to miss several panels I’d wanted to see, and for all the walking I did in the vendor area, I didn’t stop and buy anything. Bart scored some amazing shit, autographs from Artist’s Alley and everything, and I walked away with nothing.

It may give you some idea of how focused I was, if I tell you I had planned on picking up some serious amounts of stuff in the vendor hall, and except for a couple of hot dogs, maybe a coke, I didn’t spend a dime. I mean, ebay’s great, but you can find things at a con—especially that one—that never turn up on ebay. Besides, this way you can touch it, turn it over in your hands and find the damage that doesn’t show up in a picture.

It’s a miracle I didn’t get my ass banned from the Con. As the day went on, I got more and more frantic to find Toni. I was looking hard at every woman about the right height and shape, and more than one looked like she was getting seriously creeped out.

I can’t really explain why I felt so—compelled, I guess—to find Toni again. I mean, I know what you’re thinking, but she wasn’t the first girl that ever talked to me. I went to college—five of the finest years of my life. And I have one or four ex-girlfriends out there somewhere. Okay, make that three. One was a one-night thing who claimed later it was a bad case of beer goggles on her part. Not real flattering. Anyway, it wasn’t that I was some desperate geek loser searching for the one pretty woman who’d ever shown an interest. I was two, maybe three years away from being completely pathetic. But Toni—when I’d talked to her that first night, she made me feel like I was the only guy in the world, that I had her complete, intense, attention. Have you ever met anyone like that? Oh, yeah, I guess maybe you have. So you can see why I had to find her…

There was a pretty good reason I didn’t see her all day, but who knew?

I finally gave up and went back to my room to get ready for the Saturday night party.

See, Saturday night is the Masquerade. It’s not just a costume party, it’s THE costume party. The big one, the one people spend their whole year getting ready for. Costume competitions, babes with next to nothing on, performances by groups…if you don’t hit this, why did you come to the Con?

So after searching all day for Toni, I figured this was my last, best shot to hook up with her. Providing I could turn on the old Logan Griffen charm.

Okay, don’t laugh. I’m pretty sure I can be charming—I’ve read books about how to talk to women. It’s just stepping over the theory/practice divide that’s the hard part.
So I had a pretty decent Captain Jack Sparrow costume put together. The makeup I’d gotten a buddy’s sister to help me with. She was 15 and thought I was the world’s biggest dork, and while she was teaching me how to do it, I had to sit through a lot of crap about how no one was ever going to mistake me for Johnny Depp. I’ve gotta say, well, duh. But she was a wizard with the makeup stuff.

And hey, once I’d got the eyeliner and mascara on, glued on the fake moustache, and put on the wig and the hat…with the rest of the costume, I felt like I looked pretty damn cool. Dashing, even. YMMV.

When I got to the ballroom, it was a zoo. Even the overflow rooms were packed. I’ve been to heavy metal concerts that were quieter. And I have—used to have—this buddy from high school who was a cop, who says he’s seen better organized riots. But, hey, everyone loves it. You ought to go sometime. Really.

I guess you can’t call what I was doing “working the crowd.” But I sure was working my way around the room. Best I remember, I’d made about five circuits when there was a tap on my shoulder. I turned around, thinking it was probably my room-mate, Bart, and found myself face to face with Toni.

She was dressed like one of the vamps from Underworld—that blonde chick, I forget her name. And let me tell you—she looked way beyond hot, all black leather and goth lace. And, yeah, she’d found me.

So I go for my best, “Hello, darling’” smile. She dimples a grin at me right back, and I can see the points of what I thought were really cute little fake fangs. The pale blue contacts were smokin’, too.

I remember telling her how great she looked. All the books say women like compliments, so I thought, hey, I can do that. Besides, it was totally sincere. I think I may have told her that her fangs were sexy. She laughed at that.

Then she got this gleam in her eye. If I’d known her better, I think I’d have been smart enough to run the other way. Maybe. Anyway, the next thing I know, she slips her arm through mine—and how cool does that make me feel? And she says, “I’ve got an idea. Let’s enter the costume performance contest, okay?”

“And do what?”

She squeezed my arm and smiled at me, and licked her little red lips, and the whole world, including my brain, went away. “Logan,” she said, “just trust me, and follow my lead.”

So we signed up, and had a long wait until our turn on the stage. Most of it we spent talking, although I think now, she let me do most of that. I did tell her that her costume was making me rethink my position on vampires.

“Oh, Logan,” she told me, “I think by the end of the evening, you’ll be embracing an entirely new position on vampires.” And she wiggled her hips at me.

Well, that sounded pretty sexy, even if she didn’t mean exactly what I thought she meant.

And I think by the time we got up on that stage, I was ready to do pretty much whatever she said, just for the right look from those crystal blue eyes. I still don’t know what the music was, that she used for that. Some classical piece, I think, but whatever it was, it was dark and brooding, and it got into your head and just twisted your brain into knots.

She told me, whispered into my ear, to go up on stage, stand there by myself, and she’d be with me.

So I’m standing there, grinning like an idiot at the audience, with no idea what’s coming, and starting to wonder if I’ve been royally set up to look like an idiot, and all the sudden I feel this hand slide across the back of my neck. And Toni is just sort of—flowing—around me, almost like she’s a pole dancer and I’m the pole. It was amazingly seductive, and I mean she hadn’t been at it a minute or so and I had beads of sweat popping out on my forehead. I was seriously in danger of embarrassing myself, when she whispered in my ear again.

“Fall to your knees, baby.”

Yeah, at that point, so not a problem.

So there’s a little more of that sensuous, teasing dance, and then she’s behind me again, whispering.

“Lean your head over,” and “I’d never hurt you.”

I barely had time to wonder about that last one, when she gave the crowd a real show of her fangs, put her mouth against my neck, and bit. You know what I said about the rest of the world going away? This time it was even more true. All I could feel were those fangs slicing through my skin, and it didn’t hurt. It didn’t hurt at all. And then, I could feel her drinking, and I’ve never ever felt a rush like that. Never. Ever.

She didn’t take much—she told me later she wanted me to be able to walk off the stage. But she pulled away, and everyone could see the marks on my neck, and the blood on her mouth. The applause was enough to knock me over. She managed to help me up, and I’ve seen the video of it, you’d never know. I do have this dazed, completely out of it, but happy, look on my face.

So we staggered off-stage, and ended up with an honorable mention. That’s the certificate hanging on the wall, right over there. I think they counted off because our costumes didn’t really match. Personally, I thought we should’ve gotten the grand prize. And I guess, in a way, I did.


Logan went quiet, then, looking more thoughtful and sad than Beth had seen before. It was the first indication she’d had from him that he might be older than his apparent age. The first time he looked to her like a vampire. She had a sudden flash of the age she’d seen sitting behind Josef’s eyes, and, to a lesser extent, Mick’s. A cold shiver rippled down her spine. Someday, if nothing happened to him, Logan might be sitting in some room, somewhere, surrounded by his beloved computers, with the weight of centuries in his eyes. For the first real time she caught a glimpse of the tragedy of immortality, and her heart ached for Logan, for Ryder, for Josef, trapped in eternity. Mick had escaped, for now, but he knew, as surely as death, that his return to immortality was only a matter of time. And so did she.

Beth reached out and touched Logan’s hand.

He started, coming back to himself, and gave her a crooked grin. “Sorry,” he said, “just having a moment.”

“Logan,” she said gently, “what happened next? What happened after you got offstage?”

He shrugged. “Oh, you know, the usual. Later that night, she Turned me.” He swiveled his chair around, away from her. “It was just one of those things.”

“Yeah,” she said. “Sure. But—“

“Hey, look,” he interrupted. “Mick’s back.”

Beth spared a quick glance toward the door. “Logan,” she said, “I’d like to hear the rest of the story sometime, okay?”

Logan nodded, hitting the door lock release button. “Sometime, sure.”

When the flurry of activity and communication had died down, and the two humans—and how weird was that, thinking of Mick St. John as a human?—had gone, Logan rummaged in his freezer and got out a new bag of blood. He couldn’t afford his favorite B- very often, and he’d been saving this one for a few days. One of his IM buddies had been urging him to get out and hit a freshie club, but he was shy about feeding fresh. It seemed awfully chancy, somehow. High rejection possibility factor and all that.

Pouring himself a tall glass, he sat back with it, thinking. He’d never intended to let someone get him talking about Toni. Especially not some nosy little human, however cute she might be.

Sipping at his blood, relishing the special tang of his favored type, he let his mind float back those few years to the Comic Con, organizing his shattered recollections. He might tell Beth all this, some night, if the occasion arose. Or maybe not.

Either way, it wasn’t something he thought about often. So now, in the sudden stillness of solitude, it all rolled in, a gentle inundation of the past.


As Toni lifted her head from his throat, she’d hissed, “Smile,” into his ear, and he’d been so dazed he’d automatically complied. He’d needed a little assistance getting to his feet, and the strength of her hands was as much an astonishment as the shocking reality of her fangs buried in his skin.

He smiled, but as they turned, he wasn’t seeing anything. His skin was washed with flame, the fire radiating from the wounds in his skin. He was afraid that if he looked at the woman—the being—beside him, he would be blinded by the light of the force within her.

And yet, the reality was cold, and as they got beyond the spotlights, he clutched harder.

“You bit me!” he exclaimed, sotto voce.

“Yes.” The answer was matter of fact. No denial, no remorse.

“We—you—what the hell?”

“We should probably talk.”

“Ya think?” The sarcasm was dripping, and he found he didn’t care.

“Let’s find someplace private.”

It flashed through Logan’s mind that going someplace alone with a woman who was unnaturally strong, and evidently suffering from a delusion she was a vampire might not be the best idea. And on the heels of that came an absolute certitude that Toni wasn’t, in any way, delusional. If that was so, he realized, then the world was suddenly, devastatingly different than he’d always believed.

To the casual eye, as they went down the hall, they probably resembled a couple, slightly drunk, looking for a quiet place to make out. Logan was staggering a little, and Toni’s arm around his waist did help support him. His arm around her shoulders was more for show.

About eight doors down, around a corner from the hubbub of the ballroom, Toni tried the door of a small conference room that opened to her touch. At least that’s how it seemed. He thought he felt her put a little extra English to the twist of the handle. That pop the lock made could have been his imagination, or just as stiff mechanism.

The room was set for a small group meeting, six rectangular tables pushed together to form a larger conference table. The drapes at the back of the room were open, the glass wall looking out on a night cityscape that could have been anywhere, and gave just enough light for Logan to make out the outlines of table and chairs.

As the door clicked shut Toni stood still, listening intently for a few seconds, then nodded, satisfied they would not be overheard as long as she could keep the conversation low-key. And low volume. Toni took a deep breath. This was never easy.

“Logan,” she said, “I know I took you by surprise, and I probably should have given you a little more advance preparation—“

“What? Like bespell me with your eyes so I couldn’t resist?” Logan found the strength to move away, and she made no attempt to hinder him.

“That shit’s just in books,” she replied, shaking her head. “If I could do that, we wouldn’t be needing to have this conversation, would we?”

Logan tried for a moment to process that. He had to admit, it made sense. “Yeah, but—“ he started.

“Logan, listen,” she interrupted. “Yes, I bit you. Yes, I took some of your blood. Not enough to hurt you. You’ll be fine in the morning. And the bite will heal cleanly, I promise. A day or two and no one will ever be able to see the mark.” She paused. “Of course, that also means that if you start telling your friends the whole ‘how I got bitten by a vampire at the San Diego Comic Con’ story—they aren’t going to believe you. Or they’ll say, ah, you mean that chick in the Underworld vamp costume, not a REAL vampire.”

He felt a bitter taste rising in the back of his throat, and he moved farther away from her. “So you picked on me because you’d found some—some buffoon without a shred of credibility? Man, I’ve gotta say, that bites.”

She was between him and the door, but he broke to his left, putting at least the minimal protection of the conference table between them. If she came around the table for him, he might be able to make it out the door.

Toni was still speaking, softly, soothingly, as though they were still standing face to face. “I picked you because I liked you, baby,” she said. “And come on, you’ve got to admit, it felt good, didn’t it?”

“What part of ‘You bit me’ is still not making sense?”

Toni smiled brightly enough he could see it across the room. “Maybe you should give me another chance—“

“So you can finish the job? Forget it.”

Toni seemed genuinely shocked. “Finish--? Logan, we don’t kill people. We just take—a little blood. It would be silly to kill people when we can enjoy them again, and again.” She moved along the table, staying parallel to him.

Logan was still feeling a little fuzzy, a little freaked, but he was alert enough to think that keeping her talking was a good idea. Something to occupy that red, red mouth other than his already wounded neck.

“Toni,” he said, “this is all kind of hard for me to get my head around. I mean, who knew you guys were for real? And I’d really love to hear all about the whole vampire thing. Meeting you kind of puts a different spin on it—“ as he spoke, he was moving carefully down the length of the table, ready to break and run for the door. He could see the line of hard, bright light under the doors, and it looked like sanctuary to him.

When she made the effortless vault onto the table, landing in a graceful, predatory crouch far closer than his mind could accept, balanced on the balls of her feet and her fingertips, it startled him into a run. Then she was right in front of him, catching him easily, and even in the dim light he could see her eyes shift color, and her fangs lengthen to transform her smile. A distant part of his mind registered enough to think, okay, the speed thing is true.

“Oh, Logan,” she said in a breathless whisper, “one thing you should know. When dealing with a predator, never, never act like prey.”

He felt the sharp tips of the fangs go in, and his body jerked, hardened. He was still trying to deal with that reaction when he heard the last words he would ever hear as a living human.

“Oh, shit.”

His eyes were closed, he didn’t see her bite her own wrist, see her open a vein for him. He didn’t see the blood dripping onto his mouth, or even taste it at first, sliding past slack lips. After all, he was dead.

Later, he would remember gripping her wrist with both hands, sucking in great gulps of the most delicious, intoxicating substance he’d ever tasted. It was every flavor he’d ever loved, every liquor he’d drunk, every warmly sustaining mouthful he’d ever swallowed, all mixed into one red blur. It was life, and he wanted it.

When he opened his eyes at last, he wondered how the room could be so bright, and he looked at Toni in some confusion. He’d thought she was beautiful before, but now he could see every eyelash, every separate hair on her head, and she was like a shining light to him.

Her smile back to him was rueful, and somehow it reminded him of a look his mother used to give him, from time to time. “Oh, Logan,” she said, her head moving slowly from side to side. “We really have a lot to talk about, now.”
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Re: Logan's Turn (Challenge fic) --PG-13

Post by francis »

Mick was into World of Warcraft – that’s rich. He mentioned it in OOTP, but I never thought he would have actually played it. I thought it was an off remark. But it makes sense. He had a lot of time to occupy before he rejoined the human world in form of Beth.
Logan meeting his fate on Comic Con, dressed like Lando Calrissian, that’s great. It fits him to a T. I always thought he would have been a real fan, you know, the ones who go to Cons and spend a fortune on memorabilia.
There are so many great lines of self-sarcasm that I just can hear him say. You should let David Blue read this loud and record it.
I didn’t need artificial bravery. Artificial intelligence, maybe.
She was dressed like one of the vamps from Underworld—that blonde chick, I forget her name.
And this was making me all choked up with the weight of it:
Logan went quiet, then, looking more thoughtful and sad than Beth had seen before. It was the first indication she’d had from him that he might be older than his apparent age. The first time he looked to her like a vampire. She had a sudden flash of the age she’d seen sitting behind Josef’s eyes, and, to a lesser extent, Mick’s. A cold shiver rippled down her spine. Someday, if nothing happened to him, Logan might be sitting in some room, somewhere, surrounded by his beloved computers, with the weight of centuries in his eyes. For the first real time she caught a glimpse of the tragedy of immortality, and her heart ached for Logan, for Ryder, for Josef, trapped in eternity. Mick had escaped, for now, but he knew, as surely as death, that his return to immortality was only a matter of time. And so did she.
I had to quote it all because it’s brilliant.
Later, he would remember gripping her wrist with both hands, sucking in great gulps of the most delicious, intoxicating substance he’d ever tasted. It was every flavor he’d ever loved, every liquor he’d drunk, every warmly sustaining mouthful he’d ever swallowed, all mixed into one red blur. It was life, and he wanted it.
So, so brilliant. You start the story with humor and sarcasm, and it still has an air of that, but it changed into something philosophical about life altering experiences, about seduction and rejection.

Poor Logan has been toyed with. It seems to me that his sire wasn’t really thinking this through, accidentally killing him. I would love to hear more about how his fledgling time was, if she was a good sire or not (I think she might have been a bit cold) and how Mick became his friend. There seems to be more to this story.
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Re: Logan's Turn (Challenge fic) --PG-13

Post by AggieVamp »

This was really interesting. I like the idea of Logan at the Comic Con & vampires attending ;) But I do feel sorry for him - it sounds as though he has dealt with the results of his turning, but still regrets it on some level.

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Re: Logan's Turn (Challenge fic) --PG-13

Post by cassysj »

Very interesting Logan story. Having attended a lot of cons in my life, I liked that it was at a convention, that strikes me as a place Logan would be as comfortable as he could be.
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Re: Logan's Turn (Challenge fic) --PG-13

Post by RangerCM »

wonderful story. Would love to hear more of Logan's fledgling time from you.
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Re: Logan's Turn (Challenge fic) --PG-13

Post by wollstonecraft61 »

Okay, second favorite story of mine. Great job. Logan was so unexplored since there was no second season. I love this story.
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Re: Logan's Turn (Challenge fic) --PG-13

Post by redwinter101 »

How very lovely, Lucky. It was such a shame we didn't get to see more Logan and you have given him a wonderful genesis here.

librarian_7 wrote:Later, he would remember gripping her wrist with both hands, sucking in great gulps of the most delicious, intoxicating substance he’d ever tasted. It was every flavor he’d ever loved, every liquor he’d drunk, every warmly sustaining mouthful he’d ever swallowed, all mixed into one red blur. It was life, and he wanted it.
is just divine.


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Re: Logan's Turn (Challenge fic) --PG-13

Post by allegrita »

Oh, Lucky, I love this! Logan has always enthralled me...and this is an absolutely believable way for him to have been Turned. Plus I agree with everything Francis said. She said all the meaningful stuff I wanted to say! Darn you, Francis! :slappy:

(Edited to fix spelling--sorry F!)
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Re: Logan's Turn (Challenge fic) --PG-13

Post by Fleur de Lisa »

lucky~~you had me entranced from start to finish.
What a clever idea and I loved hearing about Logan's turning in his own wonderful voice.

Very, very, good.
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Re: Logan's Turn (Challenge fic) --PG-13

Post by francis »

allegrita wrote:Oh, Lucky, I love this! Logan has always enthralled me...and this is an absolutely believable way for him to have been Turned. Plus I agree with everything Frances said. She said all the meaningful stuff I wanted to say! Darn you, Frances! :slappy:
I'm in yur head, steelin yur commentz!!! :devil:
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Re: Logan's Turn (Challenge fic) --PG-13

Post by mitzie »

Your story was perfectly Logan! I loved it!! Everything about this story was pure Logan oriented. Excellent job!!!! Would love to see a story from you about his fledgling years(Big Hint)!! :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :yahoo: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :yahoo: :yahoo: :woohoo: :thud: :thud: :thud: :thud: :notworthy: :worship: :rose:

I felt sad for Logan too. She really didn't give him a choice and accidently killing him was such a big no-no on her part that I really wonder about the type of sire she would be! :bmoon:

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Re: Logan's Turn (Challenge fic) --PG-13

Post by librarian_7 »

I wanted to say thank you for all the lovely comments...

francis, as always, I love your insightful response.

Karen, Carol, Ranger, so glad you liked it.

Wolle...that's quite a compliment!

Red...praise from you, is praise indeed.

Alle, thank you (and you and francis can work out your differences, I'm sure.)

Lisa, Mitzie, thanks.

Somehow the idea of Logan at a con seemed like a natural, and what a great place for a vamp to wander and not seem out of place. As far as writing more about fledgling Logan, well, I hadn't planned to, but if I get a decent idea, I promise I'll do it. And I thought that Beth must've needed something to talk to him about while they waited for Mick to get back...little ms. hotshot reporter surely had a few questions to ask him!

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Re: Logan's Turn (Challenge fic) --PG-13

Post by m00nlight_babe »

I love Logan! Out of 'minor' characters he's my favorite. I love that you gave him a backstory. I can see something like that happening. I never thought he was that old of a vampire.
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Re: Logan's Turn (Challenge fic) --PG-13

Post by MoonShadow »

Yeah! I love back stories, I'm so glad that you decided to fill out Logan's history. :cheer:
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Re: Logan's Turn (Challenge fic) --PG-13

Post by librarian_7 »

M_B, MS, thanks...yes, we know so little about most of our beloved characters...so we're left with lots of opportunities to let our fancies wander.

Logan just seemed to me like a geek (in a good way!), and I thought the most natural place for him to be out and meet a vamp would be at a Con.

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