Sam's Choice --related to "La Posada" (J/OC slash) PG-13

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Sam's Choice --related to "La Posada" (J/OC slash) PG-13

Post by librarian_7 »

AN: Sam Logan is familiar to readers of “La Posada.” He’s a freshie…and this story is sort of an adjunct to that one. This story was written in response to Redwinter101's recent call for PG-13 slash.

Sam’s Choice


Shifting the strap of his carry on bag on his shoulder, Sam Logan trudged up the jetway into the concourse of the Denver airport. He’d slept a little on the short hop from Durango to Denver, and he suspected the bottled water he’d been given had been laced with a little something to keep him tranquil for the journey. Randall had told him it was to keep him hydrated, but really, he wasn’t buying that. He sighed. He supposed Randall was only doing his job, but it still felt like a betrayal of sorts. He’d never really liked the son of a bitch anyway.

At the top of the jetway, Sam was a little surprised to see an airline employee holding a card with his name on it, and even more curious when he was escorted to the VIP lounge. Before he left, he inquired if Sam had a charged cell phone, and handed him a card with a number.

“I’ve been instructed to request that you call this number, sir.”

“Who is it?” The area code was 310, one Sam didn’t recognize offhand.

“Don’t know. All I was given was the card, and directions on what to tell you.”

Sam was deeply suspicious, but he’d learned the hard way to follow mysterious commands. It was always better if you didn’t fight it. Always. He fished his phone out of his bag, and turned it on. He wondered about it, though, even as he punched in the number.

He recognized the voice that answered.

“Sam Logan, I presume?”

He gulped. “Yes, sir, Mr. Kostan.”

“Good. ” Kostan’s voice was crisp, business-like, and Sam could feel his heart sinking. “I wanted to give you some information, Sam.”

“I’m listening,” Sam said, then added, “sir.” Even long distance, he didn’t want to sound in the least disrespectful.

“Sam, the way I see it, you have three choices here. You can get on that flight to Dallas, and go back to dear Melissa. She wasn’t terribly pleased about you having to be dragged out of the Posada kicking and screaming, by the way. Perhaps I shouldn’t have mentioned that to her.”

“Perhaps not.” Sam couldn’t repress all his attitude, although he was biting his tongue before the words were even out.

“Hmm. Second choice, walk away now. There’s someone there with an envelope for you. It’ll give you enough cash to make a start. Of course, it’ll be a very ordinary life, but I suppose there might be some attraction to that.” Josef paused, but there was no response. “And the third choice is this. Take the other envelope. It has tickets for a flight to L.A. I believe I might have a position for you, if you’re not ready to walk away from your current life entirely.”

Sam swallowed hard. “Do you mean…what I think you mean, sir?” He remembered his pre-dawn conversation with the vampire, a few days before. He’d been scared half out of his wits, but at the same time…

Josef smirked. This fish was on the hook. “That remains to be seen, Sam,” he said softly. “I believe your Dallas flight boards in about half an hour. So you have a little time to make up your mind.”

“Sir, I—“ But the connection was dead. The guy from the airline was back again, with two unsealed envelopes in his hand. Sam checked both. There was enough cash to see him through the night, and a very generous check. Starting out money, indeed. He felt a little pang to think that his lady would give him up so easily, but maybe that made the choice a little clearer. In the other…the flight to Los Angeles didn’t board for two hours. He wondered if there was a bar near the new gate.


Josef did not look up from his desk as his study door opened and the young man slipped in. The two assistants working with him displayed more curiosity, but returned at once to their tasks. The boss’s freshies were none of their business.

“You wanted to see me, sir?” Sam asked quietly.

The ancient vampire rose and snapped his fingers. His assistants cleared out instantly. Mr. Kostan had a notoriously low threshold for disobedience in his subordinates.

Sam gulped. This vamp was as seriously scary as he remembered from that early morning visit in Colorado. He’d been hoping he’d magnified Kostan’s presence through a lens of fear at the time, but it seemed not to be the case. And he hoped his attire and demeanor were acceptable. For all that Lucky had claimed that her vampire didn’t pass out painful punishments the way his lady—his former lady, he corrected himself—had done, was no guarantee that his faults would be tolerated. After all, she was a pampered favorite. He was, well, he didn’t know what he was, yet.

Josef circled the young man, studying him. He’d seen the files on him, notes from the boy’s stay at La Posada, when there had been so much concern about his burgeoning relationship with Lucky. And that was one thing Josef was looking for. What had his freshie seen in this mortal, that tempted her so?

He’d seen the boy once, tousled with sleep, but then his own anger at the human’s presumptuousness had clouded his objectivity. Now, what he saw before him was a prime human, perhaps an inch or two below his own height, of slender but solid build. His dark gold hair was pleasingly sun-streaked, a little long, curling softly around his neck and threatening to spill down over his eyes. The face was almost pretty: wide-set blue eyes and a generous mouth. He was so freshly shaved that Josef caught a strong scent of the shaving cream over the boy’s obvious nervousness.

Sam wore a crisp cotton shirt, white, with narrow blue and black stripes, the cuffs turned back to expose his wrists, the neck open two buttons. His black trousers were a little tighter than Josef would find comfortable, himself, but they did show off the human’s various assets to great advantage. He was clearly a well-trained freshie, that Josef was certain of. Then again, from what he knew of the lad’s previous vampire, it was only to be expected. Melissa had a certain reputation…

During this inspection, Sam stood rigid and still. When Josef completed his circuit, and again faced him, Sam met his gaze, blue eyes to intense brown, and quailed, casting his eyes down, and biting at his lower lip.

“Sam,” Josef said, his tones neutral, “do you know why you’re here?”

He shook his head without looking up. “No, sir.”

“Take off your shirt, Sam.”

The young man raised his hands to the buttons of his shirt, then hesitated, looking up at Josef. The vampire raised his eyebrows at the implied hesitation, and gave a bare nod. Sam bowed his head to look at his fingers, fumbling with the buttons, as Josef stared at him. Sam’s hands shook as he pulled the tails of his shirt from his pants, and undid the last button.

He paused, gathering the courage to slide the shirt off his shoulders, but the choice was taken away, as cool fingers parted the edges of the garment, easing it back off his chest. He shivered, and the shirt fell to his elbows, the skin of his torso almost fully exposed.

“Relax,” Josef said. “Let it drop.” His eyes were growing warmer, more intense than Sam would have believed. The boy turned his head away, blond hair falling into his eyes, but it did little to hide him, and he knew it.

Lucky had warned him about this, Josef thought. Sam’s chest and back were criss-crossed with scars, fading red lines, and older, white marks. Something about the idea of so many bleeding wounds, even past ones, intrigued him, attracted his hands to explore the skin, tracing his fingers along the scars one by one, gently massaging the fang marks here and there. He knew his freshies had often found such touches stimulating, and as he continued his caresses to the boy’s skin, he could see the pulse at Sam’s neck jump, and heard him catch his breath.

“Melissa’s work, I see,” Josef breathed.

Sam looked up through the strands of his hair, his blue eyes glittering with tears, his mouth twisted. “I loved her, and she ruined me. And threw me away.”

Josef moved closer, wrapping his arms around Sam. “Not ruined. And not thrown away.” He laid his mouth against the boy’s neck, tasting the skin, licking the pulse point. His eyes shivered to silver as his fangs extended. He raised his head, and drawing Sam’s face around to him, brushed the hair back from his forehead and putting his cool lips to the boy’s cheeks, licked away his tears. “She made you beautiful, Sam,” he whispered.

Sam felt his arms steal around Josef’s waist, and he turned his head again, offering his neck to the vampire. He curled his hands through Josef’s suspenders, bracing himself for the inevitable pain of the bite. He’d been so accustomed to offering himself to his lady, and it felt so strange to feel himself mastered by the hard solidity of a masculine body. He felt himself responding as he’d never imagined he would, as Josef’s cool hands skimmed over the bare expanse of his back, making his skin feel sensitive and his body ache with a need he’d never experienced before. He felt that without the support of Josef’s arms, he would fall to his knees to worship the vampire. There had been a phrase his lady had insisted he repeat to her, before she tasted his blood, and he whispered it now. “I give my body freely for your pleasure, sir.”

Josef smiled, running his tongue slowly across his upper teeth. “I think we might dispense with the formality, Sam. Under the circumstances.” His voice was a low, hungry growl.

“Yes, sir—“ Sam paused and smiled for the first time, shyly. Josef marveled at the difference in his face. The boy could be damned appealing. He’d only meant for this to be a taste, a ritual submission of the freshie to the vampire who held his contract, but this was stirring him unexpectedly. The velvet of the boy’s skin, crossed with the satin ribbons of his scars, drew Josef’s fingers to move steadily, the warmth of it like a drug to him.

Josef tightened his arms around Sam, hands positioning his neck at the best angle for a bite, the hard lengths of their bodies tight together. “Freely, you said?” he whispered against the boy’s throat.

“With all my will,” Sam replied breathlessly.

As the fangs slid into his skin, seeking the vein, the blood that would bind him to this vampire, Sam arched his body against Josef, crying out with the welcome white hot pain of entry. This was familiar, this was home for him, and he pressed closer, seeking to feel the flood of his blood into Josef’s hungering mouth. Sensation fell over him like a curtain of warm rain, his hands clawing at Josef’s back with the rawness of the experience. His world narrowed to awareness of Josef’s lips on his throat, and he cried out with the pain of loss when it left him, too soon. Still straining against the vampire, he felt the lips replaced with the slow steady strokes of Josef’s tongue, cleaning and sealing the wounds, soothing his racing pulse back to normal. The cold arms around him never slackened their hold, and if he felt his head spin, he had no fear of falling.

Somehow, in this dangerous place, with this deadly being, he had found a haven in the darkness.

Josef lifted his head, finding Sam’s eyes once again, although now they were drowsy and fearless. He ran his hands through the boy’s baby fine hair, and laid a brief, firm kiss on his lips, before pulling Sam’s head to rest against his shoulder. “Your blood is different,” he said.

“Was it acceptable, sir?” Sam asked, the title of respect tasting like a term of affection in his mouth.

Josef smiled. “Bright and clean, freshie boy,” he said, his satisfaction evident in his voice. “Quite acceptable.”
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Re: Sam's Choice --related to "La Posada" (J/OC slash) PG-13

Post by mitzie »

I really loved this!! I'm so glad Sam is with Josef! This was very intense, vivid detail. I love your writing Lucky!! *scream* *scream* *scream* *scream* *thud* *not worthy* 8-)

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Re: Sam's Choice --related to "La Posada" (J/OC slash) PG-13

Post by ari »

OMG! I loved it!!

Going to be so interesting to find out what Lucky thinks of this little turn of events...
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Re: Sam's Choice --related to "La Posada" (J/OC slash) PG-13

Post by wpgrace »

Aww, bless his heart. This was a lovely moment, Lucky. And quite sensuous...
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Re: Sam's Choice --related to "La Posada" (J/OC slash) PG-13

Post by jenstc2003 »

I love it, Lucky! Sensual, though not overly sexual. And it fills in a blank that I'd wondered if you would fill in. Lucky's reaction to having Sam around the Casa ought to be interesting!


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Re: Sam's Choice --related to "La Posada" (J/OC slash) PG-13

Post by Catmoon »

I've been waiting for this one, and it was delicious! At first fearing the infamous Josef Kostan, Sam now knows he couldn't be in better hands.
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Re: Sam's Choice --related to "La Posada" (J/OC slash) PG-13

Post by redwinter101 »

Lucky, I've already said how much I loved this (both because you wrote it in response to the call!) and just because it's beautiful.

I haven't read La Posada so Sam was a new character for me, but he leaps of the screen - your descriptions of him are so evocative, so real, I could feel his tension, his anxiety, and his surrender.



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Re: Sam's Choice --related to "La Posada" (J/OC slash) PG-13

Post by Luxe de Luxe »

your prose is spare and elegant as always Lucky.... but there's such a heart of darkness to your work!
Sam’s chest and back were criss-crossed with scars, fading red lines, and older, white marks. Something about the idea of so many bleeding wounds, even past ones, intrigued him, attracted his hands to explore the skin, tracing his fingers along the scars one by one, gently massaging the fang marks here and there.
“She made you beautiful, Sam,” he whispered.
this makes me shiver!!!
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Re: Sam's Choice --related to "La Posada" (J/OC slash) PG-13

Post by cassysj »

You post in the middle of the night Lucky, that's my sleeping time. I could have missed it.

Well, I'm one of the bigger slash fans on the board and I'm so excited this is up.

I completely believe that Josef would be curious as to what had Lucky so interested. I also think that since Josef does not like attention diverted from him he would want to turn on the charm for Sam like he does for his other freshies.

What I also like is Sam had choices. One not being pleasant (going home), one being free from vamps (not easy) and going somewhere new in a familiar lifestyle. It was an obvious choice but Josef doesn't grab you kicking and screaming to serve him in the 21st century.
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Re: Sam's Choice --related to "La Posada" (J/OC slash) PG-13

Post by francis »

Thank you for giving us the story of a male freshie. It’s re-fresh-ing.
I’m miffed that the vamps would drug the water of a freshie to keep him tranquil. The disregard some of them have for the humans, treating them as disposable food sources, is really appaling.
Josef Kostan is intimidating here, but he really gives Sam first a warning and then a choice. And he has Sam, hook line and sinker, with only a few words. Somehow the way he treats humans is in no way different from what the others do, and yet, seems much more benevolent and humane to me.
I’m appaled that vampires would like to see scars on their freshies, but then again, even if Melissa’s work is quite extreme, it has to be expected that there would be scars and that the possessive attitude of a vamp would find them – attractive. Like a powerful being would find submission attractive. It’s in Josef calling him boy, and Sam calling him sir, which is really kind of kinky and yet makes sense in this setting. And even if Josef is in that line of thinking of humans as food, he has the kindness to give Sam some self-esteem back, telling him his scars are beautiful, as he cannot give him back his unblemished skin. Sam is in good hands.
But what will Lucky say???
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Re: Sam's Choice --related to "La Posada" (J/OC slash) PG-13

Post by librarian_7 »

Thank you so much for the enthusiastic reception...I wanted to start my fic off here with a good read, and I guess I accomplished that!

Sam is one of those characters who was never intended to be more than window dressing, but he's taken on a life of his own...and although I don't have specific plans for him for the future, I can't imagine that he won't be speaking up again.

Josef Muse has already suggested something to me. And you all know how THAT goes.

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Re: Sam's Choice --related to "La Posada" (J/OC slash) PG-13

Post by bluedahlia3 »

Ooooooooooooooooh Lucky, once down this path you have done yourself proud. Sam is a great character. This also brings out the 'edge' in Josef that he should have as a vampire. An edge that he couldn't / shouldn't show with a lady? Nicely done.
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Re: Sam's Choice --related to "La Posada" (J/OC slash) PG-13

Post by Emerald »

Marry me :D :D :D
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Re: Sam's Choice --related to "La Posada" (J/OC slash) PG-13

Post by librarian_7 »

Blue, thanks so much. Now that you mention it, Josef is a little "edgier" with Sam than he is with his ladies. Interesting observation!

Em, well, my husband would probably object, but I'm sure we can work something out! :lol: :lol:

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Re: Sam's Choice --related to "La Posada" (J/OC slash) PG-13

Post by PNWgal »

My bad...I realized I hadn't posted feedback to this superb rendering.

(damn, I've been spending WAY too much time on

I truly enjoyed this one. I like Sam, and feel for him - he's been used so roughly and of course he'd be nervous about presenting himself to Josef.

Along with clear concise writing, there's a lovely sub/dom undercurrent that's deliciously evocative...but maybe that's just me. ;-)

Sam looked up through the strands of his hair, his blue eyes glittering with tears, his mouth twisted. “I loved her, and she ruined me. And threw me away.”

Josef moved closer, wrapping his arms around Sam. “Not ruined. And not thrown away.” He laid his mouth against the boy’s neck, tasting the skin, licking the pulse point. His eyes shivered to silver as his fangs extended. He raised his head, and drawing Sam’s face around to him, brushed the hair back from his forehead and putting his cool lips to the boy’s cheeks, licked away his tears. “She made you beautiful, Sam,” he whispered.
Poor be used and tossed aside is painful, but Josef sees the scars as beautiful.

Wonderful, Lucky...simply wonderful.

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