The Chemist--Chapter 10-12 PG13

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The Chemist--Chapter 10-12 PG13

Post by MoonShadow »

Episode: Loosely based after Episode Sleeping Beauty
Pairing: The whole gang
Rating: PG13 Occasional language Spoilers: teeny pinch of The Mortal Cure but this is pure fiction!!!
Beta Thank You: Morbius
Summary: Nothing happens by chance, our decisions direct everything around us

CBS & Paramount owns Moonlight, No copyright infringement is intended.

The Chemist
By Moonshadow

Chapter 10

Beth grabbed the towel wrapping it about her, snagged a second one and began toweling her hair dry. Her suitcase sat primly just inside the door. Smiling gratefully Beth opened it and dressed quickly. She was shaky from hunger. Fifteen minutes later she descended the stairs, Beth felt hungry enough to eat a horse.

Mick was nowhere to be seen. “Mick?” She called out, “Where did you go?”

“Right here,” he answered as she jumped and whirled.

“Stop doing that!” Beth said with a smile.

“Are you ready to go?” Mick led the way to the office door and held it open for her. “Let me pick up some stuff, and we’ll go out this way.”

As they stepped into the hallway to leave, Mick picked up the scent. A vamp had been in the hallway, an old one, and it was someone he didn’t know. Mick grabbed Beth’s arm and she jerked in mid stride, looked at Mick, his face was all she needed to see. The question died on her lips as she backpedaled. Eyes wide with alarm she looked about the hall for any sign of danger. Mick’s eyes silvered dangerously, as he continued to listen and scent the hall way. The vamp, whoever it was had left, but it hadn’t been very long ago, the odor was still heavy. Mick wondered silently if this was a warning or a scouting mission, either way he wanted to get Beth out of here now.

Still holding her arm, Mick nodded his head towards the stairwell door, they carefully walked backwards shoulder to shoulder. Beth whispered, “Is he still here?” Mick shook his head no, but didn’t speak. Beth looked about, Mick wasn’t taking any chances as he carefully opened the door and scented deeply. She noticed as he opened his eyes the silver had faded but the worry hadn’t. The slipped into the chilly stairwell and Mick pulled the door closed behind them. They ran down the stairs quickly making every effort to be quiet. At the bottom of the stairs Mick’s hand stayed hers as she reached for the door. Beth moved to the side as Mick cracked the seal and scented yet again, his body tense and ready. With the coast clear they ran for the car.

This is just what I was afraid of, Mick thooufht as he started the Benz and sped oout of the garage towards Josef’s place.

“Will you be alright if I drop you at the front desk?” Mick asked as they drove.

“I suppose,” Beth replied. “You aren’t coming up?” she looked over at him. “There’s a drive through right there.” She said as she pointed over her shoulder.

“What?” Mick responded obviously lost in thought.

“I said; there was a drive through. Food. Remember? For me.” Beth looked at him curiously. “What’s really bothering you? What did you smell?”

Mick blew out a breath, wondering where to start. “I told you Coraline was gone, right. Well, she didn’t go voluntarily; her brother insisted that she go with him, it was a… family dispute. She’s part of a very old family. It’s never wise to get involved in a family argument.”

“So what… someone from the family was checking you out?” Beth countered.

“Something like that.” Mick replied I think he added silently.

“Okay” Beth looked as yet another drive though passed by. “In the meantime; food! For me, before I take a bite out of you” she added with a smile.

“Beth, I’m sorry,” Mick apologized wheeling into the next place the came to.

As Beth downed the sandwich and drink, she asked between bites, “So, you said she was part of an old family, how does that work? Is it by birth, or by, you know” making a quick click with her teeth, “By blood?”

Mick smiled at the action, keeping his eyes on the road watching for danger as they headed quickly to the relative safety of Josef’s office. “It’s complicated.” He responded.

“Okay” Beth added between bites of her meal, “does that mean you are part of this family?” She watched his face for a response, “after all she’s your sire.”

Mick blew out another breath. “Can we talk about this another time?”

As she finished the sandwich and drink, she shrugged and looked out the window. “Okay.”

Mick sensed the irritation in Beth’s attitude. “Look, we need to talk,” he glanced over at her, “but I don’t want to start and not the through everything that needs to be said.”

Beth’s face was somber as shed considered his words.

Chapter 11

Mick stood at the security desk with Beth as the attendant contacted Josef’s office requesting an escort. Beth noticed the glass was tinted and yet the attendant wore sunglasses. She slid her eyes towards Mick. He was watching her, as she nodded her head slightly and raised an eyebrow at the attendant’s back, Mick subtly nodded affirmative.

The escort arrived and Beth swallowed hard. She knew he was a vamp too. Great! Here you go girl, walking into a herd of them, horde of them, flock of them. Just what the heck do you call a group of vamps? Beth thought to herself. Taking a deep breathe to calm her nerves she let the mental conversation run on, Nice try girl. Face it Beth, you’re scared spit less and Mick’s going to leave. You can do this. Josef will make sure of it. Yeah, right. He’s a vamp too.

“You okay?” Mick’s voice startled her.

“Yeah, fine.” Beth said a little too quickly.

“All right,” Mick placed a hand into the small of her back before he turned to go. He felt her heart slow, taking comfort from his touch. “I’ll call.”

“Thank you.” Beth said softly, it came out as a sigh. She turned and followed the escort to the private elevator and stood watching Mick as the doors slid closed.

Beth entered the office foyer following the escort past the main lobby and into Josef’s private complex. It was obvious that Josef had taken great pains on security in his new office. The hallway twisted and turned past marble panels and smoky glass dividers. It would be easy to get disoriented Beth thought as she looked about remembering the black and ruined husk that had been left after the blast. Moving swiftly form lightness into the cool darkness Beth sensed the tension, Josef must be close.

The nameless suit halted before a screen embedded in a wall next to a thick frosted glass door. “Mr. Kosten’s guest has arrived,” he announced. Beth felt the click of the locks as the suit pushed the door open and waited for her to enter. The rush of cool air echoed the click as the bolts slide into place locking the heavy door behind her.

“You’ve got this place tighter than Fort Know.” Beth quipped as Josef stepped from the shadow extending a file folder towards her.

“Gold can be replaced, I can’t.” Josef retorted. “Where’s Mick?”

“He’s gone.” Beth looked at Josef with surprise in her eyes. “Obviously, that’s not what you expected to hear.” She added.

“I have a desk ready for you, this way.” Josef swept past her soundlessly.

Beth opened the folder as she followed him. “Don’t you have someone who could do this?” She gestured with the folder.

“Available labor isn’t the issue. Mick trusts you. I trust Mick. Have a seat.” Josef handed Beth a phone. “Yours can be traced. Start here.” He indicated on the computer screen. “Follow the instructions on the printouts in that file, additional phones are there. Mariel will bring anything you require.” Josef pointed to the desk phone, “Just pick up the handset and ask. She’ll stay until I return.” He added.

Looking over the desk Beth could see the concern in Josef’s eyes.

“Mick didn’t say anything before he left, anything at all?”

“Only that he’d call.” Beth replied glancing down as she sat. When Josef didn’t respond, Beth looked up and realized that he’d already left the room.

Mick drove to the warehouse where Coraline had set up shop, he wasn’t all that certain about what he’d find he thought as he parked the Mercedes in a garage. As he stepped out of the structure the sun hit him like a blast furnace. He instinctively retreated to the shade, squinting his eyes as nausea washed over him. Mick went back to the car dug out a baseball cap and pulled it low over his eyes. Gritting his teeth he quickened his pace as he walked down the street, crossed over to the ware house and slipped into the alley way’s welcome shade. Mick breathed deep, testing the air. Quickly looking about, jumped on the fire escape railing, swung over it and landed in a crouch. Mick jerked on the window frame. It shook and rattled but didn’t budge, Mick jerked again and the wooden frame came apart, glass shattered and bounced off the metal of the escape. He froze and listened, but the only sound was the rats scurrying about in the dust.

Stepping through the window into the gloom Mick looked about, several skylights were broken out. Below, in the lab area, the animals were gone; either they had been stolen or escaped. The computers were gone as well. Vandals had been here; Mick could smell the human traces. Stepping about the debris, Mick kicked some of it aside. The flash of white caught his eye, kneeling he pulled the notebook from under the table. Josef’s in luck. The lab notes might not be complete but at least they’d be able to salvage something.

Mick opened a second notebook, smelled the traces left there. Then he smelled it, the heavy odor of ancient decay. The hand that had paged through the leaves of this notebook was an old one. Mick smelled again, it was older than Josef, and powerful. He couldn’t get a visual reference on anything more than a hand, a ring, and a sense of ominous power. Slowly he closed the book, picked up a sheaf of papers and fanned through them. Coraline’s image flashed through his mind, the sight of her staked and completely at Lance’s mercy. Another handful of papers brought Mick the image of the vamp that Lance had killed.

Mick stood and looked about, the skylights let in dusty rays of sunlight creating random pillars of yellow grey. The botanical supplies Cynthia had delivered to Coraline were strewn about the room. Mick found an empty box and threw several handfuls of the dried greenery in it when the odor hit him. He saw the old vamp clearly this time. Cynthia had been in contact with him! Mick realized with alarm,and, either he knew who Coraline was or he had guessed.

Mick gingerly smelled the herbs again, his vision swam and clouded, this time it wasn’t right. Something in the herbs was affecting him, images crashed into his mind. Lola’s sire, The Chemist, Lance, they were all talking in the darkness. Coraline was in candlelight, laughter rang in Mick’s ears as he shook his hear to clear it. Wiping a hand over his face Mick realized the laughter wasn’t part of the hallucination.

The first blow smashed into the side of his head, sending him sliding across the floor smashing a table, papers and herbs scattered everywhere. The room spun sickeningly and Mick felt bones break as a kick caught his ribs, he rolled with the impact. Mick saw the stake the vamp held in his fist raised ready to strike. The moment the vamp bent to slam the weapon home; Mick grabbed a table leg, and rolled into the vamp. He swung upwards. Luck was on his side. And he caught the vamp a glancing blow, upsetting his trajectory. Mick climbed to his feet and swung again. The vamp moved and the club missed its mark; as the vamp charged Mick he felt a bag of herbs under his hand. Clenching his fist tightly Mick waited for the moment, and threw the bag. It exploded as it caught the vamp full in the face; he staggered snarling and clawing at his eyes. Mick leaped and kicked the stake from the vamps grasp; Mick heard the wrist break as the stake flew across the room. Diving into a roll Mick knocked the disoriented vamp from his feet. The both went down hard and rolled apart in the debris. Mick scrambled about the lab table searching for the stake frantically. Throwing the table at the vamp Mick spotted the stake, grabbed it spun and slammed it deep into the vamps heart. Mick snarled into the paralyzed face, his rage ripping through the room.

Mick crouched and glared at the darkness searching for another attacker. In the resounding silence Mick’s pale eyes darkened and he felt the ribs healing. Standing upright he walked over to the vamp ready to see the face from the hallucination. Looking down at the still figure the odor of age was unmistakable, it was him.

A door creaked and Mick spun ready for this attack. The black form outlined in the brilliance was Josef’s.

“Damn Mick. What are you looking for?” Josef asked sauntering into the ruined lab. The next comment froze on his lips as he spied the paralyzed vamp. “Company?” he added.

Mick shrugged, “Any ideas?” he asked as Josef came closer.

“Mick, the old ones don’t take kindly to one of their own getting staked.” Josef looked down and shook his head, “Fortune favors the foolish.” He knelt by the vamp and looked up at Mick. “I think it’s him. This vamp is one of the old ones Mick.” Josef shook his head again as he rose wiping his hands, “We need to get him out of here fast. This place is wide open.”

“I’ll get my car” Mick said heading to for the door, “gather anything you think might be salvageable. He must have come looking for something.”

Chapter 12

Beth sipped the cold coffee and made a face at the taste. Hit the enter key and made another note. There it was again, Beth definitely had a shadow, which also meant that someone had hacked Josef’s system. She sat back in the chair shrugging her shoulders up and rolling her neck to relieve the stress in them. The question was, “Who was it.” Beth thought reaching again for the cup. She sat the cup back down looked at her watch and picked up the desk phone. The first time Beth called Mariel she didn’t quite know what to expect. This time when the slender elegant lady entered with the coffee service Beth thanked her with genuine sincerity. Walking to the window Beth sipped the hot coffee slowly lost in thought. She jerked when her own phone vibrated. Beth grabbed it and saw that it was Mick.

“Hey,” “You okay?” Mick asked.

“Yeah,” “How about you?” Beth responded, hearing the tone of his question and continued, “What’s up?”

“I was just about to ask you the same thing.” Mick replied, “You sure you’re okay?’

“Yeah, I’ve just found something interesting.” Beth answered.

Mick’s snort of laughter caught her off guard, “Funny, I was going to say the same thing.” He added, “Josef’s with me” “I’m going to be a bit” “Don’t leave, okay?”

Puzzled Beth replied, “Okay, I’ll wait,” looking about the office, she thought, I don’t think I could leave if I wanted to.“Mick, tell Josef his system has a ghost in it.” “Be careful okay.” Concern wrinkled Mick’s brow as he closed his phone. Watching his face Josef raised an eyebrow. They closed the trunk lid after double checking the stake.

Opening the car door Mick said, “Beth’s found a ghost.” He smirked lightly as Josef’s eyebrow climbed to his hairline.

“A what?” Josef asked looking at Mick as they wheeled out of the warehouse. Josef flinched as the bright sunlight stabbed his face.

“Beth found a ghost in your computer system.” Mick replied as he merged through traffic. “I assume that wasn’t part of your plan?” he asked dryly. Josef swore long and eloquently finally ending with a succinct, “nothing is sacred!” Josef’s face was pinched and white with anger. Mick knew the sunlight wasn’t helping matters either.

“Where are we going with him?” Mick jerked a thumb over his shoulder indicating the load in the trunk.

“My place,” Josef answered tersely.

Mick eyed him suspiciously “Don’t tell me you’ve got Sarah there,” he said “Josef!” “You baited the trap with Sarah and The Chemist.” “What are you after World War 3?”

“Listen Mick, I’ve thought this through.” Josef said scrubbing a hand over his face. “Lola’s sire still has to answer to the powers that be.” “If they blow up my place to get to Sarah, they’ll take out The Chemist too.” “There is no way they’ll risk that.” “I’ve got the place locked down. We can get Beth down there and ride out a siege.” “I’m hoping it won’t come to that.” He added quietly.

Mick shook his head, “You’re taking a huge risk.”

“Yeah well, the big boys don’t play tiddley winks, Josef snapped back as he pulled out his phone.

Beth looked at the number on her phone as it vibrated, she didn’t recognize it. Better safe than sorry, she thought.

A moment later the door opened and Mariel entered. “Mr. Kosten would like you to accept his call,” she said as she collected up the coffee service and glided back towards the door. “Please let me know if I can be of any further service,” she added ignoring Beth’s stunned look. Beth jumped as her phone began to vibrate again.

“Hello Josef,” Beth said flipping the phone open.

“Beth,” “I’m moving you to another location.” “Mariel is calling a driver.’ “Bring that file with you and I want everything you’ve see this ghost do.” The line went dead before Beth even had an opportunity to reply. And, as if on cue, Mariel opened the door. Beth shook her head as she gathered up the notes, stacked them together and followed Mariel down a hallway.

The body guard was big and all business, she saw that he was taking no chances as she stepped into the limo. The windows were blacked out and the driver screen was up. Beth reached for her phone and he stopped her hand, briefly shook his head “no” adding, “That can be traced.” She slid the phone back into her pocket, buckled her belt and flicked the corner of the folder with her fingernail as the nervous energy shot through her. ”What the heck is going on?” she thought watching the buildings slide by as the limo wove it’s way through traffic.

Forty five minutes later Beth stepped from the vehicle in a private underground garage, followed the body guard through a heavy metal door and down a long hallway. “This isn’t Alice in Wonderland anymore,” Beth thought uneasily, “I feel like I’m lost in the Matrix.”

Beth did a double take as they entered a second door to find Mariel standing beside a desk. “Mr. Kosten would like you to continue with your project until they are able to join you.” She gestured towards the desk as the body guard stepped out and closed the door behind him.

Beth jumped at the sound of the door, turned back to Mariel and looked at the mysterious figure; quirked an eye brow up and asked, “May I use my phone here?”

Shaking her head “no”, Mariel indicated the desk phone. “The land line is secure.” “Please use that or one of the disposable phones located in the center drawer.” “Is there anything else you require?” Beth shook her head “no” and walked over to the desk, sat down and watched as Mariel left the room. “Take the blue pill Beth,” she whispered under her breath.

They had almost reached Josef’s place when Mick’s phone went off. “That will be Beth,” Josef said scanning the road ignoring Mick’s look.

Mick shook his head as he answered the strange number, glancing briefly at Josef’s smug smile. It wasn’t often anyone surprised Mick.

“Hi, you okay?” Mick asked. Hearing the slight pause in her breath he added, “Ask Josef” in response to her unspoken question. The corner of his lip curled upward, Mick could tell that Beth was annoyed.

“I’m fine, where are you?” Beth asked skipping the puzzles and going to the obvious. “More importantly, where am I?”

Mick drove following Josef’s gestured directions. “Well, if I had to guess I’d say somewhere safe.” Mick answered. “Beth, it shouldn’t be long now.”

Beth’s annoyance was replaced by concern, “Okay, you’ll call?”

“Absolutely.” Mick responded as he snapped the line off.

“Down that ramp,” Josef pointed to an underground entrance. The Mercedes spiraled downward two levels and stopped by a concrete bunker.

Stepping out of the car Mick looked over at Josef, “Remind me to never piss you off.” The burley bodyguard stood by the door waiting as they opened the trunk. Mick was glad he wore sunglasses as the door opened to reveal a silver lined cell. The only thing not silver was a hospital gurney in the middle of the room. Hiding his horror Mick added, “You don’t take any chances do you.” Together they wheeled the Chemist into the deadly room.

Josef looked at him, “I’m not holding high card Mick, I don’t have room to take chances.” “This way,” he nodded towards an elevator entrance after typing a code into the electronic lock. Mick felt the air shift subtly, looking over at Josef he got the answer. “That was the entrance.” “This place is buttoned up.” “Let’s go see that ghost.”

They rode the elevator in silence, changing to a second one after two floors, ascending two more floors finally arriving at their destination. Mick, stepped out of the elevator and stopped, waiting until Josef looked back, before he asked, “How long have you been planning this?”

“Long enough.” “Beth’s in here,” Josef nodded towards the door. “I’ll have Mariel bring you some AB negative.” “I’ll be right back.”

Beth looked up in surprised alarm. As Mick stepped through the door relief flooded her features. Beth’s heart was pounding, Mick could hear it across the room. She stood and came around the desk heading straight for him. She slid into his embrace as if it was the only place on earth that she should be. He bent to kiss the blond head, and felt her shift, burrowing deeper into his hold. The feel of her body against him, caused a memory to run through his mind, a memory of holding her body against his in the shower, of her body taunting him, begging for him to turn her. Mick’s breath caught in his throat and he felt Beth’s breath catch, they were matched. His mind white hot, as she surrendered her lips to the luxurious demands of his, Mick felt as if he could drown in this kiss.

Mick stiffened at the click of the door handle stepping away from Beth. When the door opened Beth turned and introduced the woman standing there to Mick. “Mick, this is Mariel.” “Mariel, may I introduce Mick St. John.” On the tray that Mariel carried was a goblet of white wine, a plate of cheese, fruit and crackers. It also held a slim crystal glass filled with blood.

“Mr. Kosten was concerned that you hadn’t taken a break,” “So he took the privilege of ordering for you.” She set the tray on the desk away from the paperwork, nodded to Mick and left as quietly as she had entered.

Beth smiled at Mick, walked back to him and hugged him, “I was worried.” “What happened?” “Why am I here?” “And, where is here?” she waved her finger in a circle indicating the windowless room.

Mick held on to Beth breathing deep the delicious scent that was Beth, took another deep breath and stepped back nodding to the tray. “Let’s eat and talk.” “It’s been longer than you think and I could use a drink too.”

Mick pulled the chair out for Beth, hitched up his leg and settled on the corner of the desk. He slid the plate over to Beth and handed her the wine. Taking a deep drink from the ruby nectar, he watched Beth as she selected a cracker from the plate. “Okay, which question are you going to answer first,” she asked.

He couldn’t help but smile at her, “Well, the warehouse had been ransacked but we’ve got some files and test data that should help The Chemist find the formula that Josef’s after.” Mick drank again letting Beth digest the full impact of his words. It was a worthwhile wait.

Beth shot to her feet, crumbling the cracker into a showery mess. “You’ve got him!”

“Yep,” Mick mumbled into his drink. “We got him” smiling as Beth brushed off the crumbs and playfully swatted his shoulder.

“Okay details.” She said tossing the trash.

The humor faded from Mick’s face, “There really isn’t much to say.” “But he’s here.” “This is Josef’s place,” Mick added.

“So something must have happened,” Beth pressed the point. “If Josef’s moved everyone here from Fort Knox,” noticing Mick’s puzzled look she added, “that’s what I call his new office.”

Mick smiled dryly, Beth wasn’t far off he thought. “Eat Beth,” he urged her, drinking the last from his own glass, “It’s not what happened so much as what Josef wants to guarantee doesn’t happen.” “Sarah’s here too.” Mick set his glass down. “Josef’s gambling that Lola’s sire wants The Chemist alive.”

Beth nodded, “Makes sense.” She commented through the cheese and wine. Holding up the cracker she pointed to the computer. “Someone knew that Sarah was being moved but the really interesting part…” Beth swallowed another sip of wine and downed the last bite of cheese. “They were helping hide my tracks.” She raised an eyebrow as she let her own bomb settle in.

Mick’s request for clarification was interrupted by a rap on the door before it swung open and Josef entered. “What happened that made you think you had a ghost?” he asked adjusting his jacket as he paced to the desk.

Beth spun the file around and slid it across the desk, “See the time and the entries in the bank accounts,” “Every move I made was shadowed by someone.” “But look at the pattern on the deposits.” Pointing to the numbers, “These combinations of the same numbers,” “Do they mean anything to you?” she asked looking up at Josef as he stood leaning over the desk analyzing the information.

An ironic smile crossed his mouth before it tightened. “That would be the inestimable Ryder England.” Josef looked up from the paper, “The question is; why would Ryder be helping me hide this trail?” Looking over at Mick he added, “Maybe I underestimated him.”

Mick, taking in Josef’s icy countance, carefully asked, “Have you considered the option that Ryder didn’t go willingly?” “They may have held a high enough hand that Ryder was forced to fold.”

Beth watched as the tension in Josef’s face was replaced with concern, “Mick, Ryder still had family living in the area.” Josef bowed his head as he added. “Ryder was supporting a sister and her kids.” He shook his head and sighed leaning back. “Okay, that gives us one possible ally on the inside.” What next.” He added, wiping a hand over his face.

Mick stood, “let’s take a look at the material we got.” “There’s a lot of notes.” “We might get something of value from them.”

“It’s all in the lab.” Josef replied heading for the door.
Last edited by MoonShadow on Mon Jan 19, 2009 2:48 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: The Chemist

Post by kpyle »

Oh I am so happy to see this story here! Still waiting patiently (or Not) for more. I will continue to wait, because it is worth it!! Thanks for your continued talents!!
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Re: The Chemist--Chapter 10-12 PG13

Post by MoonShadow »

You are so kind. I promised you I would get the ending up. Thank you for waiting!
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Re: The Chemist--Chapter 10-12 PG13

Post by francis »

Oh, the plot thickens. Give it to Josef to have a bunker in LA. So did Ryder help, and go to ground, or is he in with the Chemist. I didn't quite get that, but I guess the next chapter will help. :heart:
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Re: The Chemist--Chapter 10-12 PG13

Post by jen »

This is wonderful!

Your characterizations are spot on and I can see them playing out these scenes! They are getting into a very dangerous game here, with very hold and powerful players.

Thank you!
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Re: The Chemist--Chapter 10-12 PG13

Post by allegrita »

Ooh, I love the twists and turns in this story. They remind me of Josef's defenses. :winky: If the ghost is Ryder, then what's he up to...? I hope he's still on their side, because I liked him. If he's got family in the area, then I bet he didn't leave Josef's employ willingly. And Beth and Mick are STILL waiting to have that really important talk! :sigh: Josef owes them an all-expenses-paid, PRIVATE vacation after this.

I'm off to read the next part! :hyper2:
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Re: The Chemist--Chapter 10-12 PG13

Post by maggatha3 »

I love this story, so much into it, seems like a war among vamps is about to happen while Mick and Beth still haven't managed to take some ..quality time!

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