Jolly Old St. Nick By Ella713 Rated PG

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Jolly Old St. Nick By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Beth, Steve and Carl try to solve a case that involves murderous Santa Claus!

Moonlight Fanfiction
Jolly Old St. Nick
By Ella713
Rated PG

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Steve came running up to Beth with camera in hand,
“Come on Beth, you won’t believe this!” he said with a huge grin. Steve only displayed that grin when there was something incredibly juicy.
“Wait, what’s going on?” she said grabbing her handbag and trying to catch up with him
“A department store Santa attacked two women at the Westfield Mall!”
“You’re kidding!”
“I wish! Come on!

Beth and Steve were walking towards the crime scene when Carl stopped them
“Beth, come on. How did you hear about this so fast?’
“Carl, you know me. I live eat and breathe news!” she said with an innocent smile. “So what happened?”
“Alright… Santa Claus walks into the mall and takes a chunk out of Melissa Matthew’s neck. She’s over there” he pointed to the woman on the stretcher. “She’s going to be fine. She didn’t know the man and had just come to the mall for some last minute gifts. A couple of hours later, the same Santa attacks Grace Crawford in the exact same way. She didn’t survive”
“Any connection between the two victims?”
“Not that we can see. Melissa lives on Mulholland Drive married to a bank manager and Grace is from South Central, a college student lives with her grandmother.”
“Thanks Carl” Beth said as she and Steve walked away. “Wow! Killed by a Santa three days before Christmas” she said to Steve.
“And you know, somehow that doesn’t seem strange to me” Steve said.
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Re: Jolly Old St. Nick By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Marigold »

A murderous Santa? Oh no!!! Not that I really blame him - this time of the year is very stressful. It must be especially so for the guy in charge of making and then delivering gifts to children around the world. :rolling:

You've piqued my interest, Ella! Can't wait so see where this goes.

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Re: Jolly Old St. Nick By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by allegrita »

Took a chunk out of their necks, huh? Hmmmm... :chin: somehow that M.O. seems a little bit... I dunno, suspicious... :dracula:
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Re: Jolly Old St. Nick By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

It wasn’t that Carl hated Christmas or the holiday season, he just hated what it did to people. He had arrested a mother who beat another woman over the last action figure in a toy store. And he arrested a young man who was stalking shoppers and snatching their purchases trying to return them for cash. And now some crazy lunatic dressed as Santa was making appetizers out of women. Christmas he thought brought out the worst in everyone.

Beth had a bad feeling about this. What if this guy was a vampire! Mortals no matter how crazy they are don’t make a habit of trying to eat people in a public place in the afternoon! She thought of going to Mick or Josef or Isabelle but then she thought, why should I. I use to investigate crimes all the time by myself. When did I ever need someone to help with a story?
She would go over the case file with Carl and get to the bottom of it.

Beth and Steve went back to mall to walk around and see if they could spot anything the police may have missed.

“Okay, so witnesses put the attack right here” Steve said looking at the crime photos and then looking at where they were standing. “We have two witnesses that swear that the Santa came from doors located on the east side” he said pointing.
“So that would mean that Melissa was coming from that location over there” Beth said pointing at a lingerie boutique. Steve grinned.
“Now were talking!” he said walking towards the store.
They walked into the boutique and asked to speak with a store manager.
“Yes, may I help you” a young woman said to them.
“I’m Beth St. John from ActionNews and I’d like to ask you some questions about the attack today” Beth said to her.
“I don’t really know what I can tell you. The first lady that was attacked I don’t think she had ever been here before.”
“What makes you say that?” Steve asked.
“Well she didn’t know where anything was located. I could tell it was her first time in a lingerie store. But the other woman Grace, she’s a regular customer. Likes the more racy stuff”
“Wait! You’re telling me that both of the women who were attacked came to this store?” Beth asked in surprise.
“Yes. Maybe a half hour apart.”
“What did they purchase?” Steve asked.
“The first lady bough a white silk night gown and Grace bought a leopard print bustier with matching panties”

“Steve is it just me but does this case sound a bit off. I mean we have two women one older, one younger. One well off, the other a student from a working class back ground. They go to the same store in the mall. One buys something…well kind of normal, and the other buys something wild.”
“It’s like opposites all the way around. The nice one is wounded but lives, and the bad girl is dead” he said looking at Beth briefly before retuning his attention to the road.
“You think it’s just a coincidence?” She asked.
“Could be, but it would be the mother of all coincidences”.
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Re: Jolly Old St. Nick By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by francis »

You know what they say, coincidences take a lot of planning.
Maybe Santa wants to punish the naughty ones.
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Re: Jolly Old St. Nick By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by jen »

I really think Beth should involve Mick, Josef and Isabel. All of them are older than she is (in vampire years--yikes, that almost came out dog years) and besides, this 'Santa' has a behavior pattern that seems a bit 'roguish' to me. I hope the body of the dead woman found its way to Guillermo or, if not, a vamp can get a whiff. Might tell everyone if this is a human crime or if we really are dealing with an out of control vampire.

All that being said, I wonder about the lingere purchases...

Different taste in gift wrapping?
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Re: Jolly Old St. Nick By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Lucy »

WOW, I thought shopping at the local mall was dangerous.....
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Re: Jolly Old St. Nick By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

I hope everyone had a glorious holiday!!! :heart:

“That’s what I was thinking too. Let’s see if Carl has found out anything else”

Josef was in his office working with Brian on a New Year’s prospectus when he heard the news on television.
“Did she just say Santa Claus attacked two women?” He said in a bemused voice.
“Yes sir” Brian said then he smiled. “Perhaps Santa just got tired of all the bullshit” Josef looked over at Brian at cracked up. Isabelle walked in and watched them for a moment.
“Explain. What is so humorous?” she asked.
“Apparently, Santa Claus attacked two women in the mall today” Josef said.
“Yes, I had heard. The official word is that he bit two women on the neck.” She said seriously. Both Brian and Josef looked at her sharply.
“Are you sure about that?” Brian asked.
“Yes. One woman had died, but one lives”
Josef hung his head down.
“A peaceful week! Is that too much to ask?” he screamed as he picked up the phone to ring Mick,
“What’s up Josef?” he heard his friend say.
“Did you hear about the incident at Westlake Mall?”
No. Why? What happened?”
“A man dressed as Santa Claus bit two women on the neck. One died and one is still living most likely at LA Memorial. Can you check this out? If this is a vamp attack we need to hush it up quick”
“I’ll let you know what I find out” Mick said hanging up.
A rogue Santa Claus! That just perfect he thought to himself.

“I don’t know about this Beth” Carl said when she told him of what they should do.
“Look the only thing these two women had in common is that they were in the mall and shopped at the same boutique. But the attacker went after these two specifically. Not all the other women who shopped there. So what made these women special?” Carl nodded his head seeing her point. There were a lot of women shopping in that store.
“Ok Beth, you and Steve take Grace and I’ll take Melissa. We’ll meet back at my office at 8pm”

Mick’s first stop was the morgue.
“Mick what’s up?” Guillermo said with a smile. “I bet you’re here about the Santa attack” he said walking towards a body lying on a nearby stretcher.
“Yep. I heard the guy took a bite out of her neck” He said as Guillermo pulled back the sheet so Mick could see the body. A good portion of her neck was missing.
“No human could have done that”
“Yeah. And get a whiff of that” Guillermo said.
“It’s a vampire. Newly turned but not rogue……but that doesn’t make sense. Only a vamp gone rogue would take a chance like this”
“And there I guess lies your mystery” Guillermo said placing the sheet back over the victim.

Beth and Steve went to talk to some of Grace’s friends on campus. Maria Cruz was Grace’s best friend.
“I can’t tell you how upset we all are. Grace was good girl. Really serious about getting out of the neighborhood.”
“Did she have any boyfriends?”
“No, and I would have known. She was too busy. She went to school and worked at Starbucks. She really had no time for anything else.”

“Well” Steve said to Beth as they left Maria. “It doesn’t sound like the bad girl was really bad at all” he said.
“I have to agree. But let’s ask a few more people. A best friend is always going to say something nice.” They spoke with another student who had a lot to say about Grace. The guy who stood in front of them wasn’t very tall, but had an athlete’s body.
“Grace was cool. I liked her” he said with shrug.
“But what was she like? Her friend Maria said she was just basically a real goody two shoes.” Steve said.
The guy smiled.
“Well Maria would say that! Listen Grace was cool every body loved her. But she liked attention if you know what I mean. Racy clothes and short shorts with thigh high boots. She liked for people to notice her”
“Any idea on who made a point of noticing her?” Beth asked.
“Look any guy with a pulse noticed Grace! If you’re asking me if I thought anyone whacked her because of it? I’d have to say no…….” he said then stopped for a moment.
“You thought of something?” Beth asked anxiously.
“I don’t know if it’s what you’re looking for, but Elijah Hemford had a little problem with it. I mean he’s super religious. Grace came to class in something really hot and he lost it in English Lit! Said he was going to report her to the Dean”
“That’s exactly what we’re looking for!” Beth said.
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Re: Jolly Old St. Nick By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Lucy »

:clapping: :clapping:
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Re: Jolly Old St. Nick By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Carl was sitting opposite from Harold Matthews Melissa’s husband. He was obviously upset and could hardly tell Carl anything over the sobs.
“Take your time Mr. Matthews” Carl said soothingly.
“She was very excited about the holidays. We were talking about starting a family.”
“What did your wife do for a living?”
“She didn’t work. We had decided when we got married she would be a stay at home wife.”
“Well what did she do during the day?”
“She was a member of the garden club and she volunteered at the Los Angeles Public Library in the books for the poor program” he said wiping his nose.
“What about friends? “ Carl pressed.
“Lt. We live in a private gated community. All of our friends and activities are here. Other than the library, Melissa never left”
On his way out Carl rang Beth and asked her to find out if Grace used the campus library or the public library. Maybe there was a connection there.

Steve and Beth split up. Steve would take the campus library and Beth would take the large public library.
Steve walked into the campus library and saw a very cute blonde at the front desk. He put on his brightest smile and walked over to her.
“Hi, I’m Steve Belfaur from ActionNews, can I ask you some questions?”
Her eyes opened wide and she smiled coyly.
“Of course!” she said.
“Did you know Grace Crawford?” he asked.
“Oh, the girl who was killed? I didn’t know her personally but of course everyone is talking about her” she said.
“Did she come to the library often?”
“That’s easy enough to find out. Every time a student comes into the library they have to swipe their student I.D. ditto for checking out material as well” she said typing in information into her computer. “As far as I can make out, Grace hadn’t been to the library in over 6 months”
Now that was interesting. She went to school here, why wouldn’t she use the library facilities? Steve thought to himself.
“Thank you…uh…” he said.
“Amber” she said with a smile.
“Amber mind if I take your photo?” Steve said with a grin.
“Sure” Amber said and struck a seductive pose for him.
“Thanks a lot” he said and walked out.

Beth had no luck with the public library. They kept talking about the Constitution and right to privacy. This was a murder investigation! She was just coming out of the library when she saw Carl.

“Any luck Beth?” He said.
“Not with the library. They keep talking about Constitutional Rights” She said exasperated.
“Alright, let me handle this” he said walking into the front entrance.
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Re: Jolly Old St. Nick By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by nutmegger911 »

Nice start, Ella. That newly turned vamp sure sounds rogue, though. Hmmm. :chin:
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Re: Jolly Old St. Nick By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by jen »

If you never get out of a gated community, to me it would start to feel like a prison--complete with bars. The key so far is if this 'Santa' is batting for the fanged, blood drinking set. Then, the destination point moves from the local psych hospital to the tarpits. A bit too...out there?

Josef and Isabel would be occupied for a little bit.
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Re: Jolly Old St. Nick By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Marigold »

I was surprised that Amber at the campus library gave Grace's information to Steve, but I guess he charmed it out of her. Will he have any luck at the public library? :chin:
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Re: Jolly Old St. Nick By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by allegrita »

Hmmm... curiouser and curiouser, as Alice would say. I wonder what those two women had in common?! And hey, if Steve tried to charm information out of me, I might spill my guts, too. He's a cutie. :batseyes:
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Re: Jolly Old St. Nick By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Mick made his way to the mall. Rogue vamps left a very distinctive smell. He picked it up right away when he entered the mall entrance. He closed his eyes and tried to pinpoint the direction. He ran to the rear entrance leading to the parking lot. That vamp waited here for a while. Watching people walk in. Mick then smelled something else. It was coming from the loading dock below. Mick quietly jumped down. There tucked behind the garbage dumpsters was most likely the Santa that the mall had hired. Only he was drained and his suit stolen. Mick called Isabelle. They couldn’t let the police see this body!

Isabelle came quickly and disposed of the body. Then man appeared to be 50-60 years old. His neck was torn apart which was the signature of a vampire gone rogue. Now all they had to do was track him down. How hard could it be to find a vampire dressed as Santa Claus three days before Christmas? In Los Angeles?

“Okay Steve what do you have?” Beth asked him as they sat in the car.
“Well Amber from the campus library said that Grace hadn’t been there in over six months, which means she was going elsewhere. What did the public library say?”
“I had a problem there. Privacy Information Act. Carl’s talking to them now. Hopefully he can get some information from them” she said. “Oh! There he is!” she said getting out the car quickly and running towards him. “I know that look Carl!” she said with a smile.
“Grace and Melissa both volunteered for the same books for the poor program. That’s the connection. They did know each other so it stands to reason that the person who assaulted them, knew them both as well”
“Well we got a name from some of Grace’s classmates. They said that a young man named Elijah Hemford, had a real problem with Grace. He threatened to report her to the Dean for dressing too sexy” Beth said.
“So you’re thinking a religious fanatic?”
“Could be. It’s worth a look”
“Okay, I’ll check it out” Carl said. And walked back to his car.

“Steve why don’t you go back to your “girlfriend" Amber and see if she can give you any information on Elijah” Beth said with a smile.
“My girlfriend? Hey, I just flirted a little!” he said innocently.
“Yeah, whatever you say”
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